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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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You make a LOT of unsupported assertions about Scott Adams, TTH .... but I did notice quite glaringly, is that YOU DID NOT ADDRESS ANY ISSUES THE CARTOON BRINGS UP.





Besides, under United States Copyright Law, it is legal to use someone else's work in it's entirety if it is for the purposes of satire.

That is why Michael Jackson never sued Weird Al Yankovich for using his music in its entirety to Jackson's "Beat It", for Yankovich's production of "Eat It"

If there is not already the label of "Third Person Ad-Hominum Attack", I am creating it here, just to have a label of your invoking the personage of Scott Adams to divert the discussion from issues that really matter!, to try and castigate me.

The issues I highlighted are what is important! ... not me ripping off  today's Dilbert Cartoon, which I did, and it is quite legal to do.

Sigh ..... now I have to try and find a cartoon of someone that looks like you, that I can redo as the lovable but agenda driven character "TTom Ad Hominum".

...you, like my 18 chickens, are fun to watch .... but a LOT of trouble.


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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is not to say that JTR is one of those who want to “kill the [Jehovah’s Witness] body.” He is more like the one who saws off the branch on which he sits, confident that only good can come of it. 

To save this particular wholesome tree with a diseased branch, I would indeed saw off the branch on which I sit ... and as I fell to my death, would be happy that the tree would live.

I have done it before, and lived through it.

Wanna zee mah skars?

Better still .... go to YouTube and watch the  episode of the old TV show "Branded",  titled "McCord's Way" with Chuck Connors playing a disgraced Army Officer.

The last scene even shows the sawed off branch you spoke of, as the survivor rides off into the sunset.



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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You make a LOT of unsupported assertions about Scott Adams, TTH .... but I did notice quite glaringly, is that YOU DID NOT ADDRESS ANY ISSUES THE CARTOON BRINGS UP.





This is because Scott Adams, whose intellectual property you have hijacked for your own dubious cause, does not address them. Zero, zip, nada, goose eggs, youdolt.

2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The issues I highlighted are what is important! ... not me ripping off  today's Dilbert Cartoon, which I did, and it is quite legal to do.

I’m not so sure. At any rate, I didn’t speculate whether Adams would sue. I speculated only about what would he think of your ripping off his work.

2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

That is why Michael Jackson never sued Weird Al Yankovich for using his music in its entirety to Jackson's "Beat It", for Yankovich's production of "Eat It"

It is not the same. Eat it was a satire of Michael Jackson’s own work, Beat it. Your rip -off is not a satire of Scott Adams work, but it is to apply it to an agenda that he probably doesn’t even know of, and if he did, he would more likely side against you that with you for the accurate reasons I stated.

Your use of his work is more analogous to when you release a batch of special brew and label it “Hillybilly Coke,” using the recognized company’s logo for your own personal advantage. Coke will sue your pants off.

To illustrate my point, those who pay attention, should those ones exist, know that I like Bob Dylan and occasionally use his lines in my writing. For example, a byline of TrueTom vs the Apostates! is his line, “The game is the same; it’s just up on another level,” to illustrate how Witnesses now must defend the truth against brand new and unfamiliar attacks—but it is the same truth.

If I take just this line from Bob and apply it to my own purposes, he will not care. But if I rewrite the entire song to reflect my opinions on Witnesses vs their opponents, he may. 

My attacks are ad hominem? And the ones you incessantly make on individuals taking the lead in the present organization, are not? 

Two can play at this infantile game:

Did you hear the news, he said with a grin—[JTR’s] gone mad?

When? Last night. Where? Downtown. Gee, that’s too bad.

Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. I guess its just one of those things we are going to have to forget.”

From: Clothesline Saga, thought to be a parody of Bobby Gentry’s Ode to Billy Jo—with a tragedy more maudlin, not to say ridiculous, than hers, and surrounding conversation more banal, not to say ridiculous, than hers.

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Quote @TrueTomHarley  This is not to say that JTR is one of those who want to “kill the [Jehovah’s Witness] body.” He is more like the one who saws off the branch on which he sits, confident that only good can come of it.

Dear Tom, do you think there are those on here that wish to kill the whole JW Org / Watchtower Soc ? 

I for one do not want to see the complete destruction of JW Org or W/t. I thought I would make that clear to you and everyone else. Only God through Christ will make the judgement of the JW Org and Watchtower soc.  If  God and Christ want those two organisations to stand, then stand they will.  However, to myself and others, it is plain to see that the GB will need replacing or reproving, and the JW Org / W/t will need cleansing. 

The Nation of Israel was shaken about and cleansed many times, but it still stood whilst God wanted to use it. Do you think the JW Org / W/t soc cannot be treated the same way ?  

So will God / Christ put the true Anointed into power in the JW Org / W/t Soc, or will God / Christ completely replace those organisations with a new Org ?  It is not for us to guess or judge. But we do know that ALL false religion has to be destroyed. 

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

For example, a byline of TrueTom vs the Apostates! is his line, “The game is the same; it’s just up on another level,” to illustrate how Witnesses now must defend the truth against brand new and unfamiliar attacks—but it is the same truth.

JW must defend The Same Truth :))))) ..... you mean on today, present, temporary, official in this moment ... truth ?  

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45 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

JW must defend The Same Truth :))))) ..... you mean on today, present, temporary, official in this moment ... truth ?  

We do want to be fair about this Srecko .... since the Watchtower Lawyers and Accountants are now serving as Bishops to the Pope, er...  "helpers" to the Governing Body, and our theology (blood fractions, overlapping generations, and confiscation of all global KH resources, etc.) is being dictated by them, including court cases and the pursuit of Justice .... they may have very legitimate business reasons to , after carefully giving MANY scriptural reasons why "Old Truth" was the word of God, and now with just as many reasons  the "New Truth" is the word of God, to completely rework and redefine our theology.

Give 'em a break now and then !

They are trying to run a global business here with 8 million employees, and they are trying VERY HARD not to use SPECTRE and the organizational acumen of Ernst Stavro Blofeld, affectionally known as "Brother Hans", because as we have read before in the "Questions From Readers", the Governing Body HATES cats.



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@James Thomas Rook Jr. Unfortunately they are not employees however. There focus is the commission in terms of spreading the truth. Reasons why people are seeing more and more JWs on the positive side because of when it comes to the commission, that is the only group they profess in terms of organized religion, more so, when it comes to money, people will point out if the money is in majority used for the commission, they will not see a problem, and this is the general public concerning this faith community.

That being said, if the general public who are not religious sees this, something is indeed taking place. Especially in the face of brazen conduct that is literally through the roof.

They're at 8.5 adherents by the way, and apparently still growing.

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41 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Apparently nothing to those that attended the convention just to take up valuable space.

Well, Billy here is the test to see whether or not you know what you are talking about, or just a pompous, agenda driven, scripture quoting wind bag ...


Hmmmmmmm ?

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Remember the theme of this whole thread ... and that which you, yourself quoted, above?

Where the rubber meets the road .. EVERY TIME you have been challenged ... YOU CHOKE!

Prove me wrong, Billy, or stand CONDEMNED by your own words.

Well, Billy here AGAIN is a real world  test to see whether or not you know what you are talking about, or just a pompous, agenda driven, scripture quoting wind bag ...


Hmmmmmmm ?

That means, you personally, Billy.



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8 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

With all you have said above, TTH, my post is still valid, and you have missed , again, all the important points.

This is like when I “borrowed” Scott Adams’ car to travel to the Odd Duck convention in my fair city so as to make the point that you would be an excellent candidate for this year’s Duck. As I was hauled away in the police cruiser, I hollered. “What about the important points I have raised?”

Your dopey points have been made and addressed countless times on this forum, by me and others, and you didn’t have to hijack Scott’s work so as to run them still  through one more time.

7 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

We do want to be fair about this Srecko

This is the fellow who thinks that you are backward for still believing in God. Not only does he dislike the 85% that you dislike—he dislikes the other 15% as well. An odd ally for you.


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