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11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But God is the same and one, unchangeable  ... before and after Christ :)))

But you are alluding to a situation that has not even happen yet, therefore you are at fault, and you can be called out for that. Tell me Srecko, as the Kingdom of God had already removed all injustice from the earth, from far and frow? As the End Times Tribulations ended... The honest Bible reader will simply say no, but such events are soon to come.

It would have been correct on your part, if Jesus has indeed returned and wiped out all instances of badness done to all of mankind, but we are waiting and we are vigilant for no such things have taken place yet concerning Jesus' return in God's glory.

11 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

For I am the Lord, I change not; ..... Malachi book

Do you even know which Lord you are speaking of granted you were trying to connect Jesus to Psalms 148?

Come on, Srecko, take your own advise lol

On 7/17/2019 at 2:20 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

read more your Christendom Bible :))

That being said, one can teach a clown the distinction between God and Christ, as is with how a verse connects with a whole passage. And clowns are not idiots.


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The watchtower has again redefined the word trinity to mean Jehovah, Jesus, and the governing body.

Except for a couple of statements I could not fully agree with, I really appreciated your line of reasoning/questioning.

I truly believe that kids are great. And how they are sincere little people. In comparison to "mature", "spiritual"  people, like You or me, or @James Thomas Rook Jr.,  @Anna and @JW Insider you had m

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On 7/19/2019 at 2:31 AM, Space Merchant said:

My problem is with lairs, stupid persons, fools, willful ignorance, etc. And you fit all tabs.

Well, why you continue debate with me ? :))))

You belong to Restoration Group, and i see that you Restore some words into your vocabulary :)))

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3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Well, why you continue debate with me ? :))))


Because a debate does not end when the points and conclusions are made. What remains open ended are your horrendous claims. The fact you never been in a debate yet start one shows how foolish you truly are, depraved.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

You belong to Restoration Group, and i see that you Restore some words into your vocabulary :)))

You speak of vocabulary and yet you cannot even say "Restorationist". lol Perhaps it is you who needs the dictionary far more than I.

Biblical Unitarians are not Restorationist, however, we take up the study of the Bible seriously, and we study religion, more so, Theological study and discussion is something we take up when it comes to learning about Jesus' church.

The study of religion as defined in short: Religious studies, also known as the study of religion, is an academic field devoted to research into religious beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. It describes, compares, interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically based, and cross-cultural perspectives.

I stated to you 4 times before I study religion even though I am a Biblical Unitarian, i.e. Islam, Judaism, etc.

It is funny because even the Christology of Restoraionist has been addressed 7 times to you, yet your ignorance and appeal to motive shows you to be a bigger fool than realized.

That being said, the debate does not end because you began the debate regarding baptism and now into preaching the gospel and second, the claims you made are still in demand of answer and or forfeit.

I agree with the teenager, you are perhaps quite idiotic when it comes to debate especially when you start one with a Christian who lives for debate - fool's errand on your part, simpleton. For his words hurt you because of your reaction to what he had said.

If you want to run from a debate you started, that is find with me.


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31 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

Because a debate does not end when the points and conclusions are made

Absolutely agree, and one main reason for that is: Our points and conclusion can be err.  Well, your conclusions that opposites mine can be wrong as well as mine :))))))

34 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

You speak of vocabulary and yet you cannot even say "Restorationist". lol

lol, this time you are Absolutely right :))))

34 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

The study of religion as defined in short: Religious studies, also known as the study of religion, is an academic field

Fine, but I am not academic and this site is not academic place. So, what you are doing here? Share your academic knowledge with people who have few years of school education? :)))))

37 minutes ago, Space Merchant said:

If you want to run from a debate you started, that is find with me.

"find with me" ..... what language is this ? :)))) I know, this is Academic freedom of expression and talk :))

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@Srecko Sostar But he is right on what he said, Frida. His point on vocabulary is what you said. Restoration and Restorationist are 2 different things, especially when you factor in Christianity. Also ya man's uphold Subordinationist because that is how Bible Unitarian role, I know this because we so converse with them wherever they want to discuss.

But you are jumping around in many points, for instance. Both of you were speaking about preaching, then you said animals and rocks can preach, and you said, according to the Bible. Space Merchant made a strong point against you and he asked you for evidence and all you can say is that the word gospel and or preaching met someone else and you tried to change your lane by saying even people can be called animals when the focus was about a burro and peidras (a donkey and stones).

For the point is clear, animals or rocks cannot preach about Jesus or the good news. Even in Balaam's case God caused the donkey to speak because of what Balaam was going to do and Jehovah had sent an angel to block their path. Nowhere in the Bible was the Donkey speaking about Jesus, or the Snake who Satan used to trick Eve. As for the verse in Psalms, you changed from before Christ to during Christ to after his return, yet you were the guy who said to me focused. 

Lastly, if you look up signs of someone losing a debate, you fit the bill for this because you tried what SM said, Appeal to Motive, in order to play him by saying to read your Christendom Bible but we see you are using a CEV Bible, a Christendom Bible. 

I don't wanna be the guy to say it, but why even start the discussion to begin with if you know you are going to get owned in the end?

Jajaja I guess you do rely on us JWs because you bring us up when a serious dude is in your way.

Same ol' Frida. 

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@Space Merchant Frida once spoke about education elsewhere and have often criticized Jehovah's Witnesses when it comes to education. We go through education to provide for our families and or ourselves, perhaps one may want to start a family to support them. But we see here when it comes to being educated about the Bible it rustled his jimmies.

I never been on a debate, but the only close thing to it was a discussion in class between 2 teams.

It looks like being educated and understanding of the Bible is seen as something bad to some. Education  especially about the Bible is seen as an offensive than a positive.


To to correct him,

According to the Bible, Satan had used the snake to trick Eve, which led to both her and Adam to sin and disobey Jehovah, resulting from what Jehovah has set in place by means if his Promise.

According to the Bible, Balaam was on his way to do some crazy things until Jehovah sent an angel and caused a donkey to speak, and eventually had Baalam speak to the angel.

According to the Bible, Jesus spoke of the stones figuratively, which isn't too far off from what is said about Jerusalem or cities.

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It seems how @Space Merchant and @Equivocation  find common religious language on this and other topics. I wonder does this belong to "interfaith dialogue" because two members of different, even opposite religions support each other in doctrinal matters. :)) As i know JW Church forbidden to his members any kind of Ecumenism :)) 


Equivocation (also known as: doublespeak)

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

ohhh yeah, you are right, where was my head ? It was something about  Restaurant :)) that confused me

Well it is 2 different words. No one is talking about resteraunts jaja.

1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

It seems how @Space Merchant and @Equivocation  find common religious language on this and other topics. I wonder does this belong to "interfaith dialogue" because two members of different, even opposite religions support each other in doctrinal matters. :)) As i know JW Church forbidden to his members any kind of Ecumenism :)) 


Equivocation (also known as: doublespeak)

No interfaith dialogue. The Bible tells you clearly what is said, for any Bible reader can see that for themselves. For instance if you go to the verses about the donkey, you don't see any donkey talking about Jesus, let alone that one donkey who was shook by the angel. 

Lol the donkey speaking isn't a doctrine or Jesus being figurative which makes your common more of a joke compared to your cedar ones. Jjajajaja :D

Actually the definition of Equivocation is the use of equivocal or ambiguousexpressions, especially in order tomislead or hedge; prevarication.

Also Equivocation was my fifa name, my pkmn name and and a list of other things. So I maintain that name. My name doesn't define what is said or not said in the Bible. 

Oh Frida, it is no surprise to anyone that you are mad.

also speaking about Restaurants, you should go to clear up your mind, probably go have a long walk on the beach. You need it. 

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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Absolutely agree, and one main reason for that is: Our points and conclusion can be err.  Well, your conclusions that opposites mine can be wrong as well as mine :))))))

You do not agree, because if you had, your claims would have been talked about even more, for originally, I even told you, bring evidence to your claim whereas not even the Bible could save you in this regard. If you do not have anything related to JWs to hold your head, you end up dead in the water concerning this debate, and go about fish flailing and the most common moves made by someone on the losing end of a debate, an appeal to motive and Ergo Decedo.

My claims are not in err because I back it up with biblical support, context and I take into account of the passage, concerning baptism, concerning the good news gospel, concerning the Christ.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

lol, this time you are Absolutely right :))))

This time? I find it funny coming from a depraved fool who thinks the a donkey proclaims the coming of the Christ.... This tomfoolery of yours is as more absurd as the gospel of Thomas.

You stated Restoration, which means the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition. whereas Restorationist means a charismatic Christian movement seeking to restore the beliefs and practices of the early Church.

Dare I ask, do you confuse even simple things such as an apple to an orange?

At least get the word right before you speak of vocabulary.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Fine, but I am not academic and this site is not academic place. So, what you are doing here? Share your academic knowledge with people who have few years of school education? :)))))

The study of religion. I brought this up because of your last comment. The common Bible reader is capable of understanding what the Bible be it if they went through academic studies or not.

So what am I doing here? Speaking about the Bible of course,a s I had done so at CSE and elsewhere.

Academic studies have no weight over Bible truth. This path was only taken because people like to sing lies, as you are doing now.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

"find with me" ..... what language is this ? :))))

Clearly a type, I have no shame in the speed of my typing, as I am aware of constant typos I occasionally make when making lengthy responses.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I know, this is Academic freedom of expression and talk :))

Clearly not, but your attempt to run from debate is obvious, I won't allow it.

That being said, attest to your claims, otherwise it can be ruled out you are a lair to the strongest degree.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

 "interfaith dialogue"

lol, you can easily be corrected swiftly.


You purposely shown yourself to be quite the idiot, Srecko.

Just to pull your strings, show me anywhere that Interfaith Dialogue is being used here lol? Granted of how long I have been against the wave of interfaith for nearly a decade, I want to hear the claim coming from a depraved simpleton.

Let's have at it, again, you addressed that term :).

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

"interfaith dialogue" because two members of different, even opposite religions support each other in doctrinal matters. :))

Unfortunately for you, no doctrines are being discussed... Just the Bible.

Another faulty move, on your part.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

As i know JW Church forbidden to his members any kind of Ecumenism :)) 

Now now, what did I say about trying to hold on to the hands of JWs? You are a brought man, speak of your claims concerning the Bible, the fact you constantly run back to JWs, you keep proving my point, time and time again.

I will quote you: stay focused.

3 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Equivocation (also known as: doublespeak)

Your business with me, not the boy. Unless you want the boy to fight your own battles? That is unlikely because both you and he had a dispute in the past, and surely, he does not like you. Whatever happen with you under the dwelling of Lloyd is of no concern.

What is of concern is here and now.


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@Equivocation I want to hear evidence from claim from him, this is a debate that is ongoing.

@Equivocation @Srecko Sostar 

Also for the both of you, this is signs of a losing debate, as we can see what Srecko is suffering from.


Apparently with little discernment, anyone who is on the receiving end of a debate is always angry, not to the point of becoming the hulk, no, but to the point of copying and pasting their stupidity elsewhere.

That being said, there is another Christian media forum of which I linked this debate to, they are having a BALL with this one, especially the bit with Srecko and is donkey claims.

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19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:
On 7/20/2019 at 3:03 PM, Srecko Sostar said:

lol, this time you are Absolutely right :))))

This time? I find it funny coming from a depraved fool


19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

You purposely shown yourself to be quite the idiot, Srecko


19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I want to hear the claim coming from a depraved simpleton.


19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

Apparently with little discernment, anyone who is on the receiving end of a debate is always angry, not to the point of becoming the hulk, no, but to the point of copying and pasting their stupidity elsewhere.


21 hours ago, Equivocation said:

Oh Frida, it is no surprise to anyone that you are mad.

Thanks a lot for this. You made strong arguments against my opinions :)))))

according to SM link:https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-common-signs-of-a-person-that-is-losing-an-argument

#6: Ad Hominem (Abusive) - resorting to abusing someone and calling them names because at this point you are running on fumes

#7: Poisoning the well - The deux ex machina of logical fallacies. When everything else fails, go on a tirade to tarnish the image of your opponent.

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