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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Different situations were present in ancient times. i.e. Israelites were allowed to have a concubine for instance..... BUT Job was a good man because he was generous with his possessions and he was faithful to only one wife - even though se was a nagger - lol.

Does this mean that Jehovah will judge these people by the standards set by Jesus of one wife only?

Yes, the laws of justice, mercy,  being honest are universal laws and will be in effect - no matter what the era or time period..... but some other considerations will also be taken into account.  After all - Jehovah is perfect and he will judge perfectly.  Unfortunately we do not judge perfectly.  Some persons did things as a young stupid person and society still hold them accountable for their entire life and treats them like outcasts....Jehovah can read the heart and he knows.  There are many situations where we cannot judge perfectly.... 

I see that you take some time to thinking again about issue of "retro-activity" in connection to law/laws and people' deeds and judging. 

What i have in mind (when i wrote first comment) as answer to your' and mine' questions on subject, about different time periods and different laws that had been in power through all this long period of time, is this: God will use Law  and "law paragraphs" that is most merciful and beneficial, most favorable for "sinner" (according to His Love and Wisdom and Justice). 

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Good point Srecko. I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the GB for creating a "certain" environment inside congregations though. In fact, (we know everything passes through the GB's hands fo

@Arauna How do you actually know that the GB members  " never personally touched a child (actually too innocent  to comprehend how wicked people can be - too good for this world), " ?  There is i

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7 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Real, true UN officers and department, or some fake UN people?

This is Africa. Real UN soldiers rape African girls. The UN covers it up. Ever read about UN bad practices as an employer?  Whistleblowers on UN are fired...... do not think they have human rights because it is UN..

The countries with worst human rights abuses chair the Human Rights commission.

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5 minutes ago, Arauna said:

This is Africa. Real UN soldiers rape African girls. The UN covers it up. Ever read about UN bad practices as an employer?  Whistleblowers on UN are fired...... do not think they have human rights because it is UN..

The countries with worst human rights abuses chair the Human Rights commission.



@Srecko Sostar

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17 hours ago, JW Insider said:

*** w17 February p. 26 par. 12 Who Is Leading God’s People Today? ***
The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. . . .Of course, Jesus did not tell us that his faithful slave would produce perfect spiritual food.

What amazed me many times is this: Who writes articles, and about whom, and to whom?

Here we have one paragraph about GB. Questions arise. 

Who makes this observations and conclusions about GB??

Who is authorized to make comments about GB and their works??

Why examination about  GB, had been presented in a way, manner, as it is done by "Third Party"?

Is it possible that GB is not able, in power to talk about themselves and gave self evaluation, introspective about own feelings, thoughts and deeds??!! 

What a theatrics for public. They are histriones :))


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58 minutes ago, Arauna said:

 People just judge too quickly and do not understand the complexities

You will find it's not "people" in general who judge too quickly, but it is ex-JWs. People in general do understand the complexities. Even the ARC understands the complexities, and so do prosecuting lawyers. But of course neither are in the business to understand, but to hopefully help remedy the situation and to get justice (well in the case of the lawyers; to get lots of $$$$ too, lets be honest).

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1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

With John Butler being “DFed” (says JWI—something I did not know), I am once more heading in the direction that 4Jah2Me is really a reincarnation of him.

I think a lot of people suspected that pretty quickly, especially as their top 3 issues appear to be the same, and as time goes on, even their pet peeves match up. I don't know for sure that JB was "DF'd" from the site, but it's the impression I got because there was some kind of warning, and then he was gone. At this point if they are the same, I don't think it matters in the slightest. But the reason I jump in on this topic is because I don't want anyone to be confused with my use of the term DF. 

According to JB, he was treated as if DF'd in his congregation, even though he was not officially DF'd by a committee of elders. Not all of the reasons for this treatment were clear. Now that you have suspected that 4Jah2me was DF'd, I just figured that the JB story ought to be a reminder that it's always possible 4Jah2me was never DF'd either. 

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35 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Like I said, no actual information content. Just bald opinions.

This is not technically true. Admittedly, there was much opinion, but there was also at least one bit of solid information content:

1 hour ago, TrueTomHarley said:

AlanF, who surely must be one of the most unpleasant persons to ever walk the planet,

It would be very hard to dispute with that one.

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28 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

would be very hard to dispute with that one

Why I enjoyed your piece : it cclearly identifies the cantankerous way all darwinists act...... the religion seems to affect them this way.   Mr Dawkins has embarrassed himself quite a lot since he became a celebrity for the cause...... 

I think the best video I saw of him is when he said that aliens seeded the earth. ..... in a discussion on the origins of life. ..

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6 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Why I enjoyed your piece : it cclearly identifies the cantankerous way all darwinists act...... the religion seems to affect them this way.   Mr Dawkins has embarrassed himself quite a lot since he became a celebrity for the cause...... 

Uh oh. You are reacting (and I thank you) to my Dawkins post on the wrong thread. Be prepared for an onslaught from @AlanF about how STUPID you are!  :)

He is not the same—JTR is an absolute saint by comparison—but I used to occasionally include off-color words in my posts just to see him, who could launch the nastiest and crudest of tirades, get all bent out of shape that I has said a naughty word.

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I would just like to say that if I did have the power to ban someone, I would not, as I believe EVERYONE should have the right to publicly demonstrate what a complete equestrian posterior excretory bodily orifice he or she is.

But then again, I am a Barbarian.

...... entertainment is where you find it.

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