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Jehovah hates turkey


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17 hours ago, Arauna said:

I was living in Sweden and now living in Georgia.  I stayed away from cold meats that could contain blood in Sweden..... they do put blood in some of their meat products. 

But it would have been ok if they put blood fractions in the cold meats:)

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21 minutes ago, Matthew9969 said:

would have been ok if they put blood fractions in the cold meats:)

Jehovah is pleased with us when we respect his word and try to obey.  Whole blood is definitely a no-no.  Like with other things - I read labels. If something looks suspicious, I avoid it.  

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On 12/2/2019 at 2:12 PM, Matthew9969 said:

I dedicated the gravy to thor, I heard he loves gravy...😜


Please remain focused on what is at hand. I hope you have this same energy in front of the judgement seat of God concerning such practices.

On 12/2/2019 at 2:12 PM, Matthew9969 said:

He/she is a jw masquerading as a Unitarian, so he/she is very conflicted and confused.

I'm a Biblical Unitarian, not masquerading anything. Then again, Trinitarians, no, mainstream Christians, will say things because they cannot backup their case at times.

This goes back to the Acts 10 thread where I was in the right to put you with the collective that cherry pick twist scripture for man's war.

That being said, partaking in festivities that have such connections isn't doing glory to God at all. You know this, perhaps, but I doubt you care. Take a good read of 1 Corinthians 9 concerning Apostle Paul.


On 12/2/2019 at 12:53 PM, 4Jah2me said:

Oh and it seems Space Merchant has gotten eating food mixed up with celebrating festivals 

You are incorrect. The problem is the celebration itself concerning it's connection to false god(s) and practices, and the act of partaking in such an event. Clearly the history of such an event is perhaps unknown to you.

The decision is left for you, you side with Yah or you side with the deceiver, no middle ground.

By the way, I read labels - I tend to avoid any MSGs.... To make it simple for you, I avoid Monosodium Glutamate.

On 12/3/2019 at 9:26 AM, Arauna said:

Jehovah is pleased with us when we respect his word and try to obey.  Whole blood is definitely a no-no.  Like with other things - I read labels. If something looks suspicious, I avoid it.  

One thing I like to point out is some Americans do not know how to clean their food. No cleansing, no nothing. Which results in blood and or chemicals in the food. One thing that cannot be deterred is what is fed to the livestock, in which are used as food sources.

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2 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I was just kidd8ng about thor, I know he doesn't really exist. So when Christians get together for Thanksgiving and pray to Yaweh, you jw's are calling Yaweh a pagan god....this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

You are going to have to do some serious explaining, to justify that statement, as it makes no sense at all.

Further, if Thor is the reaction you get when eating a Thanksgiving Day meal, you need to take some Athpirin.

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7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

I was just kidd8ng about thor, I know he doesn't really exist.

My response was not directed to the Thor comment, it was regarding something else, clearly concerning Thanksgiving. For it you wanted it to remain a joke, you should have chosen your words very wisely in your next response, so you walked into this one - classic Matthew.

7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

So when Christians get together for Thanksgiving and pray to Yaweh, you jw's are calling Yaweh a pagan god....this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

This just shows your ignorance, and it shows how you, among the mainstream, do who propose yourself as Christian, cater to traditions of men. As far as I know JWs do not consider Yah as a pagan God, however, they consider, like the rest of us, you should be among the fold, that the pagan god in question concerning Thanksgiving is all about - That is, if you care enough for Yahweh to understand how he is about false gods and worship.

In short, concerning what @4Jah2me said, which clearly cannot be defended; the issue here is not with having dinner (a household practice among families), the issue is primarily on observance of paganism. You and 4Jah can fool around to your heart's contend, but I say to you this, a serious man or woman of God doesn't mess around or succumb to lukewarmness in situations like this, more so, giving ammunition to people like Jack Ryan and Atheists cohorts to clown Christians.

True Christians recognize that we do not need one day or a government issue day to give praise to God, for Christians praise and thank God everyday, however, we should not be like the Romans, to interject paganism into Christianity.

Concerning Thanksgiving, it is an annual harvest that stems from a very old tradition known to man. Thanksgiving was celebrated originally in early October as some would say by the Romans and on that holiday, the celebration was solely dedicated to The Goddess of Harvest, Ceres (which I mentioned this to you before, but evidently, you shy away from it), in addition, the holiday itself to it's very roots is called Cerelia (not to be confused with Floralia) - An ancient Roman religion, the Cerealia, was the major festival celebrated for the grain goddess Ceres. It was held for seven days from mid to late April, but the dates of said celebration are uncertain.

Eventually, the Christians who took favor it such eventually took over the Roman holiday and it soon became a well established tradition in England, where some of the Roman customs, as well as Roman rituals for this day were observed. Also as a side note, the King of England proclaimed days of thanksgiving during the American Colonial Period, and in doing so without the influence of either the Pilgrims or Puritans.

Now it is not unknown to anyone that JWs as well as the Restorationist community do not celebrate pagan festivities, more so, perhaps use to do so perhaps in the past, as many have, until they discovered it's roots vs. earlier Christians who knew not to mess around with paganism, let alone show some form of observance of such days. As for us, majority of us Unitarians (most if not all Unitarian denominations) do not partake in such things, and in my case, the culture I grew up in, such observance is discouraged and frowned upon, to please God we do not partake in the sins of what some traditions bring, so to speak, therefore, it is wrongful in the eyes of God, for a Christian, to incorporate anything originally used for pagan worship and practices and combine true religious worship to Yahweh and or related activities concerning Christian practices. Although you have a choice, just not every choice and or decision comes with some sort of outcome, even one that reaps consequence.

Information of the Goddess of the Harvest, or Thanksgiving - Ceres


Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain, and the love a mother bears for her child.  She was the daughter of Saturn and Ops, the sister of Jupiter, and the mother of Proserpine.  Ceres was a kind and benevolent goddess to the Romans and they had a common expression, "fit for Ceres," which meant splendid. 


Ceres, the goddess of agriculture

She was beloved for her service to mankind in giving them the gift of the harvest, the reward for cultivation of the soil. Also known as the Greek goddess Demeter, Ceres was the goddess of the harvest and was credited with teaching humans how to grow, preserve, and prepare grain and corn. She was thought to be responsible for the fertility of the land.

Ceres was the only one of the gods who was involved on a day-to-day basis in the lives of the common folk. While others occasionally "dabbled" in human affairs when it suited their personal interests, or came to the aid of "special" mortals they favored, the goddess Ceres was truly the nurturer of mankind.

Ceres was worshipped at her temple on the Aventine Hill, one of the Seven Hills of ancient Rome.  Her festival, the Cerealia, was celebrated on April 19.  Another special time for Ceres was Ambarvalia, a Roman agricultural fertility rite held at the end of May. Ceres is portrayed holding a scepter or farming tool in one hand and a basket of flowers, fruits, or grain in the other.  She may also be wearing a garland made from ears of corn.

The Romans explained the turning of the seasons with the following story:  Ceres was the sister of Jupiter, and Proserpine was their daughter.  Proserpine was kidnapped by Pluto, god of the underworld, to be his bride.  By the time Ceres followed her daughter, she was gone into the earth.  Making matters worse, Ceres learned that Pluto had been given Jupiter's approval to be the husband of his daughter.  Ceres was so angry that she went to live in the world of men, disguised as an old woman, and stopped all the plants and crops from growing, causing a famine.  Jupiter and the other gods tried to get her to change her mind but she was adamant.  Jupiter eventually realized that he had to get Proserpine back from the underworld, and sent for her.  Unfortunately, Pluto secretly gave her food before she left, and once one had eaten in the underworld one could not forever leave.  Proserpine was therefore forced to return to the underworld for four months every year.  She comes out in spring and spends the time until autumn with Ceres, but has to go back to the underworld in the winter.  Her parting from Ceres every fall is why plants lose their leaves, seeds lie dormant under the ground, and nothing grows until spring when Proserpine is reunited with her mother.

What is, and I quote you, the word specifically,

7 hours ago, Matthew9969 said:

this is blasphemy of the highest sort.

You are right at some degree, however, your own words points the arrows in your direction, shooting yourself in the foot, or set flames to your own tent, so to speak. You say you are a "Christian", numerous times, but now we see a foolish display of hypocrisy on your part (this isn't the first time, nor the last), and using JWs as a shield will not help you at all, so that JW badge, pin or whatever I figuratively removed from you and cast it aside, in addition, without said shield and or appeal to motive, the Bible can now be used against you and your spirit can be tested (1 John 4:1), a verse I love very much by the way.

Now, to be blunt, God, you know, the one you said you pray to, tells us "clearly" in the following verse

Exodus 20:3 - You shall have no other gods before me.

So we see here, God is very clear, quite elementary and straight to the point. I'm sure you have a good reading comprehension, so the reading difficult is practically non-existent. God tells us that we should not have ANY other God besides him, and no, it is not just a single verse if you are not aware, that would be way too easy, rather, this is stated numerous times, countless times in Scripture concerning God Yahweh and false gods, take a read at the good book, knock yourself out - https://www.openbible.info/topics/worship_of_false_gods

Let's not forget about what Jesus said to Satan as well (Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8) Jesus said to serve only who? Yahweh, the God of Jesus, the God of me, the God of you.

I do not know about where you lay, mentally, but Jesus Christ, the savior himself, God's only begotten, was as clear as the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and an honest reader can pickup and understand what is conveyed.

Question to you, if you partake in the festivities of Ceres, no matter how hard you try to Christianize it, how to do think God views what you are doing?

Let's continue to unravel your hypocrisy... Next verse.

Amos 5:21 - I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.

Now, The Most High, Yahweh, clearly do not show approval for festivities that has roots connected in the soil of false religious practices that condone such ill conduct, i.e. paganism... We shouldn't be dwelling in unclean things (Isaiah 52:11; 2 Corinthians 6:17), and the Scripture makes it clear as to such, especially on what we must do concerning worship.

As Christians, we should be against such things, upright even, and profess the truth of the gospel to those that either do not know any better and or lost in the murky seas, conjured up by the Great Harlot, Babylon.

For if people like Apostle Paul and countless others can stand up to what is wrong, what is preventing you from doing the same?

That being said, you can clown people with your idiocy, but you cannot clown God for showing who you are, and a 3rd time, I was right to include you among mainstream Christianity due to the fact you think such a practice is OK... Reasons why True Christianity will ALWAYS be above mainstream Christianity, for we not only know the teachings and the Scripture and what Jesus had taught about the gospel and God, but we do so much in our power to put the application, hence, that is what makes US Christians.

I leave you with this - Who are you for: Yahweh or Ceres? There's no middle ground according to what is read in Deuteronomy and the marginal references, which you should know - It's mentioned in the Bible itself, in which, Christians read day and night. I know where I stand, but you... You do not have any type of Holy Ground to stand on, nothing at all perhaps...

If anyone is committing blasphemy - it is you, in this regard. Clearly, there's no explanation and or refutation to something that you know to be indefensible, but you can torment yourself to try even though there's no backing to defending something that I can boldly say as God is my witness, unclean.

Your so called spirit has been tested... "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."

1 hour ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

Hmmmmm .... and here I thought Ceres was a minor planet in the Asteroid Belt ... who knew I was really celebrating a grain god?

I didn't.


I think you have BOTH lost your grip on realty .... BIG time.

The more you know when it comes to researching into things a bit more, mainly the root of something. It happens to the best of people. What is consider harmless gatherings is at times harmless, mainly when it comes to the Creator vs. his Adversary and who is on whose side.

That being said, I have a grip on reality, more so enough to drop the truth bombs in hopes the mainstreamer finally chooses to repent.

And yes, everyone knows about that planet, but the name, not so much.


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3 hours ago, James Thomas Rook Jr. said:

You are going to have to do some serious explaining, to justify that statement, as it makes no sense at all.

Further, if Thor is the reaction you get when eating a Thanksgiving Day meal, you need to take some Athpirin.

Unfortunately, Thor would not be able to help him when it comes to the judgement seat of Yahweh, the last time we someone used a false god to go against Yahweh didn't end to well - recall the story of Elijah (1 Kings 18)? Technically a hares not having a chance in a den of foxes.

Matthew simply exposed himself for siding with the goddess Ceres, likewise, to him siding with the other false gods, Tammuz and Saturnila, as past discussions show.

That being said, mainstream Christians always want to justify Un-Christian practices. The baffling thing is, WHY?

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On 12/3/2019 at 11:32 PM, Matthew9969 said:

Apparently you didn't read the label on jw.org.

You are always accusing GB of being dictators but this proves you wrong.  Personal conscience is recognized.  There are so many things which are left to personal conscience - such as blood reactions.

Personally, I think jehovah loves Turkey because he made them.  It is the humans which use them for the wrong purpose.  Just as humans misuse blood without the respect for the life it represents.

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12 hours ago, Space Merchant said:

like to point out is some Americans do not know how to clean their food. No cleansing, no nothing. Which results in blood and or chemicals in the food. One thing that cannot be deterred is what is fed to the livestock, in which are used as food sources.

True.  There are things we do not have control over. Kreutzers disease is a result of cannibalism..... feeding animals their own kind. 

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