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  @Space Merchant  stones

“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

So, did apostles when heard this for first time, understand this literally or figuratively?  And how long time has passed when they truly understand that Jerusalem will fall. Even than, after destruction, i guess that some (or many) stones were still stand on another stone, despite Jesus prophecy. Well, please, what we today have to understand and how about past and about future in connection to some Bible quotes is not in group of "simplified edition articles" as you suggest. 

If you don't like to receive message from "Donkey", nobody can do nothing about this. :)))    

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The watchtower has again redefined the word trinity to mean Jehovah, Jesus, and the governing body.

Except for a couple of statements I could not fully agree with, I really appreciated your line of reasoning/questioning.

I truly believe that kids are great. And how they are sincere little people. In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people, like You or me, or @James Thomas Rook Jr.,  @Anna and @JW Insider you had m

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one of them will be thrown down.”

And your point?

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So, did apostles when heard this for first time, understand this literally or figuratively?  

lol, jumping to Matthew and Mark now? The context of this verse, well, the passage itself is regarding Jesus' prophecy whereas the Romans had rendered the city of Jerusalem and her temple to ruin, sections of the wall stand, but evidently battered, but the city itself has been laid to waste.

As we can see from the passage, it is referring to a literal city - Jerusalem.

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Well, please, what we today have to understand and how about past and about future in connection to some Bible quotes is not in group of "simplified edition articles" as you suggest. 

lol I like the fact now you are dodging your own claims about stones. So tell me Srecko, why jump to Jerusalem now when you attempt to bring forth an exegesis on sentient stones of which you claim is mentioned in Luke 19?

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Bible quotes is not in group of "simplified edition articles" as you suggest. 

As I suggested? Where have I suggested simplified edition articles?

My only sources were:

A Bible (NASB/ESV) and a Dictionary

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If you don't like to receive message from "Donkey", nobody can do nothing about this. :)))

The problem here is that you claimed the Donkey was not just preaching the gospel of the Christ, but you said the donkey, an animal, as is, all animals praise the Lord, Jesus.

We know here that you lied, and speak deception when Numbers 22 tells us the truth.

To be blunt, Ba'laam was going to harm to God's people, and on his way, God caused the Donkey to speak, in order to halt Ba'laam in his tracks, or the end result was Ba'laam being slain by an Angel of Yahweh, despite this, Ba'laam was hardheaded in regards to reason, which fits the bill with you in this sense.

But carry on to continue making a fool of yourself because it shows how the lack of Bible reading, Srecko.

That being said, next time you make a claim of something, back it up with Scripture for there is always a how, when and why to something. It is understandable to make mistake, no one is immune to this, but to willfully thread with deception reveals who's table you sit on.

I am still waiting on your claim regarding baptism. The fact you haven't brought this up, as is with stones and animals preaching the gospel, makes you a lair in every sense; your appeal to motive tactic doesn't work with me either because I been down that road for a long time.

I do not know if you did this on purpose, but starting a 1-to-1 debate with a legitimate debater and having your tail between your legs was probably your most biggest mistake.


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55 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

God caused the Donkey to speak,

..... so finally,  you accepting that Donkey was "empowered" aka "Inspired" by God to speak His will :)))).... well, well, all I need is waiting enough time and you will make consent about quotes I made :))))))))) because your's words are many...

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21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

..... so finally,  you accepting that Donkey was "empowered" aka "Inspired" by God to speak His will :))))

What I accept is what the passage says.

What do not accept is your claim of the donkey preaching the gospel of the Christ, as well as praising Jesus when he has not even come to earth by means of Mary yet.

Fish Flailing will not rescue you from the stupidity engineered by your own hands.

Speaking about stupidity, you are interjecting things into the focus of discussion in hopes of avoiding what you said. That is also another stupid mistake.

21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

"empowered" aka "Inspired" by God to speak His will :))))

God's Will? lol? What was in God's Will regarding the donkey.

21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

well, well, all I need is waiting enough time and you will make consent about quotes I made :)))))))))

I need not to because I spoken such in both page 2 and 3.

21 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

because your's words are many...

Anything to discern stupidity, ignorance and a man who slanders on an equal fitting as Satan himself.

That being said, I guess because the Bible is too many in words and passages, you don't take the time to read it.

Therefore, all your claims are unfounded ans utter lies in the face of what is actually true.

Also I am waiting on this comment of yours regarding simplified editions comment.

If you are going to say I said something, get a direct quote of me saying it. I am not debating left wingers and right wingers so I have the time and patience.

But by all means, continue to make a fool of yourself regarding a direct biblical discussion, for it immortalizes who you are to everyone eye.

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@Space Merchant I remember you said you were baptize in some waterfall area in islands. But yeah, Frida is always like this when he knows he is wrong he struggles to get out of it. Anyone who reads the Bible can see clearly what is said and and understand how some things played out. But I gotta admit tho, a lot of people will say we cannot answer anything because we don't rely on Scripture, but when discussing with someone who isn't in our faith they try to be a as smooth as a pearl to try so hard to not be wrong. Frida does what he does, and he took this L.

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17 hours ago, Equivocation said:

I remember you said you were baptize in some waterfall area in islands.

Yes I did. I was young when I had been baptized, so were those with me at the time. All of us, me included, we chose to get baptized because we had been studying God's Word. In fact, I was very eager to for baptism because I understood, I heard, and studied, and built faith on what the Bible teachings, more so, what God professes and what he has brought forth through his son Jesus.

17 hours ago, Equivocation said:

But yeah, Frida is always like this when he knows he is wrong he struggles to get out of it. Anyone who reads the Bible can see clearly what is said and and understand how some things played out. But I gotta admit tho, a lot of people will say we cannot answer anything because we don't rely on Scripture, but when discussing with someone who isn't in our faith they try to be a as smooth as a pearl to try so hard to not be wrong.

Because Srecko has no idea what he is talking about, and the more he speaks, the more ignorance and stupidity is on full display and he was the one who started the discussion and attempted to save his own hide but ultimately fails and it shows utter weakness on his part.

That being said, I even told him before, Bible only, ignore all the JW stuff and it's community, you included, and that is where we see his folly.

I still wait for his claims, his simplified article claims, etc. His animal preaching claims have already been found out to be false.

17 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Frida does what he does, and he took this L

And apparently he is angry because he was quick to give you a vote down for stating the truth, granted before you did say the both of you had some history. Just for the sake of it I will just agree with you because his so called spiritual knowledge is jarring.


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2 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Bible only, ignore all the JW stuff and it's community

This is so good statement and must be saved for past, present and future evidence and proof about your claims how you defend JW Church  from "attacks" of those who are talking against them :))) 

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48 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

This is so good statement and must be saved for past, present and future evidence and proof about your claims how you defend JW Church  from "attacks" of those who are talking against them :))) 

Continue to hide behind JWs to save your own hide from what is being asked of you because your stupidity and cowardice within a debate is ever so evident.

Like I said before and I will say it again, in a discussion if it is SOLELY Bible based, that is where you fail, ultimately.

That being said, this debate is still ongoing.

I await your claim on baptism and your claim on me saying simplified editions, otherwise, you slander and you show yourself of who your father is as is with the stupid ones, as I refer to to everyone who enters a debate who protest slander.

It is said, that

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.

Perhaps next time when you engage and or start the debate, educate yourself first, otherwise, you will end up looking more foolish than a fool in the king's court. And I had said before when it comes to debate I am very serious about it, more so that I been watching debates for years, as is partake in them.

I agree with the teenager, you do what you do best in these domains concerning ignorance, stupidity, slander, attempting to appeal to motive(s) [which do do many times] and then some.


That being said, before you forget, remember, Bible only, you do not need a JW to hold your hand nor hide behind one in utter cowardice to debate.

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@Srecko Sostar I do hope you are aware that the debate is still ongoing (for I am a legitimate debater even outside of Christendom and to such I take very seriously be it I start it or someone else), granted you initiated this debate. The questions posed against you still stand, Srecko.


That being said, stepping away from an ongoing debate like this is a total disrespect as well as a side of R.F.A.D.

That being said, I already have closing points to all your claims for debate conclusion.

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....and i am legitimate to not answer if i do not want  :)))

the serpent said to the woman

the donkey said to Balaam

the very stones would cry out

and now appendix about Animals and Praise to Lord ... go to read complete Psalm 148 :)))

every wild and tame animal,
all reptiles and birds,
    come praise the Lord!

So, please read more your Christendom Bible :))

If you have The Problem with The Bible statements and quotes, put your complain to Writers of The Book , not to me, i am just reader. :))


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On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

....and i am legitimate to not answer if i do not want  :)))

But you were the one who initiated, therefore, this tells you were both lied, and in the wrong.

Your own claims are forfeit because there were merely lies, more so, satanic lies in the face of the good book itself.

So next time, do not start a debate and succumb to the cowards way out, it is both a disrespect and a dishonor to those who uphold debate such as myself.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

the serpent said to the woman

And no verse concerning The snake preaching the gospel of the Christ nor speaking of their own will.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

the donkey said to Balaam

And no verse concerning The snake preaching the gospel of the Christ nor speaking of their own will.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

the very stones would cry out


And no verse concerning The rock and or stone preaching the gospel of the Christ nor speaking of their own will.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

and now appendix about Animals and Praise to Lord ... go to read complete Psalm 148 :)))

Ok let's see it then.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

every wild and tame animal,
all reptiles and birds,
    come praise the Lord!

lol, a gentlemen's effort, who has been revealed to be a fool with his own folly.

Granted both context and the references, of which we find from Isaiah and Hosea, it makes your simplicity depravity easily discern.

More so, you were mixing things before and during the Christ, so how will this add up when Isaiah and Hosea, as references to that verse holds steadfast?

And in the end the gospel is not professed by animals.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

So, please read more your Christendom Bible :))

Ironic, this is some advise you yourself should be applying to the full.

Also I see you used the CEV Bible.

Granted this is debate and in debates some can go unhinged and or go all out, I can honesty say, that this was indeed a stupid move done by a stupid person on your part granted with the evidence against you and the fact all your claims are both ignorant and slander.

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

If you have The Problem with The Bible statements and quotes, put your complain to Writers of The Book , not to me, i am just reader. :))

I uphold what the Bible says, so no complains. My problem is with lairs, stupid persons, fools, willful ignorance, etc. And you fit all tabs.

Yes you are just the reader, but as a reader, one must take in what is being conveyed, not with the AS IS mentally you tap dance to, it will never work.

Perhaps you should "speak with the stones outside of your home and consult with them concerning this 

For the Bible is true concerning those who hear God's Word and wants to make public declaration by means of their own decision. The Bible is clear on the things that

That being said, I suggest you take your own advise:

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

please read more your Christendom Bible :))


Perhaps next time remember this - Do not start a debate with someone who actually does debates and enjoys them. Because debaters can go all out and or unhinged if need be, especially if they are the one who began and or is given the challenge. 

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