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Attorneys filing lawsuits in King's County Supreme Court against eight members of the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses for alleged child sexual abuse claims.

Jack Ryan

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52 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

The one that needs education about the laws of the land are ignorant people. I suggest you get together with James, and Srecko to learn how that privilege is applied by the laws and courts. The Watchtower is NOT going to violate the laws of the land just because ex-witnesses and apostates wish it.

You're funny. 

I mean really. 

Didn't answer my question at all, just created more chatter to try and build yourself up. 

Oh BTK, one day you'll get it, it will hurt, but you'll get it. 

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Boys scouts may close..... and many other sports institutions may close. .....etcetc but I have a nasty suspicion that only religion will be held accountable. Why?  I see that Jeffrey Epstein and

@BillyTheKid46 quotes: "The Watchtower doesn’t directly claim clergy privilege, it’s automatically given by each State that has it in their legal binding. (I.e. laws)" "Then, perhaps the abo

I agree, and that is a problem many conveniently forget about. Just recently the Child Victims Act has extended the statute of limitations. And legislation is working on making priests mandated report

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10 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Thanks for the personal threat. It will be submitted to the proper authorities just like the one John made.



See, I said you were funny. 

I'll help you out since common sense and logic escape you:

    One day you will come to realize the error in front of you that you cannot see at this time in your life, it will hurt your pride/ego/mind when you do realize it, but you will one day realize it. 


Why do you think everything is a personal attack against you? Is it because you are the one normally making such attacks and expect the same in return? Or is it because the wt told you that anyone who is not a jw will attack you? 



I forgot to add.....eeek, I'm scared. 

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Thanks for very good reminder about FACTS.

There are good reasons for the government laws to give certain privileges to lawyers and religious overseers -  ever thought of that?  The state is not supposed to be all powerful otherwise one would see justice eroded.

God hates paedophilia- and witnesses are taught that all porneia is serious sin - yet there are those few individuals who go back to eat vomit like a dog.  The law itself does not cover every situation of paedophilia but yet they expect JWs to cover every situation (retroactively) -  which is truly different in every case. We could cover all bases.

We also allow people off the street at out meetings ......and individuals may have a history.  God is not unmerciful......if someone wants to change their life.  So what rules do you think would improve this situation - and should we ban all previous child molestors from our meetings?    The law should have balance and so should we not err on side of injustice  to not give people a chance to change.  I think the rules JWs have in place is sufficient and balanced. Parents still have the prime responsibility to protect their children. Accompany them to the bathroom at a meeting and other practical advice often given off the platform. 

What I find ironic is that the government allows an organization like ours to be attacked.... when our cases are much less than in other churches and sports organizations etc.....Cases are rare - not a regular occurence.  On the other hand the government does not have good laws in place and to add to the injury - the government now allows children to be sexualised from age 5 in the school curriculum. Children are now being sexually groomed in the school curriculim.

The UNESCO school curriculum is in all schools and parents of young children are no longer allowed to opt out.  Go on line and see the complaints of teachers who have to teach young children: Children are taught on computer about oral and anal sex, LGBTQ, parents who have 2 mommies or daddies, transvestites, young children are taught to allow others to touch them and not to disclose if they have AIDS.  Shocking stuff!    The entire system of government is hypocritical and morally rotten to the core! 

Why is there not  coverage in the press regarding this in schools?   It is the universal promotion of new moral values which rejects Christian values. UNESCO threatens African countries to cut financial aid if the refuse to teach the curriculum. First they taught evolution in schools and took the bible out... now they teach moral corruption and Islam under the guise of social studies.

They hold Christian organizations to higher moral standards ....while teaching moral corruption to children...... it is the sign of the times.....  

The biggest threat to Christian children is that parents should be counterbalancing the teachings received  at school with regular talks to their children at home. Soon children will think that paedophilia is normal..... because they are being groomed for porneia in school.



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2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Then, learn your own laws before you criticize laws of other nations


2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

Does that mean when you and James up-vote each other, YOU ARE A ROBOT?


2 hours ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

I don’t see the Watchtower breaking the laws of the U.S

Main question is: Do WT Society and JW Organization have clergy class? When informing public through own publications, WT Society and JWorg say: We have no clergy-laity distinction, we have no paid clergy ....etc. 
But WT Lawyers say: We have clergy and we want to have rights as Clergy in all other Churches (namely Roman Catholic Church) !

J.W. filed a motion to compel further responses to a request for the production of documents. J.W. asserted she requested Watchtower produce various documents, and Watchtower refused citing the clergy-penitent privilege.

On May 9, 2014, the trial court, specifically Commissioner Gregory, held a hearing on Watchtower’s motion to set aside the February 11 order. The trial court said Watchtower asserted clergy-penitent privilege in opposition to the motion to compel as it concerned RFP 66.

When Judge Peterson began the February 11 hearing, he said in regard to all of Watchtower’s objections to all of the requests for production, “[Watchtower] object on the following grounds: Number one, penitent/clergy privilege, attorney/client privilege, attorney work product, privacy, and in several instances, the time period which would cover the documents sought to be received.”

source: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/19/19-40/104104/20190625174601258_288149_Petition.pdf , pages 54, 60, 83

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4 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

If James does something wrong. Will you accept the blame and pay for whatever damage and compensation levied against James?

If person XY has done something wrong because person QW said him what and how to do it, (in reality what XY has done after QW advised him), than QW has obligation to take some blame. QW have to take responsibility and quit from his position, because he caused damage. QW will be doing good if he found some less responsible job, cleaning windows for example. 

For QW it would be good to ask for second opinion, and not to take XY advice as "God-given".

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24 minutes ago, BillyTheKid46 said:

How about terrorism. James is a white nationalist. He acts like one. Should he be sued because of that Texas shooter that is anti-color and anti-immigrant? How about you, should you take responsibility for it?

Billy, you are living in a fantasy world of your own creation ... completely devoid of common sense and common decency.

I am white ...or at least of the Caucasian persuasion.

If I was a Nationalist, I would have fought in Vietnam, rather than face 5 years of prison ... and I have not pledged my allegiance to any nation since the 5th grade, when I did not know any better.

I deliberately married a woman who was mixed Spanish, Peruvian, Japanese, Negro, and Ketchua (spelling?) Indian, and my kids have a lovely permanent tan.  By the way, she immigrated from Peru, and I filled out all her paperwork to come here , marry me, and get American Citizenship.

You care nothing about facts when you make accusations, and are looking at the world through a delusional construct.

How does it feel to be an expert at everything, except what is real, and be a legend in your own mind?

But more to the point, how do you survive with absolutely no common sense whatsoever?



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1 hour ago, Anna said:


"B.C. court ruling against father in child hormone treatment case sets dangerous precedent"




This is interesting and good to read from link you provide:

Part of what qualifies a minor to be recognized as legally “mature” (able to make adult decisions independently from her parents and from the government) is her ability to think through difficult issues and deal maturely with opposing viewpoints. 

In cases involving teenage Jehovah’s Witnesses who refuse life-saving blood transfusions, one of the things considered by courts, when assessing whether the minor is legally “mature” and able to make this decision on her own, is her capacity to hear and consider differing viewpoints. 

If a child is already dealing with significant emotional and mental stress that impedes her ability to rationalize and consider competing medical opinions, she will not be able to handle differing advice (for example, doctors urging her to accept a blood transfusion while religious leaders urge her to refuse this) and cannot therefore be deemed  legally “mature.”

Justice Bowden’s Order prohibits the father from trying to persuade his female-born child to refrain from experimental and irreversible testosterone treatments. This assumes that the child is not sufficiently mature to handle differing opinions and to think through the pros and cons of different options. 

If true, this means the child is not a mature minor. 

If the child is not a mature minor, the child cannot decide on serious and irreversible medical treatments; it’s up to the parents. Yet the lower court views the child as mature enough to decide on experimental medical treatments, but not mature enough to deal with the father’s objections.

Here i see parallel with WT Society Order about prohibition to going on "apostate" sites or on any other "worldly" material that can "shake" JW member faith and believe. To see or read or hear anything that Oppose to Official WT Doctrines and Instructions. According to view presented in article, JW members looks like "immature minors" who are not able to defend their position without WT Society and JWorg Spiritual Interventions and Theocratic Court Orders. aka GB Orders.

About Judge and Court in general in this case about changing sex. This is just prove how "worldly" Courts "are not inspired and can err." :)))

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@BillyTheKid46 quotes:

"The Watchtower doesn’t directly claim clergy privilege, it’s automatically given by each State that has it in their legal binding. (I.e. laws)"

"Then, perhaps the above will be clearer as to who is advocating the “clergy” identity. It’s not the Watchtower, but the legal system by definition."


Indeed, the Watchtower has a “clergy”; albeit a counterfeit one, and they know it. 


Adjective:  Typical; having the same properties or interest as a larger group.

                     Representing, showing a likeness 

 Noun:  One who may speak for another in a particular capacity, especially in negotiation.

“Representing the royal priesthood are appointed elders, who serve in positions of responsibility in congregations of Jehovah’s people around the earth. These men deserve our respect and wholehearted support, whether they are of the anointed or not. Why? Because, through his holy spirit, Jehovah has appointed the older men to their positions. 

In what way are elders appointed by holy spirit?

19 These older men meet the requirements that are set out in God’s Word, which is a product of God’s spirit. (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) Hence, their appointment can be said to be by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28   W 02/8/1 p. 13,14


They flex this assumed role according to their advantage.  If it means disfellowshipping individuals, (including members of the “royal priesthood”) judging them as unsuitable to remain in their idolatrous “Zion”, the elder body must be recognized for their falsely given “priestly” authority.  After all, it can be said they were appointed by Holy Spirit, they say.  

In the court system, they will either defend their clergy-penitent privilege to their advantage; or deny it exists, because they have created their loophole, being “representatives” of the authentic priestly “clergy”.  In all cases, it is total hypocrisy.

2 Chron 13:9 - “You forced out the Lord’s priests who were Aaron’s descendants, and you forced out the Levites so that you could appoint your own priests, as the people in foreign countries do. Anyone who has a young bull and seven rams can be ordained as a priest of nonexistent gods.       

W 02/8/1 p. 13,14  Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! Their record of faithful service, often over many decades, inspires our trust. 


“They (Korah and his men) came together to confront Moses and Aaron and said to them, “You’ve gone far enough! Everyone in the whole community is holy, and the Lord is among them. Why do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?”

Moses also said to Korah, “Listen, you Levites! Isn’t it enough for you that the God of Israel has separated you from the rest of the community of Israel? The Lord has brought you near himself to do the work for his tent and stand in front of the community to serve them. 10 He has brought you and all the other Levites near himself, but now you demand to be priests11 So you and all your followers have joined forces against the Lord! Who is Aaron that you should complain about him?”  Numbers, chapter 16

“Don’t let anyone deceive you about this in any way. That day cannot come unless a revolt takes place first, and the man of sin, the man of destruction, is revealed. He opposes every so-called god or anything that is worshiped and places himself above them, sitting in God’s temple (1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16,17; 2 Cor 6:16; Rev 11:1-3) and claiming to be God.” 2 Thess 2:3,4


“Disgusting Thing Standing in the Holy Place” 4womaninthewilderness, Pearl Doxsey




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On 8/31/2019 at 2:40 PM, Witness said:

In what way are elders appointed by holy spirit?

19 These older men meet the requirements that are set out in God’s Word, which is a product of God’s spirit. (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) Hence, their appointment can be said to be by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28   W 02/8/1 p. 13,14

Perhaps requirements are good, as it is described in Scriptures. But, people who put other people on position of elders are not inspired, as they already claimed few times in publications. And because they are not inspired , their capacity to connect this two elements - candidate for elder and "inspired requirements" described in Bible - are in sphere of human, earthly insight.

Well, all this try/manipulation to make elders to look as "appointed by HS" (in the previous time WT Society, GB, or today by Circuit Overseer making final decision about appointing) is based on personal interpretation and impression of CO about candidate and on instructions made by Organization that CO have to take as guidance.

To be appointed by HS - vs - It can be said their appointment to be by HS, are two different issue.

In Human Organization with Hierarchical structure (similar to Catholic Church) no one can be sure who's appointment is made by whom.    

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An interesting conflict in WT teaching; and its progression toward a full-fledged plaguing lie. (egg – tadpole – frog; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:13)

w78 7/1 p. 25-26   Question:

8. (a) Do men ordain priests, the same as men appoint elders, overseers and ministerial servants? (b) Where, in Jehovah’s spiritual temple, are the anointed remnant today, and what are they doing there?

18 True, the apostles such as Paul and Barnabas did appoint qualified men to be elders or overseers and ministerial servants in the Christian congregations, but they never appointed or ordained “priests.” (Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1Jehovah is the One who, by Jesus Christ, appoints or ordains his priests. Despite their not assuming titles, the anointed remnant of today are in what was foreshadowed by the “courtyard of the priests” in the temple at Jerusalem. In such a figurative courtyard in the spiritual temple of Jehovah, they offer “spiritual sacrifices” to him through Jesus Christ the High Priest.—1 Pet. 2:5.  

Admission:  Men appoint elders, overseers and ministerial servants. Until…this:

w06 5/1 p. 25-26 -

Does Jehovah expect those whom he appoints as servants and elders to carry the extra load by themselves? On the contrary, he provides practical assistance that enables them not only to cope but also to thrive. As discussed in the preceding articleJehovah gives them his holy spirit, the fruitage of which helps them to care tenderly for the sheep. (Acts 20:28; Galatians 5:22, 23) In additionJehovah gives them wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. (Proverbs 2:6) How does he do this? Let us discuss three ways in which Jehovah trains individuals whom he appoints to care for his sheep. 

Proclamation:  God has a new priesthood, made up of elders that He officially has chosen, even though it was admitted 28 years prior, that elders are appointed by men.    “It can be said”, then, that elders are the new “anointed” priesthood.

How does the GB make such a claim when they admit they are not inspired?   This is how:

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, (organization) and out of the mouth of the false prophet. (GB) 14 For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth (anointed, Rev 1:5) and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

15 “Behold, I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame.”

16 And they gathered them (the anointed "kings of the earth" [Rev 5:9,10]  together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon.

An anointed priest cannot “keep his garments” signifying who he is, (Rev 3:5,18) if he allows another to falsely “represent” him; an army appointed by men.  It is prophesied that the anointed at the time of the end - who have no say in the organization, and  no ability to offer "spiritual sacrifices" as a priesthood - allow themselves to be “trampled” by these lies, coming out of the organization’s “mouth”, and the mouth of its directors. 2 Thess 2:3,4; Rev 11:1-3,7; 13:1,2,5-7,11,14-17

This deceit – this delusion that IS the organization – is the tool Satan uses to destroy the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed”.  2 Thess 2:9-12; Rev 12:3,4,15; 18:4-8


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