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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Of course, there was that "God-damned" snake in the grass back in Eden. It was cursed to crawl on the ground and lick the dust with its [forked] tongue. Then there were those pigs that allowed th

Law of diminishing returns is also a fundamental principle in Economics, not only Engineering.  And you talking money already. But remember you go to meeting every week and you don't  necessarily

Next week DV I will know, and will tell you.    Maybe this time your children will learn something that will show them the need to visit more often and to process information so they practice god

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10 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Why the changed it or got rid of it is a mystery to me.

Not much change. It's now 61. It's had a long history, and used to have a few extra measures in it (1950 Songbook) that were considered too repetitive for the 1966 Songbook, and it made it much harder to sing back then.

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35 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I  do not remember hearing it since the 1966 (pink cardboard {?}) songbook.  Same cadence? ( I cannot read music ... )

Almost exactly the same. It was recently song 17 in the 2009 Songbook, when the words were changed again (to what they are now). That was to simplify singing with a new rule that every syllable had to have its own note, just to avoid "slurring" a syllable over two or more notes. But musically, it's still very similar to the original version. (Written by a German brother during or very shortly after the WWII persecution there, where he served time in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in 1942.)




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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This was important to me as I had to work long hours to afford to finance their explorations and socialization, which I thought was important ... Convention nearby would cost about $200 a day, times three days, so that would be $600.


Kids cost an arm and a leg to raise. Two of them will disable you for life.

13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Perhaps I am just asking for some encouragement 

Okay. I’ll approach it in that spirit.

13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I think you defeat yourself looking at it this way. The Bible is a finite book. You have been reading it for 70 years. Just what do you expect to learn that is new?

There are three assembly events in modern times. There were three assembly events, connected with the festivals, in ancient times. What did they learn then that was new? Why did they go?

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2 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There are three assembly events in modern times. There were three assembly events, connected with the festivals, in ancient times. What did they learn then that was new? Why did they go?

My best guess is that they went for religious instruction, establishing new trade contacts, keeping a deep-ended gene pool by people from widely disparate gene pools intermarrying, discussion of crops, national and local security issues,  showing and trading and selling livestock, preparing military strategy,  gossip and news, feasting, dancing, drinking, singing, playing music and feasting and giving and recieving open hospitality, demonstrating and learning shop craft and other trade and domestic skills, and making new friends, ... to give a partial list.

It was an Assembly TO FESTIVAL ... probably with a LOT of mutton and fried chicken, and wine.

They had to WALK where they went, with few exceptions, and were not inclined to go anywhere for frivolous reasons, or to waste ANY opportunity for ANY kind of advancement... or to have a wholesome party.

Life was too short ... and too hard!

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5 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It is exactly that way with modern assemblies, assuming you brownbag the mutton and chicken, and hold the wine.

I would certainly be interested in seeing a copy of THAT Assembly Program Brochure !

The point I am TRYING to make ... is that all the things I mentioned were PART of the official agenda! They were PLANNED that way !

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13 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:



This is second hand information, and I can't say it is "new".  Perhaps it is new in the way it is presented, especially under a convention entitled "Love Never Fails".    I was hoping you may shed some truth to it, since you are taking notes.  

The "rumor" is, JWs are being told they shouldn't form an emotional attachment to their pets; that it is "foolish because they don't have feelings or emotions".  

If it is true that the leaders of the WT have stated this, why would anyone trust anything else these men say about love?  

 "So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand. "  Gen 9:1,2

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