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The watchtower has again redefined the word trinity to mean Jehovah, Jesus, and the governing body.

Except for a couple of statements I could not fully agree with, I really appreciated your line of reasoning/questioning.

I truly believe that kids are great. And how they are sincere little people. In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people, like You or me, or @James Thomas Rook Jr.,  @Anna and @JW Insider you had m

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
23 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

f that is the case with Your Bible Unitarian Religion, would you like, have wish, that people here on this Forum, and other people, join You to be Unitarians? :))

Join me? Since when? And I really do not care of what they follow, my only concern is slander and stupidity, and utter shenanigans that demands a refutation, nothing more.

That being said, it is humorous to see you speak of Unitarianism, if the last time you assumed all of us are the same, as in accepting of interfaith ideologies that was never part of the church of the Christ, a mistake Butler paid when he used that same source. Alluding to such will reap nothing for you and it is evident by my own responses I am against the interfaith practices, and my absolute hatred for the Kairos Movement.

And I really do not care of what they follow,

Upps, well by such feelings in your heart, you expressed in your own words .......... reveals a lot to me, and maybe to others who will read your text too. 

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6 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Is it about spiritual enlightenment? Their behavior and comments contradict that scenario. Then what are they teaching children themselves. To be fake members? To oppose God? To criticize everything that pops into their head?

I am hoping that you are "aware" how no one is Immune on this. I, You or They. :))

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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

May i ask, How many 6 year old male and female has been there, according the Bible books you used here, to support this practice and your standpoint - baptizing children (minor, under age children, not to mention Jesus cca 30 years of old as TRUE EXAMPLE  to follow, verified by written words in holy book :)))

Granted by what  had stated originally according to those within the household, those who are hearers of the word, and understanding of such, those who they themselves, who seek baptism. There are people out there who are examples of such, I myself is an example as is with others.

Jesus himself, like all Jews learnt about God for it was according to the custom of the Jews, to teach and spread knowledge of God to their people, including the young. Shema Yisrael was indeed a BIG deal, reasons why Jesus as a man held this to high importance as he has in his childhood, the same with the Jews who were under this Law of which they were born into. As for John the Baptist, he baptized his people, all of them, not only for those who sought repentance, but according to the baptism's origin regarding Israel itself, in which ritual washing was committed to all persons.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

According to nowadays standard we can talk about age 18 (in Europe) as lawful  age to make independent, competent DECISIONS. 

According to the Bible, the message of God is for those who are hearers of the word, understanding of it, taking in wisdom of it.

lol, stay focused and centered on the Bible, Srecko.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I guess how this Inspired Donkey, inspired by holy spirit, preached God's Words (you can call that gospel, message, warning or else) no matter was this Donkey preached that words to one person or to the people of nations :))) 

You said earlier that the Donkey was preaching, I ask you a second time can you give a verse and or passage regarding the donkey preaching the good news gospel or the Messianic Age.

I give you yet another chance to show me - Srecko, after all, you said that donkey was preaching, and now you are speaking of holy spirit, show me this too.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

 :)) animals today also praise the Lord :))  

How so? And yet you consume them, don't you?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

with or without "preaching and teaching",

But you just said not too long ago that the Donkey was preaching, you also said stones preached too.

My response

On 7/9/2019 at 5:54 PM, Space Merchant said:

Animals cannot preach the gospel, understand and learn about God let alone teach it.

your response to what I said (highlighted the one you focused on)

On 7/10/2019 at 1:00 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Balaam's Donkey did, and Stones can preach too, according to Bible.


So to convince people that you, as you claim, a spiritual person, perhaps try not committing slander even when using the Bible.

I recall I told you before that - take out JWs from the equitation, and you cannot hold yourself when the discussion is solely and only about the Bible. And here we see, a another time as how much you stumble when Bible focused.

It is one thing for someone to make a mistake, but to do something as evident and willfully, mainly concerning such, proves utter absurdity on your part.

The worse thing anyone hates is twisting and or speaking wrongfully concerning the message of God, ESPECIALLY, the Aramaic-Hebrew Old Testament.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

in forms and shapes that perhaps you would expect - :))

Expect what? That you have violated God's own word when he said not to add to the text?

Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish from it, that ye may keep the commandments of Jehovah your God which I command you.


6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

(talking about forms when individuals or organized groups spreading, what they call, god's words)

And your point regarding this? You yourself did not know Jesus built the church on the rock of which all his members are in union with said teachings despite where they are, where they dwell.

You did not like the truth about the structure of the church, nor did you like God's Order of things, even when Apostle Paul spoke this in his greetings to the people, one church being the one in Corinth.

Lone or organized, there is one primarily goal of which Christians are commanded to do, and last I check you and so and so spoke ill about the Commission, let alone even knew what that entails, yet.... Somehow there is a claim of spiritual wisdom and or knowledge coming from both of you, make that 3.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Of course i don' t like how this god's creatures kill each other for food but i can't do nothing about it !

And your point?

Also did you miss what it says in the Old Testament concerning God about mankind's inheritance of earth, even cultivating it?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Main issue of our conversation is - baptism of children

Ok, and yet what is still on standby is your claim's evidence.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

and NOT water. :)))

Was it not you yourself who made yet another response regarding water? You even quoted yourself, so you should be asking yourself this question. Then again, you speak of staying on topic, yet somehow regarding Trinitarianism, you began talking about other things, going off topic just to have me respond, more so, you only began talking about baptism when I mentioned myself being baptized, when I talked to @James Thomas Rook Jr. about animals, you began talking about a Donkey preaching, yet when asked where in the Bible is a donkey preaching, all I can hear from you is a cricket orchestra whereas the musical selection is the symphony of tranquiled silence.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart knew music notes before letters with 3 year of age, with 5 made simple composition and gave concerts.

Likewise. even when concerning the Word of God, a young person can learn and apply. Also you should speak a bit more concerning Amadeus' history, you are leaving a bit out.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Well he was better candidate for baptism than many children today :)))

Well it depends, did he read, obverse, recite the word, did he himself sought after baptism as a declaration of God? Passing death unto life in this sense according to what the baptism implies?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

A child, who is aware, ....Aware of WHAT?

To read and to write, to make decisions, to understand something of what is being conveyed. I like how you cut out my whole response, but let me show you something and voila:

10 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Of course there is a different. An infant cannot make a decision to act upon something and or take action on practically things such as moving a chair to sit down, if hungry, taking what he or she seeks from the fridge and or pantry, the action and decision to understand that this so and so is his or her guardian and takes order from said guardian as well as ask said guardian for various things, let alone be trained on something and understand it, an infant cannot do this. So why baptize an infant, a baby who cannot preach something that is not understood? Dare I say, if you ask a baby who God is after speaking about God for 2 minutes, the response? Nothing but a smile and curiosity.

A child, who is aware, can speak and able to understand can do what is mentioned above however, such as a 6-year-old, nowadays some as young as 4 or 5 can do these things, taken, they are raised right, i.e. reading, playing the piano and knowing all things regarding such.


Did you not read, Srecko? Because I made that point very clear.

If a child is aware in this sense, let's say for example, a 6-7 year old girl in your household. If she is hungry, she herself is aware enough to understand food is kept in the pantry and or the fridge, including her favorite foods, in 2 instances, she can find her food, take it, aware enough to go sit somewhere to eat said food, the alternative would be, if her favorite food is not there, she knows food can be bought because her guardians, you in this instance, can make the choice to obtain said food for her or not, which prompts her to ask you, in which you can give a yes and or no answer, to which she, the child, who understood what you said (what yes means, what no means), and anything goes from there regardless of any of these scenarios.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

That his parents are deceived by religious leaders and teaching him uninspired, error doctrines and instructions that he and his parents MUST OBEY even if THEY ALL TOGETHER, AS PARENTS AND FAMILY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY, BUT DESPITE THAT MUST OBEY AND LISTEN??? !!!

You have to prove that their conviction is a deception, especially the parents.

Teaching a child about God isn't wrong, nor is it a sin. In fact, Mary and Joseph, granted they are under the law of God, taught their children about God and as centuries went by this continued even among Christians. It comes down to teachings the common things about God in the correct way vs. the wrong way.

Granted this thread is about Trinitarianism, for instance, 2 families, one teaches their child about God and that God is the Father and only him whereas the other teaches their child that God is 3 persons, and each of them can be called God and so forth. From there, the research and study can be made, and as the young one grows older, he can either be learning and or had learnt the truth of God or the opposite, which results in what state of mind he or she is in.

That being said, Jesus had entrusted the church, so it is no surprise here regarding instruction and counsel.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

AWARE .... please who is silly? Me? :)))

You are silly. You are the only one here who thinks donkeys and a set of stones can preach the word of God. You are also silly, in a sense, trying to speak of children in a way that they cannot speak, understand and or make decisions and take action on things, what they want, what they do, etc.

You yourself even brought up Amadeus, which throws your whole claim regarding children in a loop of absurdity. For me, I am,a s I told you before, merely making a response to a response and you were the one to have started by picking apart something that was not directed to you - look where we are now, your confusion.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Or you who gave statement that CHILD is Aware

Yes. A Child is aware of many things, such as in order to impress ask a parent for permission or to do something, they can ask such in forms of a question. As is, they know how to formulate a question, granted many if not all children are curious, a child is ever-learning, they can write early too, even though they do not make the letters and or numbers straight.

A child is indeed aware of such. They are aware of what they want to do even if they are not old enough, likewise, if they want to be a man or woman of God, they can make that choice, free will  of choice and decision, to seek something, despite being under a guardian.

You seem to think a child is somewhat of an NPC of some sort. No way.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

of adult people wrongs and religious misconceptions ??!!

Well here is a misconception that is in err.

Preaching animals. You speak erroneous things, yet you ignore it when called out on such.

That being said, you do not even live up to your own claims, perhaps, a bit timid from the main focus at hand, hence the drivel now and how easily it can be refuted.

Make this a note to yourself: Before you pick someone's response apart, make sure they did not put emphasis and or example in their response. The fact that I can quote what I actually said, even re-quote it with the timestamp shows who is the confused one here, silly one who proclaims a donkey and a stone can teach the teachings of the Christ.... You must know the difference between literal and figurative, something witness and you were not able to comprehend in 2 other discussions.

Aside from that you are the last person to talk about children. For last time I spoke of helping them, you laughed and mocked.

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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

WHY to leave if they, at age 6,  were been "AWARE" how they get "the truth"  ??? :)))

lol did not realize you made more responses until I got to page 3.

As can be seen that you cannot contain yourself you had to say things separately within a span of a single hour, I see.


My original comment I said the following:

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:
10 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

When a person reaches the age, they can make the choice to leave or to remain,


Anyone who understood that can see I am referring to reaching the age when they can make the choice to leave and or remain. That age being the age of 18. Are you daft, Srecko?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

And I really do not care of what they follow,

Yes, I do not care what they follow. They have the free will to make that choice, just as Amadeus had made the choice himself to do what he did. It is only problematic if people starts to speak of slander and silliness that makes no sense.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Upps, well by such feelings in your heart, you expressed in your own words

So here is a question for you: Do you make changes to, restrict, limit, and alter things concerning the life of someone to choose to do something or not? Perhaps you have authoritarian control over people such as JWinsider, Anna, John Butler, Sami, Billy, Rook, Witness, Tom, etc, perhaps me included?

Do you care to the point that you have this power to use for ill will to turn someone into a literal emptymen?

I am giving you a chance to speak your mind in this regard, perhaps this time you do not evade.

Dare I ask, can you convince Rook or JWInsider that these are not the drones they are looking for with ease?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

reveals a lot to me, and maybe to others who will read your text too. 

Yes it does, absolutely. I am not puppeteering the lives and choices, making the decision for them. The only thing I can do is to educate and instruct, but it is the choice of the individual to make, likewise to anyone in this situation.

That being said, I do not care, the only thing I do care about is the truth, and when someone speaks slander of something, someone has to stand up to what is true, even in the face of those who are kicking a man while he is down.

Truly, truly I say to thee, you are an absolute journeyman. I say this without a pinch of salt and the fact you are misguided, unlike most I have pity, despite the tomfoolery that is often displayed by you.

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Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

“No,” he said.

Numbers 22  

Man and animal conversation, (don't you never heard about Dr Doolittle) :))) 

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

“No,” he said.

Numbers 22

Lol, and now you have proven this point time and time again, if you cannot speak of JWs and focus solely on the Bible, you make yourself appear foolish, ignorant, and silly, as well as dense.

As we can see I even told you, to show me a verse and or passage of said donkey preaching the good news gospel and or the Messianic Age, and clearly the claim you made was a lie and is unfounded.

But you've given me quite the laugh, and it shows you have no idea of the whole ordeal with Ba'laam as well as Balak.

But just for the sake of the discussion that you've created by means of your claim, let's simply this even more.

A second time, can you show me a verse and or passage of a donkey (or any animal of your choice) preaching the good news gospel (The four gospel accounts of which Jesus preached) as well as the Messianic Age (The coming of the Christ).

You stated you are up there in spiritual wisdom and you stated the JWs are speaking in deception. But let's focus on the Bible alone and see who is truly in deception.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Man and animal conversation, (don't you never heard about Dr Doolittle) :))) 

No need to try and shift the discussion to hide the fact you cannot back up your own claim. You said it yourself, to be focused, let's have at it, Srecko, where in the Bible we see the Donkey preaching about Jesus and the teachings of Christ, let alone teaching people about God?

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

You also stated the stones preached also, show me where in the Bible this is the case?

So far you are only showing something of what Jesus mentioned in figurative sense, granted our last discussion, both you and Witness did not know what is symbolic, what is literal or figurative, hence the mental gymnastics you both displayed whereas the other claimed God sent Satan to the Egyptians.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

:))) Jesus promised that stones will cry out.

Clearly you didn't understand that Jesus was speaking figuratively, in fact, the biblical context pushes this strongly, even the outline for the passage reads the following: Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

The exegesis of willful stupidity will shows you do not know or understand the Bible, let alone Jesus' words, yet you had the audacity to speak that people spread deception - take a good look at what you displayed here, for you cannot hold even your own regarding the Bible, and that is utter weakness, on your part.

That being said, your claim is as silly as and or equal to those who people Jesus grew into a giant with a walking and talking cross singing him praise as they come out of the tomb - equally as absurd as a clown wearing a business suit in a busy city.

In short, you walked yourself into that one, and exposed yourself, thus, as the saying goes, you gambled, and lost.

10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

 Do you have problem with His promises? :)))

Your willful ignorance shows that you do not even know Jesus' promise, if you think Jesus was crazy enough to assume and profess that inanimate objects can speak, teach and sing, etc.

That being said, speaking of the children, at least a child has more sense to understand that what you have attempt to response with by avoiding your own claims, is utter stupidity.

A young one would tell you, straight, that rocks cannot speak. They will also tell you the events with Ba'laam, God caused the donkey to speak and it did not move because an Angel of Yah was standing there, visible to the donkey, and it was not preaching, let alone knew who Jesus is.


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@Space Merchant

You asked for Bible Verse: I delivered you Bible Verses. Interpretations and explanations of verses is not the point. Because you can interpret what ever you wish :))) 

You asked where Bible said that animal can preach gospel. 

I state that animal can preach. After word "preach" i stopped. I found Bible idea that animal can preach (talk to people). What they can preach? Gospel, Rocket science or Psychology? That was not issue from my position. I found Bible verse where animal can preach (talk to people) Snake in Paradise also spoke to Eve and preach some sort of doctrine (another "gospel" if you want,... haha, not "gospel" in strict way about Jesus and his death and his life and what he has said and done. But "something" that have connection about God and People).  

If you don't like it, we can agree how we disagree and to stop this discussion :))))

If you want that your words be last words, please make some final comment to show yourself how you are right and i am wrong :))))))))))))


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18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You asked for Bible Verse: I delivered you Bible Verses.

Why yes, indeed. It was asked of you because you said the following, that Animals (plural) and stones (plural) can preach when you made a response to those speaking the gospel truth of the Christ.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Interpretations and explanations of verses is not the point. Because you can interpret what ever you wish :))) 

Not really, it is common sense according to Bible context. There is no animal and or inanimate object that can speak and profess the gospel of the Christ, such is only done by able body persons of mankind who hears and understands, hence profess.

You brought up Amadeus, perhaps take into account your own example.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I state that animal can preach.

Yes you did, only after it was said that animals cannot preach the good news gospel. The response was directed to @James Thomas Rook Jr., then you chimed in.


On 7/9/2019 at 5:54 PM, Space Merchant said:

Animals cannot preach the gospel, understand and learn about God let alone teach it.


Your response to that:

On 7/10/2019 at 1:00 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Balaam's Donkey did, and Stones can preach too, according to Bible.

You even went on further to say that animals can also praise the Lord; i.e. give praise:

On 7/11/2019 at 1:10 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

 :)) animals today also praise the Lord :)) 

The fact the refutation was strong against you, now we see, as we say in a biblical debate, Fish Flailing

Right now as we all can see you are only attempting to cover your horrendous circus of a mistake.

The fact of the matter is the fact you said according to the Bible, makes you a slanderer, not even up-to-date on the most elementary things of the Bible. We see already in the passage regarding Ba'laam's situation, as is with a fugitive talk of which Jesus professed, in both situations, we do not see animals or inanimated objects preaching and teaching. Also a bit faulty on your part, concerning the focus was about children.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

After word "preach" i stopped.

You did not, you kept putting emphasis on animals and stones preaching the gospel truth, granted preaching the gospel was made known before you came up absurdities which engineered your own failure and tomfoolery. According to you, animals somehow can knowing praise the Lord himself, Jesus.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I found Bible idea that animal can preach (talk to people).

No you did not, granted what we see in page 2. Because it was mentioned to Rook first about preaching the gospel truth, the good news gospel, etc, up until you made your response that yield no evidence, but rather, a depravability of a mental state concerning elementary things of the Bible. A child can better explain what teaching and preaching concerning the good news gospel and of Christ is all about - you, however... Cannot.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

What they can preach? Gospel, Rocket science or Psychology?

Clearly nothing, as is with your claim, and you now ignoring the claim that you made regarding baptism.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

That was not issue from my position.

Actually it was, it is all over page 2, I was not talking to you, I was talking to Rook, then you interjected with your claim of animals preaching the gospel, as with stones, hence I asked you with 1 John 4:1 in application, which thus exposed you for revealing who you are truly for, John 8:44.

In this sense, you shot yourself in the foot out of omniscience confusion.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I found Bible verse where animal can preach (talk to people)

Ok, let us see if there is an animal preaching about the Christ or the gospel of what he taught.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Snake in Paradise

Oh boy....

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Snake in Paradise also spoke to Eve and preach some sort of doctrine

No. Satan, God's Adversary used the snake to communicate with Eve, the snake does not speak, but rather, the fallen one is doing such. And he was not preaching a gospel, he was persuading Eve to disobey God Yahweh by means of a lie, hence why it is called, the first lie, or original ancestral sin by some.

The irony of this, that one can say according to the Bible, in this regard because it is true.

That being said, the term that best fits here is persuasion, seduce/seduction in order to push the deception, which led to the disobedience of our first human parents, reasons why evidence to such can be found at

  • 2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
  • 1 Timothy 2:14 (you and witness had an issue with this one) - and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
  • James 1:14, 15 - But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

[This also includes marginal references pertaining to such]

That being said, as we can see here, perhaps you do not even know what the word preach or doctrine means, for, Satan was not pushing anything religious to Eve at the Garden of Eden.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

(another "gospel" if you want,... haha, not "gospel"

The only thing that is funny is the probable fact you do not even know what the word gospel even means.

In short, it means, the teaching or revelation of Christ; the teaching of what Jesus taught.

Here is a Dictionary Link for you: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gospel

I do not think you can laugh this one off, unless you are the type of person to laugh at your own ignorance.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

in strict way about Jesus and his death and his life and what he has said and done.

At this point the Fish Flailing is even stronger, in which you cannot hold up to what you yourself stated in page 2. So much for being focused.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But "something" that have connection about God and People).  

And what is that exactly? That according to you, a pebble stone that sits on the highest mountain is screaming and shouting that Jesus is the Lord and the Christ, loud enough for passerby to hear something? lol, absolutely no.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If you don't like it,

What is there to like if you show ignorance and exposed yourself to be a lair?

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

we can agree how we disagree and to stop this discussion :))))

Well, you walked into this one with your silliness, the response of preaching was directed to Rook, and he alone, until you popped in with your silliness, and during that time, I was waiting for you to put evidence to your claim about baptism - which is.... unfounded because you never uttered a word since in this regard.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

If you want that your words be last words,

I am simply waiting on your claim when regarding baptism and animals and stones preaching the gospel, to which you said, this is according to the Bible. So, let's have it, Srecko.

18 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

please make some final comment to show yourself how you are right and i am wrong :))))))))))))

I rather you answer you own claims because this comment here only shows me you caught yourself in a lie.

So therefore, I am simply waiting on your evidence to claim, for I had yet to even start.

As so, I recall on page 2 you spoke of, yes, about that

On 7/10/2019 at 3:47 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people [...]  or me

this is your time to shine because you initiated said discussion, which I have time for because I am not in heavy discussion with any left/ring wing who thinks they know who God is.

That being said, one will see who sits at which table concerning what the Bible professes, what God's Word profess, as is with those who understand it not by means of using understanding of men.

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On 7/12/2019 at 1:50 AM, Space Merchant said:
On 7/11/2019 at 3:07 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth, and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?”

29 Balaam answered the donkey, “You have made a fool of me! If only I had a sword in my hand, I would kill you right now.”

30 The donkey said to Balaam, “Am I not your own donkey, which you have always ridden, to this day? Have I been in the habit of doing this to you?”

“No,” he said.

Numbers 22

Read more  

Lol, and now you have proven this point time and time again, if you cannot speak of JWs and focus solely on the Bible, you make yourself appear foolish, ignorant, and silly, as well as dense.

Obviously, Moses as Writer of Pentateuch have some "problem" when he was state how Snake and Donkey has spoken in human language :)))) perhaps his "inspiration" was in question, according to You SM. I just repeat what he wrote - that is, animal can talk to human :))) ...... if not for real than in figurative way, hahhaha. But, sometimes some sort of people are called that they are animal not human been, or that they have animal behavior. So, according to this way of thinking this sort of "animals" can speak too :)))

About Stones, same stuff. Luke was "inspired" to write what he heard from Jesus. So, who failed? Jesus or Luke? :)))))  


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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:


No, if it was obvious, then you would not engineered such stupidity in the first place.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Moses as Writer of Pentateuch have some "problem" when he was state how Snake and Donkey has spoken in human language :)))) perhaps his "inspiration" was in question, according to You SM.

No, Moses did not have a problem, and you will not get the case to through him under the bus a 4th time. Moses was someone who was clearly a man of God and had written what things as is in the Torah. We see from Moses' writing that God caused the donkey to speak to Ba'laam, in this instance, the donkey was not preaching a gospel at all, for God caused it to speak in order to give warning to Ba'laam, hence the angel in the middle of the road, for it God had not caused the donkey to speak, if God had not uncovered Ba'laam's eyes, he'd be nothing more than a corpse on the road whereas the donkey itself would had wandered off.

Nowhere had Moses written either the donkey or snake was inspired. Perhaps take a lesson of a Law Moses wrote by not adding to the text

  • Deuteronomy 4:2 - You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord [YHWH] your God that I command you.

That being said, you yourself said to be focused, yet here we see you jump from baptism to gospel speaking and back to inspiration, yet again evading to answer your own claims. lol

No, inspiration was not in question because no such thing is drawn from these passages when if you read Numbers 22 and Genesis 3, you'd realize on things transpired into Ba'laam and Balak, as is with, Adam and Eve's disobedience.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

 I just repeat what he wrote - that is, animal can talk to human :))) ......

Not really, look at page 2, you stated Animals as well as Stones can preach according to the Bible, more so, you added that they can praise the Lord. Granted before you lost focus, I shall add, even a child can pick up what is said in the discussion and call you out if need be.

If you met such, than you should not have stated what you had said in page 2, quoted to you several times, but you ignore it because you are fish flailing, attempting to climb out of the hole of slander of which you dug.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

if not for real than in figurative way, hahhaha.

You do not know the difference between literal, symbolic or figurative, both you and Witness share this same ignorance.

The only thing figurative concerning what is mentioned in this discussion is the stones crying out, of what Jesus was talking of, for that was not literal. The Bible speaks of blood as well as death being personified, even a city, but these things are not persons, all such are spoken of figuratively and or symbolically.

A jagged example would be,

Literal - An apple is literally sitting on the table, if no one is going to take it, perhaps I will.

Symbolic - An apple is a representation of good sugars, hence beneficial for good health.

Figurative - An apple is literally sitting on the table, it is calling me name, and it screams with good sugars and nutrients.

Likewise regarding Jesus

Stones were all over the place, on the roads, in the cities, etc. in those days. Stones are often tied in with things cities and or some actions taken by ancient Israel and or others, etc. Jesus used random stones to speak in lesson of what we read in the focused passage.

That being said, if you do not understand what the Bible says let alone context and the hermenutics of it all, it shows, going back to the baptism, you are not a hearer of the word, and you rely on your own understanding of men. You also prove time and time again, if you are not talking about JWs, and the Bible only, you are weak in this domain (there is an actual debate of a similar instance regarding 1 Timothy 2:5).

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But, sometimes some sort of people are called that they are animal not human been, or that they have animal behavior. So, according to this way of thinking this sort of "animals" can speak too :)))

Well unfortunately for you, we are focused on the donkey, which you brought up, and now the snake, which you, brought up.

You said before to stay focus and not drive off into something else, yet here now we see you are the one doing this, which I have not; merely responding to a response.

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

So, according to this way of thinking this sort of "animals" can speak too :)))

So what was the point in mentioning Ba'laam's donkey and Satan manipulating a snake, both events that do not line up with what you are conveying?

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

About Stones, same stuff. Luke was "inspired" to write what he heard from Jesus. So, who failed? Jesus or Luke? :)))))  

Yes, and Luke was smart enough to know that stones cannot literally preach the gospel of the Christ. In fact, no one, even Jesus, literally assumed and or thought stones to speak the gospel. One cannot imagine a stone walking, in rolling into a synagogue to proclaim the gospel, that is absurd.

So the only person who failed here, was you, who said that stones can preach to quote "according to the Bible".

Therefore, your claim for the donkey, for the snake, and for the stones, is unfounded. When you were questioned regarding your evidence on baptism, it is unfounded.

Both instances, your so called spiritual wisdom is like that of a worm beneath notice.

That being said, I suggest you read, study and understand your Bible more because this is one discussion you've exposed yourself in at how pathetically weak in faith of God's Word you really are, let alone not being able to hold your own concerning the Bible. Also, your understanding is that of men, and it is painfully obvious.

Which goes back to what I said originally concerning children, likewise, anyone can take example from Acts 8 on someone being preached about Jesus and embracing the teachings, or the jailer from Acts 16, who embraced the teachings of Jesus and eventually his family did and his whole household got baptized.

Now, I will link to you 3 chapters from 3 different books in the Bible, read them carefully this time.

Regarding the Snake (Satan uses a snake) - no gospel concerning the Christ was spoken here by the snake.


The Stones  - no gospel concerning the Christ was spoken here by the stones.


Ba'laam's donkey  - no gospel concerning the Christ was spoken here by the donkey.



We can debate on prophecy, but that is ammunition for another thread.



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