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All Eight Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses members are now individually named on two New York Child Victims Act case documents

Jack Ryan

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When speaking with others of a different point of view, it is important to treat them with a modicum of respect. It is important not to taunt and ridicule and insult. Of course, if such is your only o

Good point Srecko. I don't think it's entirely fair to blame the GB for creating a "certain" environment inside congregations though. In fact, (we know everything passes through the GB's hands fo

@Arauna How do you actually know that the GB members  " never personally touched a child (actually too innocent  to comprehend how wicked people can be - too good for this world), " ?  There is i

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8 hours ago, Anna said:
8 hours ago, AlanF said:

“I don't believe I said in 2000, but by 2000.”  Ok, well that's what I wanted to clear up. I thought you said it.


Of course he said it. He is now trying to walk it back because, despite all his blustering, he couldn’t quite make it stick.

It is as you say. The nearness of the end has been impressed upon Witnesses from their inception, but the only specific date in anyone’s lifetime today is 1975. They burned their fingers on that one so badly that they resolved never to do that again. So far they have kept to that resolve. Every subsequent pronouncement has been generic, and is in harmony with Jesus’ counsel to “keep on the watch.” 

Alan’s just upset that they have not said not to keep on the watch. In fact, he’s probably upset that they have not denounced God, for he writes that he has “disproved” him.

If you can distract the Librarian for a moment, I wrote long ago of another such revision that Alan has no doubt chronicled. If by some miracle he missed it, it is another that he can throw on the stack:

Paragraph 18 [of the Revelation book] on page 94 states "some scientists forecast mathematically that an accidental nuclear war is virtually certain to take place within the next 25 years - let alone a planned nuclear conflagration!" The updated version, however, yanks this phrase for the blander: "some scientists speak of the possibility of an accidental nuclear war - let alone a planned nuclear conflagration!"   [!]

The reason the publishers have done this is because Tom Barfendogs has marked on his calendar (to the day, hour, and minute) exactly when 25 years from the first book's publication expires. He is praying, hoping, pleading that there is no nuclear war within that time frame (after that is okay) so he can launch into yet another false prophetscreamfest.


I wrote the post 12 years ago and it stands up reasonably well. The line that I like most is “after that is okay.” It is the same with Alan. The prospect of nuclear war isn’t as disturbing to him as the horror that JWs might get credit for warning of. It is the same with countless other factors that have this world teetering on the brink. He doesn’t think it is in any great trouble, or if he does, he certainly doesn’t want anyone looking anywhere else outside of human answers for the remedy.

In this sense  he is the biggest hypocrite of all. He rails against Jehovah’s Witnesses, but it is really God, the Bible, and specifically the notion of his kingdom coming that rankles him.



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1 hour ago, AlanF said:

world has a lot of potentially fatal problems. But they have nothing to do with anything predicted by the Watchtower Society with regard

Revelation 11:18 predicted that God would ruin those ruining the earth;  that is a prediction....

The image if the beast or 8th king will rule for a short time - watchtower has indicated that the UN or a coalition of nations will fulfill this.  This is happening as we speak....... already UN is shaping the globalist agenda in the West  to rule or work towards one world government. NGOs in USA have  been working on UN plans for more than 20 years.

Daniel 11: 40 onward speaks if an economic pushing to control the wealth if the earth.... Russia and its allies (including china).....have acquired many ports and can enforce embargoes if they want to.   ..read Daniel further on.....about the control of the wealth.... and 1John 5: 19 says that Satan is ruling the entire earth.  No other religion take these scriptures seriously.   

I think personally: Satan wants one world government under his control and as less and less people really believe in God- this may come to pass - to call out peace and security under UN control.  Satan was ruling behind the scenes but more and more people are becoming wicked, lawless and amoral in an open way with no fear of god.  Governments will bring in their own set if moral laws to replace that of God.  Their materialist / humanist  ideas are ludicrous.  They believe that if all people receive equal wealth the world will become peaceful. They have no clue how the ideology of atheist communism and extremist Islam has already infiltrated the west and poses a great threat ..... both want to rule the world.....UN will have to turn against religions and replace it with their own amoral value system.

Additionally, If you do not accept LGBTQ and maybe even P ..... you will face prison...... people are already receiving prison sentences for hate speech regarding LGBTQ and Islam.   Those believing in christ will be persecuted according to Matthew 24.  Next year the agreement of the Pope with the heads of the Jewish and Muslim religions (may 2020)  has written jesus Christ 'out' of the abrahamic religions agreement  that will be signed - all to obtain world unity.  This is according to catholic conservative sources who are angry about this.

1 hour ago, AlanF said:

the generation of 1914". Indeed, all those interpretations have already proved false.

Really?  Which atheist wisdom has told you that?  I also read the bible by myself and in Noah's time the generation or last days were 120 years...... so I think you are laughing too soon........ of course mommy watchtower has not said anything about this .....but most of us who read the bible have already noticed this. 

You see we cooperate with mommy watchtower and accept that jehovah is using her...... and we are under her protective wings  but we also realize that people like you are just waiting for a mistake from her to scoff and laugh.... so we patiently bide our time and wait. In the meantime we follow Jesus' instructions to preach about the true hope of mankind - the only government that is apolitical and a unifying force for  self-sacrificing and meek people - under the government of jehovah.

There are too many problems facing the earth at present. Mankind has used every new innovation or technology to destroy its fellow earthly citizens- history is proof of this.  The new technologies now opening up as regards quantum computing, new weapons etc will not be the exception.  It will be used to oppress and the surveillance of peoples and the elimination of those who do not cooperate....

But mommy watchtower has prepared us for this eventuality.  This has happened before..... do you remember?  When JWs did not cooperate with Nazis .... they were persecuted.  Other people followed the radio propaganda  and denounced their neighbours and committed atrocities during the  war. Ordinary citizens were too afraid to go against the main stream and government,....... this will happen again .....because the propaganda of collective activism is once again going out....... but this time they will all turn against jehovah.  Rev 14: 14-16 speaks of the propaganda leading to Armageddon.  This time it is not the radio but the entertainment industry, the 6 major news agencies in the West,  and the internet (Fb, Google, YouTube etc) spouting propaganda  and is already censoring out all information which is valuable for reaching truthful conclusions.

So you see.... many of us have our own opinions but work in harmony with mommy watchtower.  We have come to notice there is a remarkable consistency about her emphasis on helping others to gain knowledge of jehovah and the understanding of core teachings such as kingdom government, jehovahs name, the mortality of the soul and the true death of jesus's soul  and the falsehood if the trinity to name but a few....

On 11/30/2019 at 6:55 PM, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

if we have more common sense than a potato, what was written in the Bible will be crystal clear the first time we read it.

hint hint:

So why can you not explain it all....... since you think you have enough spirit to judge them.

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I CAN explain it all ... I have been watching, and studying  for more than 50 years.

I try NOT to think like, or be,  a professional child.

I do NOT think I have enough "spirit" to judge anyone .... in the sense of somehow punishing them.

My only judgement of "them" is to avoid and ignore "them"

... I do enjoy the option of being able to enforce my preferences, if necessary.

...which most people might consider a blessing.

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On 11/30/2019 at 4:30 AM, AlanF said:

Isn't there something in the Bible about reaping what you sow?

Yes, in the end we all will do an accounting before jehovah - whether you believe in him or not.  Personal choices do bring the fruits of those choices.

When mistakes are made one also reaps what was sowed.... 

11 minutes ago, Srecko Sostar said:

they found place where people lived, not before 10.000 years as

Good for your wife - smart to question their dates. 

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12 hours ago, Srecko Sostar said:

Tell me someone, please, how is possible that some individual in USA start to make gossips about 1975 and how that wrong idea ended in one little town in one communist Balkan state ???  :)))))

Because that kind of gossip travels fast!

14 hours ago, AlanF said:

Tell me if the statements quoted below about 1918 and 1920 are dogmatic or not.

Yes, very dogmatic. Obviously this was when they "didn't succeed" in not being dogmatic. I didn't say they were never dogmatic.


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19 hours ago, AlanF said:

Franz was insane but brilliant. A sort of idiot savant of religion. Such people are capable of feats far beyond those of mortal men.

I think this is interesting and so I created a new topic here:


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15 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Of course it does. Russell taught that there was to be a grand "harvest" between 1874 and 1914.

And of course, he made the false prediction that Jesus would begin visibly ruling in 1914.

Like I said, reread those passages you try so hard to defend. It will give you evidence you are not willing to learn the truth.


15 minutes ago, AlanF said:

Which Russell did not predict.

The rest of your excuses have been shown up for what they are -- deceptive attempts to excuse false prophecies made by the founder of the Watchtower Society.

My excuses or yours. The only deception I see comes from people that don't educate themselves about history. Anyone can take something out of context in order to express a negative outcome. What those people can't do is teach an educated person how to lie, especially when those, lies are poorly drawn.


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7 hours ago, John Paul said:

Like I said, reread those passages you try so hard to defend. It will give you evidence you are not willing to learn the truth.


My excuses or yours. The only deception I see comes from people that don't educate themselves about history. Anyone can take something out of context in order to express a negative outcome. What those people can't do is teach an educated person how to lie, especially when those, lies are poorly drawn.

Yet another instance of Orwellian crimestop.

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