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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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14 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Are all the talks at assemblies just outlines given to brothers to make up the talks ? 

I know that Public talks for Sunday meetings are just outlines from the GB / Org and the elders make up a talk from the outline. That will mean that every time that same outline is used, the actual talk will be different, at different KH.

If assembly talks are the same type of thing then every assembly will have same outline but the elders/brothers will actually have made up a different talk.  What I'm saying is that at each assembly within that year the talk may be completely different depending how the brother uses the outline. It will not be word for word the same at every assembly. 

Hence what may be said at one assembly may not be said at another assembly. Well that is my line of reasoning, so tell me if I'm wrong.  


As far as I know, there are strict outlines that are closely adhered to, and from my experience of conventions, the same talks by different brothers sound pretty much alike. Not word for word of course, otherwise it wouldn't be an outline but a script. But the likely hood of them sounding completely different is unlikely. That is not to say some elder couldn't slip in his own ideas, something he maybe feels passionately about.  Especially at a KH.  This happens very rarely now though, and especially not at conventions. I remember one elder years ago, had something against Teenage Ninja Turtles, and counseled parents in his talk about how it was not appropriate for a Christian to allow their children to play with those toys. You know that was NOT in the outline. Nevertheless, there were parents that made their kids throw away all their treasured Ninja Turtles.... talk about imposing your own conscience on others! This is one reason why the outlines now have become very specific, and have to be strictly followed, so that this kind of thing does not happen.

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You are world class!  I performed for the adults in the little piano school I go to, but you performed for the world!  It pleased me mightily! The teacher is a young woman about 30,  but she is  professionally trained and has the insight of a 60 year old. She was helping us to get over our fear of performing. That was my second performance. The first one was at a nice new school on a new piano. It was held in February. Audience of about 200.  I played Hungarian Rhapsody Theme.  Yesterday  was just an end of term performance so we could help our peers get over performance fears.  I played Black Forest Polka and a piece I used to play when I was eleven in key of G. They were astounded I could still remember it although I never had the book with it. It was owned by the teacher. She would let me play from that book for a change. 

"If you don't recognize the tune, it never made the cut for Kingdom Songs."  Too funny!  I enjoyed it so much that although I know the piece, I can't  write the  name of it.   Sounds like Bach.  My preferred kind of music is classical, so you did well.

Hi JWI, Funny but I am still playing Kingdom Songs from the big brown 1984 book. (And my copy still looks new) They are about seven songs in there that I used to play well  (13, 14,15 , 17 and 201) and I have just continued where I left off. In the new book I am working on  No 43 - A Prayer of Thanks and 115 Gratitude for Divine Patience which I also used to play before. I pick the ones where the music is simpler. I rather play in C than with four flats or sharps. The best one is 15 Life without End - At Last! No. 15 in the old book in the key of C.   In the new book it is in Aflat major I think with four flats.  I sometimes turn the function key from piano to Pipe (Church) Organ and pretend to be an organist. Some brothers are prejudiced to the organ, so I play it for myself. These new electric pianos can sound like almost any instrument by just the touch of a switch.  Love of music is God-given and he is not against music, but everything must be put in its place. 

I decided to continue my music as it is said to help the brain. If you don't use it you lose it.   Music helps us to use a part of the brain that is not frequently used.  It also helps to build a high level of discipline, listening ability, appreciation, tolerance and other good qualities.  Look up the benefits.  They have also come across quite a few Alzheimers persons who can still play although they are not very functional otherwise. So that says something. It helps one also to be able to enjoy oneself when alone. So don't put the harmonica back into the case, do a little practise every day.  Hope to post something if I get it recorded. Like you and Anna,  I like Bible study, language, fine art and music. 

If they put me in prison rest assured I will sing not Dee Dum Bum Bum  , but "Firm and Determined in this Time of the End... from "Forward You Witnesses!" 29 in 1984 book. Was singing it since  the 1950s, so don't think that is coming out of my brain now. I will simply read  and sing the new words but the old words are etched there for good.  (Let Rook know)


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26 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

I decided to continue my music as it is said to help the brain. If you don't use it you lose it.   Music helps us to use a part of the brain that is not frequently used.  It also helps to build a high level of discipline, listening ability, appreciation, tolerance and other good qualities. 

I agree. My mum plays the piano, well, I should say played. She and her husband moved to a small more manageable flat (they had a big house before) but she couldn't take her piano with her as it would never fit. I am trying to encourage her to at least get a keyboard so she keeps her hand/brain coordination fresh, and all the other things you mention. I will bring it up again!

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30 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

You are world class!

Ha ha! I should repost it, just to prove how much you are exaggerating. Harmonica starts to become second nature to breathing if you play it enough, but I hadn't played in literally years, and I noticed that it was no longer second nature.

Hungarian Rhapsody, I've heard, very nice. The polka I didn't know until looking it up just now. Looks like a polka that could easily be used in old western movies, in a honky-tonk tavern, especially by adding in a bit more "stride" style to it.

30 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

Hi JWI, Funny but I am still playing Kingdom Songs from the big brown 1984 book. (And my copy still looks new) They are about seven songs in there that I used to play well  (13, 14,15 , 17 and 201)

I'm thinking we should add a topic called Kingdom Songs, and we could attract more people to add their own keyboard, violin, harmonica, ocarina, recorder/flute, guitar, etc., just to focus on the simple ones at first. Maybe more people, young ones especially, would take more of an interest in the music. I notice a lot less singing coming from the young ones (and everyone) these days.

30 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

I rather play in C than with four flats or sharps.

Absolutely. Although with a chromonica, you can just play as you normally would in C and keep a single button pressed in for the key of C#/Db. It sharps every note a half step.

30 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

If they put me in prison rest assured I will sing not Dee Dum Bum Bum  , but "Firm and Determined in this Time of the End... from "Forward You Witnesses!" 29 in 1984 book. Was singing it since  the 1950s, so don't think that is coming out of my brain now.

LOL! I can't remember the words from the 1950 version of that song anymore. But I did have trouble with the transition to fewer measures in '66. And it was not the only song that changed a bit, mostly words. But we also lost some nice songs from the '50 that still stick with me. But, then again, I was only 9 in '66 and I suspect you were already 10. 😉

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3 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Hence what may be said at one assembly may not be said at another assembly. Well that is my line of reasoning, so tell me if I'm wrong.  

They are outlines at the assemblies and conventions, but they are so tightly packed that it is barely possible to deviate or ramble. Most convention talks these days are but 10 minutes in length, and that often includes a video.

Public talks at the Kingdom Hall are 30 minutes in length. The aim is to follow the outline supplied, but there is more room for expounding, illustrating, personalization, etc.

Mess up a Kingdom Hall talk and you may live to do another one. Mess up an assembly talk and you are not likely to be assigned another.

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3 hours ago, Anna said:

Awww I missed that! I would have liked to hear it. I wonder if he will send it in a PM

I didn't re-post the little Bach piece, but I did start a place for anyone to post some Kingdom Song performances. So far it includes two Kingdom Songs: 115 and 42. ("Gratitude for Divine Patience" and "The Prayer of God's Servant") Both in harmonica, though, not exactly an easy-listening instrument.)


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16 hours ago, Anna said:

There is a lot of information to sift through though, so I am wondering if anywhere, it could be in the symposium: "Creation reveals God's love"; Animals.

Fortunately for us, this was addressed many years ago in a Watchtower QUESTIONS FROM READERS.

Many have considered this fake, but a close reading in it's entirety shows it does follow every norm of reason and logic that we are used to, so you should carefully decide, for yourself.

This is a photo that you can download.


Are Cats For Christians   .jpg

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