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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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4 minutes ago, Vic Vomidog said:

Welcome, @AlanF! I am sorry that I did not notice here before. A little bird had to rattle my cage.

The JWs here (or anywhere) are all liars and disgusting apologists. It is good that you are expose the lies of Mommy. Only a reminder as regards TTH:

Yes. But you are not very thorough, I have found. No matter how many of his disgusting, vile, reprehensible, flatulent, odious, debased, toe-sucking qualities of his you highlight, there will always be a few that you forget to mention. Please consult me during those times for assistance. 

Yes again. It stands for World Trade Federation. If these JWs had more education—they are the stupidest creatures on two feet—they would know that.

Hey! I like your sense of humor!

Are you related to Prominent Bethelite?

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18 minutes ago, Vic Vomidog said:

The JWs here (or anywhere) are all liars and disgusting apologists. It is good that you are expose the lies of Mommy. Only a reminder as regards TTH:

Back again, are you, you foul fowl. It really is “birds of a feather.”


19 minutes ago, JW Insider said:

I wondered about that. You almost had me convinced.

I think he is starting wonder about that, too.


1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

I do not remember the number, but if I stated 12 posts, it is because I actually counted them.

Oh, I don’t want to pick a fight over it, JTR. The winner of the Darth Vader Fighting Award has made his appearance lately, and any nastiness we might display would fall woefully short of the possibilities he is revealing.

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19 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Are you related to Prominent Bethelite?

I do not know who Prominent Bethelite is. Is this an individual?

I spent 15 years at Patterson before opening my eyes.I have stories on certain lying scumbags there that have never been published online. If you can get them where they will do some good, I would be glad to pass them along.

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24 minutes ago, Vic Vomidog said:

I do not know who Prominent Bethelite is. Is this an individual?

I spent 15 years at Patterson before opening my eyes.I have stories on certain lying scumbags there that have never been published online. If you can get them where they will do some good, I would be glad to pass them along.

He's a multiple.

Please do pass them along.

Meantime, give me a call at 970-689-6391.

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23 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Please do pass them along. Meantime, give me a call at 970-689-6391.

I will need some time to get some files together on some of the big shots there.

In the meantime......I am very sorry to bring this up, but I do not have a lot saved up. I was exploited —you know how it is, I think. Is there any way....forgive me...but is there any way that I could be compensated for what I know?

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31 minutes ago, Vic Vomidog said:

I will need some time to get some files together on some of the big shots there.

In the meantime......I am very sorry to bring this up, but I do not have a lot saved up. I was exploited —you know how it is, I think. Is there any way....forgive me...but is there any way that I could be compensated for what I know?

Sure. Call the number I gave you, and leave your PayPal contact with my secretary. Once that's done I'll request a payment from you for whatever you tell my secretary your information is worth.

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5 hours ago, AlanF said:

Then how did that homosexual pedophile get to be on the Governing Body? Remember that such men don't start their pedophile activities at age 72, but much younger.

It was believed, until quite recently, that every sinner can change. Even homosexual pedophiles. "This is what some of you were", says Paul at 1 Cor. 6:11.  I am assuming when Greenlees was appointed, it was believed he belonged in that category of "some of you were, but are no longer". The appointment, as all appointments are, was based on qualifications outlined in 1Timothy 3:1-7. I am assuming he met those qualifications at the time he was named. It is now understood (although I believe the society balked at first, being convinced that the scripture applies in absolutely every case, no exceptions)  that people with these problems are for the most part incurable, but can fool others, including themselves, into thinking that they are cured. I find it difficult to believe this man would be appointed, knowing he still had that problem. What would be the purpose? Surely there would be plenty of other brothers, and there were, I think 18 at that time. For JWS, the Bible is a template for practically EVERYTHING. Much to the irritation of people who wonder how can someone be directed by a book thousands of years old. Without a doubt, JWS have made mistakes in their interpretation of some Bible passages.  Perhaps one of these mistakes was misunderstanding the scripture at 1 Cor 6:11. It can not mean that those who have "been made clean", will always stay clean or that they are cured. We know that from evidence. Greenlees being a case in point. The scripture is talking about those particular disciples, it does not mean it applies across the board, to every single person especially with regard to homosexuality. The apostle Paul had to pummel his body, and lead it as a slave, and he was just an ordinary sinner, no homosexual or pedophile. So no one is ever going to be faultless and yet, according to the scriptures, they have the potential to be forgiven and accepted by God if they stop.  With regard to the sickness of pedophilia, these people have got to be kept away from children, so that they are not able to molest them, and so that children are safe, because they cannot stop.Today, no one who has a history of CSA, can ever serve in any capacity in the congregation, ever. We have an old man in our cong. who has some kind of history in the distant past, and he is not allowed to do anything, except comment, and he must be accompanied by a brother in FS, without exception.
Part of the changes are no doubt due to the ARC, and the recognition of the truthfulness of some of the issues raised there. But I am sure that some of it has been because it was recognized that in the past, elders had been hoodwinked into thinking that someone with pedophilic tendencies has been reformed, and will never repeat the offense again. This realisation was unfortunately at the cost of other children being molested, not just the original child.

So, if it was today, Greenlees would have never been appointed not only as GB member, but he would have never become an elder or ministerial servant either.


@Vic Vomidog stop it!

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

when I stumbled into this site, via Twitter, I was aghast at all the “apostates” operating here with impunity, on what claimed to be a Witness site

I remember when you first posted here, all wet behind the ears and bewildered. You soon realised this was not a 'unicorn pooping rainbows' Witness only site, and stopped taking everything opposers said so seriously. All in all I would say it's been a good learning curve, for me too,  and I bet nothing anyone throws at you in the future will shock you anymore 😀


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4 hours ago, Anna said:

, elders had been hoodwinked into thinking that someone with pedophilic tendencies

In the past university professors were hoodwinked. Social services placed children back in the homes with pedophile fathers. 

7 hours ago, AlanF said:

Once again, try using Grammarly.

Arrogance! I bet you only speak English well but expect others to write your "style".   Many here speak several languages of which English is not their first language.

7 hours ago, Vic Vomidog said:

education—they are the stupidest creatures on two feet—they would know that.

Another arrogant  individual who  by his language shows what really is going on  in his upper storey.

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10 hours ago, AlanF said:

will be another couple of generations before they reach the status of of religions in Australia, the UK,

I think you are too busy studying the sordid inner circle gossip details if the few cases of pedophilia amongst JWs,  that you have little knowledge of what is happening in the real world.

All religion will soon be replaced by either worship of the state or one world religion which will take the form of a set of values which will include  LGBTQ ......P

In your mind that will be wonderful because you hate all religion and cling to the dogma of Darwinism....... only ..... your disappointment will be great because you will be gnashing your teeth in anger at  the true God when he reveals himself.


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2 minutes ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

Lol seriously.... Love her clueless responses.

Gossip, few cases of pedophilia..

You focus only on JWs and have no clue of the extent of pedophelia in the world. You see, I have something to compare it to. You have nothing - clueless about what is going on around you.  There are only few in our organization compared to what us going on in your country.   Child trafficking is BIG business....as big as the drug smuggling...... and a lot of the politicians, CIA, judges etc involved. .I am not as naive as you think.

You have the unrealistic expectation that there should be no pediohiles because JWs are Christian....... but these people are found where there are children..... in sports clubs, etc.   It is also hard to obtain evidence and a conviction.

11 hours ago, AlanF said:

proves unarguably that any postulated Creator is far from loving. A loving Creator, by definition, could not create a world in which the daily lot of so many life forms is to suffer a nature “red in tooth and claw”. Thus, either the God of the Bible is not loving, or he does not exist.

Only two? What about a third postulation..... that God is not the source of the problem but allows it to exist for a reason...... Your reasoning is occam's razor -    very limited........ all that reading of Dawkins' junk is showing.


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