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A hurricane is coming. The sky has not turned dark yet, but the weather service announces it is imminent. It is going to be a big one. When you take a look at your neighborhood, some of your neighbors are working hard securing their property, installing storm shutters, putting away junk that may turn into projectiles, and so on. Other neighbors, though, are having the ultimate outdoors BBQ experience, partying with family and friends in spite of the storm warning. When you look at their homes, there is no indication they are preparing for the storm. Who would you say believe the storm is coming? Your neighbors didn’t need to say a word, but you can tell by their actions. The urgency shown by those who took action preparing for the hurricane attests it is real to them. But the inaction of those partying indicates they are not sure about the warning or perhaps don’t believe it at all. Likewise, we don't need to say a word for others to know the quality of our faith. Our actions and the way we conduct ourselves in the congregation will show it.

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