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Do not trust .....WHO?

Srecko Sostar

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JW members are instructed by this GB member to trust their leaders aka Governing Body. On other side Bible has many verses that warning people about that issue. Well, it seems how human influence and even manipulation is on work. Just few Bible verses as evidence: 

 My dear brothers, do not trust every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they belong to God. - 1 John

Do not rely on a friend; do not trust in a companion. Seal the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your arms - Micah 7

Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. - Psalm 146

For your own sakes, quit trusting in mere man,Who is only the breath in his nostrils.*Why should he be taken into account? - Isaiah 2



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Does Jesus entrust perfect truth/food, or imperfect truth?

The very second he rebelled against God; he became a damaged angelic being. I believe, scripture stipulates how Satan tempted Jesus to become imperfect as Adam if he bowed down to Satan's will. Did Je

I made suggestion how people don't need to be "perfect" to be able speaking truth. Definition of truth  (Entry 1 of 2) 1 a (1): the body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY

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7 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

This is one complete failure in your part. The Watchtower instructs their members to trust in God that the spiritual food given does conform to scripture.



Therefore, people reading irrational comments on apostate sites should consider the deception given by ex-witnesses.



Thanks for comment.

Audio and video evidence, above,  show us or prove us how members were openly called To Trust  Spiritual Management of Organization aka GB. Speaker was, in this sentence/claim said how Jesus trust them, and because this reason members have all needed proofs to doing the same, to trust GB. 

In 1:01 speaker say: Jesus trusted the imperfect faithful slave to do its best to convey spiritual food. Do you also trust the slave?

Speaker was, in this sentence/claim said how "Jesus trust them", and because this reason members have all needed proofs to doing the same, to trust GB. Well, listeners are in position to have big confidence in his claim and to trust or believe him as a speaker who run this TV show. Not need to mention about specific way of speak and gestures in crucial moments of his "proofing" on few subjects (voice and gestures which i found very funny and as try to be manipulative in childish way) and subjects that are very important for members of this Organization to continue and stay "in hope". In the same time Management  of Organization continue with their "uninspired and imperfect visions" which deceiving many.

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32 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

If the truth that Jesus hands down to the governing body turns out to be wrong then it is imperfect truth.

If you don't mind i would put that in this way: 

A) Jesus didn't provide no information's to GB, because miracles stopped in 1 century :))

B) Ideas that GB imagined to be "truth" was "empowered" by ?? in their everyday Bible reading

C) Truth can't be neither imperfect nor perfect. "The Truth" can be - or truth or lie 

D) GB statement in WT article:  Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.", Watchtower 2017 Feb p.26 is complete nonsense. Why?

Because: 1) Nothing of that sort was not written in Bible. 2) FDS "appointment" was about sharing food, and NOT about producing any sort of food, because food has already produced by Jesus in his Teachings.  

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Somebody made a video about Amos 3:7 and many of GB statements how they are not inspired. Verse is -  Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

According to this God's promise, in this period of time and in ANY period of time, if JHVH is pleased to do it (especially IF this period is/are  Last days of this Old World and time when God introducing change on worldwide scene for Kingdom) it can/would be expected that God Reveals such Things to HIS servants aka prophets aka FDS aka GB of WT Organizaton.

Because that is something what JW member is expecting and what was thought to expect - to hear Life Saving Instruction  even if such Instruction maybe Not Sound Reasonable from Human Standpoint.  

As Bible provide examples of God's past dealings with human and of His way of Revealing His Will, it is very notable and significant to notice how such Revelations was done in supernatural way, or in Bible wording "By Inspiration".

 Well, it seems how we have dilemma and problem with our Trust to GB as Group of Man who leading 8 billion people to safety of NW. If they were not "Inspired" all this time, it can be how they wandered through the Modern Desert not founding the way to Promised Land. And they still do this same thing today. 

Do You Trust Them as You Trust JHVH or Jesus??!! :))

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2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Are you suggesting the apostles and prophets were “perfect"?

I made suggestion how people don't need to be "perfect" to be able speaking truth.

Definition of truth

 (Entry 1 of 2)

1 a (1): the body of real things, events, and facts : ACTUALITY

       (2): the state of being the case : FACT

       (3) often capitalized : a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality

b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true truths of thermodynamics

c: the body of true statements and propositions

2 a: the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality

   b chiefly British : TRUE sense 2

   c: fidelity to an original or to a standard

3 a: sincerity in action, character, and utterance

   b archaic : FIDELITY, CONSTANCY

4 capitalized, Christian Science : GOD

in truth

: in accordance with fact : ACTUALLY

In that sense, about idea of "perfection". What are your thoughts about devil and his angels. Did devil lost his "perfection"? Did he lost his abilities as spiritual creatures? In case of Adam and Eve, people said how they lost their "perfection" in meaning: they lost everlasting life, they lost to stay young, they lost continuation to be and stay in "perfect" health of body and mental power etc. 

In that meaning (comparing), what do you think: Did devil lost his power "to fly", be invisible, to making supernatural things of all kind as it is described in Bible? Does his ability to deceive is less powerful (less "perfect")  today   than before? Because, perhaps as in case of interpretation made by religious people - as people are far from genuine perfection of Adam and Eve, they come to be "more imperfect". What ever that is and can be. 

If this is explanation or one of explanations, as reason why people going from "bad to worst",... than it is strange how people today are able to do "more" (more in every sense) than people before, more than people who was "closer" to "perfection", because time gap between them and Adam and Eve was less than it is from people today. 

I can conclude how  "perfection" or "imperfection" is not guarantee for anyone, will/would he speak the truth or not.

Devil spoke lie to Adam and Eve when he was "perfect". His lie happened to be Before God called/give him a name "snake", much before God "dfd" him. In fact, i have to ask: Do you now some Bible verse who give some idea or reason to believe that devil had come been "imperfect" after rebellion? (he became imperfect after the lie was told?)

Adam and Eve also spoke lie, and that was happened before God send them out of Eden. In this examples i don't see nothing, but evidence how "perfection" of all sort, of any kind, does not mean inability to act as "imperfect" (to tell a lie - purposely, for example ...... ) Or to look on "imperfection" as only reason why somebody tell wrong, error statement   :)) 

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Perfection has to do with fitness for a particular purpose.  I think the person that invented Vise-Grip Pliers should have gotten the Nobel Prize.

38 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

  In that meaning (comparing), what do you think: Did devil lost his power "to fly", be invisible, to making supernatural things of all kind as it is described in Bible? Does his ability to deceive is less powerful (less "perfect")  today   than before? Because, perhaps as in case of interpretation made by religious people - as people are far from genuine perfection of Adam and Eve, they come to be "more imperfect". What ever that is and can be. 


Watchtower Lawyers in Hell 2 .jpg

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8 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

In that sense, about idea of "perfection". What are your thoughts about devil and his angels. Did devil lost his "perfection"? Did he lost his abilities as spiritual creatures? In case of Adam and Eve, people said how they lost their "perfection" in meaning: they lost everlasting life, they lost to stay young, they lost continuation to be and stay in "perfect" health of body and mental power etc. 

The very second he rebelled against God; he became a damaged angelic being. I believe, scripture stipulates how Satan tempted Jesus to become imperfect as Adam if he bowed down to Satan's will. Did Jesus lose his perfection? No!

I believe scripture also states, Satan will be destroyed at the end. One can compare the word "destroyed" to mean death, just like Adam meet his death by imperfection.

That goes for the angels who followed Satan. Therefore, this is a non-argument.

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6 hours ago, Foreigner said:

Therefore, this is a non-argument.

Thanks for comment.

I conclude from your comment how you made argumentation about two sort of "perfection". That is also what i was try to explain and present. And, of course, terminologically, people have various ideas what "perfection" means to them. :)) 

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