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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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1 hour ago, Vic Vomidog said:

Ha ha. You are funny. I love it that you are making mincemeat of these horrible people here.

I don’t know. Maybe. Please be patient with me. I want to expose these hypocrites, but I am afraid. I worry that, even now, someone may come after me.

There was a pervert who I should not name. Maybe later just his initials. But believe me, he is a brother who is way way up there today. This perv used to copulate with car tailpipes in the parking lot at night when he thought no one could see him. I never thought that anyone could do this and that is just for starters!

My roommate couldn’t believe it until I told him when and where to look out. He had a hobby of photography and owned some really expensive cameras with telephoto lens. We had to wait a long time, but we did, and he finally caught a good picture of this sick man doing his sick act. It is off-center, but you can see his face clearly, and it is someone that you will KNOW.

My roommate gave the picture to me before he left. He didn’t want to get anyone in trouble. I didn’t either. But now with all that has happened, I think now is the time to RELEASE IT TO THE WORLD!!!

I hope that you can help me. I am not a very brave person. I am afraid of what may happen. Please don’t make fun of me. I really do get shy speaking to women.

Where is the photo?

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Good point Srecko. I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the GB for creating a "certain" environment inside congregations though. In fact, (we know everything passes through the GB's hands fo

@Arauna How do you actually know that the GB members  " never personally touched a child (actually too innocent  to comprehend how wicked people can be - too good for this world), " ?  There is i

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6 hours ago, AlanF said:

so God's spirit-directed organization should be judged by such 'worldly' standards. Such self-serving hypocrisy!

"Oh- so you said-"    is a tactic of putting words in my mouth I did not say.  I see you use this a lot.  

What I am saying that "scholars" were hoodwinked by pedophiles  so why would "uninspired" elders not be hoodwinked?  You are the one with unreasonable standards and bias.  

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6 hours ago, AlanF said:

LOL! You, who gets most of her knowledge of the world via Watchtower publications, have the gall to say that!


I challenge you on that one! I think you are the one suffering from Dunning-Kruger effect.... Knowing what the effect is,  does not make one immune to it.

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6 hours ago, AlanF said:

No, Arauna, just like so many now-dead JWs, just before you die you're going to realize how badly your leaders have hoodwinked you.
Arauna said:

You almost sound kind on that one...... but you are the one who is misled.  You see, I am not the average witness you have dealt with. Yes, I am a sweet and happy old lady...... but that is as far as it goes.  I am shrewd and well informed. 

I have lived and worked in 4 continents of the globe....... for starters..... I do not have a myopic view  or inward looking - like many Americans do have. I am now retired in Asia-minor.

I look at my faith objectively and have done my own intrinsic evaluation of the bible for logic, cohesion, and continuity of the theme.  I believe the bible tells how God is project managing  events until the restoration of the earth...... I have used project managing skills to do this and also used risk management techniques to see where the globe is heading........ I love politics and watch events closely to see how prophecy will be fulfilled.........I believe the bible is absolute reality and can prove it by analysing the reality of the theme and current events on the globe.   

I have also looked at the latest discoveries in paleontology, geology etc....... not impressed with the suppression of information which proves there is a creator. I also listen to a lot of debates between atheists and religious philosophers..... but the religious nuts come out on top ..... except when they try to prove a literal 6 day creation... but young earth evidence is ample........ 

I have already seen through your way of thinking..... why?  I keep abreast of world events........ science, technology...... let's leave it at that. I need not state my credentials.  But I do see enormous gaps in your thinking which compels you to dismiss all JWs and any value a JW might have.   A waste of a good mind..... 


7 hours ago, AlanF said:

You seem to have absorbed the post-modernist view that criticism is hatred.

I have noticed a post- modern world-view in your own replies. 

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5 hours ago, ASF-37 said:


The “question” I asked, how many other religious websites do you personally go into on a daily basis to argue child abuse?

I will answer: Just on this. (but not to discuss only about CA)

Now please, you answer on mine: What is questionable about Court document and GB members as Defendants in it?

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5 minutes ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

Lol maybe we should ask to explain the generation doctrine and 1914  as well.

Been through that: watched some discussions but never saw anyone mention the New years festival of Akito (the most important 14 day festival when King of kings are appointed or kingship re-affirmed) which was held in Nisan 538 BCE. This was the festival when Cyrus the Great was appointed as king of kings and called out the amnesty for all people to go back to their countries to restore their gods.  Darius the Mede was appointed the Satrap of Babylon in 539 BCE.

You see, in project management your timeline is important..... to deliver exactly on time. I looked at the timeline of the bible to see if it fits in with the overall plan/ project of Jehovah.  I satisfied myself that the bible is absolute  reality and the witnesses are the only ones who understand the main theme and its timeline as best one can with what we have.  Throughout history jehovah has given his people events to look forward to or keep in mind.  I.e.. Jesus's generation had to watch out for the temple destruction.

So, aside from all the human imperfections we have to deal with - just like David, moses, Elijah and the nation of Israel....... God used them as a nation despite their infedility, immorality, idolatry and maybe even child sexual abuse...... unfortunately all forms of irregularities is part of life until jehovah removes the wicked forever.

I am a realist - not an idealist or perfectionist. I wait for ideal conditions when Jesus has restored the original purpose of God and given rulership back to Jehovah. 

9 hours ago, Witness said:

While your statement above appears to show leniency to the perpetrator

Not true - it was in answer to people who expect JWs to tell people to NOT move...... and other demands which are not practical in real life.  JWs are not dictators and must rather err on the side of not judging too quickly because a hasty judgment is just as bad as not judging at all. 

I see these cases seem to be retro-active.  When did they take place?  The date it happened depends on the laws in place at the time.  I feel by modern standards 5 years is way too little time behind bars because good behaviour can get him out of jail quickly ..... so it seems the secular system is not without its flaws..... 

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11 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is too juvenile. If you appoint someone who turns out to be a clunker, you say, “Guess that wasn’t so inspired after all,” and let that be the end of it. I wrote it up here:


There are people here who are like children that learn that there is no Santa Claus, and so they resolve to never ever celebrate Christmas again. Adults, however, do not cease celebrating for this reason—they fall back to the “greater meaning” of Christmas, and so forth. They realize that Christmas is much bigger than Santa Claus—he is something only for children.

Indeed, if the only problem with Christmas was that there is no Santa Claus, then we would be celebrating the day, some of us. Some would. Some wouldn’t.

In this case, the “no Santa Claus” is learning that the GB is made up of men who can make mistakes. Most never doubted that in the first place. But those who did and who truly love God and the core beliefs that identify Jehovah’s Witnesses and Jehovah’s Witnesses alone manage to make the adjustment without undo fuss, if only by reiterating the words of Peter: “To whom else shall we go?” Who else thinks the thoughts and does the deeds of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Another person that speaks twaddle ? lots of words that mean nothing / more smoke screen.  @TrueTomHarley

With all that I've been reading about 'those in power' in the Org from 1970 ish onward, it goes to prove without doubt that they were not inspired, nor were they even guided by Holy Spirit. 

Why do you people always have to relate everything to worldly things ? 

If I compared my house to a third world tin slum, then my home is almost perfect.  But if i compare my home to one of those houses the JW Org is selling in London for over one million pounds, then my home isn't so cool. 

That is why you people love to compare your GB and it's Org to the world, so that your GB and it's Org always looks better. If you were brave enough to compare your GB and it's Org to GOD'S HIGH STANDARDS, then you see the many dangerous faults. 

And as for your scripture misquote “To whom else shall we go?   I don't remember reading in God's word, that the answer was, Go to the JW Org. You see how you twist scripture to suit your own means ? 
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life,

The scripture is concerning JESUS CHRIST, NOT JW ORG. 

Quote "In this case, the “no Santa Claus” is learning that the GB is made up of men who can make mistakes."

I think the Watchtower words were ' make mistakes and err'

So in your eyes does that mean make mistakes and make mistakes  (which makes no sense) 

Or, does it mean make mistakes and deliberately do wrong ?  

Please don't have the wrong kind of 'love' for your GB, that it becomes worship. Because if you do you will be too forgiving, and in so doing you will not 'search all things to see if they are true'.  

On this forum, we have seen this critique a few times. It was clearly claimed by @JOHN BUTLER, who sadly was "DF'd" from the forum. 

I just have to pick up on this point. Firstly it's good to know what happened to him.  So the question is why ?

And secondly @Anna and others, that @JW Insider directly says disfellowshipped, even if he uses the 'safe mode' of inverted commas. 

This, in my opinion, upholds my belief that this forum is run by Elders. 


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6 hours ago, AlanF said:

Vic Vomidog said:

I'm bored with stringing you along, TrueTomHarley, so this is the end.

There are many lies told about me here. These are horrible people. They want to discredit me because they KNOW that I have information that will put their Mommy Watchtower right out of business.

I really thought that you would not be deceived. You are a very smart man who can see through a smokescreen.

At reddit.com I find love and support. I was hoping I could find the same here. Maybe it will still happen. Liars will not win forever.

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6 hours ago, Arauna said:

You almost sound kind on that one...... but you are the one who is misled.  You see, I am not the average witness you have dealt with. Yes, I am a sweet and happy old lady...... but that is as far as it goes.  I am shrewd and well informed. 

I have lived and worked in 4 continents of the globe....... for starters..... I do not have a myopic view  or inward looking - like many Americans do have. I am now retired in Asia-minor.

I look at my faith objectively and have done my own intrinsic evaluation of the bible for logic, cohesion, and continuity of the theme.  I believe the bible tells how God is project managing  events until the restoration of the earth...... I have used project managing skills to do this and also used risk management techniques to see where the globe is heading........ I love politics and watch events closely to see how prophecy will be fulfilled.........I believe the bible is absolute reality and can prove it by analysing the reality of the theme and current events on the globe.   

I have also looked at the latest discoveries in paleontology, geology etc....... not impressed with the suppression of information which proves there is a creator. I also listen to a lot of debates between atheists and religious philosophers..... but the religious nuts come out on top ..... except when they try to prove a literal 6 day creation... but young earth evidence is ample........ 

I have already seen through your way of thinking..... why?  I keep abreast of world events........ science, technology...... let's leave it at that. I need not state my credentials.  But I do see enormous gaps in your thinking which compels you to dismiss all JWs and any value a JW might have.   A waste of a good mind..... 


I have noticed a post- modern world-view in your own replies. 

Dunning-Kruger is at work bigtime in this one.

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@JW Insider Thank you for this comical comment above. 

A few quotes "Witnesses are generally very comfortable with their leadership."

Exactly how many people have you asked. Were they just elders that you asked ? 

Quote "Also, among JWs, there is a great appreciation for the good that comes out of association with others of like faith in the brotherhood. "

Yes it is a social club. Well here in UK it definitely is a social club. Hence when a person is disfellowshipped they lose EVERYONE they would normally spend time with.  Also hence, that is what keeps many JW's 'physically in', because of the fear of being totally alone if they left. Shunning keeps people in the JW Org, that is the way the GB / Org rules people's lives. So, no, many JW's are not 'very comfortable with their leadership', but they just don't have a good way out, without being totally 'cut off'.

And judging by feedback I'm getting from within the Org, fornication and divorce is increasing here in the UK. But I will not enlarge on that due to where I get my information. 

The word Apostasy can be argued here for hours, and in fact often is. 

And the GB seem frighten to announce reasons from the platform for why a person is 'No longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses'. 

So no one knows if a person left of their own accord, or was d'fed. 

As for this 'because no one has offered a consistent acceptable replacement yet.'  It is laughable. Just because you don't know exactly what is right, does that mean you don't know what isn't right ?  And doesn't it tell you to wait on God through Christ, instead of burbling on with untrue information ?  

Quote " Of course, the Bible already gives us a guide that shows there are also very serious kinds of apostasy, "

Give us examples please. 

And might your own GB be guilty of some of these ? 

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