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James Thomas Rook Jr.

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6 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

So, it is now a crime for literature to reflect the morality of the Bible?

No crime TTH. :)) WT Society Literature reflecting, also, various sorts of morality through doctrinal teachings changes. 

Especially this is interesting with flip-flop instructions. In one period of time JW members moral is good under one sort of instruction, but when different, opposite instruction about same thing come to power, than JW members, who lived and made action according to First Instruction, has not been "moral" person in his/her past.  :))     

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... must be some very particular picky eaters to distinguish between "plant plankton" and "animal plankton".....

These are microscopic (or close) animals that are all mixed together in a thin soup.

There is ZERO chance oceanic life can discriminate, any more than if you could discriminate between two different types of tomatoes used in a blended tomato soup... through a straw.

Whales do not eat whales, or dolphins, or sharks, as a general rule.

You do know what a Baleen Whale is, don't you?

If you don't ... please look it up, and THINK about it!


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Quote @TrueTomHarley  This does not happen.

I would not say that it never ever happens

Tom you are sooo funny. Srecko saw it too.   And as for you talking about a JW made / GB made video, well what use is that ?

The GB / JW org make videos for their own purposes, to twist reality.   Children get thrown out of homes regularly, but it should not be that way with JW's.

Even my brother who is an Elder threw his youngest daughter out. She was actually homeless on the streets for a while. She is now happily married, out of the Org, and doing fine. When judgement comes, who knows, Jesus has the authority to judge not us. 

My 25 year old son is a Punk rocker, mohawk hairstyle, leather jacket with rude words all over it,  he even gets two pairs of jeans of different colours and swaps one leg from each to make strange looking jeans, he's getting good at sewing now :). My point is he mixes with a lot of people that live on the streets and many of them were thrown out as teenagers. it's a common thing here in UK, so maybe JW's don't worry about it either, they just do it. 

But when you push a person out into the world you push them into fighting for survival as best they can. A homeless person here in UK, with no address, cannot get a job and cannot claim any benefit. The common thing is, the boys deal drugs, the girls sell themselves, sex for cash. Would you chuck you children out on the streets to live like that ? 

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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Would you chuck you children out on the streets to live like that ? 

Well, I am in the U S, not Britain. It does not happen here, though there probably are youngsters who will run away from home, and afterwards present it that they were thrown out, as explained in my post. And I am dubious that it happens where you are, John. You do not come across as the most rational of commenters. Rather, you come across as pretty unhinged.

If someone has the time, find the discussion—it would be somewhere in the 1991 WT, I think—dealing with how parents would treat a disfellowshipped youngster. The consideration that is posed is to determine whether that person an adult, capable of being self-sufficient, or whether he/she is a child. In the latter case he or she would not be asked to leave.

It is in print. Go find the contrary, if you think it exists. It doesn’t.

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"Would you chuck you children out on the streets to live like that" ?

As has been mention already on here, it's not that simple and there are always two sides to a story. Always.

99.9% of the time both sides have a choice. The parent has the right to set ground rules. He is not going to chuck anybody out just because of some trivial triviality or argument (unlike what I've seen in the world). Plus, it's illegal to toss out a minor, which in most civilized countries means no younger than 16/17y. In a JW household, in most cases, the young adult is given an ultimatum, and chooses to leave or stay on that basis. If they choose to leave, most immature young adults will call that "being chucked out".

Of course there is the occasional 15 year old that runs away, and also calls it being "chucked out"


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Well @TrueTomHarley & @Anna are both in 'M.J's Neverland Ranch USA. Living on something strange and must be totally high.

Why ? Because they have NO IDEA of the realities of life. 

Either that or they are both hiding in some JW Cave and being told exactly what to say and when to say it. 

They are like twin puppets,  copying each other's words. 

It's written in JW 1991 W/t so it must be so. How blind are you Tom ? 

Wasn't there a court case recently where a JW Lawyer told complete lies about that very situation. 

@Anna  I don't know if you are a 20 year old or a 60 year old but I do have a feeling you do not have much experience of real life in the real world. Have you always been hidden in the JW Org, kept behind that fence, not allowed to do any research or even to go out and see real life for yourself ? 

'It's like a jungle out there, sometimes i wonder how i keep from going under.'  (Just a bit of rap or hip hop, but oh so true)

By the way I know that my brother TOLD HIS YOUNGEST DAUGHTER TO GET OUT. And i know she lived on the streets for a while. Then she went what's known as sofa surfing, staying at different friends houses, sleeping on their sofa.

One problem is that children get baptised very young and then regret it. When they then get to teenage years they don't want to follow through on serving the JW Org so they turn against it. Then parents throw them out. That is the real world. 

Oh yes and TTH back on the mentally unwell thing again, calling me 'unhinged'.  

That really is a JW problem now, that JW's have been brainwashed into using this 'mentally unwell' insult to people that refuse to bow down to the GB and its JW Org. 

It all started with the GB saying that some people that say they are anointed are mentally unwell. Now it has become a key phrase of JW's toward anyone that happens to disagree with the GB and it's Org. That really does prove brainwashing or puppet fashion of JW's. 


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27 minutes ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

but I do have a feeling you do not have much experience of real life in the real world. Have you always been hidden in the JW Org, kept behind that fence, not allowed to do any research or even to go out and see real life for yourself ? 

It's like a jungle out there, sometimes i wonder how i keep from going under.'  (Just a bit of rap or hip hop, but oh so true)

....One problem is that children get baptised very young and then regret it. When they then get to teenage years they don't want to follow through on serving the JW Org so they turn against it.

But John, we are not discussing the big wide world out there. We are talking about JW parents chucking their underage children out of the house. And again you have confirmed that there is safety within Jehovah's Witnesses, since as you say "it's like a jungle out there", in the big wide world, and that we are all deluded not knowing the "real" life that's out there, because our life.......ahem.....must be pretty calm in comparison.

Like I said, there are always two sides to a story. In any case, the mind boggles as to why a teenager would prefer living on the streets and sofa surfing to living at home abiding by a few rules until they are able to leave home and fend for themselves properly.

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@Anna  Quote  "In any case, the mind boggles as to why a teenager would prefer living on the streets and sofa surfing to living at home abiding by a few rules until they are able to leave home and fend for themselves properly."

Answer : Because that is the real world. If you had a good childhood then you probs will not understand, but if you had a very strict JW upbringing then you might. A lot of teenagers do not want to go to the meetings and do not want to do the door to door ministry. They want to have fun. If they are at school five days a week being bullied by both teachers and other pupils, then they want to blow off steam at the weekends, not be bullied by domineering JW parents. And if they are at work 5 days a week, then likewise. 

When our son left school we gave him two years 'freedom'. We didn't pester him to find a job to pay us money, we didn't even tell him what time to get out of bed in the morning. The reason was he was so badly bullied at senior school that he was almost a total wreck. The bullying was caught on security camera one time and the police were called in. The bully boys were suspended from school for a while but nothing else happened and when they returned it started again. So we gave our son two years to recover from it all. It worked, he gradually opened up to us more and found new friends He's fine now. But a lot of JW parents, ones that we know well, are not so loving or understanding to their children. Some JW parents are 'Elders and wifes'. That is even worse for the children as those children are expected to be 'extra special' good little JW's. 

Like I keep telling you lot, but you don't want to believe it, I've known the JW Org / Watchtower Soc since I was around 20 or younger, and I'm 70 this October. So 50 years of it all. In different congregations, in different towns/cities. So what i say I say from first hand experience, not just read in JW literature or seen on JW videos or on 'apostate' websites... 

And I'm a total individual, with my own thoughts, which seems to frighten TTH and others, as they always pretend I'm part of a group of something or other. 

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2 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Because that is the real world. If you had a good childhood then you probs will not understand, but if you had a very strict JW upbringing then you might. 

I did have a good childhood. My mum was baptised when I was 6. I still remember celebrating our last Christmas and birthday. Since then I didn't miss either of them one bit. I guess I was lucky to have a mum who although very spiritual, was also very balanced, and had her own mind. We never missed one meeting unless sick. We were regular in service. We really lived the "truth" which included having fun. So yes, my childhood was pretty cool. Of course when I hit teenage-hood I balked at some things, and the only thing that worked was not what my mum said, it was not what the elders said, but it was what the Bible said. I could not argue with the Bible. Mum figured it out real quick so as long as she could support anything with scriptures, I was good with it, albeit a bit reluctantly sometimes.

As regards very strict upbringing, I guess you mean where the parents are unreasonable and rule the house in a kind of dictatorship rather than a Christian way. Most of the kids brought up that way are no longer JW's. And in some cases neither are the parents. The funny thing is, they blame the org. but the org. has never endorsed unreasonable parents, on the contrary, all the publications out there, for children and teenagers and parents encourage reasonableness and are full of excellent advice. In fact here is the latest magazine about rearing children. If you find anything wrong with it let me know: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no2-2019-jul-aug/

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22 hours ago, JOHN BUTLER said:

Oh yes and TTH back on the mentally unwell thing again, calling me 'unhinged'.  

Many things suggest this to me. It may not be so, but one can only go by evidence presented. 

The fact that, on your pet peeve, you have never yielded to the tiniest degree, suggests it. Everyone yields someplace to some degree.

The fact that @JW Insider brings up a circumstance which he makes clear he regards as quite rare, and you immediately characterize it as the norm is another.

Another is that the frequent child sexual abuse that you have chronicled was perpetrated for years by a party that you should consistently vent your wrath upon, yet you vent it upon people who had nothing to do with your trouble.

The fact that you attach a maniacal laughing emoji to comments that are not at all funny, posted by several here, and that in some cases are quite frank and conciliatory, is yet another.

Before you came along, I once observed that @Srecko Sostar had chosen to represent himself on this forum as a moron, regularly appending an inane “hehehe :)))))))” to his comments. He did it so much that @Nana Fofana began imitating his style, and did it better than he. He stopped doing it. He is not a moron and didn’t want to portray himself that way. In hindsight I think some of it was due to language and culture differences, he not realizing how certain signs translated. 

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2 hours ago, Anna said:

but the org. has never endorsed unreasonable parents, on the contrary, all the publications out there, for children and teenagers and parents encourage reasonableness and are full of excellent advice.

  • (Colossians 3:21) 21 YOU fathers, do not be exasperating your children,. . .
  • (Ephesians 6:4) 4 And YOU, fathers, do not be irritating YOUR children, . . .

And when threatened with discipline as a pre-teen, how I loved to respond with: "Father, stop exasperating me!!" It worked especially well at meetings.

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@Anna  Quote "it was not what the elders said, but it was what the Bible said."

Yes love that. But it has never said in the Bible that men have to wear a suit and tie.

Imagine Jesus getting to the sea shore and saying to those fishermen ' Guys I would have let you be my followers but you are not wearing a suit and tie' 

And back with the beards thing too. ' You guys have beards, you cannot follow me and preach'.  :) .

And I'm sure there are a few more such things. I was even told by an old brother, an Elder in fact, that years before paisley ties were forbidden. 

In my last congregation if an Elder 'told me off' for anything, i would say show me three scriptures to back up what you are saying. It came from the idea that the Org use to teach repetition for emphasis... 

Quote,  The funny thing is, they blame the org..   Maybe it's because Elders make the worst parents sometimes. (even involved in CSA) And other Elders will not take notice of a child if said child is the child of an Elder. So the child cannot get help from anyone. 

By the way, I'm glad you had a good childhood. Mine was horrible, with a wicked mother committing adultery and her 'boyfriend' nearly drowning my dad in the family pond. My dad suffered with TB (and had one of his lungs collapsed so my brother tells me). Then the children's home episode.  Dad died aged 49 when i was around 20. So of course my outlook is 'slightly' different to yours. 

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