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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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I'm curious how the convention grapples with 1 John 4:18:

 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

In a haven of well-practiced "punishment", does love exist?  In such an environment, would fear not exist?


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On 7/8/2019 at 3:56 PM, Melinda Mills said:

I am trying to find out what was really said about animals, but it seems I will have to wait, if it is really on the programme. So far what was hinted at or rumoured according to Witness does not sound plausible.

(Anna just reminded me that I promised to post what I heard.)

This is what I understood the speaker to say: Don't elevate animals to status of man. Man was made in God's image and has the ability to love, appreciate wisdom, reasoning, music and poetry and worship. Animals can't do that.  The speaker also cited the  Leona Hemsley  and what she left in her will for her dog (and to have him buried beside her). He said to show love to our great God, Jehovah. Jehovah will provide for us as he provides for the birds who are assured of confident eating ( Matt 6:26).

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3 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

This is what I understood the speaker to say: Don't elevate animals to status of man. Man was made in God's image and has the ability to love, appreciate wisdom, reasoning, music and poetry and worship. Animals can't do that.  The speaker also cited the  Leona Hemsley  and what she left in her will for her dog (and to have him buried beside her). He said to show love to our great God, Jehovah. Jehovah will provide for us as he provides for the birds who are assured of confident eating ( Matt 6:26).

Seems pretty reasonable to me.

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Thank you, @Melinda Mills for finding this out.  Now I know what the hullabaloo is all about.  

"Man was made in God's image and has the ability to love, appreciate wisdom, reasoning, music and poetry and worship. Animals can't do that."

If animals have the ability to be fearful, joyful, loyal, even hateful, they certainly have the ability to show love - deep affection for another animal or human.

I had a cat that would settled down in front of the stereo speaker to listen to classical music as soon as it began.  There must have been some sort of appreciation there, in the form of contentment or pleasure. 




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47 minutes ago, Melinda Mills said:

Man was made in God's image and has the ability to love, appreciate wisdom, reasoning, music and poetry and worship. Animals can't do that.

Speaker missing to tell some things. Animals has not ability to do things as humans, but if God created them, He incorporated some qualities similar to humans. Or same as to humans but on different level. Searching for food, or even growing and collect food, creating family and offspring, care of them, fight for survive, showing affection to same and other species, etc. Cows give more milk after listening classical music :))) Speaker didn't done enough research on subject.

1 hour ago, Melinda Mills said:

Don't elevate animals to status of man.

Don't elevate humans to status of gods :))))   

Message has same principle, but speaker, i guess, missed to highlight and used The Same Principle and to made Parallel Lesson about same trap in spiritual interaction inside congregations and WT Society. 



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Concerning "Animals being given undo importance" ....

We are very fragile, big ugly bags of mostly water and require a LOT of things :of the world to stay alive, and healthy, and emotionally stable.

I have 16 pet chickens ( two died of heat exhaustion, from being run around the yard by my dogs, after flying out of their temporary enclosure, and I buried them this morning in the yard with little plastic pipe "tombstones" which I melted into the side with a soldering iron their names and date of death, which was yesterday).

And yet ... when I die, I do not care if I am just left where I fall, or someone puts my remains in a dumpster.

And yet ... today at Golden Corral, my wife and I ate fried chicken, and I pondered "Am I a hypocrite, for loving both live chickens ... and those crispy fried??"

I looked at myself in the mirror, and noticed my eyes are in front (predator), and the chickens' eyes are on the side of their heads (prey), and decided that  that is the natural order of things, and I should just get used to it, without recriminations.

Besides .... "Love Never Fails" .... and when I die, I will probably be too tough to eat, and with the fried  chicken .... it's no one we know.

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4 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Or same as to humans but on different level. Searching for food, or even growing and collect food, creating family and offspring, care of them, fight for survive, showing affection to same and other species, etc. Cows give more milk after listening classical music :))) Speaker didn't done enough research on subject.

I am sure the speaker wouldn't argue with you on that. But the main point remains: animals were not created in God's image, whereas humans were.

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5 hours ago, Witness said:

If animals have the ability to be fearful, joyful, loyal, even hateful, they certainly have the ability to show love - deep affection for another animal or human.

I had a cat that would settled down in front of the stereo speaker to listen to classical music as soon as it began.  There must have been some sort of appreciation there, in the form of contentment or pleasure. 

I had a 5 year or so old Box Turtle ( tortoise, actually) that I rescued from a highway, and as I watched "him", ( and yes, you can tell...) it often occurred to me how ignorant we really are of what they think and feel ... and the colossal arrogance on people's part to assume they think less of their lives than we think of ours.

As I watched "Mr. Henry II", the thought occurred to me that beneath those plated decks might dwell the mind and heart of a great lover, and a consummate mathematician ... all day quietly working on equations for orbital mechanics, or parallel dimensions.

The things I have seen with my own eyes belies the arrogance and cluelessness of  Clergy who worship themselves.

When they pontificate about such things, they declare aloud their incompetence, and lack of credibility.



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15 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

As I watched "Mr. Henry II", the thought occurred to me that beneath those plated decks might dwell the mind and heart of a great lover, and a consummate mathematician ... all day quietly working on equations for orbital mechanics, or parallel dimensions.

You are getting close......awfully close. In fact, close enough. I will solve this baby for you.

Put your ear down to the turtle very very close and say just the right words, and he will explain the overlapping generations to you.

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