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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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Of course, there was that "God-damned" snake in the grass back in Eden. It was cursed to crawl on the ground and lick the dust with its [forked] tongue. Then there were those pigs that allowed th

Law of diminishing returns is also a fundamental principle in Economics, not only Engineering.  And you talking money already. But remember you go to meeting every week and you don't  necessarily

Next week DV I will know, and will tell you.    Maybe this time your children will learn something that will show them the need to visit more often and to process information so they practice god

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4 minutes ago, Anna said:

Exactly. Plus, it's not as if Sofia will never have any ice cream again @James Thomas Rook Jr.. You of all people should agree with that type of upbringing, in a world where the kids think the world owes them.

And to think that the old boy laments that his ‘loyal Watchtower’ kids do not visit him, when he devotes his entire life to ridiculing and undermining that which they most hold dear. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

And to think that the old boy laments that his ‘loyal Watchtower’ kids do not visit him, when he devotes his entire life to ridiculing and undermining that which they most hold dear. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


I do not lament it .... it is exactly what I taught them from Kindergarten on, .... get on with your life, and never look back.

I had hoped they would be on their way to the stars, by now.  

I do find that it does clash with "Love Never Fails", since they are NOT spacefarers.

If there is anybody to blame .... it is NASA.



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6 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:
25 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

And to think that the old boy laments that his ‘loyal Watchtower’ kids do not visit him, when he devotes his entire life to ridiculing and undermining that which they most hold dear. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

I do not lament it .... it is exactly what I taught them from Kindergarten .... get on with your life, and never look back.


In that case, the answer is to cry, even if he is not sensible enough to cry along.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is a reference to a Caleb and Sophia video which would be seen as praiseworthy were it for any other cause.

If Sophia had had an epiphany and donated her ice cream money to the ‘world hunger fund,’ or the ‘world peace fund,’ or the ‘save the planet fund’ or the ‘animal rescue fund’ or almost any charitable fund, the video would be lauded. It represents training a child that not everything is about her, and that used to be seen as a good thing.

It is only because the malcontents here despise the Witness organization dedicated to the relief of ‘spiritual hunger’ that this video is so attacked. Were it for anything else, it would be lauded.

No, if it was any other organisation it would be seen as begging for money. It would be seen as cheesy and praying on young children. 

But JW's HAVE to support everything their bosses tell them to. Keep worshipping your GB Tom.  

As for relief of ‘spiritual hunger’ that is super funny, because the GB cannot even get 'spiritual food' right. Remember Tom your GB ARE NOT inspired and they tend to ERR (tell lies). 

Remember those books that we all used to study and believe, that are now not even spoken about because the GB feel shame about even allowing them to be studied. Those books that are now banned. And those magazines from the past that are now so embarrassing to the GB and it's Org. Well those are the type of things that you and others want children to give their money for. Take money from your children and spend it on writing fairy tales and LIES. 

Tom, your GB do not know the truth. They do not write the truth. They guess and tell lies. They make it up as they go along. Do you really want children to contribute to that ? It is bad enough that those children have to go to meetings and listen to it. 

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39 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Maybe removed from KH libraries too ? Some actually written by brothers that were later disfellowshipped ? 

In many halls the very library itself can no longer be found. So there are no older books, just a shelf for current (but used) Bibles and Songbooks that folks left accidentally. But it's true that the out of print books are not banned. Just harder to find, such as Aid to Bible Understanding and Commentary on the Letter of James. But if it were not well known which writer wrote a specific book, and it usually isn't, then there was no need to remove those books. The need to replace the Aid book with Insight began in a hurry after R.Franz became known as the head writer, through his own admission in Crisis of Conscience, but most the entries are still exactly verbatim what was in the Aid book. But they still haven't replaced "Choosing the Best Way of Life" and it's still available on the Watchtower Library CD, and wol.jw.org.

There are books that make us cringe, and those who ask specific questions about anything prior to 1970 will probably be looked at as if they are losing faith in the organization. Don't try to ask if anyone knows of anything still good in the Finished Mystery book, for example.

There is still a lot of good information in some of the books and magazines prior to 1970, but most anything useful has been repeated, or updated/corrected in more recent books and magazines. Also, I have some memos I was going to share here once that showed that in assigning topics, the head of Writing had a kind of rule that every topic would be revisited before 20 years were up. So if a topic hadn't been touched in a while, you might at least see it updated, for example, in 1939, 1958, 1977 (and 1996, 2015 if they still kept the "policy" going).

A couple of big changes that make a lot of books up to even 2000 obsolete is the fact that we no longer make a prophecy out of parables and narrative portions of the Bible. This doesn't make the good counsel obsolete, but usually it means that this counsel now applies to everybody, not just a specific class. (i.e., Shulammite class, Haman class, Esther class, Elijah class, Elisha class, Ruth class, Naomi class, Jehu class, Jezebel class, Jeremiah class, Jonadab class, Samaritan class, Prodigal Son's Brother's class, etc.)

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

In that case, the answer is to cry, even if he is not sensible enough to cry along.

If you want to cry at what is real .... knock yourself out. I have told the story many times on the Archive of the Daddy Bird rescuing his three baby birds from a river island about to be completely flooded.  I told that story to my children individually, at least a dozen times, each.

This is a variation of that story ;

"A bird once set out to cross a windy sea with its three fledglings. The sea was so wide and the wind so strong, the father bird was forced to carry his young, one by one, in his strong claws. 

When he was half-way across with the first fledgling, the wind turned to a gale, and he said, “My child, look how I am struggling and risking my life in your behalf. When you are grown up, will you do as much for me and provide for my old age?”  The fledgling replied, “Only bring me to safety, and when you are old I shall do everything you ask of me.” Whereat the father bird dropped his child into the sea and it drowned, and he said, “So shall it be done to such a liar as you.”
Then the father bird returned to shore, set forth with his second fledgling, asked the same question, and receiving the same answer, drowned the second child with the cry, “You, too, are a liar!”
Finally he set out with the third fledgling, and when he asked the same question, the third and last fledgling replied, “My dear father it is true you are struggling mightily and risking your life in my behalf, and I shall be wrong not to repay you when you are old, but I cannot bind myself. This though I can promise: when I am grown up and have children of my own, I shall do as much for them as you have done for me.” Whereupon the father bird said, “Well spoken, my child, and wisely; your life I will spare and I will carry you to shore in safety.”
"Tough Love" is more of a necessity when you do not have opposable thumbs.
Love Never Fails.


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4 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

bird once set out to cross a windy sea with its three fledglings. The sea was so wide and the wind so strong, the father bird was forced to carry his young, one by one, in his strong claws. 

When he was half-way across with the first fledgling, the wind turned to a gale, and he said, “My child, look how I am struggling and risking my life in your behalf. When you are grown up, will you do as much for me and provide for my old age?”  The fledgling replied, “Only bring me to safet

Put this in a readable font and I will look at it

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