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17 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You have over 5,000 of my previous posts to use as a solid example

Then you have 5000 prime examples. Just because the owner tolerates those that oppose the ORG is meaningless. You are a fine example of supporting opposers. Then your strength is in your hair, since you no longer have any, your moral strength went with it. I don't find any humor about your cartoons at all. People who think your witty, are encouraging the devils work. I don't find any of that funny.

So, continue blasting those that oppose the opposers. You're no Christian, no more than they are. You're no more a witness than they are. Who are you fooling, yourself. But then again, you always have. No surprise there.

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As vitriolic as the spiteful crticisms of apostate opposers are, there is a remarkable tide of recognition of the integrity of Jehovah's Witnesses, even among those who do not share our beliefs.

That's true, but it would not attract as much attention. Rutherford had been a political marketer before following Russell/WT/Bible Students. This is why he would ADV/ADV/ADV. And why gimmicks like pu

Nobody but nobody has “apostates” like Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is almost as though I am proud of them. Every NT writer wrote about opposition and apostasy. If it happened then, it should happen now. W

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 9:08 PM, Arauna said:

I am glad you noticed this.  People who have an ax to grind with JW org. cannot help themselves....... they show who they are...... repetitively.....

It is actually useless to talk to them (to give the correct perspective) because they are hardened in their pattern of thinking when they have come this far.

I may troll them for a moment now and then but remain totally uninvolved...... not worth the effort.  One cannot think that one can defend the truth here or that one will find any reasonableness.  One will not find any truth here - only human screwed up thoughts accompanied by narcissism and a degree of OCD.

In regards to what I said above - do not think you can defend the truth on this website. Rather take this time to go read the bible - that is where you will find the truth dear brother.  If you are emotional, you will just get frustrated here...... do not do this to yourself.

Those who are so hardened against the truth are not interested in the truth - they still have a compulsive hate for the truth. When I see OCD symptoms, I do not really bother to put a convincing argument foreward because I do not waste my precious time.  I have better things to do that will please Jehovah.  ........Just a bit of sound advice.  Been in the same situation before, got the T-shirt, done that.  DO not repeat a useless exercise - LOL - AND EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS.

There are no lost sheep here to have pity on..... they love the garbage (pigs food) they are eating in their "debauched" state.  They have no thoughts of returning to the good food of their loving father. Until that happens - you are wasting your time.



It's good food until it becomes rotten, and Jehovah has to come up with new food. And I am not living in ax debauched state, so I expect your apology for your lies and slander, ( of which Jehovah hates).

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10 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

and Jehovah has to come up with new food.

Are you telling God what to do? WOW! Setting yourself above God. I haven’t seen such a blasphemous comment. You just condemned your mortal soul, by sinning against God's Holy Spirit. Not to mention God's sovereignty.  I hope it was worth it to you. You can try to apologize, but that kind of sin is unforgivable.

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1 hour ago, divergenceKO said:

Insulting actual witnesses and not opposers is not the way to go if you are a genuine witness.

Do you want to stay on this statement ?? Maybe my English is weak but it seems to me that you said how, insulting opposers is something what genuine witness is good to do.

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22 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Do you want to stay on this statement ?? Maybe my English is weak but it seems to me that you said how, insulting opposers is something what genuine witness is good to do.

In this case, YES! I think you should know the difference between the word "insult" and the word "rebuke".  Without TTH having to insult people instead of rebuking opposers would be the understanding. I didn't know I needed to spell it out to anyone here. But, I'll make an exception in your case.

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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

All want to do that, to be in control of many things, over people, land, earth minerals etc. What history told us? That governments of all kind, past and present, wanted to be in control of own and other nations. World Power Nations doing that all the time.

Yes. This is why people become Jehovah’s Witnesses. They see the sad history of “man dominating man to his injury” and respond to the good news of the kingdom, recognizing it as something better.

it is an excellent point that you make.

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9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

All want to do that, to be in control of

I agree with you. ......

Unfortunately, to want control other humans is morally wrong.  Most apostates here do not like any form of control over them  - even when it comes from God...... who actually is the only one who has the right to prescribe one set of principles for all. We are all meant to be equal under God. If every person sets their own rules there will never be peace and unity.

When a human wants to control anything about another human - he is showing satanic qualities. We never should try to control anything which belongs to, or is part of another human.  Total freedom and equality under God - this is the goal.  This is respect for another human's free will to choose what they want.

Unfortunately, some Witnesses are imperfect in their love and still tend to like to control others without respect for their free will.  Jehovah even allows those who oppose him to express their free will.

In future in paradise, all people will willingly subject themselves to Jehovah and his standards in free will.  They will never try to tell another person  what to do because all will be totally free and equal under God.

Society will then function perfectly because the law of love will prevail. No laws are necessary if one truly loves others.  One will not covet anything which is another's or take anything from them or dominate them in an way by being egotistical, selfish or greedy.

Jehovah will step into mankind"s affairs when humans have reached a point of totalitarian domination - soon they will use our modern technology (our arrogant achievements) to dominate mankind in a most unjust way....... history of mankind (estranged from god) repeating itself. 

By the way, I watch China and Russia (allies) as fulfillment of the prophecies in Daniel 11 :40 onward.   Soon we will see the worst domination on earth mankind has ever experienced...... if jehovah does not step in ...no flesh will be saved.   We have reached the apex of our tech achievements and like everything else .... our tendency to dominate (imperfection) will bring this dire situation about.

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