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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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When speaking with others of a different point of view, it is important to treat them with a modicum of respect. It is important not to taunt and ridicule and insult. Of course, if such is your only o

Good point Srecko. I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the GB for creating a "certain" environment inside congregations though. In fact, (we know everything passes through the GB's hands fo

@Arauna How do you actually know that the GB members  " never personally touched a child (actually too innocent  to comprehend how wicked people can be - too good for this world), " ?  There is i

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2 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Kirk discovered aliens that looked pretty much like me and you, though they were more polite than you. At most they had green skin. But there were some knockout babes among them, let me tell you, and Kirk made out with every one of them.

The boneheads took a few more thousand years of evolution to appear and were not to be found until Picard’s time. Later there appeared the Borg, who very much resemble those who oppose the Work today.

This guy really does think he's funny and astute!

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16 hours ago, AlanF said:

Where do you get all this nonsense? Do you just make it all up?

Not much of a thinker are you? Your dismissive attitude proves my point..... You have never thought of these issues in your life before? Just dismissal? ..... 

In  the Seinfeld show the female character used to comment about someone being " spunge-worthy".  By your dismissive attitude of important questions surrounding evolution and atheism..... you are proving yourself  "unworthy " of my time and attention.

The most important atheist debaters of our era have taken the time to consider these questions. You are obviously too smart for your own good .......you do not even consider them and give replies like the above......

As I have said before - what is a person like you doing on this forum if not  with the single purpose  to irritate...  The subject originally was about child molestation and people going to court for perceived negligence. 

Atheists inherited their morals from the Christian-judeo traditions.  Before the Jewish law given to Moses, most nations burnt their children in fires and slept with whatever and whomever they wished.  Male and female fertility rites on the mountains.......

As I demonstrated before - if one believes purely that  there is no God and we come from a soup by chance ..... no amount of logic will give you any morals.

20 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

them too. And i was excited when was able to get "Aid to Bible understanding" in 1984 in Vienna Betel one evening in September.  

I had such a large collection of books but my moving from country to country  has made me get rid of most of them now. I had bibles with Jehovahs name in, in several African languages, too.

The" Insight" online has this advantage which I like very much..... one can look up any supporting scripture on the spot... and it usually gives one something you have not thought of before.  They also update it regularly -i think-  because the history updates include the newest discoveries.  I like to revisit old subjects and get the newest info. 

15 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

in seeing in all life on Earth the directed hand of God.

At least you acknowledge the design component ...... 

What is your thoughts on the second law of thermodynamics?  

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16 hours ago, Witness said:

I’m sorry, but you are blind to the true motives behind your leadership. As I have said, telling the

Why are most of the anointed happy in their congregations, giving spiritual assistance locally, using their wisdom where it is needed, and  in unity of mind and spirit they help to get the preaching work done - which is after all the main commission given to all Christian's?

Why is it only a few who say they need to be "feeding " others but by their attitudes want to actually "lord" it over the teaching of the congregation?  These ones do not even submit to the local congregations workings, not assisting the sheep, not carrying the sheep like a shepherd, not feeding the sheep in their congregation, not preaching to the lost sheep in their community - but actively going out of their way (at the smallest opportunity) to defame all JWs, their congregations, the preaching work they do and those who are leading the way to provide appropriate food for our time....... the nourishing food we need now is to build unity of purpose, faith, endurance,  and genuine self-sacrificing love - only this will get us ready to pass through Armageddon.


15 hours ago, AlanF said:

Hitchens almost always came out on top. He mopped the floor with his opponents.

This is cult-like. When an articulate celebrity goes on stage and his followers are so enamoured of him that they do not even see the flaws in the arguments.  

I watched several of his debates - even the one against his brother - he is impressively  articulate but that is all. 

Yes- I guess I'm a moron ...... so I wonder what that makes you?   Since you have not answered any of the most important points I have raised against your religion,  except raising insults.

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14 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

GB can gather together then so can other Anointed

It is their job to meet together to coordinate activities where they are serving. 

 A meeting of only anointed at congregation level makes it exclusive - excluding the other sheep.  My experience tells me it is practical as well as scriptural decision. Anointed are just as prone to sin as any of us..... and may soon develop a superiority and start drawing sheep after themselves......... as happened jn the first century congregation.  We see many instances where people were drawing a following after themselves. They became wolves.

This is why I constantly say:  there us some hidden motive behind these persons which want this,  which they are not prepared to acknowledge.  They accuse the GB of hidden motives but this is an example of projecting their own sin on others. Pride has crept in somewhere -  to the extent that they are prepared to go against Jehovahs people as a nation at every opportunity.  They have no wish to feed the sheep but somehow to "influence" the sheep to your own benefit....No sacrificing love in any of it.

15 hours ago, Tom Foolery said:


Yea, I typed it wrong late at night.  The guy is dead for more than two years .... not relevant as a person any more..... BUT the questions about "future " expectations,  morality, consciousness, language (which only humans have)  remain.

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3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

 A meeting of only anointed at congregation level makes it exclusive - excluding the other sheep.

In addition, anointed Christians do not view themselves as being part of an elite club. They do not seek out others who claim to have the same calling, hoping to bond with them or endeavoring to form private groups for Bible study. (Gal. 1:15-17) Such efforts would cause divisions within the congregation and work against the holy spirit, which promotes peace and unity.   wt 1/2016, "We Want to Go With You"

1) "elite club", 2) "private groups for Bible study", 3) "cause division", 4) "against holy spirit"

I am interested to know on what evidences, GB made conclusion about this 4 points?? and how other rank and file members came to same conclusion as GB, how anointed want to separate themselves in such a way and a measure to be considered as promoter of this 4 points?. This doesn't mean how some of them (anointed) are not in such state of mind to think about self as more spiritual than somebody else. But is this general problem that includes ALL anointed? All other "groups" inside WT Society and JW organization can do the same, to act according to 4 points. 

I think how GB need to offer proper, trustful evidences for conclusion and advice, for warning they made. Our comments about this, mostly are based on few premises.

For example: Can we trust GB research and objectivity on this. Did they made any research, and how they collected information's how some anointed made private study. What is problem if they gathered? People doing that all the time outside of congregation. Solely gathering can't be reason for ban they want to implement (not only to anointed, but to all JW members).      

Who gave power to GB to make decision how you or other members have to behave on such issue. To make warning that you are not entitled to have private Bible researches? What is PRIVATE in GB minds? 

I will not going to more words. Just like to make thinking question: What if this "private groups of Bible studies" and gatherings (spiritual hiding) in "caves" aka homes are in fact what this verse speaking about?

Nevertheless, I have reserved seven thousand in Israel— all whose knees have not bowed to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” - 1. kings 19


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I think that scripture about "food at the proper time" might actually mean "cartoons at the proper time."

This is today's DILBERT cartoon.

Quite often, I have found, the DILBERT cartoon of the day exactly fits what is being posted here.


.... and whatever happened to Caleb and Sophia?


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29 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

"food at the proper time" might actually mean "cartoo

I wish there were cartoons when my children were small.  Food for the young ones at the proper time- something they can relate to -  is also important. They should not be overlooked.

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When my children were young, preschool, at the Kingdom Hall I required them to be quiet and respectful, but did not require them to pay attention.  I let them scribble, and do coloring books, and play silently with very small toys in their seats.

Today my oldest is an elder, and all three are strong and active in the truth of the Truth (to the best of my knowledge), have very good jobs and married well ... VERY well. 

It was more important to me for them to have HAPPY childhoods.

Meantime, I know many elders whose children all left.

.... but then again ... I am a Barbarian and a loose cannon.

...  silly me.

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11 hours ago, AlanF said:

fact is that a number of fossils over more than 10 million years show the two-joint arrangement,

Evading the real question.  The cambrian explosion refers to an explosion of so many different kinds of animals in  a short period of time without any hint of " precursors"  found in earlier layers of the earth........... and you turn it into an argument of the jawbone during this time - totally missing the point.   

Explain the sudden appearance of wings, explain the explosion of all the different kinds of mammals without any hint of it in previous layers of the earth.   The jawbone is a side issue..


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2 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Punctuated Creation's hard evidence

The question is not:  how stable is the structure AFTER  it has formed because we know from obserbation in nature that species can adapt to its environment.  Changes,  such as Darwin's finches, whose beaks changed when the food source changed and then changed back again when the food source changed again.... but never changed Io a different species of bird.....STABILITY OF SPECIES is confirmed.

But the Cambrian explosion was too short  and sudden  to produce / originate such a variety of complex animals..... which  brings us back to the " origin" of all species"   

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