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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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22 minutes ago, AlanF said:

And you never learned a thing. No surprise.

Don’t push me on this Alan. 

Like the angels holding back the winds, I have so far restrained my associates—you haven’t met them all yet, you have only met the bashful ones—to bombarding you with ridicule on every other thread that your ugly persona ventures. They haven’t gone there yet, nor have I done so myself. It is not that they and I have not been tempted.

It is not out of consideration for you. Judging by the qualities you have put on display, you deserve none. It is out of consideration for the one or two persons I respect that seem to feel that your contributions outweigh your ill manners.

Although there are many whom I vehemently oppose here, there are none of them who have not at times revealed “human,” even endearing, qualities. I have seldom met someone so bereft of them as you. You carry on as though a bot locked on nasty. Possibly there are born pugilists not put off by your manner. I’m not one of them. There may be ones of infinite patience willing to put up with your rudeness in order to extract what they think you have to offer. I’m not one of them, either. The most righteous case in the world is lost when the representing lawyer is so fantastically and consistently insulting that the jury rules against him out of sheer resentment.

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Good point Srecko. I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the GB for creating a "certain" environment inside congregations though. In fact, (we know everything passes through the GB's hands fo

@Arauna How do you actually know that the GB members  " never personally touched a child (actually too innocent  to comprehend how wicked people can be - too good for this world), " ?  There is i

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8 hours ago, AlanF said:

People do that all the time. In the meantime, those who time proves were right all along have to shut up and defer to the Society's false teachings. Do you really think that's good?

It is Christian.The way of a true Christian is so much more elegant than that of the world. I agree, the biggest changes in secular history have been made because of violent uprisings and protests of a large majority. After all, if a King loses the support of most of his subjects, he becomes powerless. However, the way of a Christian is not that way. Within the framework of the Christian congregation, a Christian relies heavily on God, and that if there is a change or correction to be made, it WILL be made*. And that is without Christians employing the ways of the world. But this concept is very difficult to understand by someone who does not believe in God.

*The exception is child sexual abuse. No one should wait in that case, it must be dealt with immediately, for the protection of innocent children who cannot defend themselves.

8 hours ago, AlanF said:

Exactly when was "Daniel's prophecy" "figured out as pointing to A.D. 1914"? And by whom? And what evidence can you cite for your answer?

Belongs under another topic. Has been discussed many times on here actually.

8 hours ago, AlanF said:

What the Society really should do is become more tolerant of dissent. That would make being a JW much more pleasant for intelligent, knowledgeable people.

If it did that, then it would be no different to Christendom. Plus, the Bible does not teach that this is how the Christian congregation should be. There are plenty of intelligent and knowledgeable people in the org. but also they are wise. And humble.

8 hours ago, AlanF said:

You're not being particularly honest here, because when I brought up the Albert Schroeder / Luke 21:7-8 topic, you suggested making a new topic -- which I did -- and you ignored.

Yes, I did, and I did not ignore it. I read yours and JWI comments. I have honestly not had the time. I am having a hard time trying to keep up with the posts on here, never mind other topics somewhere else. I haven't replied to one of your posts on here which I wanted to, but now it has been buried under so much, I think it's already about 10 pages back.

8 hours ago, AlanF said:

Apparently you want to have your cake and eat it, too.

No, I just want to filter out some blatantly off topic stuff because they clog up the thread. This is why your other comment to me is 10 pages back!

8 hours ago, AlanF said:

Apparently your humor is not very good.

I think you are right, it wasn't very humorous.

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38 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Don’t push me on this Alan. 

Like the angels holding back the winds, I have so far restrained my associates—you haven’t met them all yet, you have only met the bashful ones—to bombarding you with ridicule on every other thread that your ugly persona ventures. They haven’t gone there yet, nor have I done so myself. It is not that they and I have not been tempted.

It is not out of consideration for you. Judging by the qualities you have put on display, you deserve none. It is out of consideration for the one or two persons I respect that seem to feel that your contributions outweigh your ill manners.

Although there are many whom I vehemently oppose here, there are none of them who have not at times revealed “human,” even endearing, qualities. I have seldom met someone so bereft of them as you. You carry on as though a bot locked on nasty. Possibly there are born pugilists not put off by your manner. I’m not one of them. There may be ones of infinite patience willing to put up with your rudeness in order to extract what they think you have to offer. I’m not one of them, either. The most righteous case in the world is lost when the representing lawyer is so fantastically and consistently insulting that the jury rules against him out of sheer resentment.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You're killing me!

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23 hours ago, Witness said:

Wouldn't you say that the elders, as a majority, feel privileged to possess the power given them to judge another in place of Christ?  After all, the WT calls it a "privilege" to serve "God" in this way.  Dan 8:24,25

Again Anna, what will you believe, men's doctrine or God's word?

"Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand."  Rom 14:4


Paul at Romans 14:4 was obviously not talking about the kind of judging that is to be done in order to keep the congregation spiritually and morally clean, as per:

"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness" 2 Tim 3:16. .

 "For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among yourselves. 1 Cor 5:12,13

"Now I urge you, brothers, to keep your eye on those who create divisions and causes for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. Romans 16:17 

In order to do any of this there must be the ability to discern, or judge, who it applies to. And finally:

"Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over you as those who will render an account" Heb 13:7


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Both WT, January 2016, and January 2020 that talk about the anointed, applies to ALL the anointed, which includes the GB. There is no difference between them as regards their anointing, and how they should be treated. And, even how much holy spirit they get. Some will disagree with me on this, but in my opinion the GB do not receive any more, or any "special" type of holy spirit or insight than any other anointed, or anyone else for that matter. The Bible does not say the FDS anointed know more, all it says is that they are to provide timely spiritual food, which is already in the Bible, and dispense it to the others and to each other, since they are also "domestics".  Also they are not the only spokesmen for God. Anyone speaking the truth about God and Christ are also his spokespersons.

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13 minutes ago, Anna said:

all it says is that they are to provide timely spiritual food, which is already in the Bible

Totally agree Anna,  the GB receive just enough holy spirit for their tasks and in the congregations around the world many anointed are serving to strengthen and help others. They do not see themselves as leaders at all. I know of one who stepped down as an elder because his own family needed more attention. Females support the congregation in so many other ways teaching the younger women to have a spirit of service.  Jehovah us never unjust - never partial.  Many brothers under the anointed receive as much holy spirit as they do - if they pray for it.  



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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

have seldom met someone so bereft of them as you.


2 hours ago, AlanF said:


The qualities displayed by atheists is an important argument against them.  This is the reason why there were more people killed in war than ever before after Darwin wrote  his book on the "superiority" of the survival if the fittest (most aggressive too!) .  It spawned  people like stalin, Hitler, Mao seTung etc.... who killed more people than any religion or war ever did in history before that. 

If one does not believe there is accountability to a God- because all creation are mere animals which came here by mere chance from a pool of murky water - one becomes your own God and one does what one can to please oneself -  animalistic. Those without conscience will also murder if they can get away with it and many other immoral things if society let's them get away with it too!...... such as we have seen under atheist dictatorships.  China at present using the body parts of religious prisoners for commercial transplants. 10,000 transplants per year.

The argument that atheism can provide morals is false.  So why would an atheist come to a forum like this?  To troll to create anger, devision, or find someone who they can carry away as their victim.

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11 hours ago, AlanF said:
12 hours ago, Top Cat O’Malihan said:

What are your thoughts about the future of Darwinian evolution? Do you feel that your personality represents its pinnacle, or may we look forward to reaching even greater heights? 

Thank you, sir, for your work.

Bugger off, Tom.

Yes- an important question.  Those atheistic  humanists who are now leading society to the situation called Armageddon are saying that society will now  'evolve' to bring "peace and security" to all humankind.  Of course,  they are quite willing to pressure everyone to conform to their idea of it. They are not willing to wait another 500 billion years for that to happen because by then humans and their consumerism will have destroyed the earth and all its resources.

13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

how come there’s not more black brothers in positions of authority?’ The answer was that, due to

I regularly visit South Africa and usually there is a minority of white elders - depending on the area.  In areas where the majority are black brothers there are no white elders.  They are doing a fine job!  

12 hours ago, AlanF said:

comments about witch-doctoring and astrology and Velikovskyism and all manner of goofy, nonsensical belief systems. For example I very much like what a JW-critical author said some 50 years ago:

Fallacy......  in Africa the brothers are persecuted or killed because they do not participate in witch doctoring or participate in rituals of superstition.  I am African, I know what goes on there. These commentators sit behind a desk in USA and write about things they do not know and gullible people like alanF believe it.

When brothers go back to their old superstitious  traditions they are counseled by the African elders and will lose their JW status if they do not repent. 


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1 hour ago, Anna said:

The Bible does not say the FDS anointed know more, all it says is that they are to provide timely spiritual food, which is already in the Bible,


1 hour ago, Arauna said:

Totally agree Anna,  the GB receive just enough holy spirit for their tasks

 The last days are indeed filled with woe, just as the Bible foretold.  In this troubled world, however, there are positive developments among the worshippers of Jehovah.

13 “The true knowledge will become abundant,” the Bible book of Daniel foretold. When would that happen? During “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) Especially since 1914, Jehovah has helped those who truly desire to serve him to grow in understanding of the Bible.  


About:  Knowledge, Know more, Spiritual food, Understanding of Bible, Holy spirit, you mentioned.

You said well, Anna, how FDS (inside WT Society) are not in position to "know more" if they are out of working range of holy spirit, to understand more about some subjects, if Bible text not explicit say or explain what is what. If it is, as you say, how Bible not give any prove to all of us, that FDS will know more, than what spiritual food they producing? Which is already in the Bible?  Fine. But that would mean less articles that are directly connected to Bible text especially about prophesies and interpretations on many issues and, of course, about illustrations as, who is FDS. Bible not say who is FDS. When and how will come or came. Will they originated from Pennsylvania and then move to Warwick. 

If they, FDS, are uninspired, than they have no possibility to explain nothing from Bible, for outcome how such explanation would be correct. They can handle only basic teachings. To be good, not lie, love your neighbor, to preach Kingdom, not have idols ....and similar. Talking about 1914, King of the North, 6000 history of man is in shady, fog zone and are just interpretations leading nowhere.

Producing millions of articles (from 1879) with problematic explanations and instructions prove just opposite - that they not received enough spirit for their task. They are very good organized, that is for sure - but do you need HS for that or just to improve what was already exist in this worldly word and what working for centuries, especially in Western Democracies and Economics. 


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1 hour ago, Srecko Sostar said:

The true knowledge will become abundant,” the Bible book of Daniel foretold. When would that happen? During “the time of the end.” (Daniel 12:4) Especially since 1914, Jehovah has helped those who truly desire to serve him to grow in understanding of the Bible.  

I grow in knowledge of the bible by reading the Insight book..... there are fascinating things in there.... I would encourage all to strengthen themselves in this way.  I have also picked up some useful info by reading old publications........ not to criticize the GB as others do here on this forum but to find new little tit-bits I had not thought of before. 

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5 hours ago, Arauna said:


The qualities displayed by atheists is an important argument against them.  This is the reason why there were more people killed in war than ever before after Darwin wrote  his book on the "superiority" of the survival if the fittest (most aggressive too!) .  It spawned  people like stalin, Hitler, Mao seTung etc.... who killed more people than any religion or war ever did in history before that. 

If one does not believe there is accountability to a God- because all creation are mere animals which came here by mere chance from a pool of murky water - one becomes your own God and one does what one can to please oneself -  animalistic. Those without conscience will also murder if they can get away with it and many other immoral things if society let's them get away with it too!...... such as we have seen under atheist dictatorships.  China at present using the body parts of religious prisoners for commercial transplants. 10,000 transplants per year.

The argument that atheism can provide morals is false.  So why would an atheist come to a forum like this?  To troll to create anger, devision, or find someone who they can carry away as their victim.

As usual you're so far off the beam that you're not even wrong.

Where do you get all this nonsense? Do you just make it all up?

5 hours ago, Arauna said:

Yes- an important question.  Those atheistic  humanists who are now leading society to the situation called Armageddon are saying that society will now  'evolve' to bring "peace and security" to all humankind.  Of course,  they are quite willing to pressure everyone to conform to their idea of it. They are not willing to wait another 500 billion years for that to happen because by then humans and their consumerism will have destroyed the earth and all its resources.

I regularly visit South Africa and usually there is a minority of white elders - depending on the area.  In areas where the majority are black brothers there are no white elders.  They are doing a fine job!  

Fallacy......  in Africa the brothers are persecuted or killed because they do not participate in witch doctoring or participate in rituals of superstition.  I am African, I know what goes on there. These commentators sit behind a desk in USA and write about things they do not know and gullible people like alanF believe it.

When brothers go back to their old superstitious  traditions they are counseled by the African elders and will lose their JW status if they do not repent.

I think you've gone senile.

3 hours ago, Arauna said:

I grow in knowledge of the bible by reading the Insight book..... there are fascinating things in there.... I would encourage all to strengthen themselves in this way.  I have also picked up some useful info by reading old publications........ not to criticize the GB as others do here on this forum but to find new little tit-bits I had not thought of before. 

You also read young-earth creationist publications and pick up all manner of nonsense. And of course, your thinking on various things, like the age of the earth, is 40 years out of date by Watchtower standards. And of course, you simply don't learn.

2 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

I have them too. And i was excited when was able to get "Aid to Bible understanding" in 1984 in Vienna Betel one evening in September.  

Insight is almost identical to the earlier Aid book in content.

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