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On 6/27/2019 at 9:58 PM, Jesus.defender said:

As usual, more LIES from you with ZERO proof.

the watchtower has LIED to you

Unfortunately these are not lies, but yours however, fits the bill. We only need to bring up actually manuscript evidence and quotes of Tertullian coining the word to prove you wrong, Deserter. There is no way in God's green earth you can defend the JC of 1 John 5:7, there is no way you can defend the addition of THEOS into 1 Timothy 3:16 when the oldest sources says otherwise, there is no way of you defending so called Trinity proof text when your community as been exposed for the sharp rule concept in use, and the list goes on.

The church was clean and pure before such teachings was introduced to her, with threats against her people in which you uphold today. a Real defender of the Christ speaks truth, not be easily tickled by actual legitimate lies that never originated with the Christ or his God, let alone such ones like you who do not even fully well know the history of Jesus himself.

Take your heresy to Hinnom because your heresy does not belong in the church of the Christ, for it is accursed and has confused the people and paint God as an enemy rather than a friend. For it is such ones like you who blind people, and bless be he, our father, Yahweh, for his word to be truth for since several years ago people are seeing that the Trinity concept has fallen on the sword it has set on the hill.

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The watchtower has again redefined the word trinity to mean Jehovah, Jesus, and the governing body.

Except for a couple of statements I could not fully agree with, I really appreciated your line of reasoning/questioning.

I truly believe that kids are great. And how they are sincere little people. In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people, like You or me, or @James Thomas Rook Jr.,  @Anna and @JW Insider you had m

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On 6/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

You mentioned many times in many various topics that JW are Restorationist.

I gave you a quote by quote of what that actually is, even shown you a video of a Restorationist Christian in the Middle East who lives with his wife. To be brief, simply, I will just link you said information on what Restorationism actually is (for the 6th time, Srecko)


On 6/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

Do they have some "interfaith" dialog?

Does it look like I support Interfaith granted I spoke against it and have been against it since even before the Kairos Movement. Interfaith is a joining of all faiths in order to taint who God is, and even back in those days, as a child, Ted Turner's words still burn and ring in my ears concerning such. Interfaith will NOT stand with God, nor will it stand with Christians who take into account the gospel.

And no Restorationist do not support interfaith, let alone a majority of Nontrinitarianism, a prime example would be, the support of the LGBT community, an interfaith church has pushed this notion to children by means of a child show in the US known as Author, elsewhere a young girl was attacked by a teacher because she spoke the truth, the girl herself comes from a family of Restorationist Christians, as mentioned by Warrior of Christ and Soulja of God.

On 6/30/2019 at 2:44 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

i am curious :))

How so, when this is the 7th time this was presented to you, perhaps you would like an 8th, or a 9th? Maybe a 10th or more?

That being said, Trinitarianism never was part of the church and I made this quote clear with evidence to such in my debate with Cos here regarding church fathers. I suggest you take a good look at the Didache and what the church actually taught, read Acts 2, for as I recall you yourself said it best, I kept talking about the apostolic early church, why ignorantly ask again?

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On 7/4/2019 at 10:47 PM, Space Merchant said:

Does it look like I support Interfaith


On 7/4/2019 at 10:47 PM, Space Merchant said:

And no Restorationist do not support interfaith


On 7/4/2019 at 10:47 PM, Space Merchant said:

the girl herself comes from a family of Restorationist Christians

What Restorationist Christian Group among of all this on Wikipedia, you find is the best for You? If You would be asked to choose one as Your Religion, which one will be?  

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@Srecko Sostar The sources explains Restorationist, and the question you asked as been posed before, 4 times I believe. Restorationism is more so dealing with the early church itself and abiding by what the church of the Christ as taught.

Interfaith is the fact of unifying all religions under one banner, something that is what we are suppose to be against, for Washing DC 2016 is a hellish reminder of such.

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

which group you belong to

Yes, thanks, again :))

But You did not tell me, again  :)) which Restoration Group You belong to? Under what banner You are? 

Banner? No group as far as I know do not have a banner expect those who use the pagan images which spouts idolatry.

And I had told you before, you ask again because that is all that you are limited to.

That being said, under Unitarianism, I am a Biblical Unitarian, born into, baptized into at 6, raised, etc. one who takes into account the study of Theology, which also includes the study of Restorationism due to the fact that they originated in Christendom by means of the Great Awakening in the 1900s. You've addressed this several times, in one instances you even put into question as to why I study and do research on other faiths, for I do such due to people who slander and those who twist what the Bible teaches.

Unitarians, well the Biblical Unitarians are Semi-Restorationist, due to the fact what we professed is traced back to the teachings of the apostles and the church, something of which I addressed before in my original and first debate/discussion I had here with the Trinitarians twisting things about the Council of Nicaea, for we believe in pre-existence Jesus, and we are not fans of the King James version of the Bible.

That being said, out of mere prediction, you will ask this same question, as is others, months from now.

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Just a quick aside.

On 6/27/2019 at 10:15 PM, Jesus.defender said:


I noticed that this newspaper says that they only expect THOUSANDS living in this city to never die. But the same ad for the Pittsburgh Press says TENS OF THOUSANDS in this city. I wonder what the population cut-off was for moving the order of magnitude like this. If it was 20,000 that would make sense that the expectation was nearly the entire population. But if a city needed at least 100,000 before they would change it to TENS OF THOUSANDS, then they were likely expecting as little as 10 to 20 percent of the population of each city to survive.

What city was this particular ad from? Do you know? If that's the Portland Express, then this would be a town of about 70.000 in 1920 and only rates THOUSANDS. Pittsburgh had nearly 590,000 in 1920 and it rates TENS OF THOUSANDS.


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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

baptized into at 6

... well, your religion, also as WT Society, not follow Jesus' example about baptism of mature  individuals (men and women). Your religion support baptism of under age kids, and, as to my knowledge, that is in opposition to Bible examples on this issue, in fact it is in opposition made by Jesus' example. It seems how your religion is deviate in this (and perhaps in some other subjects) as many others too. So, your religion is similar to Roman Catholic church and JW's in this  theological "truth" :)) even without my mental gymnastic contribution on issue :))

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Since there is no scriptural support whatsoever for Baptizing small children, and we do it anyway .... why not baptize our pet dogs? 

Did not the Scriptures say that after Jesus left, wolves would enter in among the flock .... and are not dogs just domestic wolves?

Here is a photo of a rogue JW Baptizing ten Golden Retriever teenage puppies, and later an Elder Duck  doing a shepherding call on the proud Mamma.



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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

... well, your religion, also as WT Society, not follow Jesus' example about baptism of mature  individuals (men and women). Your religion support baptism of under age kids, and, as to my knowledge, that is in opposition to Bible examples on this issue, in fact it is in opposition made by Jesus' example. It seems how your religion is deviate in this (and perhaps in some other subjects) as many others too. So, your religion is similar to Roman Catholic church and JW's in this  theological "truth" :)) even without my mental gymnastic contribution on issue :))

And yet you have no evidence to your claim? The irony of such is you left out the history of the baptism, which proves to me, once again, you cannot hold your own if the the discussion is about something biblical and or regarding the Bible.


And no, that is an idiotic response, granted with what I had stated on occasion already:

Do know nothing about following Jesus' example, granted with various comments coming from you, even shot down lessons of the Christ and God's own followers, for you to speak of understanding what the teachings profess shows stupidity on your part when you strongly lack.

That being said, no baptism history or origin and no mention of the Didache, not to mention the laws all profess of which given to them by God; I am giving you a chance to redeem yourself before you make a total fool of yourself, Screko. lol

And also, Roman Catholics baptize infants, who cannot profess their faith or their belief in God.

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6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Since there is no scriptural support whatsoever for Baptizing small children, and we do it anyway .... why not baptize our pet dogs? 

Actually there is, to anyone who is a hearer or professing the word, who is capable of understanding such, can seek baptism as an acknowledgment that so and so is committing to doing the work for God our Father and take up the teachings of the teacher, or in this case, alluding to the history of baptism, The one who is baptized takes up the teachings of the teacher and so forth, do the same with disciples under them, and their household, the teacher in question is Jesus.

6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Did not the Scriptures say that after Jesus left, wolves would enter in among the flock .... and are not dogs just domestic wolves?

Yes, and it is reasons as such Baptismal Regeneration exist as well as infant baptism, in addition, sprinkle of water when Scripturally, and even in the Didache, you are to submerge the one who sought baptism.


As is was done in the days of the Jews into the days of the Christians to this very day, it must be done.

6 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Probably best to start with Golden Retrievers that like to jump in the water to get shotgunned ducks.

Animals cannot preach the gospel, understand and learn about God let alone teach it.

One who is to be baptized understands the word of God, they understand the teachings of his Son as well as understand what God's Kingdom will do, and they will profess the gospel truth itself. As far as I know, animals cannot do this.

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