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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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9 minutes ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

ALANF: IT'S OBVIOUS YOU KNOW NOTHING .....BUT ... having Narcissistic Personality Derangement ... you think you do know ... about everything. You are wrong.

Oh, boy, this is gonna be GOOD!

The voice of @admin is seldom heard in this neck of the woods. But the last time he chimed in it was to thunder: “Geez, you guys are a piece of work!”

What could I tell him? That we’re not?

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Srecko Sostar said:



    14 hours ago, Anna said:

    You are putting too much emphasis on 8 imperfect men,

If i am correct in thinking, this 8 men running all job, governing how all work should be done and giving complete direction to JW organization :))


The Governing Body is assisted in many ways by the "Governing Body Helpers", which in the early 1990s was a newly created 'class' of Christians called the "Nethinim". Yes, there is a Watchtower article on this.

These helpers, in reality, run the JW organization, but with input from the actual GB.



    14 hours ago, Anna said:

    Does it mean JWs didn’t get enough holy spirit if they made mistakes in some interpretations?  Don’t forget the holy spirit does not work on our terms. God is perfectly in control of holy spirit and knows when and how much to give, it’s not up to us to judge.


This notion of "quantity of holy spirit" is completely unscriptural and ridiculous on its face. Many JWs, in public prayer, might say something like, "O Jehovah, please give us a double portion of your holy spirit." What? As if God's holy spirit is quantifiable like measuring water in a cooking pot? Please!


On question answer is: No, they didn't get enough spirit.

Do you see what I mean?

"Yesterday Jehovah gave my congregation two liters of holy spirit!"

"Well the day before yesterday he gave mine five liters of holy spirit!"

Because JHVH spirit can't make such mistakes because of my perception how JHVH spirit is absolute in this context. If i believe in wrong premises than that is my problem :)))

This is one place where JWs go royally astray in their thinking.

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I want you to note the rank, self-serving hypocrisy and dishonesty in TrueTomHarley's comments below:

TrueTomHarley said:



    12 hours ago, AlanF said:

    On the other hand, TrueTomHarley and Arauna scream bloody murder when I give them back what they first gave me. Do you have different standards for me and them?

Today’s quiz for all forum contributors:


Sin 1:



Name two participants (one who has been sent packing) who both are hypersensitive to the slightest disparaging remark (or even disagreement) and at the same time are completely oblivious to their own nuclear abuses?

Hint: Both names begin with “A.”


I am in no way "hypersensitive" to disparaging remarks. I've not commented on plenty of such from the clowns.

I am sensitive to lies. TTH here uses the euphemism "disagreement" to try to take the bite out of my doing what Arauna said the she, as an African, prefers: calling a spade a spade; hence calling a liar a liar.

TTH's doing these things is yet another instance of lying. Here he is also lying by omission, by failing to clearly state what I have repeatedly and clearly said is my beef with these clowns: lies, misrepresentations, failure to respond to crucial points of argument, general hypocrisy, etc.

Sin 2.


(Nice, gracious @Arauna who....yes.....when pushed long enough gets a tiny bit sharp,

Gracious? A tiny bit sharp? More deceptive euphemisms.

Sin 3.


And blessedly pleasant TTH, who occasionally lets loose with what for him qualifies as a swear word: “loon.” That saint? Mean? There ought to be a law.)

Again misrepresenting my beef with this clown.

Sin 4.


“Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to remove the straw from your eye,’ when look! a rafter is in your own eye?”

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The rank hypocrisy is so thick you can't cut it with a chain saw.

I am not the one making loud complaints about these clowns. I simply point out in my responses to their lies where they have lied. It is they who make complaints about my forcefully pointing out their lies.

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9 minutes ago, AlanF said:

TTH's doing these things is yet another instance of lying. Here he is also lying by omission, by failing to clearly state what I have repeatedly and clearly said is my beef with these clowns: lies, misrepresentations, failure to respond to crucial points of argument, general hypocrisy, etc.

C’mon, Jimbo. Don’t take that one lying down. Stick up for me. Remember how you said you had my back when that apostate thug at Twitter threatened me? Same now, please. Need a little help, here.

Even though you have said that you don’t mind, I will even hold off calling you ‘the ol pork chop’ for a time—or even a time, times, and half a time. @James Thomas Rook Jr.

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For James Thomas Rook Jr:

I'm going to presume that your entire post was deliberately farcical, since I understand your curmudgeonly ways.

Nevertheless, I'm going to comment partly as if you were serious and partly as if you're funnin' me, because at least a few readers might learn something.

No doubt the tongue-in-cheek will be wasted on certain clowns.

First, WHY ARE YOU POSTING IN BOLDED CAPS? Don't you know that that's a sign of derangement?






To a simplified degree, sure. We consist of an outer pipe and an outer one, with a gazinta at one end and a gazouta at the other.

Note that you're talking to a retired electrical engineer who has designed dozens of analog integrated circuits over some 33 years of active employment, has an education in the appropriate fields from MIT, Oregon State University and Oregon Graduate Institute, and has done much design work for Tektronix, Lecroy Corp, National Semiconductor and Allegro Microsystems. You cannot bluff your way through this.



Complete gobble-de-goop. Tell me, where in a nerve is its capacitance located? How much capacitance is there? How does it affect the transmission of nerve impulses? How do you even know? Are you not aware that nerve impulses travel not by purely electrical means, but by electrochemical means?

What do you mean by "bypass"? A bypass of what? What does "lesser capacitance" for this "bypass" mean for the transmission of nerve signals? The system on the right is physically larger than the one on the left, and EE's know that larger physical systems generally have larger capacitances. Justify your claim by calculating, or at least estimating, the capacitance for each system.


.also, ... think of a wiring harness on an automobile ... going to sensors, fans, pumps, lights, ignition systems, etc.

Yes, a bigger wiring system has more capacitance per unit length, more resistance and more inductance, making it less efficient than a smaller one.


now... think of what happens if there is wear on the original routing, and damage occurs, and you have a spare wiring harness already in place. A spare wiring harness that as the first one is damaged, the second spare adapts, without the need for surgery to install replacement parts.

Normally, damage of that extent kills the giraffe.

As for a spare already in place, can you not see for yourself that neither nerve system has any spares? The one on the right has a double length loop that doubles back to the larynx, thus making the entire nerve nearly 100 times longer than necessary.

And how would your supposed rewiring come about? Magic?



But no such thing is there.


It's called redundancy.

A non-existent spare is redundant? LOL!


ALSO ... nerves can send signals both ways, and do not just serve one area or have a singular function.

Yes, Arauna and I already 'discussed' that. What's your point, Einstein?


I know nothing about a giraffe's voicebox .. hell ... I did not know they had a voice! ...

Wow! Why am I not surprised? But giraffes do growl at lions.


... but I do understand wiring diagrams, and electromechanical hydraulic controls.

No you don't. Your lack of ability to answer any of the questions I've put to you above will prove it.


... which apparently you do not.

I've shown that I do.



BUT ... having Narcissistic Personality Derangement ... you think you do know ... about everything.

You are wrong.



Nope. I know virtually nothing about most things, but a lot about a few things. Jack of few trades, master of one.

Obviously you know as much about electromagnetics as Donald Trump does about running a country.

There! How did I do?

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9 minutes ago, AlanF said:

First, WHY ARE YOU POSTING IN BOLDED CAPS? Don't you know that that's a sign of derangement?

Better people than you have tried to break him of that habit. He responds with larger fonts.

10 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Yes, Arauna and I already 'discussed' that. What's your point, Einstein?

It starts already.

3 minutes ago, Anna said:

[JTR vs AlanF]   Please place your bets here


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53 minutes ago, AlanF said:

This notion of "quantity of holy spirit" is completely unscriptural and ridiculous on its face.

By saying "how much", I did not mean quantity at a given time. I meant how many times hs would be given over a period of time. So correction: "how often or how many times it would be given"

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48 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Obviously you know as much about electromagnetics as Donald Trump does about running a country.

That’s Alan’s fourth completely irrelevant reference to Trump—a political taunt that is guaranteed to fall flat amidst an apolitical audience. Knowing this (because he knows everything), why does he do it?


And who is (as far as I know—I have seen it nowhere else) the originator of that term? JTR!!!!

Buckle up for the ride!!

By continually inserting Trump where it is absolutely unnecessary, irrelevant, and even off-putting to those who he would like to convince, Alan shows that he is a leftist. He is without a doubt a close ally-in-spirit (even a “double-portion” of spirit!) of Steven Hassan, the David Splane of anti-cultists, originator of the BITE model of “mind control”—Behavioral, Informational, Thought, and Emotional Control! 

Mr Hassan, the man stupid enough as a youth to join the Moonies—the robe-dressing, flower-hawking Moonies! and now, having quit them, writes that even the most intelligent people [read: himself] can be misled into a cult—and he expands the C-word into ever more frontiers, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, and beyond.

His current book is: “The Cult of Trump—A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind-Control.” A review of it begins with: “Can’t understand why a loved one would vote for Donald Trump? Let the experts who spend their lives studying cults help break it down.” Of course! It is completely inexplicable otherwise. Only cult delusion can account for such a vote.

When you think that half the country has fallen victim to cult influence and mind-control, it is strong evidence that you have drunk too much of the Kool-Aid yourself!

(Note to @The Librarian: This would be good to start as another topic. I don’t do so partly because I am not sure people would follow, but mostly because I would want the comment or two from the people who triggered the remark to head the new thread. I do want to cooperate with you—I really do, but there are those drawbacks that I don’t know how to get around. You could give me the broad powers that you gave JWI to split up existing threads. But it would not be a good idea because I would do it only for those I cared about, whereas JWI will do it for everyone. I would not make a very good administrator.)

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14 hours ago, Witness said:

There are abundant scriptures where God is referred to as "Father", but do you know of any scripture where God is referred to as Israel's "mother"?    Jesus never made reference to a "mother" organization.

I guess it would have to depend on how the word mother is viewed. Off hand, I can’t think of one directly quoted with the word mother, but many that use an inference, like Isaiah 40:11. Who carries their babies in their arms if not a father and mother? A relative, someone in authority.

A more expressive text would come from the psalmist.

NAS  Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward. (Ps. 127:3 NAS)

06529 פְּרִי periy {per-ee'}

Meaning:  1) fruit 1a) fruit, produce (of the ground) 1b) fruit, offspring, children, progeny (of the womb) 1c) fruit (of actions) (fig.)

Origin:  from 06509; TWOT - 1809a; n m

Usage:  AV - fruit 113, fruitful 2, boughs 1, firstfruits + 07225 1, reward 1, fruit thereof 1; 119

There are no notes for this verse.

The same expression can be found in Matthew 18:1–5 to infer to Jesus as tending to his flock like a mother would to a child.

Matthew 18:1-5 New International Version (NIV)

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven

18 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

2 He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. 3 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.

Now if a child is discarded by their mother and father, Then God becomes the surrogate with both spectrum as mentioned by the psalmist. Psalms 27:10. Therefore, the inference of a “mother like” is just an expression on how the Watchtower feels like a shepherd. When I state the watchtower, I mean those anointed by God’s Holy Spirit that have undertaken that responsibility to care for God’s sheep until the master returns to reclaim his kingship on earth. When I say the “master’s return” it is a symbolic gesture since Jesus won’t be visible again. Jesus ascended as a higher being, “God Like”, “a god” not just the God.

The rejection of Greek children can be seen in the works of Plato and Aristotle.

To be clear, the Watchtower is not referring itself like a "mother organization" but instead as a caregiver that feeds God's children with spiritual food.


13 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Ah, here comes the Librarian herself (that young hen) fresh from the resurrection.....Ms Librarian, do you have any regrets in funneling all writing into one master thread so unwieldy that nobody could find their way around in it, and they abandoned it in droves?”

To use a biblical passage with this commentary, comes from Romans 1:18. I would certainly not be that presumptive to see what judgment God and Christ will make other than what is written.

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