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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

hashing it out—Arauna and JWI,

I do not aspire to be a titan. Fortunately, I did not grow up in America and I remain quite open to any opinion not my own. 

But those who stray from Jehovahs fold seem to lose some clarity in their evaluation of what is really wicked - irrespective of the degree of the wickedness. 


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As vitriolic as the spiteful crticisms of apostate opposers are, there is a remarkable tide of recognition of the integrity of Jehovah's Witnesses, even among those who do not share our beliefs.

That's true, but it would not attract as much attention. Rutherford had been a political marketer before following Russell/WT/Bible Students. This is why he would ADV/ADV/ADV. And why gimmicks like pu

Nobody but nobody has “apostates” like Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is almost as though I am proud of them. Every NT writer wrote about opposition and apostasy. If it happened then, it should happen now. W

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16 minutes ago, Witness said:

The “Gentile” elder body has “trampled”/ removed the holy priesthood, and abolished their “daily sacrifices” of praise. Dan 11:36  Instead, a counterfeit priesthood is on your podium, offering “spiritual sacrifices” on behalf of an orga

Same old repetition.  The way you twist the meanings just leaves me gobsmacked.

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10 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Same old repetition.  The way you twist the meanings just leaves me gobsmacked.

I have found that if one is inclined to be gobsmacked, to always wear the same color shirt (or blouse ..) as your toothpaste.

I has the added advantage of always being minty fresh, and you NEVER have to change it.

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10 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Some countries (not western democracies) suppress  freedom of speech

Unfortunately the algorithms of Google, Twitter and FB are already silencing many people.  Many are no longer financed by Mastercard, patreon etc.  Geo engineering watch, judicial watch, jihad watch, UN watch etc. and programs similar to this receive no ratings and the technical terms do not automatically come up.

People are being kept in the dark about the true goals of  UN Agenda 21, UN Agenda 2030 and the suppression of the press as stipulated in a UN clause in UN Migration Compact 2018.

No freedom of press any longer - IF people BELIEVE THIS then they are naive .  All  TV stations and press now have "guidelines" which reporters have to follow....... or no job.....  No longer good investigative reporting ..... most get their news from central organization such as Reuters etc.

People are distracted all the time by petty local issues /blown up scandals  in the press which is typical subversive tactics.  They are even managing fox news...... no truth (real news) anywhere. 

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1 minute ago, Arauna said:

No freedom of press any longer - IF people BELIEVE THIS then they are naive .  All  TV stations and press now have "guidelines" which reporters have to follow....... or no job.....  No longer good investigative reporting ..... most get their news from central organization such as Reuters etc.


Watching "mainstream news" is like being stabbed by an angry clown while drowning in a septic tank.

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12 hours ago, Allen_Smith said:

Couldn't agree with you more on your assessment

Thanks for all the extra information you posted.  Autralia- large parts of Auckland bought up by Chinese.  Their influence is being felt in trade especially....... and their mafia-style intelligence in the city.

China wants to control all rare earth minerals for batteries and cell phones etc.  They are on the make everywhere.   Russia also putting embargoes on nations who do not play their game.  Rep of Georgia now experiencing problems because some of its citizens dared to demonstrate against the Russian PMs visit.

Foreigners as English teachers are no longer welcome in China (visas not renewed and no reasons given) because they will infuse ideas of freedom and democracy into the society. 

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12 hours ago, JW Insider said:

surprised as you would be to find out there was no evidence for the mass murders that I had always believed in.

Read a three volume biography called "stalin" by the worlds expert on stalin. First two of them already available on Amazon if I remember  correctly.

Rewriting of history is now happening all over the world to suit the new global agenda.  Wikipedia is now edited by people who are so far left that people are maligned as far right for merely saying something negative about Islam..... and their applications to wikipedia to have the "label" corrected is ignored.

Communalism is the neo-communism of our age..... and it will bring with it the deliberate starvation of millions.

Time will tell if I am right.   But the wickedness of mankind has left me in no doubt that a socialist system promises the world an utopia but lends itself to abuse very quickly........ just as super capitalism spawns super rich people / corporations with power that cannot be stopped in its tracks..... once they have the power.

The criminal oligarchs in Communism and corporations under super capitalism will / are working together to gain control of all food, water, land and the wealth of the earth.

The bible was right after all ! There is no human hegemony/ ruling system which brings true justice and equality.  To break their combined power - God will have to step in....... and as Rev 16:14 -16  indicates.....  their propaganda is against God and they will stand up against Jehovah at Armageddon.

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9 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Foreigners as English teachers are no longer welcome in China (visas not renewed and no reasons given) because they will infuse ideas of freedom and democracy into the society. 

I'll start with this one, since I agree with a big part of it. Foreign English teachers are still welcome and wanted in China, and they are still being invited. But they are not as welcome as they were just a couple of years ago. Teachers from the United States, especially, are being discouraged from accepting invitations, because the US relationship with China is disintegrating fast, mostly due to economic tariff wars. Chinese schools are not given the freedom to break the rules as often and the immigration policy is stricter. American teachers are meeting up with more antagonism. I think it's explained well in this article from the law firm, Harris-Bricken:



Since relations between China and the West (especially the English speaking West) started going into straight line decline about a year ago, [2018] the number of these emails have increased exponentially and the problems have shifted. The problems we are seeing these days generally fit into the following three categories:

1. English teacher in jail for a fight or for drug possession. Our advice is to have someone close to them reach out to their country’s embassy and work with the embassy in securing a good local criminal lawyer. We urge them to act quickly and, if at all possible, secure financial support from their parents. We urge them not to publicize their case unless and until their retained lawyer suggests that be done, which is rare.

[#2 missing from original article]

3. Visa issues.  We usually suggest the teacher work with their school to try to solve these problems (if they trust/like their school) and/or get a good local immigration lawyer/visa specialist to assist. Occasionally we suggest the teacher leave the country.

4. Non-payment or underpayment. These usually involve the school perpetually underpaying, the school being late with payment, the school not paying promised bonuses, not paying for extra hours, not paying the final month’s paycheck under the contract or not reimbursing or paying for the flight home (as per the contract). Our advice is usually to let it go because finding and hiring and paying for a lawyer will likely be difficult and the teacher (just as with the work related problems mentioned above) may well be better off long-term by not making waves.

Pretty routine stuff right? Yes and no and it is the “no” part that is causing me to write this post. The no part is that in the last three months these issues have gone into warp speed. Speaking just for myself, the number of these emails has gone from one or two a month to four to five a day. I have seen at least a ten-fold increase in prison, visa and payment problems for teachers from China (and nowhere else in the world). It has gotten relentless to the point of being depressing. If the emails we are relentlessly receiving are any indication (and they have to be), the following is happening in China in what feels like every minute:

  1. Teachers are being drug tested using their hair samples. Many are testing for cannabis and being jailed for 30 days or more and then being deported. This is happening to newly arrived teachers who insist they did not consume any cannabis since arriving in China. Listen up everybody, cannabis can show up in hair testings up to (and even sometimes beyond) 90 days after you have consumed it. So if you are going to be teaching in China and you do not want to spend time in jail and get deported, please, please, please go at least four months without consuming ANY cannabis before you go there and please, please, please do not consume any cannabis while there. None. Zero. Zilch. 没有. Aucun. Keiner.  PLEASE. Invariably, the schools use this as a reason not to pay the teacher whatever is owed.
  2. Teachers are being checked (or reported on) for having an improper visa for China. The teachers are then being tossed in jail and then deported or just deported straight away. Invariably, the schools use this as a reason not to pay the teacher whatever is owed. It appears to have become very common (as a cost cutting measure) for schools to have teachers come to China and start their teaching on tourist visas, all the while claiming this is perfectly legal — it isn’t. The teachers believe this until the day they are arrested. Near as I can tell, the schools rarely if ever get in any real trouble for this but the teachers sure do.
  3. Teachers are not getting paid. Just this morning I got an email from one teacher who say that she and another 75+ teachers in her city (from various different schools) have not gotten paid for months. And another email mentioning nine teachers in another city who also have not been paid.  Add to this the pretty much daily emails I get from teachers who do not get their last paycheck or the airfare reimbursements or the bonuses they were promised and it has become clear that it is open season right now against foreign teachers in China. The schools clearly believe they can blow off paying their teachers with impunity because they are right. When teachers ask me what they should do about getting paid my response is usually to say that they can retain and pay a local Chinese attorney to try to get paid, but the odds of a foreign teacher prevailing on such a claim are not good and pushing at all hard to get paid can have all sorts of negative ramifications. Schools will pull teacher’s work visas or refuse to assist in moving it to a new employer. They may also seek to have you deported so they can be sure to avoid having to pay wages owed and it is not uncommon for schools to make up claims about their teachers and to threaten to “make sure they will never work in China again.” You therefore need to think long and hard about getting bogged down in these sorts of disputes and even how they might harm your long term career prospects.
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13 hours ago, JW Insider said:

the entire Muslim world does NOT believe the Weeger propaganda.

I preach to muslims and have studied Islam. When I speak to them I can immediately tell from which branch of Islam they come.

The ideology of Islam is like the communistic manifesto of Marx/Engels and Zionism.  All three ideologies want to rule the world.....this is the final goal..... and will be ruthless to obtain it.

While I understand the danger of Islam and understand the issues in China, i am not for one moment convinced that China is at all showing any compassion to the muslims.  They are just as ruthless in their methods as Islam. In fact, like fundamental muslims, they are returning to fundamental communism..... it is evident in all the new CCP moves.

We all know the re-education which took place under Mao se Tung...... this re-education is cannot be compared to the re-education of muslim terrorists in Sweden or UK.  Lol

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57 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Read a three volume biography called "stalin" by the worlds expert on stalin. First two of them already available on Amazon if I remember  correctly.

I have read portions. The first volume is very good, and it shows the facts correctly that match up to known evidence, that has never yet been answered with counter-evidence by those who will only apply the anti-Stalin, anti-communist rhetoric (without evidence). He has biases, as we all do, and does not appear to fully understand the politics of Bolshevism, including its many problems, but he understands where the lies and propaganda about Stalin were initially coming from, and how for the most part it was a continuation of wartime Nazi propaganda, as continued in Ukraine and Poland, for example, and which the US tried to inherit and emulate for its own "news machine." But the second volume is full of popular misconceptions. These are mostly just the supposed "common wisdom" and which, unfortunately, he does not scrutinize as well as in the first volume. I'm curious about the third volume, too, because the more time spent with the actual original sources, he will cover a time period that might force him to rethink some unevidenced claims in the second volume.

The most important point is that we have thousands of pages of actual evidence that the biggest part of the anti-Stalin narrative came long after the war, and was itself a rewriting of history.

57 minutes ago, Arauna said:

and it will bring with it the deliberate starvation of millions.

The idea that Stalin intentionally starved people by the millions was a late invention that has been completely debunked. The problem is that it fits what the West has wanted to believe about Stalin. And as the Russian government is anti-Communist, Russia itself has picked up the Nazi-sourced narrative.

Of course, this doesn't mean that there were not serious problems with Bolshevism/Communism, and millions of people really did die. Famines were all too common, and millions suffered in the years between WWI and WWII, exacerbated by war, just as millions in Russia suffered famines in the years under the Tsars. This also included millions in India, Russia, Ukraine, etc. But it's now possible to see how, instead of blaming communism for the famines, most of the population was very fortunate to have such a system of government because it helped alleviate the suffering from the famines much faster than would have been possible otherwise.

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51 minutes ago, Arauna said:

i am not for one moment convinced that China is at all showing any compassion to the muslims.  They are just as ruthless in their methods as Islam.

Nations always work in their self-interest (and all nations are therefore culpable in the context of Rev 16).

But do you have any evidence they are not showing any compassion to the Muslims? Do you have any evidence that might help explain why no majority-Muslim nations signed onto the UN resolution against China's treatment of Muslims, when it is very common for Muslim nations to decry their treatment elsewhere?

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28 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

do you have evidence

Yes, seen footage of eyes bound and hand bound muslims (hands behind their back) standing on knees for hours and beaten when they fall over -  in same way they used to execute at the back of the head under Mao se Tung.

I have seen  testimonies of other Chinese who happened to belong to Falon  Gong exercise groups.... talking of the processing for body parts and immediate excecutions to harvest. Also the doctors who defect because they remove body parts from live humans and humans are kept alive on machines until all body parts have been harvested. 

Also seen heartbreaking footage of women who at nine months of pregnancy are forcefully scooped up and their babies forcefully removed ( still need permission to have a second or third child , depending in your social status).  Interviews were with the husbands because these women cannot speak or function normally afterwards..... (I  do not know what they do to them but they are useless to society afterwards). Seen footage that was smuggled out because western journalists cannot roam freely - accompanied everywhere..... 

I do not believe Chinese propaganda or their  protestations at UN - where they have been condemned for their practices (only because it is muslims), because I am familiar with the communist propaganda machine and how it operates.

Photos of leaders going up everywhere - typical communist fashion as worship of the state is progressing like under Mao.  Reminds me of North Korea.  Regressing not progressing regarding individual freedoms.

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