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Every noticed how they mention Apostate lies but never give references to any specific lie and how it is a lie or what not?

Jack Ryan

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How do you not see that what you have said, can apply to your own leaders?  Or do you not believe a lie is a lie, no matter whose lips it comes from? "This Generation" teaching: Who the Gene

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Well when Satan lied, Jehovah allowed for time to prove him wrong.   All lies cannot be countered immediately. It depends on the lie.  

But we all know that there are thousands of lies told by many people - from the degree of skewing the truth a little to look like and angel if light to blatant lies. Lies come in many different flavors and degrees.... 

It really takes time and effort to answer the lies which look like they are coming from an angel of light and are deliberately created to waste our time.  Better to leave it in  Jehovahs hands because those people are not ignorant of what they are doing and neither are they  sincerely in search of the  truth - so I  just give the other cheek and heap coals on their head.



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The governing body does lie A LOT, esp when comparing themselves against others. They also tell tales that are just too hard to believe, they make up stories to make themselves look good so they can boast. It's somewhat humerous sometimes but also pathetic, I sometimes feel sorry for jw's making themselves look dumb because of the lies and tall tales they speak.

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On 8/26/2019 at 2:52 PM, Arauna said:

But we all know that there are thousands of lies told by many people - from the degree of skewing the truth a little to look like and angel if light to blatant lies. Lies come in many different flavors and degrees.... 

It really takes time and effort to answer the lies which look like they are coming from an angel of light and are deliberately created to waste our time.  Better to leave it in  Jehovahs hands because those people are not ignorant of what they are doing and neither are they  sincerely in search of the  truth - so I  just give the other cheek and heap coals on their head.

How do you not see that what you have said, can apply to your own leaders?  Or do you not believe a lie is a lie, no matter whose lips it comes from?

"This Generation" teaching:

Who the Generation Applies to

The Watchtower has swung between whether generation has a positive connotation that applies to the Anointed, or has a negative connotation applying to worldly contemporaries. It has also varied on whether the period was over an unspecified time frame or was a fixed period. In brief, the changes have been as follows:

1897 - A group of contemporary people

"Other uses of this Greek word (genea) prove that it is not used with the significance of race, but in reference to people living contemporaneously.... In other words, the signs mentioned will occur within a generation - epoch in the close of the age." � Studies in the Scriptures Vol 4 pp.602,603

1927 - The anointed

"The irresistible conclusion therefore is that Jesus referred to the new creation [the anointed] when he said: This generation shall not pass until all these things be fulfilled. This then would be a strong indication that some members of the new creation will be on the earth at the time of Armageddon." Watchtower 1927 Feb 15 p.62

1951 - A fixed period of time from 1914 applied to worldly people

"The actual meaning of these words is, beyond question, that which takes a generation in the ordinary sense, as at Mark 8:12 and Acts 13:36, or for those who are living at the given period. So it was on this generation that the accumulated judgments were to fall. (Matt. 23:36) This therefore means that from 1914 a generation shall not pass till all is fulfilled, and amidst a great time of trouble." Watchtower 1951 Jul 1 p.404

1995 - A group of contemporary worldly people

"Jesus was not departing from his established use of the term this generation, which he consistently applied to the contemporary masses with their blind guides who together made up the Jewish nation. ... Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics."� Watchtower 1995 Nov 1 pp.14,20

2008 - The anointed

"As a class, these anointed ones make up the modern-day "generation" of contemporaries that will not pass away "until all these things occur." This suggests that some who are Christ's anointed brothers will still be alive on earth when the foretold great tribulation begins." Watchtower 2008 Feb 15 p.24

2010 - A fixed period from 1914 applied to the anointed

"He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation." Watchtower 2010 April 15 p.10

(JW Facts)

And what about today????

For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.  2 Cor 11:13-15


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