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I suppose it all comes down to the issue of credibility of the one doing the analysis of unseen, invisible things that happened a hundred years ago.

How many times has the WTB&TS been right?,  and

How many times has the WTB&TS been wrong?



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I may have missed something BTK46, but I do not see where in this particular thread, as shown above, where John Butler threatened ANYBODY. Please correct me with a quote, as you apparently see so

I see this from text. First, they "Compromise their Neutrality" by Obeying Censor and Not God. :))) Second, why to speak about Worldly things (wars and weapons and politics) IF they want to

I do find it kinda' funny that JW's love to talk about billions of people being removed / destroyed / killed / murdered at Armageddon. Billions of people. And for what ? Well JW's say it's for no

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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

The reason the Brothers were imprisoned for sedition, etc ... IS THAT THEY WERE GUILTY !

There was a little bit more to that. The government misunderstood neutrality for sedition. If I remembered right, in one of his books (The finished mystery)  Rutherford spoke rather brashly (as was his custom sometimes) about the evilness of Christendom and war. Those particular quotes were later removed, but before that, they did provoke Christendom to point fingers and get the brothers in trouble any which way they could, and one of these was to accuse them of sedition.

They wouldn't have been acquitted of all charges had they been guilty.

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

No one has gotten the Watchtower history right, yet! Therefore, the only one thinking the watchtower broke the law in wartime is you James.

That's because I am the only one that got the history right!

I am freaking AWESOME!

Good Detectives detect much.

With the same facts, bad Detectives detect nothing.

...  you have my condolences.

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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

If they were not guilty of sedition ... then why did they later remove seditious elements from the Society's publications.?

Hmmmmmm ?


Because they were understood (misunderstood) to be seditious by others. Later, the brothers regretted that they removed them.  The 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses commented on the incident on page 119:

"After their trialsome period of 1917-1919, Jehovah’s people subjected themselves to scrutiny. Realizing that they had acted in ways that did not meet with God’s approval, they sought forgiveness in prayer repenting of their former course. This led to Jehovah’s forgiveness and blessing. One compromise had been the cutting of pages from The Finished Mystery, this to please those who had assumed the position of censor".

Something from waaaaaay back:



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.... a little souvenir from the early 1970's I keep as a memento of interesting times ... and to surreptitiously quick  flash when I show a traffic officer my drivers license.

The gold flash has gotten me out of seven speeding tickets, and I never asked for any consideration, and never gave any explanation.

My eldest son was stunned when I got stopped in a 35mph zone doing 57 miles per hour.. When we pulled off without a ticket he said "I gotta get me one of those!".

By the way ... the little red thingies are Chicken Nipples.  They sell them on Amazon.

.... really!

and chicken nipples.jpg

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9 hours ago, Anna said:

The government misunderstood neutrality for sedition.

Perhaps The WT Society (as New Government on Earth after Armageddon) similarly misunderstand many ex JW who want to be "neutral" on acts and laws of WT Society. And try to act according to own Conscience. By that they were, in eyes of WT Society, acted as "traitors" aka apostates.

Sedition, crime against the state. Though sedition may have the same ultimate effect as treason, it is generally limited to the offense of organizing or encouraging opposition to government in a manner (such as in speech or writing) that falls short of the more dangerous offenses constituting treason. - https://www.britannica.com/topic/sedition

Sedition is the illegal act of inciting people to resist or rebel against the government in power.


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5 hours ago, Anna said:

Because they were understood (misunderstood) to be seditious by others. Later, the brothers regretted that they removed them.  The 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses commented on the incident on page 119:

"After their trialsome period of 1917-1919, Jehovah’s people subjected themselves to scrutiny. Realizing that they had acted in ways that did not meet with God’s approval, they sought forgiveness in prayer repenting of their former course. This led to Jehovah’s forgiveness and blessing. One compromise had been the cutting of pages from The Finished Mystery, this to please those who had assumed the position of censor".

Something from waaaaaay back:



I see this from text.

First, they "Compromise their Neutrality" by Obeying Censor and Not God. :)))

Second, why to speak about Worldly things (wars and weapons and politics) IF they want to be "Neutral" about Politics and Worldly Things? :))) IF someone want to be Neutral about something then He/They Have NO Opinion on something or at least They must "shut their mouth" and NOT to Tell WHAT IS Their Opinion, Thinking, Attitude. :)))) With this behavior you show your "neutrality"!  :)) and not taking sides.

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