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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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21 hours ago, Arauna said:

Why are most of the anointed happy in their congregations, giving spiritual assistance locally, using their wisdom where it is needed, and  in unity of mind and spirit they help to get the preaching work done - which is after all the main commission given to all Christian's?


Simply because of the term you have used…”mommy Watchtower”, and what it has to offer.

Someone commented on a video made of the construction of Warwick, that if the name “Jehovah” were to be replaced by “Watchtower” in the comments made, the JW god is revealed.   


“THE fine progress being made at the construction site of the new world headquarters in Warwick, New York, is certainly evidence of Jehovah’s backing and support.”

THE fine progress being made at the construction site of the new world headquarters in Warwick, New York, is certainly evidence of Watchtower’s backing and support. yb16 pp. 18-19

Back to 1983:

 “Nevertheless, 10,468 gathered at the nearby Warwick Farm racetrack to hear a program that gave encouragement to press on with the expansion of Jehovah’s work during these “last days.”

Nevertheless, 10,468 gathered at the nearby Warwick Farm racetrack to hear a program that gave encouragement to press on with the expansion of Watchtower’s work during these “last days.” w83 8/1 pp. 28-31

This entirely explains why the organization is now building a mega media center when it is also taught that Armageddon is imminent at the same moment in time. Would the true God offer us such a confusing message, or would it be Satan, the master of confusion and deceit? (Rev 16:13,14) This should cause every JW concern for what they are slaving for. (Matt 6:24; Rom 1:25; 6:16) Watchtower’s work must push on in the earthly realm of Satan.  If Armageddon was so imminent, the anointed would not be slaving for the work of man’s hands. (2 Cor 6:16) They would be preparing their hearts for the Kingdom to come and serving only one Master.  (Rev 2:20; 3:1-3, 15-18) Their focus would not be on investing their money and time into earthly pie-in-the-sky developments.  

Solomon was blessed with wisdom and material riches. Yet he said,

I increased my achievements. I built houses and planted vineyards for myself. I made gardens and parks for myself and planted every kind of fruit tree in them. I constructed reservoirs of water for myself from which to irrigate a grove of flourishing trees. I acquired male and female servants and had slaves who were born in my house. I also owned many herds of cattle and flocks, more than all who were before me in Jerusalem. I also amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I gathered male and female singers for myself, and many concubines, the delights of men. So I became great and surpassed all who were before me in Jerusalem; my wisdom also remained with me. 10 All that my eyes desired, I did not deny them. I did not refuse myself any pleasure, for I took pleasure in all my struggles. This was my reward for all my struggles. 11 When I considered all that I had accomplished and what I had labored to achieve, I found everything to be futile and a pursuit of the wind. There was nothing to be gained under the sun.

Then I turned to consider wisdom, madness, and folly, for what will the man be like who comes after the king? He will do what has already been done. 13 And I realized that there is an advantage to wisdom over folly, like the advantage of light over darkness.

14 The wise man has eyes in his head,
but the fool walks in darkness.”  Eccl 2:4-14

Just like the majority of JWs, the anointed in the organization are also swept up by what their “god” offers – peace and security, even prominence in the organization, while convinced they are doing God's will.  (1 Thess 5:3)  When Israel went into exile in Babylon for their idolatry (2 Chron 36:14-16) many didn’t care to leave after the 70 years had passed. They treasured the life they had built for themselves.  Leaving it all behind didn’t sound like a good proposition.  That would mean leaving their cultivated land, friends and possibly family members.    After all, Babylon was a beautiful place to live in and very progressive for its time. 

However, there were those who mourned over their captivity and the destruction of God’s Temple.  They perceived their own wickedness.  Most likely they were among those who left when God gave the order to restore Jerusalem through Cyrus.  (Ps 137; Ezra 1:2; 2 Chron 36:22,23)

Despite what man achieves in the world, Satan has authority over the world. (John 12:31)  It brings with it, the promise of death. (Isa 28:18; Luke 4:5-8)  WT’s focus is what can be accomplished through  whatever the world of Satan has to offer.  

Christ is simply, light and life; and he offers the promise of life if and only if, we choose that simple route God has provided us through His son’s sacrifice.  (2 Cor 11:1-4)  

Today’s “Babylon” is a spiritual captivity that again takes God’s people captive – God’s “Israel”.  They are surrounded by “foreigners” in a delusion of “peace and security” that is in reality ,the promise of darkness and death. They have been overcome by a “Gentile” power that rules over them – the elders who can judge them as “dead” for rejecting the idol, and their subtle accusations (from the "accuser") by words stated in the magazines listed previously.  But JWs take it with a grain of salt, fully accepting the words of men over the words of God.  (Num 3:10; Ezek 44:6-9; Rev 11:1,2; 13:5-9, 15)  We are warned not to become captive to empty philosophy, to false prophets who deceive God’s chosen people “Israel”; false “messiah’s” who say, “I am He”. (Col 2:8; Matt 7:15; Mark 13:22; 2 Tim 4:3,4; 2 Pet 2)  But the delusion is so powerful, so inviting, that “Israel” and thousands with them, fall for its offer of salvation. (Luke 21:24; Rev 13:10; 2 Thess 2:9,10)

Each one of us who were/are JWs, have/had made the choice for an organization to lead us to salvation, a practice of idolatry. If we proclaim that we didn't dedicate ourselves to "Jehovah's organization", yet we’re still a member of it, then we deceive ourselves in believing that it must be the only path to salvation.    We are being judged on that choice. (Luke 22:31; Matt 13:30) This is Satan’s extraordinary scheme to “surround the saints” with his ‘diabolical’ plan to wipe out the “remaining ones of the woman’s seed”, using falsehoods and empty philosophy to do so.  (Ezek 38:8-12; Rev 20:7-9; 12:13)

Devil - διάβολος diábolos, dee-ab'-ol-os; from G1225; a traducer; specially, Satan (compare H7854):—false accuser, devil, slanderer.

The Watchtower no longer recognizes the anointed as God’s Temple. (Eph 2:20-22; 1 Cor 3:16,17)  Gradually, they have removed themselves from this truth and now teach all JWs as the Temple of God and Body of Christ.   (Rev 16:13,14)  You also hold the belief that every JW is “Israel”. Forty-five years in the organization, I believe you said.  Is this what they taught you about the anointed when you first entered the organization?   Their teachings now, support the representation of God’s priesthood as the elders.  Because of this gradual change, most anointed go along with it, too apathetic to stand up for the true Temple of God, and are content letting false prophets lead them. (Rev 13:11-13) By doing so, they are rejecting their rightful place in God’s Temple/priesthood. (Rev 11:1-3) Satan is accomplishing just what he wants, before the end, to drown the “woman” covenant promise, with his lies. (Gal 4:26; Rev 8:10,11;12:1-4,15 )  Those anointed who leave “Babylon” where God’s people are held captive to falsehoods, and listen to Christ's warnings, are part of the “restoration work” and completion of God’s Temple/Body of Christ.(Zech 4:7)

And as they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them saying, “Tell no one the vision until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.” 10 And the disciples asked him, saying, “Then why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” 11 And he answered and said, “Elijah indeed is coming, and will restore all things.”

Nehemiah was in charge of restoring the Temple once God’s people left Babylon.   God has chosen His servants today to “restore” His remaining temple “stones” with the truth of Christ.  Only in this way will they become "sealed".  These are the “two witnesses” who announce His people’s sins, and reveal the “man of lawlessness” standing/sitting in the Temple, treading down His priesthood. (Matt 24:15,16) The call is to leave “Babylon”, even at the cost of your “life”.  (Jer 3:14,15; Luke 17:34-37; John 16:2; Matt 24:28; Rev 11:7,8; 13:15; 6:9; 18:4-8)

This restoration work isn’t happening with the advent of the WT, since God’s anointed Temple stones are “trampled”, while its counterfeit/organization continues to visibly build its tower. (Gen 11:4)  Proof?  Christendom may have its lies, but so does the Watchtower – a 100-year record of them.  “Zion” is built solely on Truth. (Zech 8:3; Rev 21:27)

Many choose to remain just where they are, too comfortable or too afraid to lose their “land”/belief, family and friends that they have built in “Babylon”.  They refuse to nourish an undivided faith in God and Christ.   (Exod 20:3,4; Matt 22:37-40)


And those who heard it said, “Who then can be saved?”

27 But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

28 Then Peter said, “See, we have left all and followed You.”

29 So He said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or parents or brothers or wife or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, 30 who shall not receive many times more in this present time, and in the age to come eternal life.”  Luke 18:26-30


For consideration, "The Last Harlot and Her Beast", 4womaninthewilderness blogspot, Pearl Doxsey

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1 hour ago, AlanF said:

It's painfully clear that Arauna, despite her blustering overconfidence, is an especially unclear thinker. This appears in her posts in many ways, such as responding to things that were never said, all manner of sidestepping and ignoring of arguments, bringing in non sequiturs of various sorts, and even outright lying.

Just say that you disagree with her. Why can you not do that? Everyone else does. When she responds in muted kind, it is only after you have goaded her with ten insults.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

with hypocrites like TrueTomHarley complaining that my detailed debunkings are too long, and hypocrites like Arauna complaining that I don't respond at all, with both of them hypocritically failing to respond to most of the content of my posts.

Just say that you disagree with them. Why can’t you do that? Not everyone who doesn’t see your point of view is a hypocrite.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

Arauna has also complained that I've not answered her challenges, but anyone who reads my careful and detailed responses knows that's not true. 

There are other things to do in life, you know.

Look, it is not the length. JWI has been just as long. It is not the content. JWI also carries on about some things that I would not carry on about. It is not the myriad quotes that you wish to “debunk.” JWI has also....well, no, he hasn’t done that, at least to that extent. But that is your personal preference. God knows that I indulge enough of mine here.

It is the unrelenting hostility and contempt toward those taking another view that raises the red flag. If you would drop that, I would leave your posts unmolested. I know how to live and let live.

The Librarian (that old hen) apparently banned AllenSmith in all his permutations—far more than mine (and I got the idea from him). Several have decried that banning. I don’t. That is not to say that I would do it myself, but he DID get ugly on many occasions. I don’t blame @The Librariana bit—even though he ostensibly was on my side. Or was he? Speculation was floated by many that he actually was an opposer seeking to make JWs look as nasty and intolerant as possible.

Same with you. Conduct yourself with some decorum. We may never interact, because I don’t like you. But I will not feel any reason to send Vic Vomidog after you. There are many others here of your persuasion. They are not stupid or at a loss for words, and I do not send Vomidog to take a bite out of them. They know how to behave.

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58 minutes ago, Witness said:

Simply because of the term you have used…”mommy Watchtower”, and what it has to offer.

Is there such a thing? or are you just making things up?

54 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The Librarian (that old hen) apparently banned AllenSmith in all his permutations—far more than mine (and I got the idea from him). Several have decried that banning. I don’t. That is not to say that I would do it myself, but he DID get ugly on many occasions. I don’t blame @The Librariana bit—even though he ostensibly was on my side. Or was he? Speculation was floated by many that he actually was an opposer seeking to make JWs look as nasty and intolerant as possible.

Same with you. Conduct yourself with some decorum. We may never interact, because I don’t like you. But I will not feel any reason to send Vic Vomidog after you. There are many others here of your persuasion. They are not stupid or at a loss for words, and I do not send Vomidog to take a bite out of them. They know how to behave.

Could it be he was the only true witness here trying to expose apostates that claim to be part of an organization when they aren’t? Let’s not look at how bad he was, but how bad other people were toward that person. I have been viewing this site for a long time. Some of you got nasty with Allen Smith, more than just rude. However, you're still here.

Vic has been seen in JW.net is opposition to the Org in a very ugly way. What does that say about the owner of that account?

Don’t use hypocrisy as an excuse not to like someone when vile people continue to post and you don’t seem to have a problem with them being insulting, rude, nasty, and extremely offensive.

Have you complained to the librarian about AlanF just like others apparently have about Allen smith?

You offend me sir by trying to defend the indefensible. So, don’t tell AlanF what he can or cannot say if the Librarian will not ban that person like he does with people he has grown to hate. I just hope, that person doesn’t tell others he/she is a witness to.

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40 minutes ago, John Paul said:

Is there such a thing? or are you just making things up?

"Mommy Watchtower" is Arauna's phrase, Allen.   You know it's not uncommon to hear JWs call the organization, "Mother", using Gal 4:26 as their excuse.  Instead, a "mother" or "woman" in the scriptures  can represent covenants....promises.....  

For it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bondwoman, the other by a freewoman. 23 But he who was of the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and he of the freewoman through promise, 24 which things are symbolic. For these are the two covenants: the one from Mount Sinai which gives birth to bondage, which is Hagar— 25 for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and corresponds to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children— 26 but the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.   Gal 4:22-26 (Gal 3:18)

That promise of life will be fulfilled when the Bride of Christ is complete and united with Christ. She will brings forth "her" children in the Kingdom of God. Isa 54:1-17;Rev 21:2; 22:17




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Forgive me if I belabor this point, Ms. @The Librarian

It is important to me not to be seen as an ingrate. I’m not. I am very grateful to you and this site. It is important to me not to be thought of as if trying to draw readers away or trying to sabotage this site. I’m not.

Come, now. I write several hours per day, producing material persuasive on controversial topic that few Witnesses tackle, and then intermix it with generous amounts of hogwash to come up with reasonings that I have never seen before—and ought I just give it to you?

Actually, I do give it to you. Controversial posts I put here at the same time that I put them on my own blog. So you must not begrudge me if I link back to posts there. If they are also here, and I can find them, I would link to them here.

I don’t have to write here as much as I do. I have made some very long comments lately, and I’m sure I will put them somewhere else someday. They don’t have to be here in the first place. I like the instant feedback that I get and I like the thought of pulling my weight on your site, but it does not have to be. Let me know publicly or privately if you would like to see a change. I do not want to thwart you.

41 minutes ago, Witness said:

“Mommy Watchtower" is Arauna's phrase, Allen. 

This is AlanF’s taunt, Witness. He has said it innumerable times and now Arauna has adopted it once or twice in her replies.

There is no way that you could not have known this.

1 hour ago, John Paul said:

Vic has been seen in JW.net is opposition to the Org in a very ugly way. What does that say about the owner of that account?

The “owner” knows nothing about it, and Vic has breathed life into himself if that is the case. He is a 100% concoction of mine who first appears in the brilliant ebook Tom Irregardless and Me, which I would link to except the Librarian will get mad.

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23 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is AlanF’s taunt, Witness. He has said it innumerable times and now Arauna has adopted it once or twice in her replies.

There is no way that you could not have known this.

Okay, it originated with AlanF and Arauna repeated it.  I do not keep up on AlanF and Arauna's involved conversations.   It was Arauna's mention of it, that I remember seeing.  Nonetheless, many, especially elders, have referred to the organization as "mother".  AlanF is not far off base in using it, at all.  

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44 minutes ago, Witness said:

"Mommy Watchtower" is Arauna's phrase, Allen.   You know it's not uncommon to hear JWs call the organization, "Mother", using Gal 4:26 as their excuse.  Instead, a "mother" or "woman" in the scriptures  can represent covenants....promises..... 

That’s a big assumption since Galatians is referring to the heavenly Jerusalem, not a physical organization. So, if witnesses use that term, I suspect they are referring to the spiritual Jerusalem, not the watchtower. Do you believe there are more than 8 million witnesses that don't understand the Bible?

Why not bring the post back to its original topic, instead of gathering inconclusive opinions about the Bible, earth and the heavens.

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5 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

This is true in my congregation, too. None of them are any good—not even four. They are all villains. They are so hypocritical that they smile at me and say Hello but their scheme doesn’t work. I know they are all backstabbers. It used to stymie me but I have learned to whirl around like Chuck Norris and take them out with a kick to the head when they are doing this, which is always.


Today I read that the US population is not having enough babies to reproduce itself, so those pushy Witness elders you speak of must have influenced a lot of people!


Every time I meet someone who says, “I would never bring a child into this crazy world,” I curse those Witnesses—making so many people think (through “mind-control!”) that this world is a hotbed of problems when everyone should know that there are none to speak of.


This is why cop shows are so prolific on television for the last 40 years. Viewers cheer at cops chasing down all those wicked Witnesses who are doing evil things.

(Notice how the above reproduces as: “AlanF said: ‘I was a sister for 34 years.’” Notice how I refrained from saying, “So THAT is your problem! Notice the commendable self-control.)

You're so dumb that you don't realize that I didn't say those things -- you've been hit by this board's buggy software.

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37 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

The “owner” knows nothing about it, and Vic has breathed life into himself if that is the case. He is a 100% concoction of mine who first appears in the brilliant ebook Tom Irregardless and Me, which I would link to except the Librarian will get mad.

I think the point is, why complain to the owner and librarian about certain people if you're not willing to complain about everyone that offend directly to the librarian to be removed. Then posts are made that others can't refute, because they are removed. In my opinion, that is called a cheap shot at someone else s expense. To me that seem hypocritical. That's all.

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16 hours ago, John Paul said:

Have you complained to the librarian about AlanF just like others apparently have about Allen smith?

AllenSmith was a loon. He may or may not have been a Witness, but he had serious issues of self-control and unrestrained anger, not to mention misperception, I don’t blame @The Librarian a bit. If his congregation elders got reports of his carrying on in field service as he carried on here, they would have very strong counsel for him.

Sigh.....they might not. They might not know what to do. Contrary to what many seem convinced of here, the Witness organization does not send people anywhere. Rather, they coordinate the efforts of those who choose to cooperate with the preaching work.

I think one thing that Allen demonstrated is that he is not real big on cooperation.

To be sure, he is not the only one given to extreme unpleasantness.

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1 minute ago, John Paul said:

Why not bring the post back to its original topic, instead of gathering inconclusive opinions about the Bible, earth and the heavens.

Considering I am in ninth place for the amount of  comments on this thread, perhaps I am not the only one who has strayed off topic.  


2 minutes ago, John Paul said:

That’s a big assumption since Galatians is referring to the heavenly Jerusalem, not a physical organization. So, if witnesses use that term, I suspect they are referring to the spiritual Jerusalem, not the watchtower. Do you believe there are more than 8 million witnesses that don't understand the Bible?

Again, "Jerusalem above" is a promise of life. The scriptures I gave, verify it as symbolic.  It is not heavenly Jerusalem.  Does God need a wife to become complete?  

nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all [people] life and breath and all things;  Acts 17:25

You are saying that Christ was brought forth from of a "heavenly organization" Is that right?  Col 1:15-18

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