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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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57 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


... remember the original question ... and the stated topic of this thread ?

If we wander far-afield I will remember some really long shaggy dog stories!

You wouldn't want THAT, would you?


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Forgot to use this scripture in my first post.

Reason we go to meetings and conventions and assemblies (apparently these two are not synonyms)

(Hebrews 10:24, 25) And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, 25 not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.

Plain and simple.

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3 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

OK, great! Go ahead. Going to music now - have to perform a little piece.

Always happy to learn things like this about people. Without details, I can imagine anything from from music lessons to a professional recital hall.

I think I mentioned once that I played a harmonica at the District Assemblies (aka Summer Conventions), not an instrument one would normally associate with the assembly orchestra. (In fact, we currently associate no instruments with assembly orchestras.) We also don't have choirs anymore. My parents met each other in the volunteer portion of a convention choir. In the early 1950's there was always a core choir assigned from past volunteers, and then they would often invite more volunteers, if they wished, to join them in a section up close to the actual orchestra/choir.

Hey! Maybe we should create a section for posting "Kingdom Songs," or other songs.

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Remember the song in the old pink shirt cardboard songbook,  that I used to call the "Let's drag the stones to the Pyramid" song?  I forget the name ...

 Bum dee dee BUM de de,  BUM BUM BUM dum bum.

BUM de de BUM de de bum dum dum dum DUM.

Bum de de, Bum de de DUM,  DUM ....

... etc.

I miss that song ....


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Memory fails me .... I was always visualizing it as a kettle drum dirge to drag 200 ton stones by .... the predominate musical instrument being a kettle drum being played by a guy that used to work on a Roman Galley ship to time the pulls for slave rowers.

... then I would visualize the slaves rowing the Roman Galley, and amid the booming drum cadence, one slave would yell out "Yoo Hoo! ...Yoo Hoo! ....  I have a blister!".


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2 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I don't think so... but memory fails me .... I was always visualizing it as a dirge to drag 200 ton stones by ....

I realized it didn't quite fit your cadence, and I tried to erase my comment in time, but you were too quick. Now I wish I could put back my post with the bad guess, so that your comment would make more sense.

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