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11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

When you have the TRUTH ... we would not have to knock on THEIR doors ... they would be knocking on OUR doors.

“And the 70 returned and they were bummed. The Lord said, “Why are you bummed.” They answered, “We sat at home from morning through the burning heat of the day, straight into evening, and nobody knocked on our door.”    


11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The fact of the matter is this ... day by day, in the eyes of the World, Jehovah's Witnesses are losing what credibility we USED to have, with general nuttiness .... and the Governing Body, in it's self aggrandizing attempts at damage control, are day by day, losing THEIR credibility, except with the slowest, the dull, and the trusting.

I don’t think that this is true. The nuttiness is no more than it has always been, and is in many respects less. To some extent, it is exactly what one would expect. Jesus said he did not come to call on those who do not need a physician—he came to call on those who do. When our people go nuts, they still would not hurt a fly. When those outside go nuts, for many of them you’d better call the SWAT team.

The conventions invariably make a good impression. Both the website and the literature carts add a measure of dignity not always conveyed by any given publisher. Events transpiring in Russia paint us as downright champions of human rights.

Yes, the charges of CSA are bad, but they are largely offset by the fact that there is no sizable group of persons not also enmeshed in them, as well as a general weariness of lawyers. You well remember when premiere television or billboard sponsors were manufacturers or vendors. Today they are lawyers, and people weary over the massive transfers of cash that they enable, whilst skimming off at least the top third. They think of all the things they used to be able to do that they no longer can do on account of lawyers making things cost-prohibitive, and it qualifies any zeal for whatever cause they might represent. Even as people as individuals hope that their turn winning the lawyer-lottery may come next, people as a group share a general sense that the barristers have destroyed the fabric of life. Insurance premiums of all sorts skyrocket at a time that overall inflation is quite low. Everyone knows why. Nonstop lawsuits on everything under the sun amounts to a tax on everyone else.

I think it is too much you pumping life into anti-Witness memes—living and breathing that life. You are consumed with them, and thus you come to think they far more occupy people’s attention than they really do.

It is like that with every cause. It is like that even with us. We start to imagine that everyone on earth is turning over in their minds and hearts the kingdom cause, siding for or against. But when I met an author in the dog park, he said: “Watchtower—that’s the Mormons, isn’t it?”


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21 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

They allowed their hearts to be corrupted by secular society, when I have not.

There is a thing called conscience.  Barbara Anderson met a brick wall that bruised her conscience. She took action when the corruption she faced in the "society" she belonged to, needed to be exposed.   She didn't swallow it down as if it didn't exist, but she did her research; as you say you are doing, as a result of being a man of  academia. 

However, it is all a conscience matter.  Some individuals freely develop an ineffective conscience, branded and scarred by the influence of hypocrisy.  Even though truth may be right in front of them, they no longer discern the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness, no matter how much research they may find, that exposes the source of hypocrisy.  

"God’s Spirit specifically tells us that in later days there will be men who abandon the true faith and allow themselves to be spiritually seduced by teachings of the devil, teachings given by men who are lying hypocrites, whose consciences are as dead as seared flesh. 1 Tim 4:1,2

  Then Jesus said, “My coming into this world is itself a judgment—those who cannot see have their eyes opened and those who think they can see become blind.”   John 9:39

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@BillyTheKid46 Probably because Law is too difficult or too much for some people to comprehend. Especially with how things are going all over the place, some people don't really trust Law and some who knows Law and do good are often overshadowed by corruption fellas. Just a few weeks ago for us peeps in Jersey about Judge John Russo. But at the end of the day like I said, there is people who know the law even the basic stuff and those who are literally not knowing anything about it when it comes to crime and other things. I can honesty say I don't know all the high stuff besides the basic things, no texting and driving, buckle up it's the law (buckle up or get locked up), I seen billboards for this one, drive sober or get pulled over, and this one, when driving at night, always stay right.

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On 7/29/2019 at 8:26 AM, BillyTheKid46 said:

Wrong! Credibility is being lost by people as yourself that muddy the water for honest witnesses to convey Bible truth without the need for people to reflect, if your own members have a problem, why shouldn't we. That's the problem with Today's Watchtower. They can't see far ahead of their own to weed out the undesirables like you James, Anna, ?Winsider.

The mentally diseased of an organization that God knows firsthand they lost their faithful heart to energize their own dull senses to weigh in on their own deception and lies within this world. Remember, when the Watchtower uses the term "mentally diseased" it's NOT referring to the sanity of a person, like ALL you dense people portray, but it belongs with the "poisoning of the mind" that is reflected upon one's heart. 😏

On the contrary, the org should value the people who can respectfully discuss and critically examine doctrine like what is done here...Berean-like ones that test out the expressions they hear against the Bible. Instead, direction is not up for debate and people are told to even submit to “illogical” direction from the organization. So what the org will become is a bunch of yes-men who don’t know how to think for themselves.

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5 hours ago, Noble Berean said:

So what the org will become is a bunch of yes-men who don’t know how to think for themselves.

Hopefully not! 😕

@JW Insider you are so much better at searching than me. I think I asked you this before, not sure if you answered, but do you remember the WT study article that started of talking about a woman who said she preferred to be told, rather than using her own brain (paraphrased)?

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41 minutes ago, Anna said:

Hopefully not! 😕

@JW Insider you are so much better at searching than me.

I don't remember that. How long ago do you think it was? Was it a study article for sure, or could it have been a person's experience in a Watchtower? We have had several experiences in the middle of Watchtower study articles, too, about young persons who had not yet "made the truth their own" and therefore were not ready for baptism until such time as they proved the truth to themselves.

I see several examples of that, but they don't really fit your context:

*** w07 5/1 p. 26 par. 11 Youths—Pursue Goals That Honor God ***
Many young Christians say that regular personal Bible study has been fundamental to helping them to make the truth their own. Adele, for example, was brought up in a Christian home but had never set any spiritual goals. “My parents took me to the Kingdom Hall,” she relates, “but I did not do personal study or listen at the meetings.” After her sister was baptized, Adele began to take the truth more seriously.

A similar one discusses how young persons need to learn WHY they believe something, not just what they believe, in case they are asked to defend:

*** ws16 September p. 22 par. 7 Young Ones, Strengthen Your Faith ***
7 Is it wrong to ask questions such as, ‘Why do I believe what the Bible says?’ Not at all. Jehovah does not want you to believe something just because others do. He wants you to use your “power of reason” to get to know the Bible and find proof that it truly is from him. The more you know what it says, the stronger your faith in it will be. (Read Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Timothy 2:4.) One way to get to know the Bible is by studying specific subjects that you would like to know more about.


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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

I don't remember that. How long ago do you think it was? Was it a study article for sure, or could it have been a person's experience in a Watchtower? We have had several experiences in the middle of Watchtower study articles, too, about young persons who had not yet "made the truth their own" and therefore were not ready for baptism until such time as they proved the truth to themselves.

I see several examples of that, but they don't really fit your context:

*** w07 5/1 p. 26 par. 11 Youths—Pursue Goals That Honor God ***
Many young Christians say that regular personal Bible study has been fundamental to helping them to make the truth their own. Adele, for example, was brought up in a Christian home but had never set any spiritual goals. “My parents took me to the Kingdom Hall,” she relates, “but I did not do personal study or listen at the meetings.” After her sister was baptized, Adele began to take the truth more seriously.

A similar one discusses how young persons need to learn WHY they believe something, not just what they believe, in case they are asked to defend:

*** ws16 September p. 22 par. 7 Young Ones, Strengthen Your Faith ***
7 Is it wrong to ask questions such as, ‘Why do I believe what the Bible says?’ Not at all. Jehovah does not want you to believe something just because others do. He wants you to use your “power of reason” to get to know the Bible and find proof that it truly is from him. The more you know what it says, the stronger your faith in it will be. (Read Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Timothy 2:4.) One way to get to know the Bible is by studying specific subjects that you would like to know more about.


No it wasn't any of those. I am sure it was a study article, second part to a similar topic the previous week. I already searched 2017, 16, 15, and 14....grrrr. Thank you for trying! It definitely mentioned a woman who said she preferred to have somebody tell her how things were, instead of her searching for the answer herself. It may have even been a sister. Not sure....

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1 hour ago, Anna said:

It definitely mentioned a woman who said she preferred to have somebody tell her how things were, instead of her searching for the answer herself. It may have even been a sister.

Ah! I remember it. It wasn't necessarily about a sister at all. All this time I thought it was about a sister in a congregation who relied too much on her husband or something like that.

*** w17 January p. 12 par. 1 Treasure Your Gift of Free Will ***
WHEN faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a friend: “Do not make me think; just tell me what to do. That is easier.” The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. What about you? Do you like making your own decisions, or do you prefer that others decide for you? How do you view the matter of free will?


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1 hour ago, JW Insider said:

Ah! I remember it. It wasn't necessarily about a sister at all. All this time I thought it was about a sister in a congregation who relied too much on her husband or something like that.

*** w17 January p. 12 par. 1 Treasure Your Gift of Free Will ***
WHEN faced with making a personal choice, one woman told a friend: “Do not make me think; just tell me what to do. That is easier.” The woman preferred being told what to do instead of using a precious gift from her Creator, the gift of free will. What about you? Do you like making your own decisions, or do you prefer that others decide for you? How do you view the matter of free will?


You got it! Thank you!!

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On 7/28/2019 at 5:06 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

This is why I prefer to be called just "Rook", (no first or middle name), or JTR ... to keep from being identified with the Apostle James, which would be a stretch of multi-dimensional proportions .... or with Sean Connery , the only REAL James Bond ...... I mean .... besides the Ornithologist ( Bird Watcher, for those in Rio Linda ...) named James Bond, from whom Ian Fleming  the author and creator of the James Bond Character took the name., who wrote several  books on birds that impressed Ian Fleming, also a bird watcher ... ....

Why do you think I got 18 chickens?

They are birds, and a lot cheaper than parrots.


                    Left to right .... 006, 007, 009



Foto muy elegante  :)


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On 7/27/2019 at 6:32 AM, Witness said:

over to the court a database of child

These cases have not been proven. Some of them are only allegations.... this would be unfair to those people on the list.  They could also become victims - of persecution.  There is always two sides to any story.

If jehovah does not allow slander of another person, why would he allow people who are suspected of something bad -  without proof - to be publicly slandered.

Here the law of confidentiality applies ...... and by the look of things this has to be fought out in court. The reason being the congress (or regress)  is too busy with theatre while enriching themselves than to do a good days work - to look after seeing to the task of the people.... to change laws to bring true justice.



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