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"This Generation" - What's wrong with this picture?

JW Insider

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6 hours ago, Outta Here said:

Do you think Timothy was part of that "generation"? Or Eutychus?

So, if Timothy or Eutychus were alive in 33CE, which is very possible, then he could have been part of "this generation." Paul could very well have been the same age as Jesus had been, and Timothy could very well have been 15 to 20 years younger than Paul, maybe more. It's only reasonable that Jesus meant persons who were alive at the time could have been addressed as "THIS generation." One might argue that if Timothy had been born in 40CE, that perhaps he had a brother or sister who had been born in 33CE, which COULD stretch him back into that generation that Jesus addressed. But then Jesus' words become less meaningful, because his point was that many people alive right then would live to see it. And if all those people died off and ONLY people who weren't alive yet lived to see it, then Jesus would have been seen as a false prophet.

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(Matthew 24:34) . . .Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen. (Matthew 24:1-3) . . .Now as Jesus was departing from the temple, his discip

Of course. I brought this topic up because of prayer for understanding and due diligence and meditation. It is not be cute, but it is our very serious Christian obligation to question, to prove to our

There is a lot we don't agree with, JWI.  And this is one of them.  Although I would prefer your spiritual eyes to be more keen than they are, you are certainly wiser, and more experienced than those

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6 hours ago, Anna said:

I don't think we need placating to keep plodding on. And I think it can be dangerous to do it this way, and could back fire!

I think it has already backfired.

In my considered opinion EVERYTHING they say ... that I cannot independently prove .. is completely and always suspect, with the baseline assumption that it is just another silly delusion to cover up past delusions that have become so painfully obvious, that it is affecting donations.

.... merely a contemporary way of saying that we should be like Bereans and CHECK everything ..... which as an organization,  and as publishers and students,  we have NOT been doing .... for a VERY long time.

ANY organization sitting in a pool of "free money", under a waterfall of "free money" will do ANYTHING to keep the free money coming.

... even make up bald faced lies from thin air, and believe it themselves.

That's why Watchtower Lawyers do NOT "fight" for justice .... they fight for their client to WIN.

In that respect we are not even unusual ... just being what all human beings naturally are.

Their credibility as to be worthy of intrinsic trust .... is ZERO.

They need no help from "apostates" to self-mutilate their own credibility.  They are their very own worst enemy. Others' efforts are  only supportive ... NOT the cause.

... and I think the "Overlapping Generations" weaseling  is the straw that broke the camel's back.


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For whatever it’s worth, here’s an interesting item of history that I read from Professor Allitt: Americans so readily bought in the stories about the ghoulish & inhuman doings of ‘the Huns’ in WWI, which later proved to be false, that when stories emerged about atrocities toward the Jews in WWII, some said, “We’re not falling for that again!” and thus they were “wrong twice.”


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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

American’s so readily bought in the stories about the ghoulish & inhuman doings of ‘the Huns’ in WWI, which later proved to be false

I guess you mean that as Witnesses, we bought into the wrong definition of generation, once, then twice, then three times, then four times, then five times, so that this sixth version might actually be right, but we don't want to fall for it like we did the last five times?

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There isn’t a “group 2” in Jesus’ words, but an ongoing generated seed, either “born” of God’s Spirit, (Ps 112:2; 1 Pet 1:23; Phil 2:15)  or of the spirit of Satan.  Deut 32:5; John 8:44; Matt 12:39; Eph 2:2  Two generations of different fathers, have produced a seed and exist down to this day.  Gen 3:15

Jesus’ words about the temple being destroyed have another fulfillment today.  Another set of “stones”, “living stones” have been “thrown down” with a “Gentile” army trampling the Temple (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; Eph 2:20-22; 2 Thess 2:1-4; Rev 11:1,2)…in the organization. 

If this wasn’t true, then the prophesy of the Great Tribulation would not be applied to the last days.

Luke 21:5-36

At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.28 When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”

 He told them this parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees.30 When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. 31 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.

32 “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

The kingdom of God didn’t arrive then, when that literal generation passed away.   

2 Pet 3:7,12,13 - By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. (A “wicked generation”)

as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. (a “righteous/upright generation” Ps 112:2)  Rev 21:1,3; 1 Cor 3:16,17

“Fire” symbolized God’s Word which reveals lies and establishes truth, in the last days.  Jer 23:29; 5:14; Heb 1:7; Rev 11:1-3,5

Watchtower’s ongoing lie about “this generation” will be consumed by the fire of God’s Word. Isa 24:6; Hos 6:5; Matt 24:48,51; 2 Thess 1:8


Pearl Doxsey an anointed one, has written much about the meaning of "generation".  What one person, a woman, has done to reveal truth, eight men who stumble in the dark, will never accomplish.  God chooses the lowly, not the arrogant, to reveal His Word.  Ezek 21:25,26


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38 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

so that this sixth version might actually be right, but we don't want to fall for it like we did the last five times?

The seventh will be the ticket. You know how it works with seven. Rework your scenario to put us on the seventh right now—for example, expand one into an A and a B part—and you are golden.

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15 hours ago, JW Insider said:

The "God's Kingdom Rules" book. From the chart on page 12. Of course, the actual chart only shows the following portion:


I added the 33 C.E. to 70 C.E. portion to begin a discussion on the topic.

No, you added the other part to be cute and to illustrate your inability to grasp a simple and well illustrated (by D. Splane) the teaching on "this generation". If you are unable to understand something pray for understanding and do your due diligence in researching the subject in JW publications and videos. Meditate on them and if you still cannot understand then just wait. But, do not harm your chances of survival by ridicule and blasphemy.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The seventh will be the ticket. You know how it works with seven. Rework your scenario to put us on the seventh right now—for example, expand one into an A and a B part—and you are golden.

Even Harold Camping I was not critical of for anticipating the End, although his formula WAS awfully simplistic. I was not critical of him because, he WAS after all, “keeping on the watch.”

One can always save oneself some embarrassment by not keeping on the watch, but then where would Jesus’ counsel be that one ought to do it?

Mostly I was outraged at Camping because his disciples were not in ties as they heralded the END!!!!!

And I found—I think JWI told me this before—that the 1994 date comes from him! Many times I have seen detractors try to pin that one on us. It must be deliberate. They must know better, and they are simply trying to puff up the numbers to discredit their enemy. I was active throughout that time and that year was never even hinted at as meaning anything other than the year before 1995.


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40 minutes ago, Bubba Johnson Jr said:

If you are unable to understand something pray for understanding and do your due diligence in researching the subject in JW publications and videos. Meditate on them and if you still cannot understand then just wait.

Of course. I brought this topic up because of prayer for understanding and due diligence and meditation. It is not be cute, but it is our very serious Christian obligation to question, to prove to ourselves, to make sure,  to test, and to search. Otherwise we are not following Jehovah's counsel in the Bible. In my case, I also always first give the benefit of the doubt to brothers who are older, wiser, and more experienced such as the men on the Governing Body. It is only when Jehovah's word seems to give a different answer that I would bring it up for further discussion like this. If you actually know of a scripture that tells us it is OK to just wait, I'm interested.

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

And I found—I think JWI told me this before—that the 1994 date comes from him!

Yep! That was Harold Camping. He predicted September 1994, then got more specific with May 21, 2011. When that didn't turn out, he taught that May 21 was a spiritual, invisible judgment day, and predicted the actual judgment to be October 21, 2011. Millerites did the same for 1843, then changed it to 1844. Barbour did the same for 1873, then changed it to 1874.

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10 hours ago, Bubba Johnson Jr said:

But, do not harm your chances of survival by ridicule and blasphemy.

Remember an old comic strip that used to be in the Sunday Newspapers?


Some people are so afraid of dying that the fear causes them to see red skies filled with flying elephants ... because they have been taught to have absolute faith in their "teachers" .... they truly believe it ... they really do see red skies and elephants, where there are none

This is what supplies an extraordinary good income for Shamans, Priests, Witch Doctors, and the presumably "Good Guys" who also use this same model.

Free money is GOOD!

Being broke is BAD!


...at least throwing virgins into volcanoes is currently out of favor.

.... and waste of those few that are left.




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