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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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This is what happens, TTH, when you are so agenda driven with WDS (Watchtower Derangement Syndrome, "The Sword That Cuts BOTH Ways" (tm) ),  that you forget to have your Prescriptions refilled.

To expand on your analogy .... "If it looks like a Duck, walks like a Duck, and sounds like a Duck ..... it's a Duck!"

All that you have stated in the previous post is just quackery.

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21 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:


I learned that Scott Adams is peeved when you bend his work to further your inane and incessant complaints about the Witness organization—complaints that he knows nothing about and would not side with you if he did.

It is inherently more noble to build something than it is to take the wrecking ball to it. Everything about him suggests that he sides with those who build, not those who demolish.

Few Witnesses have any problem with their GB. Most greatly appreciate their work. The line that invariably brings the greatest applause at the Regional Convention is “Would you like to send your greetings to the brothers at Bethel?” Conventioneers look around themselves and everywhere see evidence of that group’s hard work. What! You think that Scott Adams will buy that they clap because they “have to?” No. He knows the machinations of loons when he sees them.

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Just now, TrueTomHarley said:

I learned that Scott Adams is peeved when you bend his work to further your inane and incessant complaints that he knows nothing of and would not side with you if he did.

To avoid the very reasonable assertion that you are delusional, TTH, please tell me, and the audience watching at home, just how you learned that Cartoonist Scott Adams is peeved at me. ( as if I care ... which I do not.)

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3 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

There IS such a thing as paying attention.

Possibly, but there is also such a thing as delusional lying ... and if that is your answer to my challenge, you have just convicted yourself.

Since you were obviously NOT paying attention, I will repeat the challenge .....

5 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

To avoid the very reasonable assertion that you are delusional, TTH, please tell me, and the audience watching at home, just how you learned that Cartoonist Scott Adams is peeved at me..


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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Well, Billy here AGAIN is a real world  test to see whether or not you know what you are talking about, or just a pompous, agenda driven, scripture quoting wind bag ...


Hmmmmmmm ?

That means, you personally, Billy.

You posted NOTHING NEW that you learned at the Convention, Billy ... only quotes from old publications.

You choke EVERY time you are challenged.  It's a wonder you can get enough oxygen to sustain life.

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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is the fellow who thinks that you are backward for still believing in God. Not only does he dislike the 85% that you dislike—he dislikes the other 15% as well. An odd ally for you.

In all of 85% content and in all of 15% content, what i like is honesty and sincerity, everything else is questionable and not impressed me any more :))

When You or any other JW member speak (preach) how we people have to be honest, good, love our neighbor, not to kill, not to lie or about  some other moral quality i can Upvote for that.  If you mean on JW Theology..? .... that is something else and it deserve Downvotes many times. ....... And You already know this :))

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14 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:



Apparently nothing to those that attended the convention just to take up valuable space. That convention was supposed to unite with love, not hate with love. Those members that hate the GB just because they refuse to understand are just wasting their time.

Romans 13:2-4 New International Version (NIV)

Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.


How can you love thy brother that hates another extension of Christ Body. How can the brotherhood unite under such condition? it can't! 😉

Oh dear @BillyTheKid46 That Romans scripture is talking about the Superior Authorities of the world. The secular authorities. It is not talking about the GB or any other religious leader.

Of course we all know that the JW Org / Watchtower deliberately misused that scripture for many years, but even they have got it right now. A shame you haven't got it right though, you must be living in the past. 



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My wife went to the Friday morning session just to please one of her daughters. When my wife came home she said she had learnt that 'wisdom' is bad for you. At least that was what the brother on the platform was saying. 

My wife was most upset by that 'talk' basically saying not to learn anything. Or only learn from the Org. Even she can see how bad the talks are getting. They seem to be really pushing this idea of not getting a good education. 

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