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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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38 minutes ago, Anna said:

Those of anointed who consider themselves the faithful and discreet slave, as I am sure you are referring to them,  do not wield authority over their fellow anointed, nor are they masters over anyone's faith for that matter. We are all fully cognizant that all the anointed are to answer to Jesus. And we are all cognizant of the fact that no one is better than anyone else. So what is your problem?

I have no problem.  But, apparently you cannot decipher what the WT is telling you.

WT, 1/2016:  "They DO NOT SEEK OUT OTHERS who claim to have the same calling, HOPING TO BOND WITH THEM or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study" the Body is to remain APART AND DIVIDED.

1 Cor 12:25:  "That there should be NO SCHISM ("DIVISION, SPLIT, RENT, DISSENSION") in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another." = The Body is to BOND TOGETHER 

54 minutes ago, Anna said:

And we are all cognizant of the fact that no one is better than anyone else.

Who have the authority to judge the faith of another, including the anointed ones?  Who has the authority to judge one as spiritually "dead", including the anointed ones?  Who disfellowships individuals for answering only to Christ and not the GB?  WHO MAKES THE JUDGMENT CALL CONCERNING ANOTHER'S STANDING BEFORE GOD?

Wouldn't you say that the elders, as a majority, feel privileged to possess the power given them to judge another in place of Christ?  After all, the WT calls it a "privilege" to serve "God" in this way.  Dan 8:24,25

Again Anna, what will you believe, men's doctrine or God's word?

"Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand."  Rom 14:4




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Good point Srecko. I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the GB for creating a "certain" environment inside congregations though. In fact, (we know everything passes through the GB's hands fo

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In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity.   wt 1/2016, "We Want to Go With You".

It would be important and interesting to see what are examples that WT Society GB and elders saw as danger for Corporation and as braking Bible Principles. 

We all are aware how people doing this sort of "separation" inside same structure. "Birds of feather flock together". It is visible to many how JW people contribute in various measures to this same. Bethel workers are one "social class", also pioneers understanding each other more than some other level of brotherhood can do that. Brothers who are wealthier or have more education find more friends inside such people and making that sort of "social group". Poor brothers understand each other more, much better than someone who has plenty of money can have that compassion to them. All such gathering can be seen as gathering based on some reasons that is not "Biblical", but it is not so simple or good  to make automatic conclusion or judgement.

If anointed individuals understand each other more better and in special way, it is normal to see them want to spend more time been together. Do you want to spend more of your time with people who understand you and your inner life or you want to be with those people who can't do that??

We all can be seen as "elite" in own eyes, or in eyes of other.

Warning about private groups for study Bible is based on need to control everyone, not just appointed. 


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1 hour ago, Witness said:

They DO NOT SEEK OUT OTHERS who claim to have the same calling, HOPING TO BOND WITH THEM or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study" the Body is to remain APART AND DIVIDED.

So that is your problem!     You do not really want to associate with the lowly earthly class in your congregation and serve them.... - you see yourself as creating a class system where all anointed are bunched together in one place (or only benefit themselves in small groups) and only serve each other in humility........ what kind of humility is that! 

Or do you want to teach!   As a woman it is NOT your place to teach and from what I have seen of your constant dripping of only one idea..... concerning yourself..... I do not think you are capable of teaching - definitely not JWs.

The true anointed I have known in the congregations are humble people.  Happen to know a 87 year old woman in South Africa...... humbly and lovingly serving as a pioneer and cooking for everyone! 

Happened to know a very poor black man from Zambia  living in one and half room shack with seven children...... he had a good job (drawing signs on shops)  but it was being fased out by computer developments for signs.  Happened to meet him through another refugee from Rwanda (whom I met at an assembly and is still my friend and brother)..... He (the anointed) was helping to feed this brother on his salary because this brother was living in a one room shack with his family- no food .  He was a teacher but could not get a job in S. Africa..... Now this - helping others and trusting jehovah will provide - I call faith, humility and self-sacrifice!  I think when he finishes his life-course he will understand true pain, suffering and poverty.... he always showed a christ like attitude. He had to leave SA and go back to Zambia where he could still find a job in the industry.   

The priviledged "anointed'  I have my doubts about....... but I will refrain to judge because jehovah is the judge. 


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2 hours ago, AlanF said:

You're approaching Orwellian crimestop here.

Always dramatic, over the top sweeping statements - no rationality here!

Berlinsky is seen as essential reading for any philosopher or debater on evolution. Not only is he a mathematician and philosopher but did a post-doctoral on molecular biology. 

He himself says that evolutionists evade the most important questions and only answer that which is convenient to them.... i agree, there are too many unanswered questions in evolution but evolutionary fanatics refuse to even look at them.

When I say to you that ALL nerves are connected in the body I talk from personal experience.  My daughter had neuroblastoma  - a nerve cancer.  The growth was removed from the main nerve on the right hand side of the chest at almost 9 months of life.... it was in one area......but affected "everything  " on the right hand side of her body....from head to toe.  The smallest nerves in her hands and feet (extremities) were not functioning to allow normal growth as on the left side.  She is a beautiful girl but on closer inspection one will find that everything is smaller on the right side.   I do not need to get technical on this one because my own observation has taught me the truth about the connectedness of ALL nerves.

Regarding all your other arguments - life could not exist if the cell does not have a membrane........... particles may have collided and after hitting the jackpot millions of times maybe formed some unstructured strings of material....... but how did they end up being in a "container"  to keep them together so that the intricate structures and separate DNA of the mitochondria could develop .... and what about the cooperating structures within the cell which act like factories for the replacement of protein and the removal  of garbage........ life is much more conneted and complex than evolutionists wish to give attention to..... 

I leave it at this, because the questions of understanding the future, morality, speech, and other wonders (which only humans posess and can appreciate and no animals have) are also questions to consider apart from the obvious biological aspects and the cosmos.  The only thing Darwins theory did explain was the minute adaptions which could bring about larger beaks etc....but nothing to explain a change in species..  

If you have an honest bone in your body you will re-evaluate your fanatic  persuasion.  New evidence on the shortness if the time period for the Cambrian explosion of only 10 million years..... and the explosion of the different kinds of mammals in this short time without any previous animals of this kind..... boggles the mind.

The spirit of God can only flourish where there is truth and an honest search for the truth. This is also true of any JW - if they stop acknowledging or practicing the truth they may start to dominate others like King Solomon did at the end of his life.   Each person is responsible to evaluate themselves constantly..... to tell if they are hypocritical or truthful about themselves and their practices.



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A couple of points here :-

1. In times past the whole of the anointed here on earth were classed as the F&DS 

Then the GB in their selfish 'wisdom' decided that ONLY THEY are the F&DS.

So who is exalting themselves above others here? Who is separating themselves from the Body of Christ ?  Who are the ones that are trying to domineer ?  

2. For the Anointed to contact each other does not mean literally gathering in one place. Or do you live so much in the past.  We have internet, we have mobile / cell phones. Even prior to this we had fax machines and landline phones. So using the excuse that the Anointed would have to gather in one place is rather pathetic. 

I do honestly hope that members of the Anointed DO CONTACT EACH OTHER.  Those of the Anointed will have more spirituality and guidance from God. Otherwise why would God even have an Anointed here on Earth. God could just as easily use Christ to chose a person after they have died, and then resurrect them in the spirit. Why would God anoint someone and then tell them (through the GB) to be inactive as an Anointed ? 

Of course you GB worshippers don't like the scripture of 'Ten men clinging to the skirt of a Jew' because you know the Jew represents the whole of the Anointed. 

The Org needs Anointed people from around the Earth, to be the leaders of the Organisation. They need not be permanently in one location together. Internet is quite fast you know :). But the GB would lose their power to dominate 8.5 million people, and to also dominate and lie to another possible 8 million so called Bible studies.   

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Always dramatic, over the top sweeping statements - no rationality here!

Berlinsky is seen as essential reading for any philosopher or debater on evolution. Not only is he a mathematician and philosopher but did a post-doctoral on molecular biology. 

[Irrelevant blather deleted]

Obviously you can't answer any of my challenges. You're dishonest to the core and too incompetent to say anything about science.

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Many manuscripts have been discovered in the desert where, after thousands of years, they are still perfectly preserved. Reflecting upon this, I decided to go down to the desert myself and give it a shot. Sure enough, after a bit of poking I found a manuscript. 

I brushed off the sand, flicked away the gecko turds, and sent it off to the scholars at the Whitepebble Biblical Research Institute. They went gaga over it. The manuscript sheds new light on events long thought to be beyond dispute, and most scholars find it a tough sell. Nonetheless, they are hard-up there for manuscripts at the moment, and the obnoxicus superiorticus is now housed in the AlanF wing of that venerable institution, where the foundation has been jacked up to accommodate the extra weight:

And at about the sixth hour, he looked down upon his tormentors and said, “You people are so stupid! It amazes me that your tiny brains can generate the power to move your feet. I’m bored with you pitiful attempts to cause me pain. The hypocrisy and doublethink on display are just breathtaking!” And many other things like these he said.

At about the ninth hour, soldiers approached to break his legs in order to hasten death. They did so. He said to them: “As I predicted, no reasonable answer here. As usual you've ignored at least 90% of my arguments and comments. I ask again: What are the names of the scriptural accounts you've read? Lack of an answer will tell me either that you don't read such, or you're embarrassed to name them. You have once again punted on most everything with which I challenged. Such transparent hypocrites! You demand an answer from me that, with a little online research, you can find the answer to yourself. Yet you refuse to answer my unique challenges and questions to you. You are a bunch of liars. I posed my challenge to disprove my logic that the one that is to come you posted your Intelligent Jewish claptrap. I posed my challenge this past Tuesday, but you posted your silly question only yesterday. You yourself are quite selective in your worship of Mommy Torah. Obviously you can't answer any of my challenges. You're dishonest to the core and too incompetent to say anything about science. Since you're too lazy to do your own research, I've done some for you. For example.....”

At about the 20th hour, one of the centurions said to his companion, “Oh, for crying out loud!”

Unfortunately, the complete text of the remarks runs quite long, and I had to leave some of the manuscript there in the desert because I couldn’t afford the freight. Possibly on another expedition I will fetch it, or ask @Arauna, who knows the African desert like the back of her hand, to fetch it for me.




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2 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

The Org needs Anointed people from around the Earth, to be the leaders of the Organisation.

Says who? 

The ones who are now spearheading the organization are training others all the time - elders, servants etc.  Their time for ruling and being together  is not now ... but in future.... then they will all be together under christ and their administration will bring mankind back to the original purpose of God.  The promises of being together under christ lies in future. 

The original congregations were mostly anointed but the great crowd now makes up the largest part of the congregations.... and the obligation to meet together and encourage each other is as much the great crowd's obligation as the anointed.

9 hours ago, AlanF said:

Oftentimes the Society designs its instructions with a subtly hidden message that astute JWs are supposed to pick up on.


So we must read in it hidden messages?   Sounds more like mysticism to me...... or evolution.  Seeing something where it does not exist. 

2 hours ago, AlanF said:

Obviously you can't answer any of my challeng

You expect answers when you have no intention or capability to answer my challenges.

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19 hours ago, AlanF said:

Therefore humans must have existed for a short time, presumably the 6,000 years allowed by the Watchtower Society. I gave the above comment as part of a proof that her reasoning was unsound.

The comment or rebuttal you gave is not worthy of attention because mutations have minimal beneficial effects - mostly extreme adverse affects.   Accumulation of adverse effects will outweigh the few beneficial effects.  If humans have been here for 500 billion years then the adverse effects would have outweighed the good effects and could not have built new species - even by natural selection of only the good effects -  but instead caused our demise and extinction.  

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 Quote "Their time for ruling and being together  is not now  " 

Says who ? (  @Arauna we can all play your silly game) 

Your GB are ruling right now, 8 mainly American men, with American thoughts and personalities. 

Whereas God through Christ has anointed people from ALL the Earth. 

But your GB domineer them. Will God and Christ allow that to continue ? I think not. 

Why anoint them if they are not allowed to make full use of it ?  Why not just chose faithful people from amongst the dead. 

Can you imagine the disciples receiving Holy Spirit then being told to go home and keep quiet about it. Being told not to teach others. Being told not to gather together. 



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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

I do honestly hope that members of the Anointed DO CONTACT EACH OTHER.

What do you care? The only people who know that there are anointed are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and you’ve put yourself outside that group. And here is Alan appending his “like”—Alan, the atheist—Alan, the evolutionist. Oh, yeah! Alan is real concerned about the doings of the anointed! Maybe they will consult him as their science advisor.

But...but....isn’t Witness an anointed—Witness, who complains of being outmaneuvered by the 8 and deprived of her rightful recognition? Witness, who by her own word, does communicate with those she considers anointed—by the social media and internet methods that you mention. She communicates with as many of them as she likes, probably all that will speak to her—perhaps all of them except for the eight. So what does she care? Any meeting of any type will have at least eight absentees. Carry on without them! She’s made it clear innumerable times that she is not the slightest bit impressed with the preaching infrastructure that they have built and oversee, so what’s it to her if they don’t show up?

I don’t know everything that Witness believes and I am afraid to ask for fear that she will tell me—at a length even longer than Alan. I did ask her a few things, and she immediately assumed that I was coming in from the cold. From that exchange I discovered, however, that her notion of anointed is not at all as JWs believe—she does not think they are all to be “kings and priests to our God” and she blows off the number of them in Revelation 7 as nothing. For all I know, she has reverted to that old time religion that believes “all good people go to heaven”—and Alan will approve that too if it means undermining Jehovah’s Witnesses, despite his atheism, and then lecture everyone else about being hypocrites.



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24 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

But your GB domineer them. Will God and Christ allow that to continue ? I think not. 

You use the word domineer so easily..... I call it "facilitation".

Soon you will see what domineering really is. Africa is full of these kind of domineering rulers.  China is now domineering everything in the lives of their subjects by means of 24 hours of surveillance - big brother style....

Americans like to call anyone giving them an instruction, domineering or a dictator. Talk about socialism and americans call them a communist.....total overreaction.....    40 years of indoctrination by movies wants the US youth to have freedom to do everything they want but with no responsibility/accountability.  These secular -style ideas/philosophies are infiltrating us everywhere!..... even the congregation! 

Sin "dominates" us all and is a terrible burden....  the wish to dominate is never ever a benevolent quality...... and so is rebellion against jehovah. This is why elders are always warned not to dominate others but to show them the relevant scriptures because obedience to scripture is a personal choice. When individuals choose to overstep Jehovahs rules, then they can face the consequences for their actions  themselves. They cannot say like Adam "so and so told me to do it".

43 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

Whereas God through Christ has anointed people from ALL the Earth. 

No- not true.  Prophets like Elisha were anointed for a specific job.  Kings were also anointed for a specific job as was the high priest.

Jesus was anointed with holy spirit to be the messiah (future king and high priest) and the kingdom covenant was for the anointed as kings and priests-  like Jesus.

They were anointed for a specific job. At end of thousand years they may get a new assignment or remain in their positions..... but they will hand over the kingdom back to jehovah when their assignment is completed.

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