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On 1/12/2020 at 7:02 AM, Arauna said:

These cases have not been proven. Some of them are only allegations.... this would be unfair to those people on the list.  They could also become victims - of persecution.  There is always two sides to any story.

If jehovah does not allow slander of another person, why would he allow people who are suspected of something bad -  without proof - to be publicly slandered.

Here the law of confidentiality applies ...... and by the look of things this has to be fought out in court. The reason being the congress (or regress)  is too busy with theatre while enriching themselves than to do a good days work - to look after seeing to the task of the people.... to change laws to bring true justice.



What are you trying to prove by dragging up old topics ?

Cases cannot be proven unless names are given for police or others to investigate, that is obvious.

By hiding over 20 years of information it shows fear in the GB and it's lawyers. If your GB had any faith at all in God or Christ, it would 'go the extra mile', and try its best to clean up the JW Org. But no, they continue to hide the information. 


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1 hour ago, 4Jah2me said:

What are you trying to prove by dragging up old topics ?

Cases cannot be proven unless names are given for police or others to investigate, that is obvious.

By hiding over 20 years of information it shows fear in the GB and it's lawyers. If your GB had any faith at all in God or Christ, it would 'go the extra mile', and try its best to clean up the JW Org. But no, they continue to hide the information. 


I have the internet link to the original article published by dailymail.co.uk on this topic, as well as a document about Jehovah's Witnesses' secret data base. But, like you, I also don't believe it right to drag up old matters, which may be read and misunderstood by those who are not baptised Jehovah's Witnesses. 

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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

over 20 years of information it shows fear in the GB and it's

Sorry to bring up an old topic but court case is now being fought because mormon church broke confidentiality. ....... it is a ' legal issue' to release confidential info.

Ask Congress to change this law or become an activist against this law.

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1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Sorry to bring up an old topic but court case is now being fought because mormon church broke confidentiality. ....... it is a ' legal issue' to release confidential info.

Ask Congress to change this law or become an activist against this law.

I'm English not American and I try to be no part of that world. Congress means nothing to me.... The Charity Commission did an investigation here in UK and the IICSA will be doing a deeper investigation as well.


Next Steps:

A preliminary hearing took place at 2pm on 23 July 2019 and a further preliminary hearing will be held at 10:30am on 14 January 2020. Two weeks of public hearings will begin on 16 March 2020.

The Inquiry is encouraging all victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experience via our Truth Project.

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On 7/27/2019 at 11:25 AM, JOHN BUTLER said:

Fantastic news. Perhaps Almighty God will cleanse the JW Org by removing the GB and replacing them, and removing the lawyers too. If God wants that database handed over it will be. 

I agree with James on one thing 'I am deeply ashamed for the reputation of Jehovah'

Does anyone on here really think this is good for Almighty God ?

Is it good for the preaching of the GOOD NEWS ? 

And do you really think Armageddon is close ? Ah, maybe you think Armageddon will get the GB/JW Org out of this mess.

I think LUKE 17 v 1 fits very well here.  

 “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come!"

@Anna & @TrueTomHarley and others, please get your heads out of the sand and see the true reality of your GB and it's Org. 

The truth is Almighty God has to either cleanse the JW Org, or, start a new one. And the JW Org does have some truth in it, deeply hidden but it's there. 



Instead of discussing this matter, will it not be better to leave it to Jehovah, the supreme Judge whose laws and judgements are always righteous. (Psalm 119) In his eyes, whoever commits one sin is in effect guilty of all. Compare David's fornication with Bathsheba. Although his repentance was accepted, he had to be punished. (Ex 37:6,7)

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20 hours ago, Colin Browne said:

Instead of discussing this matter, will it not be better to leave it to Jehovah, the supreme Judge whose laws and judgements are always righteous. (Psalm 119) In his eyes, whoever commits one sin is in effect guilty of all. Compare David's fornication with Bathsheba. Although his repentance was accepted, he had to be punished. (Ex 37:6,7)

The sin David committed didn’t affect all of Israel. He was remorseful and we have the record of his heartfelt repentance and mourning before God.   The sin of spiritual adultery by Israel’s leaders, affected all of God’s people, since it was sourced in teachings and idolatry promoted by the leaders themselves.   Because of that, God allowed suffering to come upon them.  The Pharisees in Jesus’ day were adulterers.  Jesus told his listeners to turn to truth, not to tolerate their behavior, or their teachings…not to share in their sins. Those that didn’t listen, lost their lives!

Never does God expect us to sit back and absorb all the evil coming from those who speak it. That is hypocrisy.  The “world” that Jesus preached to, was the Jewish system of things.  In his prayer to God, he said of his disciples,

“I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word.  John 17:6

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever." 1 John 2:15-17

How can we be found acceptable before God if we even remotely entertain the misconduct of leaders ruling over us, who are not in the least repentant for their sins?  To be “no part of the world” in that day, meant rejecting Israel’s sins.  In the world of the organization, it means the same thing, where spiritual "Israel", God's people, resides. 

Then I heard another voice from heaven say:

“‘Come out of her, my people,’
    so that you will not share in her sins,
    so that you will not receive any of her plagues;
for her sins are piled up to heaven,
    and God has remembered her crimes.
Give back to her as she has given;
    pay her back double for what she has done.
    Pour her a double portion from her own cup.
Give her as much torment and grief
    as the glory and luxury she gave herself.
In her heart she boasts,
    ‘I sit enthroned as queen.
I am not a widow;
    I will never mourn.’
Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her:
    death, mourning and famine.”  Rev 18:4-8


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On 1/14/2020 at 1:26 PM, 4Jah2me said:

I've just read the full 70 pages and it looks like a whitewash.

I've read the whole thing too, and put the date 16th March on my calendar. I will try to listen to it like I did with the ARC. 

What's been whitewashed? Can you be more specific?

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On 1/15/2020 at 5:48 AM, Colin Browne said:

Instead of discussing this matter, will it not be better to leave it to Jehovah

It is possible to take this stand. But that has consequences too. Good? Or bad? If rain coming through roof of the house, will leaving thing to something or someone in the future bring to better or worst condition.

God leave earthly things to be earthly human job. With good and bad outcomes. Bible said something like;    When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, people’s hearts are filled with schemes to do wrong.

This mantra,  platitudes - "live it to god", is not proper answer for many things we faced. For some things in life more time is needed, but not in a sense that JW people using this internal proverb with hope how something will be resolved without doing nothing or without interest and efforts for something. Victim need help in a way and quality and quantity that he/she as individual can manage and receive, in time and with time set by these specific individual.   

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8 hours ago, Anna said:

I've read the whole thing too, and put the date 16th March on my calendar. I will try to listen to it like I did with the ARC. 

What's been whitewashed? Can you be more specific?

@Anna  I was hoping the investigation was going to look at each 'religion' separately, but by my understanding it looks as if it is just a blanket / overview of all those 'religions' pushed in together. 

It mentions having more than one person in the witness box at a time and looks like it will just gloss over things. 

For instance it is about Jews, Islam / Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and many more....   How is it possible to mix all those people into one investigation ?  

Some of those 'religions' mutilate (FGM) girls private parts, some marry off very young girls to very old men, but they say it IS part of their 'religion' or 'custom'.  They are not denying it. 

Whereas, Jehovah's Witnesses say “Jehovah's Witnesses abhor child abuse in all its forms and do not shield wrongdoers from the ... "

So here we see a totally opposite attitude. A denial rather than admittance........ It is known, whether you wish to believe it or not, that the JW Org hide paedophiles and have hidden CSA in it. (Otherwise there would not be court cases and investigations Earthwide ).  It is known that the JW HQ here in UK did not want to hand over information to the Charity Commission. So it seems to make it obvious that the JW Org does not want to cooperate with any investigation... (Hence their choice in whose statement they are using, see lower down)

As I read it also, the investigation WILL NOT look at past 'happenings and actions'. They only want to know what is  happening now. So how will the investigation have any information on the procedures that have been used in the past ?  I think it is always good to have a bit of the history to examine whether an organisation / religion has a past record of 'doing things properly'. It might help to establish whether that org / religion can be relied upon to 'get it right' in the future. 

Whose statement they are using. The CCJW (JW Org) are using a statement by Mr Paul Gillies who WAS (past tense) a member of the Britain Branch Committee. That man is now safely tucked away in American HQ it seems, as Director of Public Information at 'World HQ'. So, he will not be available for personal face to face questioning. How convenient.  We know that the GB have given permission to people in 'authority within the Org' (including Elders) to TELL LIES.  We know the GB call it Spiritual Warfare.  So, I am quite sure in my own mind that Mr Paul Gillies' statement could easily be full of lies and have GB approval. And as I say he cannot be cross examined / questioned. 

( Please note at this point : I am NOT a fan of Lloyd Evans, and I don't think he will be helpful to the investigation at all. )

All in all it looks to me like a very weak pretence of 'investigating' Child Sexual Abuse.  It looks too frightened to 'ruffle feathers' in NON White / NON British religions such as Jews and Muslims. It is obvious that those Non White / Non British religions / organisations would scream racism or some such excuses, or use the idea of ' freedom of religion' to continue doing harm to children. 

BUT Jehovah's Witnesses are, whether one likes it or not, basically a White Mans religion. ( We needn't go into the past about depicting Jesus as white etc, but point proven. )  By that I mean that JW Org, can't or won't scream racism as an excuse for anything.  I also doubt that here in the UK JWs would cry 'religious discrimination' either. And the way this investigation is being carried out they could not I suppose, because they are just being lumped in the pot with all the rest. 

So what do we have ? We have JW Org lumped in with all the rest, which impairs an investigation into CSA in the JW Org itself. We have, not being able to discuss / show previous processes / procedures of particular cases from the past, which would have been good evidence of wrongful use of scripture and wrongful action by men. We have a statement from a man who no longer resides in the UK (and hasn't done for 18 months at least ) and cannot be cross examined on his statement. We have a GB that gives their permission to tell lies to protect JW Org. 

So a 'false' investigation, a 'fake', a pretence. It will cost a fortune, it will probably upset many in 'those other' 'religions', it will not serve a good purpose to clean up the Org, it will not bring any justice to Victims of CSA, AND, most importantly, it will not bring any praise to Almighty God. 

It would be wonderful if I am wrong and I'd be happy to admit it if I am. And if it could bring praise to God in any way, that would be the best ever result.  Have a good day. 

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7 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

This mantra,  platitudes - "live it to god", is not proper answer for many things we faced.

It is entirely a matter of “Is this life all there is”

If one thinks that it is—if one’s sole horizon in life is only for a few decades—the way one approaches many things will be completely different. 

@Annamentioned one victim in the suit who wanted no part of it. He or she wanted to ‘get on with life’ & was content that the perpetrator was punished & and did not feel the desire to blame parties that he thought were not at fault.

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