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"The Faithful and D̶̶i̶̶s̶̶c̶̶r̶̶e̶̶e̶̶t̶ Prudent Slave"

Jack Ryan

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Is the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" now going to be renamed "Faithful and Prudent Slave" since Discreet sounds like they have been hiding secret child molestation documents away from the authorities and it doesn't sound good in front of the courts?

I know they are prudent now in their new Spanish translation.

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Under the definition, what would be the difference?

I wasn't. It was meant for the ex-witness that posted the topic.

It is usually with me. People have misunderstood me, here for over 6 years now. Not including this last one.  It doesn’t surprise me that anyone will continue to misunderstand my post, or who it’s dir

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Guest Indiana

In the Spanish meetings when praying, giving a talk or commenting and refering to the Slave they say now: El esclavo fiel y prudente, I thought that change was in English too :) 

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Guest Indiana

If  you are asking me, I have not mentioned any difference under definitions. In Spanish the word discreto refers more and in some Spanish cultures exclusively  to the  word you have under similar  in your photo "close-lipped" 

In my culture if you say someone is indiscreto  (the opposite of discreto) means this person is gossipy and you can't confide confidential or important information because he/she will spread the word immediately. 

I think the term "prudente" covers more qualities: being discreto plus being someone who reflects, thinks, ponders, considers all risks and modify his conduct if the case to prevent damage 


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1 hour ago, Indiana said:

Oops, a suggestion: next time you may use the at sign and write the name of the member your questions or comments are meant for

It is usually with me. People have misunderstood me, here for over 6 years now. Not including this last one.  It doesn’t surprise me that anyone will continue to misunderstand my post, or who it’s directed to.

For future reference, I usually don’t speak to the “poster” unless that person or other posters supporting the poster make a disingenuous claim. Saying you are a Member of the Org has no value to me, since there are certain people here that claim to be one, yet agree and support those criticizing the Org. I have been “banned” for being out spoken. I have no doubt, I will be banned again.

My original Tag, was “AllenSmith”. I can’t use it because it’s blocked. I have always used AllenSmith as my identifier. Example: Allensmith24, AllenSmith34, etc. since I can’t use my original tag. However, some here are under the impression, everyone that supported my stance of exposing those that are not genuine continue to insist everyone is me. I do however, belong to a excellent support group that will pick up the mantle when I get deleted.

They can't delete the entire world!

Best regards, Indiana

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3 hours ago, Allen_Smith said:

I have no doubt, I will be banned again.

I hope not. Welcome back!!

3 hours ago, Allen_Smith said:

However, some here are under the impression, everyone that supported my stance of exposing those that are not genuine continue to insist everyone is me.

I never was under that impression. There still are several others who support your stance to expose those who are not genuine. I've supported your stance on several issues myself. As for me, I would never have insisted everyone was you. However, it was literally dozens of accounts, if memory serves, most of which did not have "AllenSmith" anywhere in the name. 

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On 10/5/2019 at 5:41 PM, Allen_Smith said:

My original Tag, was “AllenSmith”. I can’t use it because it’s blocked. I have always used AllenSmith as my identifier. Example: Allensmith24, AllenSmith34, etc.

Hey Allen, good to see you back online. 

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