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As vitriolic as the spiteful crticisms of apostate opposers are, there is a remarkable tide of recognition of the integrity of Jehovah's Witnesses, even among those who do not share our beliefs.

That's true, but it would not attract as much attention. Rutherford had been a political marketer before following Russell/WT/Bible Students. This is why he would ADV/ADV/ADV. And why gimmicks like pu

Nobody but nobody has “apostates” like Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is almost as though I am proud of them. Every NT writer wrote about opposition and apostasy. If it happened then, it should happen now. W

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Nobody but nobody has “apostates” like Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is almost as though I am proud of them. Every NT writer wrote about opposition and apostasy. If it happened then, it should happen now. What if there was no opposition today? Wouldn’t you have to wonder why?

Since Witnesses do not seek to evade taxes, they pay into social & police services to a greater proportion than most groups. Since they put into practice Bible principles that improve lives, they draw upon those services to a much lesser degree. They are honest. They don’t resort to violence, either, in contrast to the majority who will when the cause is deemed right. 

It should be taken as more evidence that what Witnesses have is the truth. It would not be so determinedly opposed were that not the case. The opposition to them is hugely disproportional to their “offenses.”


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3 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

It should be taken as more evidence that what Witnesses have is the truth. It would not be so determinedly opposed were that not the case. The opposition to them is hugely disproportional to their “offenses.”

Truth, without Justice, and fairness,.... and mercy .... devalues Truth, to a trivial pursuit.

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Apostates are known by their words and actions.  It is possible that this group we are presently in would be on somebody's list as well. 

I was warned by a sister about this group  and also by an elder when he read my post on the Internet where I said that we should abandon sayings like "religion is a snare and a racket", seeing that God has overlooked the days of ignorance.  Resurrecting those sayings means that we have not progressed in our understanding. I also said that we are also a religion so that should not make sense. The elder said that "at that time we were not a religion".  Well, that just shows you. 

We have to be firm and sound in mind as to what we will believe.

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11 hours ago, The Librarian said:

• ANY group with the following people in them, either members or admins:

A few with those names are probably members of their local PTA. Or, if in the United States, the Republican or Democrat political parties.  

Yikes, so many apostate groups.

Seriously, though, I don't know where you found such a list. I haven't heard of hardly any of them. But I do see that many good and active Witnesses have "Theocratic Ministry School" listed as their "school/college/education" in their Facebook profiles. Perhaps they should all be warned?

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8 hours ago, Outta Here said:

As vitriolic as the spiteful crticisms of apostate opposers are, there is a remarkable tide of recognition of the integrity of Jehovah's Witnesses, even among those who do not share our beliefs.

I see you are trying to bring something positive to a negative post 🙂. The truth is though, apostates are an entirely different category to the average person who never was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The average non Witness would probably side with us, and not Apostates. Nobody likes bullies, and would wonder why all the vitriol. There are a number of people who are for us, even doctors concerning the blood issue for example. (Found on our website).

Just the other day on the ministry I had a lady who thanked us and told us she admired what we do. This wasn't the first time someone said something like this, and I am sure all of us had someone like that at some time. On the other hand we should expect to be hated (by the public) because Jesus said so. And we should also expect opposition from those who were once among us.

A few days ago I was doing some reading on the Yarovaya Law (the law responsible for all the trouble for the Witnesses in Russia), and found that this law was created by a woman named Irina Yarovaya. This got me to wondering whether her "attack" on religion (besides Orthodox) was actually personal, and whether her attack on evangelism specifically, was even more personal.  Then all kinds of ideas came to mind. Did she have a family member who became a Witness and refused blood, or higher education etc. did she blame the Witnesses? Then a plethora of other situations came to mind but I will not post them here because they could be deemed defamatory. (All I will say is pictures speak a thousand words and Russian women are in a league of their own. I can think of a few lady Bible characters though as well).


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2 hours ago, Melinda Mills said:

The elder said that "at that time we were not a religion". 

Did he explain what we were before then? I wonder if Rutherford would think the same today, since we are a religion now. He probably would, because religion IS a snare and a racket, except for the true religion 🙂.

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I would say it another way: False religion is a snare and a racket.   Not hard to correct. 

Abel had a religion and all of God's servants since.

Definition of religion: Concise Oxford Dictionary: belief in, worship of, or obedience to a supernatural power or powers considered to be divine or to have control of human destiny; 2 any formal or institutionalized expression of such belief, e.g. the Christian religion. ...5. something of overwhelming importance to a person.

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12 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Since Witnesses do not seek to evade taxes, they pay into social & police services to a greater proportion than most groups. Since they put into practice Bible principles that improve lives, they draw upon those services to a much lesser degree. They are honest. They don’t resort to violence, either, in contrast to the majority who will when the cause is deemed right. 

It should be taken as more evidence that what Witnesses have is the truth.

Perhaps it would be more "discreet" to not merge automatically this two elements you talking about: moral standards and by law obligated things to do, on one side, with theological subject/term "Truth" or  with spiritual aspects in people's life, on other side.

How to explain this? Children in kindergarten (of any kind i assume, religious, atheistic) are not thought, by their guardians ladies, to still, to lie, to curse, etc. other children and adult people. They received lessons  to be nice, peaceful, honest, sincere, to share things, etc. By this, they shows qualities as every very moral atheist or very moral religious individual.

To what "truth" this kindergarten group belongs?! :)) Or any other religious and non religious group in the world that reflects this moral and not only moral but spiritual qualities in the same time?! Because good moral behavior is based on good spiritual foundations. In this aspect, "spiritual" not necessary including how individual must believe in God. Because God's love and all moral and spiritual qualities is genetically incorporated in individual because of miracle act when God created people.

That is why atheist people must not "belong to" particular ideology, false or true, to be bad or good. That is why religious people, must not "belong to" particular religion, false or true, to be bad or good.

That is why JW members with their good behavior, not proving automatically how because of their belonging to particular Organization their religion is true. They not proving issue - how specific theology and doctrines is truth itself. 

It would be good to separate things that are not the same. You don't need to be religious to be moral and obey law in the same time. 




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37 minutes ago, Anna said:

This got me to wondering whether her "attack" on religion (besides Orthodox) was actually personal, and whether her attack on evangelism specifically, was even more personal

No. Unless she is very very subtle. The main thrust of the laws do not even specifically target religion, though she may be no friend of it. Others have point it that way.

As to our reputation in the general world, I would put it: “When perusing religion, look for the people who are individually praised but collectively despised.”

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