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Attorneys filing lawsuits in King's County Supreme Court against eight members of the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses for alleged child sexual abuse claims.

Jack Ryan

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Actually, Kirk mixed some potassium nitrate, the white powder found under cow pies, and sulfur, and carbon into that tube, and filled it with rocks. It would have not have worked unless the ingredients were of the correct proportion, and thoroughly mixed. I forgot how he ignited it .. I was SO disappointed.

EVERYBODY knows that you fight Alien Reptos with an official Star Trek folding pocket knife.

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Boys scouts may close..... and many other sports institutions may close. .....etcetc but I have a nasty suspicion that only religion will be held accountable. Why?  I see that Jeffrey Epstein and

@BillyTheKid46 quotes: "The Watchtower doesn’t directly claim clergy privilege, it’s automatically given by each State that has it in their legal binding. (I.e. laws)" "Then, perhaps the abo

I agree, and that is a problem many conveniently forget about. Just recently the Child Victims Act has extended the statute of limitations. And legislation is working on making priests mandated report

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15 hours ago, Arauna said:

Congress did not do their job properly....... regarding the legislation.  For many years it was taboo to speak about sex abuse and the legislation passed was so weak it actually passed the buck to organizations.

Legislators seem to have been oblivious to sexual abuse partly because so many have been distracted by their own appetites. Last year I clipped this from a Southern newspaper. The date of the paper is November 21, 1877:


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5 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

Legislators seem to have been oblivious to sexual abuse partly because so many have been distracted by their own appetites. Last year I clipped this from a Southern newspaper. The date of the paper is November 21, 1877:


Yes, it's always been that way, it seems since the earliest of times; men with power and money know they can get ANYTHING they want. 

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15 hours ago, Arauna said:

I have a nasty suspicion that only religion will be held accountable.

I am not sure about this idea. If 3 elements run world (religion, politic and money) they need each other, if not for anything else but for exactly this - to run the world, to govern the world. East Europe communism try to live without religion for decades, but religion lived on "lower" level and survived. Elements will stay, only some individuals inside them, will be changed (bring down or up), because in interactions inside group of who have or want to have, more power and money. 

15 hours ago, Arauna said:

How can an organization be retroactively be held accountable by legislation when there was no proper legislation in place for a very long time.... and there were no proper and free child services available from government to determine if the abuse  really  happened or  not. 

If you mean, partially, and on WT Society too, you need to have in  mind that WT and JW have The Best of All Legislative - Bible, as they claim. But despite this "FACT", this same Organization show same or similar "weakness" as any other secular or religious organization !! In that sense, no new "proper legislative" made by governments will not Upgrade and make Better WT-JW Internal Legislative. How not? Because, WT Lawyers call for US Amendment on free religion practice and doctrines. By that, US Courts (and perhaps European too) are not place to discuss about religious and doctrinal aka spiritual handling about "sins" that elders doing in child  abuse cases.  

Retroactively be held - maybe is not possible through the Secular Laws, but for True Believers, IT IS possible, because despite the fact how God is ready to forgive, but in the same time, He have to give Justice to Victim and make that wrongdoer pay for bad deed. That is His law from the old time that work until today.

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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I am not sure about this idea. If 3 elements run world (religion, politic and money) they need each other, if not for anything else but for exactly this - to run the world, to govern the world. East Europe communism try to live without religion for decades, but religion lived on "lower" level and survived. Elements will stay, only some individuals inside them, will be changed (bring down or up), because in interactions inside group of who have or want to have, more power and money. 

If you mean, partially, and on WT Society too, you need to have in  mind that WT and JW have The Best of All Legislative - Bible, as they claim. But despite this "FACT", this same Organization show same or similar "weakness" as any other secular or religious organization !! In that sense, no new "proper legislative" made by governments will not Upgrade and make Better WT-JW Internal Legislative. How not? Because, WT Lawyers call for US Amendment on free religion practice and doctrines. By that, US Courts (and perhaps European too) are not place to discuss about religious and doctrinal aka spiritual handling about "sins" that elders doing in child  abuse cases.  

Retroactively be held - maybe is not possible through the Secular Laws, but for True Believers, IT IS possible, because despite the fact how God is ready to forgive, but in the same time, He have to give Justice to Victim and make that wrongdoer pay for bad deed. That is His law from the old time that work until today.

"Like","Upvote", and "Thanks"

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In order to make the case to courts that Kingdom Hall properties all belong to the WTB&TS, irregardless if whose names are on the Titles, the Society has claimed, in court, under oath, that they are a hierarchy, EXACTLY like the Catholic Church, and are entitled to confiscate and sell the properties as the Society sees fit ... NOT as the the people who built and paid for the Kingdom Halls see fit.

I think this will take a colossal bite out of their collective butt.

Especially since they DO claim, also in court, under oath, that they are entitled to "clergy-penitent privilege", the same as the Catholic Church.




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1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

the Society has claimed, in court, under oath, that they are a hierarchy, EXACTLY like the Catholic Church,


1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

they DO claim, also in court, under oath, that they are entitled to "clergy-penitent privilege", the same as the Catholic Church.

Thanks for very good reminder about FACTS.

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3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

The Watchtower doesn’t directly claim clergy privilege, it’s automatically given by each State that has it in their legal binding. (I.e. laws)

Please, tell me what is difference when WT Society indirectly claim clergy status for Elders ?? 

Automatically given by each State?? Some explanation would be interesting to hear. IF it is automatically given, why WT and JWorg automatically accepting that?? Why they not make Legal Complain and "Fight in Courts" for neutrality and autonomy in that issue? :))

3 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

At least in the U.S. I assume your communist nation sees it differently.

:))) Croatia is not communist country. Croatia is in NATO and in deep process of accepting all and every capitalistic idiocy.

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All Jehovah's Witnesses are ordained Ministers.

Are we all clergy?

The WTB&TS does not have to CLAIM clergy privilege ... any more than you are forced to redeem every coupon you get in your mailbox.

The Governing Body has directed that Elders ARE clergy ..... something that when I went before the Draft Board in 1966 and refused to be inducted into the Armed Forces of the United States, and faced five years in the Federal Penitentiary in Petersburg, Virginia I did NOT claim.

With tears and great sadness, I lament that the organization has BECOME money grubbing clergy.

There are actors that have even rejected the Oscar Award, (Marlin Brando and George C. Scott immediately come to mind .... ) as right or wrong, they valued their principles MORE than fame and money.

They WERE AWARDED an Oscar award.  They rejected it.

It is a crying shame when Hollywood Actors have the moral high ground, and we try so very hard to get the same respect and privileges as the Catholic Church.

The only thing missing, is priest vestments, and a Pope hat.

Actually .... 8 Pope Hats.


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