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Who Did Cain Fear Was Going To Kill Him?

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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This is just a quick reply, have no time to post any support for this, but I remember researching this at one time since I also had the same question. It would appear that since there is no time frame

Melinda, I respect your opinions, and have also carefully considered the Scriptures you posted. I am not trying to convince ANYBODY, as Jehovah shows us all mercy for being wrong ... or who could

(Genesis 2:4-6) . . .This is a history of the heavens and the earth in the time of their being created, in the day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven. 5 Now there was as yet no bush of the field f

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On 7/16/2019 at 2:55 PM, Matthew9969 said:

Didn't the watchtower teach at some point that black people were descendants of Cain?

I wasn't sure if you saw an answer to your question. Melinda pointed out that the more common teaching was that 'black people' were descendants of Canaan, not Cain. There is a less common religious belief that 'black people' were the descendants of Cain. The Cain theory is still mentioned (but rarely) in the Southern parts of the United States. I've heard it in Illinois and Missouri too.

But even the earliest Watch Tower magazines dismissed this idea about Cain marrying a "negress" or producing the 'negro' race.

The Watchtower never explicitly accepted the curse on Canaan to refer to black people either, but some articles came quite close to accepting it, or something very much like it. We still accept that the Bible teaches that the African nations descended through Canaan's father, but not specifically because of a curse.

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One of Problem is in idea of 6000 years old history of human (and many animals where been created in 7th Day too, that ended in 1975 Anno Domini according to JW Scholars)  from Adam and Eve to nowadays. 

But for many years now, WT Society speaking about how NO ONE Knows How Long was Lasted Each of Creative Days described in Bible. That gives open hands to calculations how each of Days and the Last Day can be much, much more longer than 7000 years. By this "new view" on Bible chronology, it can be partially  answered on so many evidences and artifacts of people who are much older than 6000 years.

JTR with two kinds of humans Societies on same Planet is good to consider. Problem with Moses reports about genesis in Genesis Book is specific. Because He never made claim how this descriptions about Adam, Eve, Creation Days and other things, came to him under (direct) INSPIRATION from God which would be without errors and trustful. Moses never and nowhere mentioned, as to my memory, about how he get all this "knowledge" or "information" , aka how he did get to know this Things.  

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Very simple, and it agrees with everything else we know from any source ....

1.) The Earth formed about 3.5 billion years ago.

2.) The account in Genesis is based on the viewpoint of a person standing ON THE SURFACE of the Earth, watching things going on.  (This might be a good time to stop, and re-read the creation account from that particular perspective.)

3. If  creation of the Earth took six days, and we are in the 7th day now ... it's a simple matter to determine how long a creative day including the day of rest,  is.

Divide 3.5 billion years, by 7.

That means each creative day was 500 million years long, and we are now 6,000 or so years into the 7th, 500 million year "day of rest".

This idea agrees with all the science we know, and the Biblical account, as would have been observed by a person standing on the surface of the Earth, which at that time was completely molten, and covered in superheated steam, which is invisible until it condenses.



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