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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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9 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Books that have gone out of print are not “banned.”

Yeah, because GB in USA is not like Russian's Judges who banned "problematic" books, no matter when were printed :))))

But i can see how JW Library do not have all WT Society publications printed from 1879. What is problem? Servers? IT network, Infrastructure? Cloud Storage? :))) 

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3 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But i can see how JW Library do not have all WT Society publications printed from 1879. What is problem? Servers? IT network, Infrastructure? Cloud Storage? :))) 

There were two problems:

1.) The Governing Body did not want to digitize everything as due to space requirements that  all text would have to be in lower case letters, and

2.) At the computer workstations  the mouses' cursors would bump into the edges of the monitors, and it would require building mouse pad extensions.

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Can't follow the discussion no more - too high for me.   Just consider this exhortation.

13 But wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse, misleading and being misled. 14 You, however, continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from whom you learned them 15 and that from infancy you have known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

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6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But i can see how JW Library do not have all WT Society publications printed from 1879. What is problem? Servers? IT network, Infrastructure? Cloud Storage? :))) 

I cannot see why General Mills does not have all the food products that they have manufactured since 1879. What is the problem? What is with those liars, anyway?

Too often when the scoundrels come up with something that they think will make Witnesses squirm, we accept their premise.  In most cases, we should question it. Look at it very closely. It is often wrong.

In this case it is that “spiritual food” should not change. Why should it not? It represents the light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight, as in Proverbs 4:18. When you are “keeping on the watch” in light that is not so good, you see a lot of things that turn out to be wrong.

This is not true if you are sitting on your rear end, not “keeping on the watch.” It is not true if one expects spiritual things to be delivered like Santa Claus delivers presents. But if one gets the sense of verses such as 1 Peter 1:10 about diligent inquiries, careful searches, keep on investigating, or Matthew 24–“let the reader use discernment”—then it is true. If one is doing what Jesus says, “Keep on the watch” in light that is insufficient, then it happens.

It’s when people tire of it all that they start to log all the misses and near-misses. It is no more complicated than “Demas has forsaken me because he loved the present system of things” spun as though he is embarking on a lofty search for eye-opening truth. There is no reason that spiritual food should not change.

“Spiritual food” resembles physical food in that it exists to be consumed. It powers you for the moment. It has a shelf life. Who here has items of physical food on the shelf from 50 years ago? It serves its purpose and it is gone.

If General Mills stops selling Wheaties, it is not a conspiracy. It is not a ban on Wheaties. It is simply providing food more relevant to the present age. So it is with spiritual food. If HQ instructed ones to destroy all copies of the Aid book, for example, that would be a ban. But they don’t. They simply let things go out of print that are no longer relevant. 

6 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

But i can see how JW Library do not have all WT Society publications printed from 1879. What is problem? Servers? IT network, Infrastructure? Cloud Storage? :))) 

Because infantile people who have tired of “keeping on the watch” because they have come to “love the present system of things” and who want to spin their previous “wasted” years as the fault of those who “misled” them, scour past publications to see anything that has changed and feed it into a wrong premise that it should not.

They don’t do it with any other field of knowledge. They don’t do it with matters of science, which also reaches wrong conclusions and finds itself backing out of cul-de-sacs, or which hangs on to wrong conclusions for the longest time due to pure human stubbornness or greed. As much as half of what is currently published in medical journals is wrong, say the editors of some of them—let alone what was published in the past. They don’t go back (or even stay in the present) to criticize that.





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Science is constantly changing ... yes ... and physics and chemistry and nuclear science, astronomy and everything else becomes more refined as time goes on.

But when a scientific fact or principle is discovered or refined, they do not attribute the constant changes to inspiration from God, direction from God, and authority from God TO ENFORCE THOSE NEW CONCEPTS, under threat of banishment to Coventry.

A good example is the United States Marines .... everyone is flawed, and sometimes even more so the Officers ... and the work they do involves sacrifice, and life, and death.


The same holds true with physicists, chemists, quantum scientists, astronomers, and a host of other's who learn as they go along.

BUT THEY DO NOT CLAIM AUTHORITY FROM ALMIGHTY GOD ...  and on the basis of that claim, collect sycophants, minions, and piles and piles of free money!

Those claiming authority and direction, and guidance from God, and have the power to ruin your life if you do not agree with them, MUST be held to a higher standard ....  or with a religiously inspired revelation and with great joy and happiness ..... we drink the grape kool-aid.



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22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


Sometimes they do. Sometimes they wear belt buckles announcing that “God is With Us.” Sometimes they say, “God and Country!” and “My country—right or wrong!” Sometimes they see a cross in the sky and lead soldiers to their death on that basis.

22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


That’s because the ones most revered in popular press today do not believe in God. Duh.


22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Those claiming authority and direction, and guidance from God, and have the power to ruin your life 

The only one who can “ruin your life” is you. Give it a rest, will you?

Many are the ones who have let me down in my life. The most notable one is me. You pick up the pieces, thank God for the “discipline,” and move on. It makes you a better person if you are not constantly bellyaching at how others have “ruined your life.”

22 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

we drink the grape kool-aid.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are a cult if and only if the Bible is a cult manual. The modern organization practices the discipline as best they can that is laid out in that book.

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

“Spiritual food” resembles physical food in that it exists to be consumed. It powers you for the moment. It has a shelf life. 

Since when would truth coming from God through Christ, which is spiritual food that imparts eternal life…have a “shelf life”?   John 14:6

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”  John 15:16

What is received from God regarding spiritual knowledge is a “gift”.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.  James 1:17

The “fruit” produced by the apostles has lasted.  The teachings by all faithful anointed since, would be based on this lasting fruit.  The opening of the scrolls of Revelation is the culmination of this lasting fruit; enhanced, with nothing previously known to be discarded.   

Yes, Watchtower’s spiritual food apparently has a shelf life, which is what JWs are accustom to.  If we apply the knowledge Christ gave us in the scriptures, we then realize…

1.     The GB members are not appointed by God and Christ

2.     Which makes them false “christs”/prophets

3.     Who have deceived the “elect” in the last days.  Matt 24:24

If you believe that spiritual food was meant to have a temporary shelf life, then you are calling both God and Christ, liars.  

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”  Matt 4:4

I would hope some JW would consider these scriptures the next time they hear that "Jehovah" is providing nourishing spiritual food through the "faithful and discreet slave".  



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