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Are children capable of committing fornication?


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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Why should you use that logic here? You reject it in its proper setting.

You see, even when i  give you credit for logic, you still need to have a dig at me. But you say it's always me that doesn't give credit or doesn't see logic etc...  

You are quick to tell me that i look for faults in others, so go look in the mirror and tell it to yourself.  

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30 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


The July 20, 1969 Moon Landing was , as everyone in the know, knows, was filmed on a movie set on Mars!


I’m told it was staged in your back yard. The chickens running on the horizon is the giveaway 

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53 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

If I follow anything on Twitter, I make a point also of following its polar opposite.

That's a good idea. But I find that it's very easy to find a polar opposite to almost any position anyone has taken on anything.

When the real answer is West or East, it's also too easy find that everyone is ignoring that and fighting over the difference between extreme North and extreme South. This is the key to news panels on CNN just before an election. This gives the impression of neutrality when the truth does not actually lie somewhere in the middle. It's merely an entertaining distraction. Of course, some ideological channels don't even bother with creating an illusion of a middle ground, merely spouting off in a "newsy-like" version of standup comedy. (Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, etc.)

When looking for whether a position trends toward truth, sometimes one must look for the "admissions" "revelations" "slip-ups" and "apologies" from the persons who have claimed to hold one position, and have succeeded in getting others to agree to that one position, but then are forced to admit the opposite. (Or accidentally admit the opposite.) This type of "opposite" position is often available only during a short time window before the backtracking begins. Sometimes the "revelations" are documented history after everyone has forgotten to care, such as FOIA releases from past presidencies, or caches of embarrassing documents released on wiki leaks, etc.

After a while, one can develop an entire framework of areas (and players) where such admissions happen more often than others. When the pattern of 1)position, 2)slip-up, and 3)method of backtracking to regain the original position becomes very predictable, then you are probably onto something trending toward truth.

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18 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

I’m told it was staged in your back yard. The chickens running on the horizon is the giveaway 

That was an event horizon to a parallel dimension, where chickens became the inheritors of that world, from the dinosaurs.

They are just visiting, for a friend's funeral at KFC.

"If God employs infinity,

If nature keeps her laws,

who knows which hands will win which world

The hands ... the coils ... the claws." 

-  Rosser Reeves, in the poem "Infinity"




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12 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

After a while, one can develop an entire framework of areas (and players) where such admissions happen more often than others. When the pattern of 1)position, 2)slip-up, and 3)method of backtracking to regain the original position becomes very predictable, then you are probably onto something trending toward truth.

That’s a lot of work to syphon out the liars. 

That’s not to say it is not a good idea, nor that it is any more time-consuming than what I do. It is just that few people have that kind of time. Most people take news from one or two sources, often the evening TV news for people our age, and pretty well accept that they are being told the truth. Usually they are, but it is not “the whole truth and nothing but the truth”—which can completely turn things around.

At one pioneer meeting the elder conducting it was highlighting the importance of neutrality, and never to give the impression of taking sides. “Now we all know that Trump is crazy,” he said, “but.......” I would stake my life on it that his only source of news is the evening news of one of the three networks. 

I was relatively up in years before I discovered to my surprise that my (non-Witness) Dad cared hardly at all about politics. Many were the political discussions swirling around the dining room table, as I was growing up, when the extended family was gathered. However, it turned out that my Mom’s father was very much a GOP person and would crank on about it endlessly, and my Dad was just too gracious to tell him to zip it—it was his father-in-law, after all, who his wife liked.


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4 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

It is one thing to express your thoughts, but it's extremely different when those thoughts incite, instigate and become as agitators, an uncontrollable mob, by legal definitions.

I have many times made the point that reckless hurling of the C-word inspires the unstable crazies to take matters into their own hands.


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JOHN does not use Twitter and other social media. Facebook and this forum are plenty for me. I don't live my life through a computer like some on here seem to. 

However I honestly do wish BTK would show these threats he says i made. 

As for religious hate speech, one only has to say that Islam is false religion, and that is regarded as hate speech. 

By stopping people expressing their thoughts and feelings all you are doing is building up a time bomb. You know that volcanos 'bubble up' a lot before erupting. Now what would happen if you capped the volcano to stop is bubbling up ?  You'd get no warning but suddenly one big explosion. People need freedom of expression. It's a release of pressure and tension.

However physical violence is obviously wrong, but then so is WAR. 

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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

It will be interesting to see who gets caught in the "honey trap", and who escape.

At the very least.

And it would also be interesting to see who has been making an escape ladder using US dollars to evade exposure to friends, family and colleagues.

To quote an old acquaintance, they are feeling good until they get caught.

I had a verse in mind as I was reading through the Hebrew text the other day regarding this, a shame I forgot a very good verse.

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8 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

This is agreeable with one simple point. Everyone has an agenda, how far from this world are you willing to be with “rush to judgement” is taking place.

The good thing Twitter is finally taking action on religious hate speech. Soon, google will follow. When that happens, websites that allow such hate speech will be blocked from further internet business. This is great news. In the USA, the first amendment is being taken too far. It is one thing to express your thoughts, but it's extremely different when those thoughts incite, instigate and become as agitators, an uncontrollable mob, by legal definitions.

I almost forgot. I'm glad I had a very tiny part on Twitter's decision by the comments and threats of JOHN and many others here.

This can open a door to both a blessing and a curse, granted with what was going down with YouTube and censorship. It kind of went on regarding AJ and others and more people are caught in the cross-hairs, as is with a situation just days ago which twitter and YouTube were in connection with something tragic in regards to mental illness.

That being said, I do not use Twitter, nor do I use Facebook (for good reason), but at the end of the day, there are those who do good and bad on those platforms, as is with those who speak a truth and those who speak a slander there also.

Regarding hate speech, people are now pointing the finger at the Bible, and some instances had already been done in parts of the US.

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@BillyTheKid46 Yes, and there are some dark waters on the internet to and evil persons under said waters. It has and always comes down to using a tool for good vs. using a tool for bad.

I gave an example of this with a hammer, whereas a good man can use the hammer to build a home whereas a bad man can use that same tool to harm and or cause chaos.

Speaking of all things internet, we must watch and protect our children because there are those who seek them out, trick them in order to shame, commit harm, etc, and with the topic at hand, even influence fornication online. An example of this was the whole Pedophilia situation with YouTube, but it does not stop the spread of such ones when merely disabling comments and removing accounts that can be created again perhaps under a VPN, which reminds me to add something to note on another thread, for I had been looking into some things regarding social media.

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