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Warden at New York jail where financier Epstein died is removed


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Thought you were married.

One of my sons, a lawyer, who also teaches and tutors, actually tried to make a timeline for this death using all the initial reports and adjustments ("corrections") to those initial reports. There is

I do not have any parking spaces at my house for Hillary's broom.  

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There is a LOT of information that is not being conveyed to the public. I was quite busy with reading into all this even some documents that had been released.

Hid death was oddly convenient, but the problem is, this angers people like me and the truther community, for now there would be no answer for his crimes, and the names we want, most of them, will be unknown, promptly it lets those in connection to him off the hook. Ms. Maxwell, Epstein's partner, is nowhere to be found, as it has already been meme'd and joked that she left planet earth. Epstein was about 6ft tall and it was said he hung himself off a bunk bed, with knees to the floor, however, this would be deemed impossible for the bed-sheets were as thin as paper and could not hold someone of his height and size, which was claimed, more so, before his apparent death, one of the inmates that was jailed with him had been removed. Screaming was also heard from Epstein's room, and it is now said, someone who is hanging himself, how was he able to scream.

There was also a delay on the autopsy of his body, and the person who is said to have discovered his body was none other than Mark Epstein (whose wealth is also a mystery), the brother of the late wealthy convicted pedophile.

Also there is talk about Naomi Campbell whereas Epstein's sex slave (Virginia Roberts Giuffre) was seen at a Birthday Party, perhaps the only underage girl there at the time as some are saying, and there is a picture:

Ghislaine Maxwell and Virginia Roberts can be seen in this photo with Flavio Briatore and Naomi Campbell (center) at the party.

That being said, I was reading unsealed Epstein Docs before the claim of "Camera's Malfunctioning" was coined: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/340226_a6ab3f919e2741919ec645fe1ede1d7c.pdf

That being said, still looking into this myself due to the fact everyone is all over this now, and ironically no one batted an eye years ago regarding this person.

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18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

There is a LOT of information that is not being conveyed to the public. I was quite busy with reading into all this even some documents that had been released.

One of my sons, a lawyer, who also teaches and tutors, actually tried to make a timeline for this death using all the initial reports and adjustments ("corrections") to those initial reports. There is an amazing amount of misinformation that gets put out these days on anything, especially due to the "wealth" of information and misinformation available, along with versions of information that get screenshots made while still in flux. Times for the initial cell event ranged from 3:30 to 6:30 and 7:30, with the first publicized official news report not being put out until nearly 8:30, and many early reports got some interesting adjustments throughout the day. 4chan evidently had one or two claims that were timestamped prior to the official news reports, so that these would have to have come from someone in the prison, inmate, guard, first emergency medical team, etc. One reported a military person in the vehicle that picked Epstein up. There is room for a thousand conspiracies here. 

18 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

ironically no one batted an eye years ago regarding this person.

This is so true. Even Trump reportedly kicked him out of Maro a Lago for being a pedophile. And Trump distanced himself from Epstein's pedophile lifestyle even while running around with him in his group of "nightlife musketeers" in the 80's and 90's, as someone called Trump and Epstein, before this last expose broke. Although Trump does laugh it off at the time as if not taking the criminal implications seriously enough. But this was true of so many, in spite of real evidence that's been put out there for many years now. Then there are the crazier sounding conspiracies of genetic experimentation, etc., that even the NYT reported on.

I know a lot of people think first of Trump and/or the Clinton's. But there are state governors, and high level politicians, on his list. Woody Alan, Kevin Spacey, Prince Andrew. (And I saw Kevin Spacey murder to avoid political scandal on an HBO series, and even though that was just TV -- it was TV that many Washington politicians admitted that they just "loved.") Although Trump could just have been protecting himself, he definitely drew a distinction between the types/ages of women he liked as opposed to Epstein. Clinton's first move in this last phase of the scandal was to lie about how many times he was on the plane.

Also, I looked at the passenger manifests signed by the pilot of Epstein's Boeing 727 "Lolita Express." Trump is only there once, I saw Clinton's name there at least a dozen times just on the first skim. I also saw names of famous lawyer and law professor Alan Dershowitz, model Naomi Campbell, etc., and the names of dozens of very rich men. What was disconcerting too, was that there was never an unnamed male, and all famous males and females are named (hundreds of "GM" for Ms. Maxwell) -- but there are dozens of entries like "+ 3 [unnamed] females," "+ "2 females" etc. Another of the persons involved was the man that Trump put in charge of Trump University. Trump's business manager at Maro a Lago is reported to have warned Trump about a meeting there where Trump told him to prepare the place for a private party with lots and lots of VIP's, and then he found out it would only be Trump, Epstein, and 26 "calendar girls" if I remember the number right. The business manager was surprised that the only VIP's were Trump and Epstein and he says he warned Trump that this wouldn't look right.

I've barely touched the surface here. There are dozens of angles on this, and the case is going to be ripe for more conspiracies.

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Bill in Blue Dress.jpg

This canvas painting was found in Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion, prominently displayed in a large waiting room near the entrance. It was in the news for about three days.

Could be worse .....

.... could be Hillary in a Ferengi outfit.

I understand Hillary and Bill still share the same bed, but he sleeps on top in that "Monica Blue" dress, and she hangs from the bottom upside down with wings wrapped around her body.

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This one of Bush by the same artist is a little more subtle. The two paintings (below and the Clinton one, above) were offered and displayed as a pair of paintings by the artist.  I saw a post on a site that implied Epstein owned the Bush one too, but didn't get that impression after reading the full article. 



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