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Permission to get baptized


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We have, it seems two sort of "burden" or "yoke". And two ways how implement this in person?s life. We have Jesus' "burden" he ask us to carry.  And we see "Organizational" way of implementa

I find it quite funny that Srecko destroyed your inability to form sarcasm here in this post, without intent, with his example of the Ethiopian and Phillip before your comment.  Acts 8: 35-38

I would have to agree, it is serious and should not be taken lightly. However, the number of children baptized into being jws is pretty high and when Tony Morris is telling folks to keep a drivers lic

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Does this mean Jesus needed theological schooling to spread the Good news? Which school did Jesus attend to be considered a “rabbi” by the Jews? Which school did Jesus send his apostles?

Where in the Bible is that written on?

Is anyone aware of what “Catechesis” means?

What good is a theology diploma if that person doesn’t practice or abide by scripture as taught by Jesus?

Is baptism a joke or is it a very serious matter that even Jesus didn’t partake until he was 30 years old. Even as the son of God, baptism is a covenant with God. A promise not to fall into the temptations of this world by obeying God.

Baptism is a literal conviction toward God’s grace. What kind of diploma is needed for that? What an Elder does need to do is observe how serious a person is in dedicating their lives in service of God by baptism just like Jesus.

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2 hours ago, Ray Devereaux said:

Is baptism a joke or is it a very serious matter that even Jesus didn’t partake until he was 30 years old. Even as the son of God, baptism is a covenant with God. A promise not to fall into the temptations of this world by obeying God.

I would have to agree, it is serious and should not be taken lightly. However, the number of children baptized into being jws is pretty high and when Tony Morris is telling folks to keep a drivers license away from a child UNTIL they get baptized, leads me to believe that a jw baptism is done for many reasons other then the individual's seriousness towards God. 

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1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

I would have to agree, it is serious and should not be taken lightly.


1 hour ago, Shiwiii said:

Tony Morris is telling folks to keep a drivers license away from a child UNTIL they get baptized

That would be a hypothetical situation. I would imagine a parent would prevent a teenage child from driving if that youth is not ready to take the written and physical test just like it should be done in order to see if an individual is spiritually mature to be baptized.  Spiritual maturity come to individuals by many ages in life. I will agree a “baby” should not be baptized just to satisfy a church tradition.

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8 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

Yes, Tom, I should have worded it differently. 

Where are we going with this? Are we back to “all roads lead to heaven?” Or “it doesn’t matter what you believe as long a you are sincere?” Maybe people believe this. Witnesses don’t.

9 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Elders have no diploma or prove for credential.

Where would you send them to secure a diploma?

Are we starting to recommend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some men, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, inscribed on our hearts and known and being read by all mankind.” 2 Corinthians 3:2

There you go. The proof is in the doing.

Just like when “Phillip attached himself to the chariot.” What were his credentials? That Phillip attached himself to the chariot. The proof lay in the doing. The eunuch did not even ask to see his diploma.

The man was a Jewish proselyte. What had he been doing to while away the time while traveling? Reading aloud the prophet Isaiah. It’s what he did for fun. Thus, there is every reason to suppose that he was thoroughly familiar with the Jewish framework and needed clarification on just one key point, the one he asked about. Once he had that missing piece supplied and sounded down, he was good to go. That is why his baptism could take place so quickly, in the course of his journey. 

Rarely is this the case today. Far more common is that people have no pre-knowledge whatsoever about the Bible. Often they have been taught some unbiblical doctrines that thoroughly confound understanding of the Word. This all takes time to straighten out. JWs are not a “come down and be saved” faith. An understanding of the Bible does not come instantaneously. Go find a “come down and be saved” faith if you want one. There are enough of them out there.

In the meantime, “attaching oneself to the chariot” is something that very few do other than Jehovah’s Witnesses. That is the proof of their serving God: that they serve him. It has nothing to do with a diploma. If others also claim to be true followers of Christ, let God figure it out. I don’t have to. It is enough for me to follow through on what I have convinced myself is right. As it turns out, there are millions who feel exactly the same why. That is why we clump together. 

Coming back to how elders are appointed, Jehovah’s Witnesses again adhere to the biblical pattern. Elders are appointed by traveling representatives. It was true then. It is true now.

There they strengthened the disciples, encouraging them to remain in the faith and saying: “We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations. Moreover, they appointed elders for them in each congregation, offering prayer with fasting, and they entrusted them to Jehovah (Acts 14:22-23)

“I left you in Crete so that you would correct the things that were defective and make appointments of elders in city after city, as I instructed you:  (Titus 1:5)

No mention is made of a diploma.


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On 11/5/2019 at 11:53 PM, Matthew9969 said:

have heard that witnesses need to pass a 80 question exam by the elders

Questions which determine if the person understands the basics are important....... the person must   understand what we believe and what their obligations are regarding moral obedience to jehovah. It is a loving  to make sure that the person understands.

The reason I was searching for the truth was that I was affirmed in the Dutch Reformed Church at age 16.  We attended class for three months once a week. The day before baptism of the entire group the minister asked a question about the randsom.  A student answered incorrectly.  The answer was: Jesus.  This appalled me that students were allowed to be baptised without understanding this basic teaching. 

Later I retracted my membership of the church. 


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6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Where would you send them to secure a diploma?

Are we starting to recommend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some men, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, inscribed on our hearts and known and being read by all mankind.” 2 Corinthians 3:2

There you go. The proof is in the doing.

Do you go to doctor who "know how" to help in your sickness, but have no diploma for that? Do you go on his/their door because of your endless trust to people who proclaim that they can heal people, or you go there because he finished some education? There is people who can help without having certificate. But when he help you in wrong way you have no basis for asking him to "pay" you because he make your life or health to be problematic. You choose him to do job he is not qualified for.

In this matter, JW members have big trust on human who take a lead. Well, you can, of course show trust to both group, with and without diploma. 

If that how it is with elders, only words of other people that this elder can be trusted without question, similar way of logic you can use on people (candidates for baptism) who have to proof how their deeds and intentions are good, too. 

6 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Coming back to how elders are appointed, Jehovah’s Witnesses again adhere to the biblical pattern. Elders are appointed by traveling representatives. It was true then. It is true now.

Yes, this i like to hear. :)) So, this old ferry tails about how, after period of how congregants voting for elders, was also another period and that is, when holy spirit appointing elders, we now have that "biblical pattern" how in fact only legitimate way is when "traveling representatives" doing this.


1) voting is wrong way

2) spirit is wrong way

What are all those elders in and from period of 1) and 2) ?  What are their "credentials", how much value have their spiritual service if way of appointing them was been administrative error of WT Society? Errors made by voters and by spirit, who have illegally done something for what they have no authorization? 

And CO today have such authorization, :))) Who put them on that position of CO? Spirit, voters, GB, or previous CO? :))) 

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14 hours ago, Ray Devereaux said:

I would imagine a parent would prevent a teenage child from driving if that youth is not ready to take the written and physical test just like it should be done in order to see if an individual is spiritually mature to be baptized.



14 hours ago, Ray Devereaux said:

. I will agree a “baby” should not be baptized just to satisfy a church tradition.

isn't that what was proposed in Tony's hypothetical situation? 

14 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

No mention is made of a diploma.

no mention of dedicating oneself to an organization either. 

5 hours ago, Equivocation said:

 The choice of Baptism is up to the individual themselves

or their parents according to Tony Morris. 

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10 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

No mention is made of a diploma. 

no mention of dedicating oneself to an organization either. 


I believe it goes without saying. 

And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works,  not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom.” 

However, I have come around to seeing your point. I will tell Bethel to award diplomas to elders upon being appointed. They obviously are the ones qualified to do it. Not only do they specialize in advanced and applied Bible study for 150 years, but they have the added qualification of showing that they can DO something with it, something that is often lacking in more traditional schools of higher learning.

What is a diploma? Essentially, is it anything more than a paper testifying that you have successfully answered someone’s 80 questions? So why should you ask the questions? What in the world do you have to offer? 

No. They qualify to ask the questions. And award the diplomas, should they ever choose to. 

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11 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

their parents according to Tony Morris. 

Asking questions is a good thing - to establish if the person really understands what the bible teaches and their personal moral obligations.  ...... in other words understand the seriousness of their dedication (promise). ..... in laymens terms...... what they are getting into....... 

Despite this process, some here on this forum did not understand their public promise they made and got themselves in an undesirable situation by brazen conduct and then rebellion and outside the JWs. THEN they turn around and critisize the GB and do not take any responsibility for their own actions - like Adam, it is always someone else's fault. Blame it on the seducing wife/lover, domineering elders or crazy, unqualified GB.  ...... 

I think that parents should be smart and have the right to say something while the child is under 16 (the age one can take responsibility for driving a car), some children mature later.   Jesus asked deep questions at age 12 but one cannot put an age on something like this.  I know of an almost 90 year old anounted sister who got baptised at age 9 - still faithful with no ego or other problems.


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@Shiwiii No, I was only encouraged to seek Baptism,  even my late uncle who had no religous affiliation,  but was very hard on applying the Bible also encouraged me and others in my family Caza despues del bautismo y se salvo, as he puts it. But as I grew older, I took the steps necessary torwards Baptism myself, especially during my early preteen years. I made thos choice because I firmly accept what the Scriptures teach about Jehovah God and his Christ and I took the time and effort to put the teachings of the Scriptures first, even as far as to mold myself to be a better Christian, and a declaring that I myself want to serve God fully, and in doing so, I go about with the tools that I have been given to teach what Jesus taught regarding the good news and what the Kingdom would bring - caso y punto.

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