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Result of image search for "widow temple jw"


When the widow dropped the two pieces of little value, Jesus does not say: stop, do not do that! This temple will soon be destroyed, it's wasteful! A comment like that would have been technically correct. And that would have been convenient because she gave everything she had.Why did not he say that? Because the reason for the widow was to give Jehovah wholeheartedly. And Jehovah accepted that. This illustrates a vital truth. Many of our brothers and sisters have dedicated their lives to God in the hope of seeing the end come true in their lives. At the beginning of the 20th century, some people thought that millions of people living at that time would never taste death. But the end has not come. They died, as well as all those to whom they preached. Our understanding of the truth is refined over the years. Does this mean that these friends lost their lives by believing and maintaining false expectations? Absolutely not! Why? Because they just wanted to serve Jehovah wholeheartedly and he accepted their sacrifices as a sacred service. They stored treasures in paradise. And their testimony had a purpose: they praised the name of God and worked out their own salvation. (Philippians 2:12)


 The barometer of our gratitude to Jehovah is not the sum we give, but the state of mind with which we give it. This is what Jesus said one day when he was looking at people putting donations in treasure trunks at the temple. Seeing a needy widow put "two small coins of very little value," he said, "I tell you, it's the truth: This widow, though poor, has put more than all. For all these gave gifts of their superfluity, but this woman, of her indigence, put all she had to live. Luke 21: 1-4.

"Show yourself grateful" The Watchtower, 1/12/2003

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