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Information Control: JWs form a barricade at JW Melbourne protest to keep rank and file JW's from seeing "apostate" signs

Jack Ryan

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No surprise there!   What I do NOT understand is the logic of the men who hate JWs.   They try to prove that we are impure and allow homeosexuality (when we clearly do not) and in the next brea

That's only about 17% of the Governing Body being homosexual or homosexual child molesters. I remember a survey the Catholic Church did about 35 years ago, (about the same time period ...) and  a

Dear @Arauna , nothing in my comments are written because of hate. Just try to openly discussing about religious practice and reasons for such beliefs and practice. 

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14 minutes ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Ask Alan to vent his outrage over LGBT. Go on, ask him.

A bit of generalization from Arauna on this point, but the overall picture she nails.

give me a break. You're just as bad as she is then. The assumptions made about people who no longer want to be a part of your beliefs is ridiculous. I don't even think in your own mind that those assumptions are correct, nor do they "paint the picture" as you say.  

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2 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

give me a break. You're just as bad as she is then

There ought be no controversy here. I said that there was some generalization.

Few take traditional sexual morality as seriously as do JWs. That means many of those that leave will not take it so seriously as they once did. In the case of those who go leftist (Alan was the example I cited) they vehemently argue in favor of LGBT rights.

You’re just trying to start a fight, annoyed that your protesters weren’t interviewed by the convention-goers.

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8 hours ago, César Chávez said:

than Christians can impose their beliefs on them. The Judge is the man upstairs.

Does that mean, a good Christian should attend a

True, we are not supposed to force our beliefs on them.....but they will eventually force theirs on us.  This is what ex-jws and the world is blind to..... I firmly believe we will soon go to jail if one refuses to accept the new morality.... which true Christian's  will not bow to.  Part of the mark of the beast - a new world morality.  We will go to prison - the same as those people who are saying Islam is not a religion if peace are now having jail sentences in Europe. Jw's already had fines for small clip about pink ribbon in Europe.... 

Yes, it is part of the extreme politicization of gender...... the new morality. I 

10 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

You're just as bad as she is then.

Yes, I had a gay guy working for me when I was the head of publicity at the national orchestra. I treated him kind when he had problems - which no-one else did. Had discussions with him about the bible and told the truth.  Talked to him about the lifestyle. When he died I could not attend the funeral but afterwards friends told me his parents wanted to see me because their son spoke so highly if my kindness....

But I do not condone this behaviour and I understand that it will eventually be a mark between false Christians and true Christian's..... one that the government may clamp down on.  There is only 2 sides. .... that of jehovahs principles or the world.... which is ruled by Satan. There is still time to make the right choice.

10 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

bit of generalization from Arauna on this point, but the overall picture

You're  absolutely right! These people know nothing of love. When they sing or talk  about love it is mostly about sexual love..... no self-sacrificing love to be found anywhere.  I can see how their minds think..... they have been secularized...... a way of thinking in line with secular humanist thinking. After they leave jehovah they fall into this trap.  And you are right about Mr AlanF too..... he will go along with all ways of secular thinking (LGBT, evolution, ) because he rejects the bible and its morality. He will do "anything " it takes to save his life because he does not think there is accountability beyond this life.   .... so do what is takes to enjoy this life.... only.


These humanists find us foolish because we stick to Jehovahs morals..... but this is the difference between fleshly and spiritual thinking

12 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

You're not allowed to partake in the process of deciding who is shunned and who is not! 

This I do know - only people who do not have repentance and have a rebellious spirit are shunned....   mostly a gross sin such as lying, stealing, deceit, sexual immorality.

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The level of thinking ability of the youth today.....  No wonder USA is in such a mess! 

I used to mountain hike and ride motorcycles with my husband ..... I am used to seeing wayward people act out.  But the level of zombie-ism today is unprecedented. 

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28 minutes ago, Arauna said:

The level of thinking ability of the youth today.....  No wonder USA is in such a mess! 

I used to mountain hike and ride motorcycles with my husband ..... I am used to seeing wayward people act out.  But the level of zombie-ism today is unprecedented. 

Especially in the JW community.

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15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

Few take traditional sexual morality as seriously as do JWs.

unsubstantiated and pure speculation. 


15 hours ago, TrueTomHarley said:

annoyed that your protesters weren’t interviewed by the convention-goers

I did not commission them, nor did I even know their agenda. After seeing what they were actually speaking out against, I do support them and agree that the jw practice of shunning is very un-christian. Those jw's who do shun, do so based on assumption of what they think the person has done. This is evident by the posts here by yourself and Arauna.

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5 minutes ago, Shiwiii said:

This is evident by the posts here by yourself and Arauna.

Yes everything and anything goes in the world.... and those who are its bedfellows.  

Jehovah is the judge and those who were truly treated unfairly will be compensated by the great compensator himself.  I myself have not always been treated fairly by everyone...... but my endurance has brought me many blessings!

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5 hours ago, Arauna said:

These humanists find us foolish because we stick to Jehovahs morals..... but this is the difference between fleshly and spiritual thinking

I find jw's foolish because they follow the ideas of men, which changes to suit those in the power tower. 


5 hours ago, Arauna said:

This I do know - only people who do not have repentance and have a rebellious spirit are shunned....   mostly a gross sin such as lying, stealing, deceit, sexual immorality.

again, you have NO evidence of anything those people, who were there with their signs, did anything you think they did. You also don't have any evidence of what anyone who is df'd has done. What is said from the platform doesn't make it true. 


You are playing judge, jury and executioner based on what the octo-pope says to the DO/CO/BOE. .

3 minutes ago, Arauna said:

I myself have not always been treated fairly by everyone.

none of us have, it is the nature of humans. We are only to treat others the way Jesus did. Sometimes our human nature gets in the way, that is why we have forgiveness in the sacrifice and acceptance of what Jesus did for us, all of us.  

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3 hours ago, Arauna said:

Yes everything and anything goes in the world.... and those who are its bedfellows.  

Jehovah is the judge and those who were truly treated unfairly will be compensated by the great compensator himself.  I myself have not always been treated fairly by everyone...... but my endurance has brought me many blessings!

I was treated very unfairly by the jw's in my congregation, so have many others been mistreated by their congregations as well. It's a common trait with most jw's to treat everyone unfairly.

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11 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

was treated very unfairly by the jw's in

People are imperfect. I survived my tests..... and my expectations are not too high. People are people - everywhere on earth.... and they do not change overnight.  Neither did I change overnight. I know I am pretty outspoken for a JW.... but people do not see their own faults...... it is always the other's fault..

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