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JWs want Supreme Court to help them cover up Child Abuse !!

James Thomas Rook Jr.

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A comment on this article and its writer, by John Redwood: Thanks to Hemant Mehta for picking up my JW Survey article about the JW v Watchtower case and Watchtower's appeal to the US Supreme Cour

You would think that I was getting a commission, but I am not. I just downloaded the above video to my hard drive with FREEMAKE VIDEO DOWNLOADER, and with one-click, saved it. Download this,

A new story just came in, and with one click, it automatically scrolled down and saved it as a photo, using FASTSTONE CAPTURE. Then I cropped the headline, and saved it as a different name.

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@James Thomas Rook Jr. this article came from friendly atheist.  Something stuck out to me that was so true: “Given Watchtower’s disrespect for the legal system, penchant for violating court orders and habitual disregard for the rules of the court from which it is begging for mercy, it is not the litigant to champion any allegedly important issue before this Court. This is not a case that warrants this Court’s time.”


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A comment on this article and its writer, by John Redwood:

Thanks to Hemant Mehta for picking up my JW Survey article about the JW v Watchtower case and Watchtower's appeal to the US Supreme Court.

Hemant has a brilliant and unique perspective on life, which is why he comes up with some bold titles for his articles.

Take this one for example:

"The Jehovah's Witnesses Want the Supreme Court to Help Them Cover Up Sex Abuse"

I would like to address this title- because it's EXACTLY the kind of headline Watchtower will call an "Apostate-Driven Lie."

From the standpoint of Watchtower - this title is false and an absolute fabrication. They would say that under no circumstances do they wish to cover up child abuse. Would they be correct?

If one of their elders called headquarters and asked whether this is true or not- headquarters would tell them absolutely not. They would say that they endeavor at all times to cooperate with law enforcement, as stated in their May 2019 Watchtower article about child abuse. They would say that they only keep records of child molesters to protect the congregation, and they should be applauded for their diligence in keeping such situations under control.

So, the elder would hang up the phone satisfied that the JW organization he represents does everything possible to protect children, and that they are not covering up anything.

Hence, he would now go back to his fellow elders and congregation members and say "You see brothers, Satan is really working through the media and is trying very hard to spread these false apostate lies about our organization. We must avoid apostates at all costs, and always turn off the TV when we see such reports"

This is how Jehovah's Witnesses are manipulated and controlled into believing that all false reports and headlines like this are blatant Satanic lies.

It's very subtle.

Witnesses trust their elders, and the elders trust the organization's leaders, and if those leaders tell them its all lies- they believe it and bring this message back to the flock. Average rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses do not have direct connectivity with the Watchtower legal and Service Departments. Even if they did, they would not get answers and would be told that these matters are being handled by responsible brothers who have prayed for Jehovah's direction - so let's leave the matter in Jehovah's hands.

Meanwhile- the headlines are true.

When Hemant says the JWs want help covering up child abuse, he's not wrong.

Is the title click-bait? Maybe. But why shouldn't it be? Journalists use catchy titles to grab people's attention. The real question we must ask is "Does the article have the facts to back up the title?"

And in the answer is: Absolutely yes.


This is why Jehovah's Witnesses are on the verge of falling into the chasm of no return, the abyss of disgrace.

The facts could not be any more clear: Jehovah's Witnesses have openly admitted that they collect data from every congregation in the world related to child abusers and their victims, and they openly admit that they have no desire to turn this information over to criminal and civil authorities.

Period. It's just that simple.

Read their Supreme Court appeal. They are using the United States Constitution as a cover for concealing what they call confidential communications, or "privileged" communications.

it's one thing to say that the confession of a guilty person to their pastor or elder is privileged communication - but it's entirely another matter when three dozen pastors all know about and investigate the crimes committed, and they all claim that it must never be shared with the authorities - or even the families of the victims.

If that's not a cover-up, I don't know what is.

Facts are facts, and at the end of the day, it all comes down to whose side are you on- the side of truth and transparency, or the side of protecting the reputation and assets of a religion.

If we learned anything from the movie Spotlight, it's that we don't want to be on the wrong side of this.



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You would think that I was getting a commission, but I am not.

I just downloaded the above video to my hard drive with FREEMAKE VIDEO DOWNLOADER, and with one-click, saved it.

Download this, and FASTSTONE CAPTURE,  and anything that can be seen on your monitor, can be downloaded.

Essential TOOLS ... for when someone attacks you for lying and such.

(and FASTSTONE CAPTURE has several video tutorials to show you how to use it, on YouTube ...).



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A new story just came in, and with one click, it automatically scrolled down and saved it as a photo, using FASTSTONE CAPTURE.

Then I cropped the headline, and saved it as a different name.


.... better than a link, which may disappear when Snowflakes get upset, and melt all over you.



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