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                                                                                                                    OUR RICH FATHER

              Résultat de recherche d'images pour "le nom jehovah dans des eglises"

If we have a rich father, billionaire, and he asks you to request a day off to spend time with him, will you be afraid to ask for it, even to lose our job? No, because you have your father's backing. He has lots of the money so we won't lack anything if we please him. We can say for sure that no one is wealthier than our heavenly Father, Jehovah. If we need to ask time off from work to attend meetings or conventions and our boss says ‘No’ and threatens to fire us, we should not get overly anxious because we have a rich father that has promised to take care of us! Question is: Do we really believe that? That's why we need to keep a strong relationship with Jehovah. Going back to the illustration, if we had an argument with our rich father or we don’t have a good relationship with him, we won't have the confidence that he will support us if we need it. The same with God.

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Several years ago four Sisters out in the Ministry were traveling in a car in Grand Prairie, Texas, just west of Dallas, Texas, and as they were going through an intersection, they were T-Boned by ano

They were " in the right place but it must have been the wrong time"  Malcolm John Rebennack Jr. As for the billionaire illustration, we are not suggesting that Jehovah pays us to go to assemblie

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Guest Indiana
3 hours ago, salomon said:

                                                                                                                    OUR RICH FATHER

              Résultat de recherche d'images pour "le nom jehovah dans des eglises"

If we have a rich father, billionaire, and he asks you to request a day off to spend time with him, will you be afraid to ask for it, even to lose our job? No, because you have your father's backing. He has lots of the money so we won't lack anything if we please him. We can say for sure that no one is wealthier than our heavenly Father, Jehovah. If we need to ask time off from work to attend meetings or conventions and our boss says ‘No’ and threatens to fire us, we should not get overly anxious because we have a rich father that has promised to take care of us! Question is: Do we really believe that? That's why we need to keep a strong relationship with Jehovah. Going back to the illustration, if we had an argument with our rich father or we don’t have a good relationship with him, we won't have the confidence that he will support us if we need it. The same with God.

This is something I disagree: when you are not able to attend an assembly you are told that you are not being obedient. Today I learned about a sister asking for money " to go to the convention". Another sister said she was going to give her some money but no more again, as she has her own expenses as well. In the end sometimes  what should be a joyful ocassion becomes a burden. Of course I don't doubt about Jehovah's power to bless people sometimes in unexpected ways :)

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Guest Indiana
3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Several years ago four Sisters out in the Ministry were traveling in a car in Grand Prairie, Texas, just west of Dallas, Texas, and as they were going through an intersection, they were T-Boned by another car, and all were instantly killed. How would that relate to what you have posted above?

Good question, I still remember those news about an autobus accident when heading to a convention in Honduras


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11 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

T-Boned by another car, and all were instantly killed. How would that relate to what you have posted above?

They were " in the right place but it must have been the wrong time"  Malcolm John Rebennack Jr.

As for the billionaire illustration, we are not suggesting that Jehovah pays us to go to assemblies are we?

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NOVEMBER 11, 2014

Fatal Bus Accident in Honduras


On the morning of October 31, 2014, a bus transporting 57 Jehovah’s Witnesses, who had volunteered to provide Bible education in Las Flores Lempira, crashed en route from San Carlos Choloma. The accident resulted in the death of the commercial bus driver and thirteen Witness passengers, which included two fourteen-year-old girls and an eight-year-old girl. The 44 surviving Witnesses were taken to the hospital for examination. Only two required extensive medical care but have since been released. Fellow worshippers are providing comfort and practical assistance. On November 1, 2014, the first funeral was held in Choloma for nine of the victims who died in the crash. Some 3,000 people attended.

José Castillo, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Honduras, stated: “We appreciate the outpouring of support from the community and the various agencies that have come to the aid of those affected by this tragedy.” -- JW.org website

8 hours ago, Indiana said:

Good question, I still remember those news about an autobus accident when heading to a convention in Honduras

As you will see from the quote from our website above there were going preaching not to a convention.  I article said they "had volunteered to provide Bible education in Las Flores Lempira".  They were probably going to outlying territory that is seldom worked. 

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Il y a 17 heures, James Thomas Rook Jr. a dit :

Il y a plusieurs années, quatre sœurs du ministère voyageaient dans une voiture à Grand Prairie, au Texas, juste à l'ouest de Dallas, au Texas, et alors qu'ils traversaient une intersection, ils se sont retrouvés avec une autre voiture et ont tous été tués sur le coup. . Comment cela se rapporterait-il à ce que vous avez posté ci-dessus?

Jésus déclara au sujet de ceux qui seraient ses disciples : “Si quelqu’un veut venir à ma suite, qu’il se renie lui-même et qu’il prenne son poteau de torture et me suive continuellement.” (Mat. 16:24, MN). Jésus ne dit pas que Dieu préserverait ses disciples du poteau de torture, mais il déclara : “Quiconque veut sauver son âme la perdra ; mais quiconque perd son âme à cause de moi la trouvera.” (Mat. 16:25, MN). Ainsi, si nos compagnons chrétiens meurent à cause des violences de leurs persécuteurs, ne considérons pas ce qui leur arrive comme une preuve de leur infidélité ou de partialité de la part de Jéhovah. Cette mort dans la fidélité garantit au chrétien la résurrection et l’assurance d’obtenir la vie éternelle dans le nouvel ordre de choses promis par Dieu. — Rév. 2:10 ; II Pierre 3:13, MN.
Il faut aussi se rappeler que si un compagnon chrétien trouve la mort dans un accident, c’est que “le temps et les circonstances” atteignent tous les hommes (Eccl. 9:11, Da). Puisqu’il en est ainsi, la mort de l’un des serviteurs de Dieu ne prouve pas qu’il a été infidèle. En outre, Jéhovah ne donne à personne l’assurance de ne pas mourir dans le présent ordre de choses. La récompense qu’il accordera à ceux qui garderont fidèlement leur intégrité, c’est la vie éternelle dans l’ordre nouveau (Rom. 6:23). Le chrétien fidèle recevra cette récompense même s’il meurt maintenant, à la suite d’un accident malheureux ou d’une catastrophe. La résurrection sous le Royaume de Dieu lui est assurée (Jean 5:28, 29). Aussi, peu importe ce qui nous arrivera avec sa permission ; puisque Dieu est impartial, il récompensera les fidèles. En vérité, “il n’y a pas de partialité chez Dieu”. — Rom. 2:11, MN.protection divine: w64 702-704

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