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Are children capable of committing fornication?


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@Matthew9969 Dude what? I don't think throwing people off the boat because of one bad dude is wise. For me, I don't have kids, I'm turning 17, way too young for that kind of responsibility.

@James Thomas Rook Jr. But that's about violence, I think the focus here is about sex crimes. Speaking about sex crimes there was a teacher who was arrested for sex related crimes, namely child pornography.

Even in social media there's people with pedophilia feelings, I still remember that one dude who calls himself "the buday" then theres the dude whom girl's refer to as the teenage heartthrob who pretty much seduces girls to do anything for him, didn't work for some tho.

What I think or I thinking everyone thinks this too. There's no way to tell who is a baddie. Also sex is being used as a weapon when sexual assault and other things.

But yeah, with how things are, it will be even worse when me and people my age finish high school and go on to finish college, but even then, in high school, there's a lot of immoral peeps, especially some of the seniors and what happened at their prom. 

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On 7/11/2019 at 11:51 AM, BillyTheKid46 said:

That goes to show, those who thought internet was a good idea without first thinking the mayhem it would cause later in life by unscrupulous people. The devil doesn’t sleep.


Those that wish to inflict harm will find a way through the internet. The black web is proof of that! VPN was to keep prying eyes like corporate and government from being too invasive. That hasn't stopped Microsoft, Apple, NSA, Interpol!


The internet is like an untamed dog. It is also random and meme worthy stock'd.

A lot of people do a lot of bad stuff on the internet, even outside of it. At my high school, there were alot of bad people doing imoral things, seniors did something very disgusting at their prom and there is this one girl and her cliq that were trying to seduce some of the guy students, they tried it on me too. I even told the girl that I am not interested, but she was persistent, I even mentioned I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and she teased me and mocked why Christian's forgive one another, she said she always pray for forgiveness if she did something bad, and said I can do the same, from that, I just left then ofc, on social media she had quite the message for people who reject her even me, her other comments was wanting to be in the spotlight and others of her laughing and thinking taking someone's virginity was like a trophy and people dap her up for that, one of my boys, she seduced easily, and after his dad found out he was very angry, and the fact we don't see him at school was probably due to his dad removing him, and ofc the girl.

 Another situation, I dunno how there was no coach or teacher present, this girl paraded into the boy's locker room for literally 2 minutes before sneaking out when someone said the teacher was coming. And ofc those against it didn't speak up because the people who followed the girl praised her pretty much. 

As much as I HATE high school I am just powering through it. And that was just sophomore year, junior year is next. 

As immoral as this girl is what she doesn't realize, and her friends, that all those pictures she is throwing up publically, there's probably a pedo somewhere that is collecting it. But yeah, when it comes to social media, immoral conduct is higher and alot of young peeps hide or conceal it.

And theres streaming.... That's a whole other can of worms.

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@Equivocation The High School experience from 90s onward there has been a massive change, especially when it comes the introduction of new tech and society's adaption to vast changes.

This is one of my biggest hatred for false teachings concerning mainstream Christianity. For those who claim to be Christian will simply think they can get away with misdeeds.

But yes, streaming is also at err. Parents do not realize of what live stream their child is watching, for a majority of 6-13 year old are watching streamer, prominently, women streamers, for they are easily subdued by outward appearance, more so, said streamers, female ones known as E-girls, to which these young people are slaving over, even going about as giving money to them, as is with men without moral. An example would be the streamer named Imane Anys otherwise known as Pokimane. One of the kids I speak to mentioned to me once that she recalls seeing a stream whereas a child was speaking inappropriately with her. I will not get into detail of what he said for I am keeping it PG, but all that can be said that it was not good, even though she told him to stop, but this is just one out of many instances, and the more up the change you go, the more sexual charged things get with the female streamers; whom are somewhat protected by a company that even bans people for doing inappropriate things, unless you make them cash.

That is the kind of world we live in, and even Twitter and Facebook have double standers. Another situation would be children speaking about sexual immorality in a way that will cause you not to think and or sleep properly at night - it was THAT bad.

That being said, the parents fail in this sense when it comes to guiding the children, for as in the case with Pokimane and the 12 year old boy, where is the boy's parents? (some parents are ignorant in this case even be provoked when asked in this domain) Likewise, his friends are the same granted by his language, for the parents have no family structure of which God has put in place in regards to his Order of things.

No family structure, means, any badness can come in at a minor level and slowly grow into something majority and unpredictable, hence continue to plant the seeds of sin and allowing it to grow will cause problems.

The internet is like an untamed dog, yes, more so, eventually there will be a time whereas, no, to some degree it is as such and is increasing to the point of an 1984 Orwellian reality.

There is nothing you can do expect to give counsel, to encourage in a positive light, to lead, and to prevent, and give example from God's Word. In the end, it is up to them to make the decision, for this is what can be said - We give you truth, do what you will with it.

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