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Information Control: JWs form a barricade at JW Melbourne protest to keep rank and file JW's from seeing "apostate" signs

Jack Ryan

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Yes. Let's draw a huge amount of attention to that which we don't want you to pay attention to. And let's do it in the most creepy, culty, and weird way as possible, because we can't take criticism and we just don't know how to handle it.

Like the old saying goes... If your beliefs can't stand up to scrutiny, then scrutiny isn't the problem. This barricade makes it crystal clear, loud and clear, that their beliefs can't stand up to scrutiny.

Imagine doing this same thing to them at their cart witnessing and how they would feel?

They would call us inspired by the devil, mentally diseased etc.....

Video of this kind of behavior could be interesting to governments that offer tax breaks, etc.

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No surprise there!   What I do NOT understand is the logic of the men who hate JWs.   They try to prove that we are impure and allow homeosexuality (when we clearly do not) and in the next brea

That's only about 17% of the Governing Body being homosexual or homosexual child molesters. I remember a survey the Catholic Church did about 35 years ago, (about the same time period ...) and  a

Dear @Arauna , nothing in my comments are written because of hate. Just try to openly discussing about religious practice and reasons for such beliefs and practice. 

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The signs read: "love does not shun".   True, the liove of this world with its "practices" of fornication, LGBT does not shun. 

But we do not tolerate unrepentant "pracitisers"  of this kind of love they refer to.  This is my answer and I am a typical rank and file JW who cannot think for myself  according to all the slurs given me on this forum.

I predict this will become a huge issue as all children now at school are taught to accept these practices whereas the bible says we should not " condone" them Romans 1. So the future is bleak regarding morality. When good is bad and bad is good.

We will all in future be persecuted as hateful because of this. The same people who say jehovah was harsh when he killed wayward Jews who participated in false worship and burnt their own children.  There are none as blind as those who do not want to see.

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Protestors against any cause are a common sight today, and they have a way of getting in your face if unregulated. “Why don’t you just pop them one?” said a local cop about some particularly aggressive ones from several years ago. People come to any event because they want to attend that event in peace. They don’t go because they want to be told that they are nuts to be there. 

“Information Control”—give me a break! This is just a page from the David Splane of left-wing anti-cult leaders, Steven Hassan, who has originated the BITE model that his followers are all gaga over—Behavioral, Informational, Thought, and Emotional “control.” Mr Hassan’s latest book is entitled, “The Cult of Trump—A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control.” When you think that half the country has fallen under cult influence, it is strong evidence that you have drunk too much of the Kool-Aid yourself. I, too, find it useful to explain away anyone who disagrees with me as a cult victim.

There have been such corridors at our Regionals, too, in recent years, and I appreciate the efforts to free friends from the harassment. Despite your crying, I can see that sign that you are asserting is blocked, and those attendants do, too—all morning long if they are on both sides of the corridor, as they usually are. Often there are megaphones, too.

Last year, the Regional Convention in Rochester was cancelled with three weeks to go because new management took control of the arena, refused to recognize previous terms, and stonewalled negotiations until the last minute, maybe figuring that groups would feel boxed in by then and just do whatever new terms were stipulated. Disney on Ice also pulled out, as did Monster Truck Rally. A Fortune 500 company did not pull out, but instead sent in their lawyers to enforce the original terms. (The City wanted us to do that, too, I am told—we have very good relations with them & of course, they like the added business for restaurants and hotels—but we declined)

We ended up going to Wilkes-Barre for a convention on the same dates, utilizing an arena that had already hosted several conventions. If it had been a disaster, arranged at the last moment and all, you would have been gloating, Jack, but in fact in went very smoothly, and so it is necessary for you to attribute that to being “cult-like.” That facility is on a large parcel of private property that includes parking, and I confess that I did not cry over the absence of protesters. I even wrote up that event, the Love Never Fails convention. It was tied in to Phoenix for several talks, and one of your allies even factors into the story: 


11 hours ago, Jack Ryan said:

Imagine doing this same thing to them at their cart witnessing and how they would feel?

A lineup of 100 slovenly dressed “apostate”guards to seal off a couple of old ladies with a small literature cart? Actually, I would like to see that spectacle, Jack. Why don’t you set that up? Surely that will help you to be seen as rational people.

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@Arauna  you must really have OCD about sex. 

Quote " The signs read: "love does not shun".   True, the liove of this world with its "practices" of fornication, LGBT does not shun. " 

The sign is about emotional family love, nothing to do with immorality. 

Reminds me of those on here taking about 'tight pants tony'...  You JW's seem to have relate everything to sex or to this rotten world that belongs to the devil. 

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25 minutes ago, Jack Ryan said:

now its fully evident that what they are saying is “avoid thinking styles that are contrary to what we teach”. Makes me want to puke.

The way the Bible expresses it is: “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called “knowledge.”  By making a show of such knowledge, some have deviated from the faith.” 1 Tim 6:20

The verse you are looking for is: “The wisdom of this world is such that God could learn a thing or two from it if he wasn’t so brain-dead.”

Let me know when you find it.

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On 11/29/2019 at 11:14 PM, 4Jah2me said:

sign is about emotional family love, nothing to do with immorality. 

Since most people are shunned for unrepentant  immorality - I think you are missing the point.   Those few who leave for other reasons often end up in "relationships "  or some other habits like drug abuse,  smoking etc.  Many, who are totally unrepentant end up opposing JWs in very deceitful ways, spreading false info about us.

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On 12/1/2019 at 3:35 PM, Arauna said:

Since most people are shunned for unrepentant  immorality - I think you are missing the point.   Those few who leave for other reasons often end up in "relationships "  or some other habits like drug abuse,  smoking etc.  Many, who are totally unrepentant end up opposing JWs in very deceitful ways, spreading false info about us.

It would be wrong of me to tell you what i really think of you, but I'll just say you have a completely warped sense of reality.   VICITMS of  child sexual abuse were THROWN OUT OF THE JW ORG  and then shunned. 

You are totally brainwashed by your GB and it's ORG.

Can you honestly give me a quantity / number, of ex-JWs  that you had known personally, that left the JW Org, and can you give proof of them going on to take drugs, immoral sex, smoking et al ? 

But then you'd probably go on to tell lies just as JW's do. 

By what you have written above, it is you that is 'spreading false info' about others.

At least oposers have some proof of what they say about : Child Sexual Abuse, Lies told in courts, False teachings and false predictions, teachings of men taught as doctrines, etc.... 


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On 11/30/2019 at 9:18 PM, TrueTomHarley said:

The way the Bible expresses it is: “Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called “knowledge.”  By making a show of such knowledge, some have deviated from the faith.” 1 Tim 6:20

The verse you are looking for is: “The wisdom of this world is such that God could learn a thing or two from it if he wasn’t so brain-dead.”

Let me know when you find it.

Well it looks as if the GB's lawyers have learnt 'the wisdom of this world' by the way they tell lies in courts. And your GB must have learnt the 'wisdom of this world' when they go on about tight pants and masturbation, and accuse people of opposite sex of having committed fornication when there is no proof of it. 

And as for the 'empty speeches' and 'false knowledge', um, we don't have to look too far back in history of the Bible Students and Watchtower / JW Org. Yes your GB have definitely deviated from the faith. 

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On 11/29/2019 at 11:14 PM, 4Jah2me said:

must really have OCD about sex. 

I have OCD about immorality. No problem with sex when in accord with jehovahs principles.  Most shunned people are those who had no respect for Jehovahs standards and were unrepentant about it..... you cannot have your cake and eat it.... 

4 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

wrong of me to tell you what i really think of you, but I'll just say

Warped sense of reality? It goes both ways. ........ I have Jehovahs sense of morality.....what is more real than that?

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45 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I have OCD about immorality. No problem with sex when in accord with jehovahs principles.  Most shunned people are those who had no respect for Jehovahs standards and were unrepentant about it..... you cannot have your cake and eat it.... 

didn't you assume that those people that stood with their signs were unrepentant sinners who support LGBT? That is what you think of them, and you have NO clue as to what they believe or why they are no longer a jw.  You have made yourself judge AND jury of them because they do not subscribe to what YOU believe. 

here is my supporting information:

On 11/27/2019 at 11:54 PM, Arauna said:

The signs read: "love does not shun".   True, the liove of this world with its "practices" of fornication, LGBT does not shun.





48 minutes ago, Arauna said:

Most shunned people are those who had no respect for Jehovahs standards and were unrepentant about it.....

How do you even know this? You're not allowed to partake in the process of deciding who is shunned and who is not!  Sounds like you have many assumptions. 

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On 11/28/2019 at 12:54 AM, Arauna said:

The signs read: "love does not shun".   True, the liove of this world with its "practices" of fornication, LGBT does not shun. 

But we do not tolerate unrepentant "pracitisers"  of this kind of love they refer to.  This is my answer and I am a typical rank and file JW who cannot think for myself  according to all the slurs given me on this forum.

Should protesters have more rights than those having a peaceful religious assembly? I think understanding Australia laws would be helpful. Will it change the mindset here? I don’t believe anything said here will accomplish that.


A right taken away from totalistic nations like Russia.

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