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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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But then again, what are pets, but entertainment for humans?

I once talked with a man who hated all pets, because they served no function.  I pointed out that mine were entertainers.

Sometimes,....late  at night ... when the house gets quiet and my five dogs and 18 chickens are sleeping, I pause for a moment and wonder ...


... then I might have a glass of milk, have a few cookies, and go to bed.

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5 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

But then again, what are pets, but entertainment for humans?

Now you’ve got it. My own mutt has become quite the songwriter: 

(Sung to the tune of Love Potion #9)

I took my appetite to Madame Mew,
You know that neighbor cat that’s been taboo.
She’s got a pad and she’s setting up so fine,
but what she doesn’t know is
for my dinner she’ll be mine.

I told her that I was a reformed bitch.
I hadn’t eaten cat since 96.
She looked at me suspiciously but then she changed her mine,
she said ‘You seem a changed dog,
and that suits me just fine.

She lay down and turned around and I gave a wink.
I said ‘I’m gonna eat this cat with ketchup, I think,’
I knew that when I made my move she’d raise quite a stink.
I held my nose, I closed my eyes,
but then I blinked:

I didn’t know if it was day or night,
She screeched and scratched at everything in sight,
but when she caught my snout, then I nearly lost my mind.
I said ‘I’ll leave this cat alone,
clear till the end of time.

Clear till the end of ti-hi-hi-hi-hime,
clear till the end of time.

(Don’t try to revive your singing career with this, old  boy. The mutt will sue in a heartbeat. He is the most litigious dog I have ever owned.)


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7 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

Looking forward to hear what is going to be said about animals/pets at the assembly. 

Have you heard that this is one of the topics?

I hope it is not as cringeworthy as having children donate their ice cream money, and Bro Anthony "Tight Pants Tony" buying a shopping cart full of top shelf Scotch Whiskey.

Perhaps they want the dog food money also?

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9 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

... in an earlier age, I would have had an "emotional support" Tyrannosaurus Rex, and my therapy would have been watching him eat Lawyers.

Even you are going totally off your own topic, but you are funny. 

We have cats. They want food and that's all.  They must have joined me in the lack of love thing i have going on. :)  

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49 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I hope it is not as cringeworthy as having children donate their ice cream money,

This is a reference to a Caleb and Sophia video which would be seen as praiseworthy were it for any other cause.

If Sophia had had an epiphany and donated her ice cream money to the ‘world hunger fund,’ or the ‘world peace fund,’ or the ‘save the planet fund’ or the ‘animal rescue fund’ or almost any charitable fund, the video would be lauded. It represents training a child that not everything is about her, and that used to be seen as a good thing.

It is only because the malcontents here despise the Witness organization dedicated to the relief of ‘spiritual hunger’ that this video is so attacked. Were it for anything else, it would be lauded.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It represents training a child that not everything is about her, and that used to be seen as a good thing.

Exactly. Plus, it's not as if Sofia will never have any ice cream again @James Thomas Rook Jr.. You of all people should agree with that type of upbringing, in a world where the kids think the world owes them. Parents need to do society a favor and read the latest Awake: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no2-2019-jul-aug/



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