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The Man of Lawlessness in the 21st Century


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22 minutes ago, Witness said:

By the way, where is that video these days?  It is hard to find. 

Many things are hard to find, until you find them.


23 minutes ago, Witness said:

According to the organization, they become toast in Armageddon, since it is absolutely necessary to be baptized into the organization, to have any chance of surviving into the “new world”. 


24 minutes ago, Witness said:

but it is the general consensus of JWs. 

Which is it: “absolutely” or “the general consensus?”

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4 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Many things are hard to find, until you find them.



Which is it: “absolutely” or “the general consensus?”


"organization" - your leaders:  GB, elder body as a unit (and those who fully obey their teachings.)

"general consensus" - members (there are those who may question just who is destroyed in Armageddon.  Maybe one of them is you.) 

The video that appears to be hidden or removed, explains the organization's stand on what salvation requires.  

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On 7/31/2019 at 11:11 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

.... this means that it is not problem if you are not "inspired"?  Because you are "spirit led"???  :))) What is this?

There is no problem in this regard, granted that the early church congregation members heeded Jesus’ command, and they were preachers of the gospel and spoke of what God’s Kingdom will provide and that Jesus will soon return.

Also if you bothered to check the link the term “Spirit Led’ is explained, as I had addressed this to you 5 times before, so to say what it is or what it means when more than 5 times this has been addressed shows the you ignore a lot of what is said. You called yourself an honest reader, so there, we know this was all a lie engineered by your own hands.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:11 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

All this what you described looks like this, to me:

top level        1) Inspired

middle level  2) spirit led

lower level    3) uninspired

lowest level  4) all other

 What are you trying to prove by means of this?

On 7/31/2019 at 11:11 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Ones again. Give me 1 or 2 Bible verses where is stated in clear and simple words to understand:

A) Paul is inspired

B) Paul is infallible

Check 1 Corinthians 14:18 and 2 Corinthians 12:1-7. I even quoted this to you before, which proves you do not bother to read.

I can even quote myself from this same thread:

On 7/31/2019 at 7:25 AM, Space Merchant said:

Have you read into the miraculous gifts of what Paul conveyed? An example would be him having visions, and or speaking in tongues.
Apostle Paul was given visions by means of the Lord (read 2 Corinthians 12, specifically the first 7 verses), both you and Witness should know this because you have both quoted from this chapter before, I do not see how you missed that - evidently purposely as both of you not uttered such here. More so, the outline title even reads Visions and revelations of the Lord [Paul's Visions and His Thorn]


and aside from that it is said to be the history of the Book of Acts is full of such visions (other examples concerning visions - Acts 9:4-6; Acts 16:9; Acts 18:9; Acts 22:18; Acts 23:11; Acts 27:23).


On 7/31/2019 at 7:25 AM, Space Merchant said:

Regarding Paul 1 Corinthians 14:18 and 2 Corinthians 12:1-7 - check all marginal references to. Also check the links to the other 2 threads whereas such had already been addressed to you, to Witness and to Butler.

I suggest you read, there is a link to Biblegateway, that could not have been easily amissed, but you choose to miss it purposely. Biblehub also conveys such.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:26 AM, Srecko Sostar said:



a number of people or things that are put together or considered as a unit:


a number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship



to consider someone or something to belong to a particular groupbecause of their qualities


a group of persons or things having characteristics in common:

But non of this draws any information of what you conveyed concerning class and or group in regards to both the inspired and or not inspired.

This is God's Order all over again in which you do not agree with Apostle Paul.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:53 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

In Trinity topic you used such accusations, this are quotes of yours (addressed to me):

Ok let's see it then.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:53 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

1)  Your own claims are forfeit because there were merely lies, more so, satanic lies ...

Because you did used Satanic lies. You even went as far as to say you did not say something and I linked your own words, after this you kept quite about it.

You also made claims that were proven to be untrue, granted literal stones and a donkey (animal) cannot preach the gospel about the Christ, more so, you instated that silly claim when my answer was to Rook, not you, but then when you were put to the test, you cannot answer what you said.

That being said, next time you say "According to the Bible" make sure the message actually conveys it, otherwise you are in direct violation of God's own Law found in Deut. 4:2 and your spirit has been tested to be quite a foul one.

Slander is ALWAYS the tool of the loser.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:53 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

2)  For he is a Satanic hypocrite to the highest degree in this sense.

Because that statement is true concerning you. And it is not about donkeys, it goes back to what you addressed about people changing their sex, what you called God's servants, pushing a story as slander, making claim that a Prophetess owns a church and that a peacekeeper also own a church (in which both you and Witness has been proven wrong), the lack of knowing what a 501 is, and the list goes on.

And every time you were called to question, you keep silent and or attempt to shift the focus elsewhere.

Therefore, you do speak Satanic lies, and granted that 1 John 4:1 has been used, it can be said you are a Satanic Hypocrite.

Therefore, all that can be said to you in this regard, is for you to repent.

That being said, you can't defend Witness' "Satanic Influence" Claim because there was no evidence to that claim at all, as is with saying God literally gave order and or had help from his Adversary - which in of itself is also a Satanic lie.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:53 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Something is wrong with your mirror !  :))

Then by all means - prove it. I can easily link to what I can address as lies concerning you, and how it can be pointed out you are a Satanic Hypocrite who believes stone walls and or stones on the ground can somehow convey gospel truth about Jesus.


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On 7/31/2019 at 11:31 AM, Witness said:

The phrase “Jehovah’s people” that SM appears to support, does not include him as one of “Jehovah’s people”, obviously.   Where does that leave anyone who appears to support “Jehovah’s people”? 

It isn't about support. It is about not taking slander as a truth, and I told you many times, I take issues with lies, slander and conspiracy, and as a truther, I speak against such. This also goes concerning of the Bible of which you commit to slander in majority of your claims.

And this goes for everything.

To paraphrase my own professor, there are many denominations, there are many beliefs. People can agree on some things and disagree on other things, and majority of those who disagree are the ones who speak lies without understanding of the other group is coming from.

There are those who do not have to agree with faith groups, this includes JWs, but they will not accept lies about such groups and profess it as a truth, for not too long ago, hence my only issue concerning you is you start at a base and sparkle lies, and you also twist and mix Scripture either to push the lie and or push an untruth about the Bible itself. Not to mention even due to typo errors you even make ill claims of which you cannot prove.

On 7/31/2019 at 11:31 AM, Witness said:

 I doubt if SM would support that belief, but it is the general consensus of JWs. 

Actually the believe of God passing Judgment is of core Christian beliefs, even before the days of the JWs, this was the core, this is what Christians believed before the false teachings ended up entering the church with the teachings of immortal soul, new agism, hellfire, etc, for such believes are the core beliefs of mainstream Christianity and not True Christianity. God, according to the Bible, as wiped out the wicked, examples such as the bad ones of Noah's Day, what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah, Korah and his Household, the cursed people, Ba'al worshipers, The Egyptians, etc. In every instance, God done so to protect HIS people, of which is only begotten Son would come from, eventually grow older, preach the gospel, serving God's Purpose and Will to the day of his death and resurrection, and evidently to the day he will return to deal with God's enemies, for Jesus is the one to take up the sword.

God's original promise is and always will be a strong one, in his dealings with mankind on earth, and his original promise continues through Jesus and it will continue to the point when Jesus returns, to the end of Jesus' millennial reign and to the end of Judgement itself.

That being said, other than that you still mix verses even now. Also it is jarring to the eyes for you to use the term "Firstfruits" granted of what you conveyed in your other thread.

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@TrueTomHarley Majority of Christians already know that God's Day, Armageddon will be the day that God will bring ruin to the wicked, and that both the meek and the righteous will be the only ones to survive the day of God's anger. Witness should know this because there was an image and a few verses that was conveyed by Witness that further proves such point.

Such as

  • Revelation 19:15 - From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:8 - And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

Some people ignore the fact of what God can do even limit him, as is with his Son, Jesus, watering down his role as a King and what Kings will do to defend their people. But the Bible tells us the truth in the matter, and the 2 above are simply just 2 verses as examples, with references and context of certain passages giving further information.

That being said, Witness liked using Albert Barnes before, perhaps he is among the favorites, but I now doubt Barnes own words in which I agree with, does not sit well with Witness (Look at comm. for verse 8 - https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/bnb/2-thessalonians-2.html), hence the claim that concerning God's Day is something that JWs only believe, when the reality this is a core believe of True Christianity.

But it baffles me that people think otherwise of God's Day. The slander against God in regards to afterlife/immortal souls and hellfire is one thing, hiding the fact of what God is actually going to do, is another thing.

Granted this thread is in regards to Lawlessness, those of such are the ones who will witness God's anger, unless they work towards repentance, seeking truth, seeking God and his Son. Despite their wickedness, by means of Jesus' sacrifice, people actually have a GOLDEN CHANCE to change their ways before Jesus returns, and God allow them time to change.

For man cannot forgive another man for great sin even if he or she repents, but God recognizes those who repents granted imperfect man, forgiveness takes time. King Manasseh is an example, as is with King David.

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4 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

There are those who do not have to agree with faith groups, this includes JWs, but they will not accept lies about such groups and profess it as a truth, for not too long ago, hence my only issue concerning you is you start at a base and sparkle lies, and you also twist and mix Scripture either to push the lie and or push an untruth about the Bible itself. Not to mention even due to typo errors you even make ill claims of which you cannot prove.

Apparently, it is okay with you if the group teaches false doctrine, as the WT has and does.  But, according to you, no one must bring up the false doctrine, but accept the group (with their lies) since they propose to be Christians that fit your definition of "Christian". 

I am sorry, but it is not me that is the hypocrite.  It very well could be you.  

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On 8/2/2019 at 12:07 PM, Witness said:

Apparently, it is okay with you if the group teaches false doctrine, as the WT has and does. 

Can you show me as to which false teachings I am grouping them with? Last I checked, you defiled the core teachings of the New Covenant and you put emphasis on a false view of religious church office. Even outside of anything regarding JWs, you yourself fail concerning the Bible, let alone understand prophecy.

What what to expect from someone who calls themselves among the chosen ones, but lacks and twist God's word and even resort to cherry picking. You are not fooling anyone.

On 8/2/2019 at 12:07 PM, Witness said:

But, according to you, no one must bring up the false doctrine,

According to me? I speak against falsehood, always, but what you are conveying is your view and opinion of a group you left. Falsehood is teachings of the mainstream that so called Christians will push, we can see this clearly in your Whitewash thread and your other thread regarding women.

You speak of falsehood, yet you are the one to reduce Jesus' kingship to Disney Level proportions, and continue to give proclaim a message that is err. This is 100% evident because outside of this forum, people call your information to question, it isn't just me.

On 8/2/2019 at 12:07 PM, Witness said:

but accept the group (with their lies)

Show me as to which lies I accept - I asked you this before but you said nothing. Then tell me if this is a lie.

Did God save King Hezekiah, and did Jesus death enabled a Covenant for mankind? Or anything for that mater.

If you actually went out to preach the gospel instead of spouting senseless things on this forum, you'd realize what people want to know regarding God, his Son and the Kingdom.

That being said, the fact that I not only used the Bible, but constantly paraphrased even scholars and theologians from time to time will show how much this claim of yours stand in error.

On 8/2/2019 at 12:07 PM, Witness said:

since they propose to be Christians that fit your definition of "Christian". 

You do not know what it means to be Christian because if you had, you would not have shown the such a circus of a show in your Whitewash thread. Dare I quote something from Barnes unknowingly, you would claim it is a WT teachings, and I had done so before when using 1 John 4:1 to put you to the test, as I had done here now.

That being said, it is funny how you make this claim, granted, you do not recognize any stone of the spiritual house and ignore all verses pretending to such, and only focus on the chosen ones and claim that only the chosen ones are of Jesus' Covenant.

You are not fooling everyone, granted not one of your threads stands on grounds of solely explanation of Scripture.

On 8/2/2019 at 12:07 PM, Witness said:

I am sorry, but it is not me that is the hypocrite.

You sure? You agreed with Srecko here that Chloe and Deborah led a church when the Bible says otherwise. If the Bible does not convey such and you teach it as a truth, that in of itself makes you a hypocrite.

This also goes for all such pertaining to the New Covenant concerning God's people. Aside from that, you attested that God had used Satan to help his people, when the Bible says otherwise, for God would not seek Satan's help to rescue his people, the very people of whom Jesus would come from in regards for God's Promise to be set in motion.

If you proclaim such, by definition, you are a hypocrite. The fact that you call yourself a chosen one and spew such horrendous silliness, from time to time, blusters the fact that you are one, and it is not me or anyone on this forum who sees this, even outside of the form this is seen, to the point others have branded you as a fool, to which I did quote some who had said this in one of the threads regarding inspiration.

On 8/2/2019 at 12:07 PM, Witness said:

It very well could be you.  

Then show me.

Am I a hypocrite for accepting what the Bible says concerning the Covenant? Am I one for believing when Hezekiah prayed to God, that God saved not just him, but the people out of the hands of vile enemies?

I invite you show me and everyone else of how I am a hypocrite - which I will doubt, because you are extremely deluded and depraved and will evidently remain in silence when asked such things.

As in sensitive, for I recall you made the claim of me being misogynistic, simply for using a quote that had the "W" in women lower cased.....

If you get riled up from stuff like that, you cannot possibly be a preacher in the house of Christ.

That being said, I even told you before, you can do better, so much better, but you continue to play with the silly puddy of falsehood and conspiracy. No one is knocking the fact that you do not agree with JWs on some things, but to speak falsehood is another story.

And I always see Screko is always fond of you despite the fact both of you dwell in error, perhaps you agree with him regarding many things that do not make sense and the fact he himself defile Bible context, like you.


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On 8/2/2019 at 10:09 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

I wrote word "reader" -  ONLY this word, and not - honest reader

The Glasgow thread before I exposed you, you called yourself an honest reader. Luckily I saved your quote because I knew that day after you've been exposed, you'd wipe out everything. You called yourself this when I asked you if you read through the actual story rather that follow a video that spread misinformation.

On 8/2/2019 at 10:09 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

You are Constructor of other people sentences ! 

Not really when there is evidence. Your own response fits you however.

On 8/2/2019 at 10:09 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Do not add words that i had never say !

Why would I when there is legitimate proof of which I had saved?

On 8/2/2019 at 10:09 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

I think that i will stop further conversation with you !

Then perhaps next time, do not ask questions, get an answer, and go into an Alice in Wonderland laced warpath.

On 8/2/2019 at 10:09 AM, Srecko Sostar said:

Shameful !!! 

How so? You want to know what else is shameful? Laughing at ideas conveyed by child services to better help and protect our children. Here is another one, stating the fact that God is okay with sex organ change. Here is another one, conveying the ideas and odd interpretations that has nothing to do with the Bible. As is with the Satanic lies professed by you in the other thread.

That being said, despite both you and Witness being deluded and depraved concerning the Bible and other things, I have more pity for the latter than you because you are the type of fellow that are the oddballs of every Bible discussion be it a public domain, forum and or in person. Therefore, it is easy to deal with you if need be, especially regarding one who can't even give answer to his own claims.


Aside from that I believe the last response regarding inspiration and Paul, there were some things addressed to you - please do not avoid them for a second time.

Edit: I know you will react with a laugh. A sign of a man, because this is ALL you do when you get shut down easily. So laugh commencing in 3...2......1.....

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On 8/4/2019 at 4:45 AM, Space Merchant said:

Can you show me as to which false teachings I am grouping them with? Last I checked, you defiled the core teachings of the New Covenant and you put emphasis on a false view of religious church office. Even outside of anything regarding JWs, you yourself fail concerning the Bible, let alone understand prophecy.

I have selected various quotes of yours from the topic,  “Whitewash”: 

Witness knows I believe this, he only says I do not because what I say is indeed true concerning God's people. Witness' absurd claim that Spiritual Israel only consist of the chosen ones is false and there is no Scriptural support whatsoever, granted that God's people consist of ALL persons concerning the Christ.

So in a sense, it shows that Witness slanders even in the face of Scripture and still holds claim to be a chosen one.

Because you are ignorant. If God says or does something, who are we to go around his Word, let alone take and or add to it, which is against God's Law? We already see an example with Spiritual Israel whereas not only you ignored those of the spiritual house and insist only the chosen ones are of this house, you deliberately stated there is no Bible evidence to what is said, and yet we have everything concerning the New Covenant in the Bible as evidence.

That being said, so it is ignorance, willfulness, when the Bible informs you on Spiritual Israel

We already know who Spiritual Israel is. The problem is, you purposefully ignore that Spiritual Israel consist of all of God’s people, not solely and only the chosen ones as you proclaim, which puts your past statements into contradiction concerning the Spiritual House, that of Spiritual Jerusalem.

Exactly, but those of Spiritual consist of all persons in union with the Christ. But you had professed earlier that only the chosen ones are of Spiritual Israel, missing the mark on what the New Covenant is all about.

I haven’t twisted for speaking the truth. You yourself had twisted the truth by purposely not acknowledging the fact that the New Covenant consist of ALL of God’s people who have faith in Jesus, but you preach that it is only the chosen ones who are of Spiritual Israel. Therefore, you had twisted the truth, more so, even much we can go back to your other thread to see how much in err you truly are.

We do not need links, we solely need the Bible. Also, your link only addresses the chosen ones, the focus here is Spiritual Israel, all of God's people.”

 JWInsider asked you,Do you really think that Spirtual Israel is made up both the earthly class and the heavenly class?” 

SM:  “Yes. Spiritual Israel is made up of all of God's people, all under one teaching of the Christ, all in union with Christ, and like him, they too have the fullness of God dwelling in them, and each and every single one of them dwell in the Spiritual House as is with God's Temple, that is, the Christ.

I have my reasons for defending even the minor things of the New Covenant due to how mainstream Christendom has tainted it, and I am not the only one who defends such as well. And there are those who speak wrongly of the Covenant wrongly, and far worse and in this regard, the correction by means of the Bible must be made.

But for someone to not recognize those who are in the same house, it is an insult for those who share in the same teachings that stem from Christ, Jesus."

JWI: "I get it.  I just wanted to make sure you knew whether or not you were disagreeing with the current Watchtower position on the topic.  You appear to be disagreeing with the Witness doctrine."

Just a question, SM; is the WT and all JWs, now “ignorant”, “willful” in making “absurd claims”?  Have they “twisted the truth” and caused you “insult”, teaching this perceived falsehood concerning Spiritual Israel as well as the New Covenant? 

Is the Watchtower organization still part of "Restorationism", or are they now part of “mainstream Christendom” by “tainting” the understanding of the New Covenant?  Will you continue to sympathize for their work since they have ‘missed the mark’? 

Those under the New Covenant:

1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 5:9,10

I’ve already explained how the rest of the children of God benefit from this fulfilled promise of life, in the Kingdom of God. 

On 8/4/2019 at 4:45 AM, Space Merchant said:

You speak of falsehood, yet you are the one to reduce Jesus' kingship to Disney Level proportions, and continue to give proclaim a message that is err.

I'm not the one who put a red Superman cape on Jesus.  :)

On 8/4/2019 at 4:45 AM, Space Merchant said:

This is 100% evident because outside of this forum, people call your information to question, it isn't just me.

I'm curious where you may have found me, since only here am I known as "Witness".  I have not strayed far lately.  Perhaps you are mistaking me for someone else who shares the same message I do.  

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23 hours ago, Witness said:

I have selected various quotes of yours from the topic,  “Whitewash”: 

Witness knows I believe this, he only says I do not because what I say is indeed true concerning God's people. Witness' absurd claim that Spiritual Israel only consist of the chosen ones is false and there is no Scriptural support whatsoever, granted that God's people consist of ALL persons concerning the Christ.

So in a sense, it shows that Witness slanders even in the face of Scripture and still holds claim to be a chosen one.

You do know I believe this, WHITEWASH page 1, to which I even responded with biblical evidence in which you said there isn’t anything and paraphrased from legitimate sources such as scholars and Theologians, such as your favorite – Albert Barnes.

And I will gladly quote myself, to which you stated before there is no Scriptural Evidence:

On 7/19/2019 at 8:27 PM, Space Merchant said:

Witness - Dear Sir, I see no scriptures to support your words, yet you are telling me I need to focus on the Bible itself.

And yet there was a discussion regarding the spiritual house and those who are in said house.

On the contrary, there is Scriptural support.

In the Old Testament, God had foretold that the Old Covenant, otherwise as the Sinaic Law covenant would be replaced with another, the New Covenant. The New Covenant is a biblical interpretation originally derived from a phrase in the Book of Jeremiah. iI refers to It is often thought of as an eschatological age, otherwise known as the Messianic Age or The World to Come by some, in addition, it is related to what we already know about God's Kingdom.

Jeremiah 31:31-34, which reads:

The New Covenant

[31] “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, [32] not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. [33] For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. [34] And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

The Old Covenant's (Sym. Haggar; bounded woman) mediator between God and Natural Israel is the Son of Amram, Moses. In this Covenant, the people that represent the other party are the Isrealites. And around this time people were validated by animal sacrifices and what was to be followed was written on stone tablets.

The New Covenant's (Sym. Sarah; free woman) mediator between God and Spiritual Israel is the only begotten son of the true God, child to Mary and Joseph, Jesus (Imanuel). In this Covenant, the people that represent the other party are the both Jews and Gentiles. And around this time people were validated by Jesus giving his life for mankind (Jesus' Sacrifice) and what was to be followed was written within our hearts.

The difference is that in the New Covenant we are to follow and adhere the Foremost Commandment and all that hangs from it, as what Jesus said to those who asked him, such was held to a high importance to him, hence what I always reference, Shema Yisrael.

We also know that Jesus spoke with his disciples regarding the New Covenant.

As we see below:

Luke 22:20 - And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood

(ref. Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24)

For an honest Christian and Bible reader would point out that even the Christ himself has stated as is mentioned above, that he [Jesus] plainly said the New Covenant involved His blood being shed (Jesus referred to a New Covenant, which is an allusion to Jeremiah 31:31 as seen above).

The New Covenant immediately came into effect after Jesus' death and just days later we see what has taken place at Pentecost, read Acts 2, as is what can be read in Galatians and or Romans, etc, for the New Covenant allowed not just Jews, but Gentiles to be in the church of the Christ, and all of them, who uphold the teachings and believe and worship in God and accept the word of the prophet he sent, of whom he made Christ, Jesus, all these people are in union with the Christ, man or woman, rich or poor, etc and to this day, the New Covenant is in effect, hence why there is a huge importance in the good news gospel and the Messianic Age of which must be professed - for I believe you claimed to be of the chosen ones, why is it you say there is no support when the Bible speaks the truth itself? Again, be focused on the Bible.

For True Christians who are in union with the Christ uphold and know that and believe that Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant, and that the Blood of Christ shed at his crucifixion is the required blood of the covenant. The New Covenant is an agreement between God and Jesus Christ, and within this agreement, it includes all who are united with Jesus Christ, or as the Bible says, all those who are in [union with] Christ.

The Covenant that is by means of Jesus' blood is mentioned time and time again, there is no reason to brush off what Spiritual Israel entails, for all of Spiritual Israel are of the Spiritual House, not solely the chosen ones.

  • 1 Corinthians 11:25 - In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”
  • 2 Corinthians 3:1 - Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation to you, or from you?
  • 2 Corinthians 3:6 - who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
  • Hebrews 8:8 - For he finds fault with them when he says: “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,
  • Hebrews 8:13 - In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.
  • Hebrews 9:15 - Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.
  • Hebrews 12:24 - and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

That being said, you mentioned Galatians before, do you not consider your brothers and sisters in Christ as the heirs who are also of the house, all in union with the Christ despite not being of the chosen ones, the firstfruits?

Do not ignore those in union with the Christ.... The very reasons I questioned you earlier in my comment on this thread.


23 hours ago, Witness said:

That being said, so it is ignorance, willfulness, when the Bible informs you on Spiritual Israel

Which is indeed true, especially when we can see the first few comments of the WHITEWASH thread before I even mentioned the Book of Jeremiah.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Because you are ignorant. If God says or does something, who are we to go around his Word, let alone take and or add to it, which is against God's Law?

Also true, for you and Srecko pushed the notion of Christian churches in ancient Israel concerning a Judge, as is with false information of Chloe, in which you knew Srecko's claims were in err, yet you sided with him every step of the way, when the Bible itself holds true to the fact that both of you were in the wrong.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Exactly, but those of Spiritual consist of all persons in union with the Christ. But you had professed earlier that only the chosen ones are of Spiritual Israel, missing the mark on what the New Covenant is all about.

Which goes back to when I asked you in the WHITEWASH thread concerning ALL of God's people, which you ignored, and mixed and cherry pick verses concerning only the chosen ones, especially with what Paul wrote.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

WInsider asked you,Do you really think that Spirtual Israel is made up both the earthly class and the heavenly class?” 

SM:  “Yes. Spiritual Israel is made up of all of God's people, all under one teaching of the Christ, all in union with Christ, and like him, they too have the fullness of God dwelling in them, and each and every single one of them dwell in the Spiritual House as is with God's Temple, that is, the Christ.

And what point are you trying to prove with this one concerning hypocrisy, granted what I mentioned in page 1 of your WHITEWASH thread, and the fact you uttered afterwards to the child that I do not believe such?

Granted you will merely quote without giving an explanation when the information I address is there and clear, with biblical support all intact.

As for my answer to JWI, it was a correct one. The chosen ones are in union with the Christ, the ones with the hope of eternal life are in union with the Christ. Those of Zion and those of the earth believe and follow Jesus, and they worship his God, Yahweh, the one who has paved away for the New Covenant to take place, of which it stems back to his original promise. Jesus himself died for all of mankind, not solely a selected few, his church, just days later, consist of both Jews and Gentiles accepting and following his teachings.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

I have my reasons for defending even the minor things of the New Covenant due to how mainstream Christendom has tainted it, and I am not the only one who defends such as well. And there are those who speak wrongly of the Covenant wrongly, and far worse and in this regard, the correction by means of the Bible must be made.

Because I will always defend it as I do with Shema Yisrael and the Holy Spirit, as I had done for years, for such has not changed.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Just a question, SM; is the WT and all JWs, now “ignorant”, “willful” in making “absurd claims”?

Can you point out absurd claims regarding the New Covenant concerning them? Because we go back to the WHITEWASH thread, we can see what is said by such ones as the boy, JWI, and the lot. Jesus did not give himself up as a sacrifice to the Jews only, but to Gentiles as well. To believe otherwise is being ignorant, willful in absurd notion and claim.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Have they “twisted the truth” and caused you “insult”, teaching this perceived falsehood concerning Spiritual Israel as well as the New Covenant?

And I address again, can you point this out in the face of what JWI and the boy had said, as is with the core belief of Christendom mentioned and paraphrased by me and others in the WHITEWASH thread?

It can be pointed that you are in err fairly easily by mere passages and marginal references to passages to prove to claim and what you are being accused of.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Is the Watchtower organization still part of "Restorationism", or are they now part of “mainstream Christendom” by “tainting” the understanding of the New Covenant? 

Restorationism still exists, both in group and lone ones. Restorationism is not even part of mainstream Christendom, which is a known fact to everyone. One thing for certain, there are some who has given into mainstream Christendom, thus breaking away from Restorationist roots altogether, whereas the majority enters into mainstream Christendom, the belief of hellfire torment, afterlife and living souls, spirit torment, tainting God's love and impartially, teaching that only Jews are of Christ and all Gentiles are doomed, Trinitarianism, Oneness belief, New Ageism, Spirituality, Astrology, etc. There are those, no, the majority of mainstream Christendom that take to the idea that since all of us believe in God we should unite in form of an interfaith, to which those who are against the mainstream, against the protest and or reformation, speak and preach against, be it directly or indirectly.

Mainstream Christendom and the interfaith idea it pushes is seen as a clear and great threat to those who follow the Christ, as a real chosen one had stated, that there are those who do not know the real enemy they are fighting, for such ones are the ones to be easily swayed by the mainstream without notice, like a unexpected flood, hence my strong disdain for the mainstream, what they have done as is with the events they produce such as peak, Kairos, and that abomination that was taken place in Washington, to which I had challenged a mainstreamer and told him to repent and go about the truth the right way in before regarding this, as confused as Mario is, I pity him unfortunately, it has fallen to sexual sin.

That being said, JWs have always been and still are Restorationist, granted that Great Awakening is when Restorationsim came forth, and at the time they were Bible Students, and as the years went on by other Retorationist have either went off grid and or gave in to mainstream Christendom, for even in that day and age there was always a constant fight between the mainstream and the non-mainstream.

For today, the bulk of the fight for thee truth about God and his Christ is against the front-line solider of mainstream Christendom, the interfaith and Trinitarianism.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Will you continue to sympathize for their work since they have ‘missed the mark’?

It isn't about sympathizing, it is about speaking the truth concerning lies and or conspiracy.

I speak the truth of other things, and deemed a Jesuit, a Jew, a police lover, far right or a leftist, a racist, etc, even you added a claim you could not prove regarding you calling me Misogynist when that is down right forbidden in my culture, we even have sayings and proverbs regarding women, hence why I challenged you to give evidence and you never said a word.

That being said, I really do not care what you stance is regarding JWs, you can hate them to the ends of the earth, no one is going to knock you, but to produce lie and or conspiracy, that is another issue.

More so, even concerning the Bible and the Bible alone, God's inspired word, speak otherwise of his word, I can guarantee you, as I have done before, you would be refuted, for speaking outlandishly of God's Word with something that has no sense with prompt challenge and question, of which I am clearly known for, more so, the fact you do not consider such a mistake but push such willful will only make the matters worse.

That being said, if the Bible proclaims the God had saved Hezekiah from the Assyrians army and someone proclaims this truth, immediately you attest to that being of the WT's teachings, and yet somehow it is right in your eyes that the savior of Hezekiah was the deceiver all along. That in of itself shows foolishness and ignorance when the Bible tells us clearly of who saved Hezekiah and how it was done.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

Those under the New Covenant:

1 Pet 2:5,9; Rev 5:9,10

Of course you only point to, no, cherry pick, the verses concerning only the chosen ones. I suggest you check ALL verses concerning the New Covenant as a whole, rather than a few verses. For, sacrificing a passage or a context of something for the sake of a single and or very few verses does not help to push the message of the Christ, nor does it help anyone. That notion you push is enough to give some random stranger in the ministry a lost hope that if he or she is not of the chosen ones, such one has no chance, thus causing a bigger void between accepting the teachings and learning about God. One of the reasons I even told you in the past - do you even adhere to the Great Commission? The answer to this is evidently a bold no.

As I recall, Jesus died for all of mankind, and Jesus wanted the people to know who he is, and who his God is, as this is strongly brought forth in Jesus' final prayer.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

I'm not the one who put a red Superman cape on Jesus.  :)

And your point? Jesus is a mighty warrior and King, and he commits to the purpose and the will of the Father for he himself made this clear if you understood John 10:30 and all references to that verse. Jesus with angels under him, fought the Heavenly Warrior against Satan and his demons and will be continue the fight on the day of God’s Day – Harmageddon, and it will not solely be God’s adversary and the demons he will deal with, but also, those who are of the wicked.

In the WHITEWASH thread, there is a link to your response to a woman on this forum, with evidence of you watering down our Messiah's role as King. For it isn't about a cape, Witness, it is about the seriousness of Jesus' Kingship, him being at the right hand of God and made superior to all the angels, the fact that he led an army against the one you assume to have had a role against The Egyptians and saving Hezekiah somehow.

That being said, Superman isn’t Disney, the character belongs to DC comics and WB. As in Disney level, it is regarding of you equaling to Jesus's role as King to that of the level of Mickey Mouse, so to speak. Jesus' role is a serious one, and God's purpose and will is done through Jesus, even in regards to the fact that Jesus is King, for instance, the fact he will resurrect people by the multitudes as Apostle John conveyed.

23 hours ago, Witness said:

I'm curious where you may have found me, since only here am I known as "Witness".  I have not strayed far lately.  Perhaps you are mistaking me for someone else who shares the same message I do.  


The one of whom you proclaim the message for as is with those who follow said message have been spoken of in the past be it by name or by where such one can be located simply by quoting your proclaimer, an example would be the topix thread, of which I had addressed before the website has changed, even linked screenshots of someone else you defended to show evidence that no one agrees with said person when you said otherwise. You and your proclaimer have been called to question because there was a discussion concerning several things.

No mistake because back in our original discussion when topix was accessible, several followers were mentioned including you, one of the reasons one of my original questions to you went along the lines that if the Bible had been corrupted.

For, this isn't the first time I addressed this to you either, for way back I attested to this, as is with the whole gun totting, poison drinking claim regarding JWs by followers of another whom you adhere to.

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