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Are children capable of committing fornication?


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14 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

A bit of a racist comment i think SM. 

I find this rather odd coming from a man who, not only mocked a blood relative of a teenager (judged him when you [Butler] said you do not judge without knowing), but attempt to mock him by means of what he has experienced and used Ebonics in a form of mockery against said teenager.  Even before that you made a comment about one's in the feeling of inferiority because of said color of person's skin when the person merely made a remark of specific ethnic groups adhere to Scripture.

Do not be a hypocrite, Butler because it only takes a single quote, a single link, to exposed your hypocrisy in this regard which is very high and quite visible should the situation calls for it.

Now, do you even know what racism even is let alone what it means? Allow me to educate you. Racism by definition is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. The secondary definition would be the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Stating something straight from either statistics and or the FBI, as well as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention sources, does not make one racist (granted you are ignorant of the term).

Truly, that statement of mine is indeed true, 100%, (I paraphrased it from the information we have available to us regarding such). The majority of pedophiles who commit child abuse, the majority are Caucasian/White Males (Heterosexuals), majority of them being fathers, uncles, brothers, etc. What I did not mention, purposely, is this is the case also with persons who identified themselves as gay (Homosexuals), who, again, majority being Caucasian/White Males who are the very ones in the high mark who commit said crimes of child abuse.

I know you hate demographics because at times it makes you visibly appear foolish, for no one has to see you in person, but can see this through your reaction by means of your response, more so, you once claim you knew a lot about what is going on in the US, alluding to the fact, but the fact you are unaware of this, shows ignorance, on your part, and I haven't even mentioned EU or the UK yet, in addition, it further brings to question now your past comments regarding abuse in other nations of which you claim you were aware of. For it speaks for itself, this is not counting the rich and the power who partake in pedophile rings, human sex trafficking, etc.

Next time, before you make ignorant response perhaps do some in-depth research first regarding these things in the United States. Because stupidity will only yield someone to refute you very easily, and even outside Bible discussion and Christendom, it seems you lack here also, and make silly comments towards someone who has been a Truther in reading into this stuff for a very long time.

80% is indeed a big number on Non-Hispanic Caucasian/White Males regarding pedophilia and forcible rape, child abuse in conjunction with one another, for even that of a father and or uncle in the US who commits such. Hispanics, Blacks, and other groups fall behind in this regard.

That being said, those who really fight against this stuff are aware of such, which proves my point of people, such as yourself, who are merely keyboard warriors who have never been in such a fight against child abuse pedophilia at all. Lastly, I did you a favor, here is the word Racism in the dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism

Also, 2 Pac? for what? And absolutely random (and speaking about infants, it seems you are unaware of the baby situation in the US too if we were to discussion this). I find it hilarious you even linked that video and everyone is now aware you like your music that isn't clean, which is a direct call back to when I brought forth God's Word concerning you and the profaning/defilement of your mouth, let this be a reminder:

If you have children, I hope their mouths are as clean as yours, as well as their ears. Granted, if you even had the care to teach such lessons while tooting the horn of spiritual wisdom of yours.

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An interesting statistic that I have heard from SEVERAL sources, known to be reputable ... but admittedly I have NOT looked it up myself. 1.) African American,  (Blacks, Negros, "People of Color"

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9 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Of course, they can. It’s the inability of an adult's mental state to think they can’t. In today’s world of sex everywhere, there is no limit what society is teaching children. If it happened back in the 80s as experiments, it done as a challenge in today’s world.



This world is once again reverting, back to its carnal stages of old, when there was no such thing as consequences or morality. It started with angels seeking mortal women.

Ironically, the more adults talk about sex, rape, child abuse, the less they understand child physiology, child prostitution, and child slavery (Trafficking). Missing and exploited children.


The thing is, as much as we fight against it, those in support of teaching the children sexual immorality will attack us for it, reasons why we take the alternative root to educate and train both children and adults to flee from ill sexual desires and influences. One thing I mentioned before is Gang Stalkers, whereas their goal is to influence and sway their victims into sexual interaction and or intercourse, evidently out of wedlock, and for those who are dating and or are married, adultery. For example, let's say Gang Stalkers converted to the JW faith, for their intent will not be in the faith community, but any sexual partners they can influence, which leads to sexual immorality if the target in question is subdued by said influence. Gang Stalkers in this regard do not care if someone in your house has deceased, they do not care if anyone you know is injured badly, they think of one thing and one thing only. Then you have those in today's society enlisting and recruiting young ones, young girls being targets.

That being said, people use to mock older brothers and even fathers for protecting their daughters, but such ones do not see as to why we do this, why we act as a barrier between them and those who eat and drink at the table of those who sees immorality as something that is "ok and fine" in their eyes. These people are living in slander and do not know the taint they consume on the daily basis by means of today's so called voices to preach immorality.

A bit of off topic because this was one fight that us Truthers fought in and gain victory over the truth.

Also, the Truthers have achieved absolute victory yesterday! The very man we had spoken about for years, time and time again as the MSM continues to shield him, the many times rich people defended him, even judges and the like. But yesterday we have won, and can not go pass the door of which we have been trying to access to take-down more foolish sadist persons who had tormented and manipulated young girls, branding them as prostitutes and nothing more. Mind you, as much I do not side with Alex Jones, he was right about such 20 years ago. But even today, this is just a won battle because the MSM not only now speaks on Mr. Jeffery Epstein, they are hiding critical information in which we Truther's are pushing out. Alan Dershowitz is the step door in this battle to exposed more vile persons in this case.


In short, we Truthers, the very ones mocked for speaking about Jeffery Epstein in the past, are now seeing justice. But still, the powers that be and the political global mafia, coupled with corrupted persons in justice gave this man not only a sweet heart deal prior, but they will try to make his punishment less painful apparently. But this is just a step into exposing more vile persons because this man was the biggest fish in the sea for us for these past few years. They're also afraid to give this guy bail, and they made quite the discovery at his NY place of dwelling.

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19 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

I find this rather odd coming from a man who, not only mocked a blood relative of a teenager (judged him when you [Butler] said you do not judge without knowing), but attempt to mock him by means of what he has experienced and used Ebonics in a form of mockery against said teenager.  Even before that you made a comment about one's in the feeling of inferiority because of said color of person's skin when the person merely made a remark of specific ethnic groups adhere to Scripture.

Do not be a hypocrite, Butler because it only takes a single quote, a single link, to exposed your hypocrisy in this regard which is very high and quite visible should the situation calls for it.

Now, do you even know what racism even is let alone what it means? Allow me to educate you. Racism by definition is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. The secondary definition would be the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

Stating something straight from either statistics and or the FBI, as well as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention sources, does not make one racist (granted you are ignorant of the term).

Truly, that statement of mine is indeed true, 100%, (I paraphrased it from the information we have available to us regarding such). The majority of pedophiles who commit child abuse, the majority are Caucasian/White Males (Heterosexuals), majority of them being fathers, uncles, brothers, etc. What I did not mention, purposely, is this is the case also with persons who identified themselves as gay (Homosexuals), who, again, majority being Caucasian/White Males who are the very ones in the high mark who commit said crimes of child abuse.

I know you hate demographics because at times it makes you visibly appear foolish, for no one has to see you in person, but can see this through your reaction by means of your response, more so, you once claim you knew a lot about what is going on in the US, alluding to the fact, but the fact you are unaware of this, shows ignorance, on your part, and I haven't even mentioned EU or the UK yet, in addition, it further brings to question now your past comments regarding abuse in other nations of which you claim you were aware of. For it speaks for itself, this is not counting the rich and the power who partake in pedophile rings, human sex trafficking, etc.

Next time, before you make ignorant response perhaps do some in-depth research first regarding these things in the United States. Because stupidity will only yield someone to refute you very easily, and even outside Bible discussion and Christendom, it seems you lack here also, and make silly comments towards someone who has been a Truther in reading into this stuff for a very long time.

80% is indeed a big number on Non-Hispanic Caucasian/White Males regarding pedophilia and forcible rape, child abuse in conjunction with one another, for even that of a father and or uncle in the US who commits such. Hispanics, Blacks, and other groups fall behind in this regard.

That being said, those who really fight against this stuff are aware of such, which proves my point of people, such as yourself, who are merely keyboard warriors who have never been in such a fight against child abuse pedophilia at all. Lastly, I did you a favor, here is the word Racism in the dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/racism

Also, 2 Pac? for what? And absolutely random (and speaking about infants, it seems you are unaware of the baby situation in the US too if we were to discussion this). I find it hilarious you even linked that video and everyone is now aware you like your music that isn't clean, which is a direct call back to when I brought forth God's Word concerning you and the profaning/defilement of your mouth, let this be a reminder:

If you have children, I hope their mouths are as clean as yours, as well as their ears. Granted, if you even had the care to teach such lessons while tooting the horn of spiritual wisdom of yours.

@Space Merchant I called you out for being racist in that comment and I was right. You don't like that, tough on you SM. 

You call us 'white males' but you call yourself a 'man of colour'. That is so funny, and racist. If we are white males then you are a black male, live with it SM. 

And I will use @TrueTomHarley logic here.  Tom says the only reason people know about the quantity of CSA in the JW Org is because it is recorded.

So let's use that same idea with your accusing 'white males' of raping their children. How does anyone know quantity of 'white males' that rape their children ? Because it is recorded. How? Probably by the number of convictions.

But, is it recorded about the number of black males that rape their children ? OR, do black people not report it, or, do they deal with it themselves ?  You see there is no proof that more 'white males' rape their children, only proof of more reports or more convictions. Besides which it seemed important to you to make a point of 'white males'.

Also, 2 Pac? for what? And absolutely random

Not random, just you blocking it out of your mind. The fact that you didn't like a black man MAKING THE POINT about black men raping their own children in their own community. You see it wasn't random. 2 Pac was saying that there is a problem with it in the black community.  

Quote I find it hilarious you even linked that video and everyone is now aware you like your music that isn't clean, 

You are soooo funny SM. You have no idea what JW's listen to. Let me tell you this.

25 years ago, time whizzes past. Anyway my wife was studying the Bible with two young ladies. These young ladies were Pioneers, full time ministers of God. One of their favorite songs was  Queen singing Bohemian Rhapsody.

The band Queen. Lead singer was a transvestite homosexual. Song words 'Mama just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead'  Then it goes on about the devil and more.  So is that 'clean music' ?

Next :  I was at a JW gathering and I had to ask them to stop listening to, and singing along to a song. The words  were 

'I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby'  Now is that clean music ? 

The 2 Pac song had a message and meaning to it. But you are too blind to see. 

I won't even bother to read any more of your comments SM. I can tell you are racist and unbalanced. You think you know much more than most other people and you think you are more intelligent.  

Black or white SM, you are just another man on this big Earth. 



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47 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

@Space Merchant I called you out for being racist in that comment and I was right. You don't like that, tough on you SM.

Ok... One cannot be racist if they do not discriminate, and or attack said racist, as granted by the definition of racism/racist. Stating something factual granted by sources such as, let's say a second time, The FBI, another being Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention sources, and the like, all within the United States does adds to claim of the statement being true, for among all races, the demographics shows clarity of sex crimes being committed mostly by whom.

But in the end, as for everyone to see, it seems you consider the FBI racist, and the Child Abuse Prevention sources,  also racist with that depraved mindset of yours.

That being said, the need for you to even utter that just shows how absolutely triggered you are because of something stated that is 100% true regarding you.

51 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You call us 'white males' but you call yourself a 'man of colour'. That is so funny, and racist. If we are white males then you are a black male, live with it SM. 

Well of course, I was born as such, I do not toot a horn loudly because of it. Quoting a source that speaks of 80% of sexual crimes being down by Caucasian/white males is merely statistics regarding race, for not too long ago when we discussed demographics of church adherents, you yourself brought up race and sex. So why is it this time you are banging your head on the roof regarding such? Evidently attempting to recover after being exposed, it seems.

That being said, all statistically demographics mentioned, the age, race, sex, place of dwelling, etc, depending on what is there and what the onlooker is trying to look for, an example would be an educational institution, is it high in rank or low? how is the education? How many Hispanic/white/black/Asian/native students? And so forth. This same demographic is projected with sex crimes, even that of child abuse and the sex and or race of the abuser in certain areas, namely in question, the US. As far as I know, you do not even live in the US, granted the findings were solely in the US alone.

56 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

And I will use @TrueTomHarley logic here.  Tom says the only reason people know about the quantity of CSA in the JW Org is because it is recorded.

And your point? Even with recorded information people can twist the narrative, i.e. information exposed to said child so they realize what is happening to them.

I do not see you using Tom's logic because Tom is intelligent even to know what racism means, referring to a demographic that filters everything by race from highest to lowest concerning sex crimes does not make someone racist, as you claim, which further thickens the plot to your, dare I say, stupidity and ignorance in this regard.

58 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

So let's use that same idea with your accusing 'white males' of raping their children.

Accusing? I am merely following the findings of the FBI and Child abuse prevention sources concerning sex crimes against children, nothing more. You only stated this because yours sins, in this regard has found you out, Numbers 32:23 - your sin will find you out.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

How does anyone know quantity of 'white males' that rape their children ?

Sources such as the FBI, sources such as child abuse prevention sources. Not to mention, they also refer to who is targeted the most and how critical sex abuse crimes are in certain areas of the US, and other areas, for instance, as I told you before, it is far worse in the EU vs. the US due to high child grooming, pedo rings and what can be pulled from any research into the whole pizzagate dilemma.

All races are listed, from highest to lowest of course.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Because it is recorded.


1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:



1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Probably by the number of convictions.

How it is more than that, Butler, do the research.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

But, is it recorded about the number of black males that rape their children ?

Yes, but the statistics show them low in number, especially for sex crimes. They are close to native Americans and Hispanics.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

OR, do black people not report it, or, do they deal with it themselves ? 

All races deal with it themselves and or report it. So that in of itself is a silly question to ask. There is however, vigilante justice, some of them going about it the wrong way, committed by all persons however.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You see there is no proof that more 'white males' rape their children, only proof of more reports or more convictions. Besides which it seemed important to you to make a point of 'white males'.

Actually there is, 80%, according to the FBI in relation to sexual crimes.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Not random, just you blocking it out of your mind.

I do not listen to anything that has swearing, cussing, etc. I do this for Bible-wise reasons, as well as cultural reasons, so if it is explicit, I do not stick around to listen. Likewise to Joseph and Potiphar's wife, regarding music, I do the same.

I take my faith seriously, so anything that will hinder it, I avoid.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The fact that you didn't like a black man MAKING THE POINT about black men raping their own children in their own community.

I know the point regarding rape and sex crimes in the US and other parts of the world, but I do not listen to content with explicit in order to gain said message.

You can do whatever you please, Butler, go for it, but I follow the Bible. To quote you: Spiritual Wisdom.

At least now we see who is putting your own words into application.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You are soooo funny SM. 

Probably because I am?

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You have no idea what JW's listen to.

And I care why? A a single JW listening to profanity filled banter does not define all of them. But you continue to put everyone into one basket, ignoring the fact you made a mockery of a 16 year old kid.

Hypocrisy on your part, Butler.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

25 years ago, time whizzes past. Anyway my wife was studying the Bible with two young ladies. These young ladies were Pioneers, full time ministers of God. One of their favorite songs was  Queen singing Bohemian Rhapsody.

And my sense of care is at an absolute 0... Granted to a single person does not define the masses.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The band Queen. Lead singer was a transvestite homosexual.

Tell me something I do not know.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Song words 'Mama just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger now he's dead'  Then it goes on about the devil and more.  So is that 'clean music' ?

I think you answered your own question. But the fact you listen to unclean music puts you in this category.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Next :  I was at a JW gathering and I had to ask them to stop listening to, and singing along to a song. The words  were 

'I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby'  Now is that clean music ? 

And yet a single JW in the US does not define the masses. You are stepping o legos with your silliness, John.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

The 2 Pac song had a message and meaning to it.

Ok. But if the meaning contains profanity and slurs, you listen to it anyways as God watches you?

Tell me John, is listening to music that contains profanity just or unjust?

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

But you are too blind to see. 

Not really.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I won't even bother to read any more of your comments SM.


1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

I can tell you are racist and unbalanced.

The FBI must be racist then. Either that or you are as dense as the stone ruins of Babylon.


1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

You think you know much more than most other people and you think you are more intelligent.  

Learning and doing research does not make me superior to anyone. Because I am on the right path concerning the fight against child abuse and you are not does not make me above anyone.

1 hour ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Black or white SM, you are just another man on this big Earth. 

Yes, I am just a man. A man of God.

That being said, go educate yourself on what racism is. You are only lashing out because of what was mentioned of you, i.e. you mocking a teenager.

I also suggest you do more research on sex crimes in the United States, do this first before you research the UK and the EU because here, for all to see, you are as ignorant as Esau in this sense.

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An interesting statistic that I have heard from SEVERAL sources, known to be reputable ... but admittedly I have NOT looked it up myself.

1.) African American,  (Blacks, Negros, "People of Color", or whatever is politically correct nowadays ... and I have lost track), comprise 14% of the population of the United States ... but commit 84% of the crimes, and imprisonments.

1.) African American,  (Blacks, Negros, or whatever is politically correct nowadays ... and I have lost track), comprise 14% of the population of the United States ... but abort their children at 5 times the rate of Caucasians ( White Folks, Poppin Fresh, Marshmallows, or whatever is being used today... and I do not even KEEP track).

It seems to me there is a black genocide in progress, at least in the USA,  and it is self-inflicted.

With all of that in mind, I seriously doubt the "white pedophile" statistics quoted above ... but I have not looked that up ..... either.


If you have better statistics, please correct me. 



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@James Thomas Rook Jr. Yes, but my focus was on sexual abuse, forcible rape, etc. There is also a low to high ratio regarding a demographic, be it race, sex, location, etc. But it seems some people are too comfortable hiding underneath the rock they are sleeping under, not realizing what is going on in the world today. What makes this even more disgusting is the fact that the source was more direct towards pedophilia group known as NAMBLA, hence the video I linked to Butler who has gone off to the looney bin.

What I can dug up on this group, source says:

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion. The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters. Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls. In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization. Since then, the organization has dwindled to only a handful of people, with many members joining online pedophile networks such as DanPedo, BoyChat, and Annabelleigh, according to Xavier Von Erck, director of operations at the anti-pedophile organization Perverted-Justice. As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.

This group is often overlooked because crimes against children in every nation runs rampant in every nook and cranky, in every institution. More so, there are those who seek to encourage relations with children as if to make it common, something that I spoke about briefly before concerning groups such as the LGBT community. In addition to that, those of us, me included, who speak up on the matter are shut down while they give so called praised to their young champions, and they do this when they take down one of our own, i.e. soph.

Statistics aside, these crimes are indeed vile, but the only thing we can do is teach and prevent, as well as show comfort and compassion by whatever we can give should we have to deal with the aftermath.

Good people are the ones who yield good results.

That being said. Rook, it is only going to get worse, especially the fact the victory we had this Monday will open doors, big doors.

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@BillyTheKid46 Exactly. Regarding what took place, the MSM has been concealing a bit of information regarding Epstein. No mention of the Sweet Heart Deal and how that turned out, let alone the fact the involvement of others.

Money talks, and always will, and the money is unclean, and the money Epstein has accumulated is a mystery, but we do have an idea.

But sadly, this man, who has thrown teenage girls into sexual immorality, even using said girls to recruit more because it is said he cannot get enough, will be shielded by the powers that be.

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