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“Dad I’m not in any rush. Jesus was 29 when he got baptized”

Jack Ryan

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27 minutes ago, 4Jah2me said:

The Org has control over a baptised person.

If you drive a car on the road and you follow the road rules..... you do not encounter a problem and you do not feel as though you are under law....  BUT break the rules such as going over a solid white line ..... one stands a chance of killing your own family or another in an oncoming car..... or the police may catch you....   So you are only under law when you break the law. ..... When you keep/observe the law you are safe and free.....   So there is only police control when you break the law or the law of disaster steps in because of risk behaviour..... 

So the org has no control.... your own behaviour puts you at risk....... but irresponsible people with risk behaviour see it as encroachment on their freedom.

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So at family worship my PIMI husband was talking about baptism with my son. He asked him when he would like to get baptized and my son said “Dad I’m not in any rush. Jesus was 29 when he got baptized”

Since girls can now get married at age of nine or ten I guess these views will soon change.  Why am I making this statement?  Because society changes and the age of a man (when he is viewed as mature

People confuses hate with wanting justice 4jah2me. I don't personally hate JWs, I was one a few months ago and I still like them but I do hate watchtower policies and lies and unfortunately some

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12 hours ago, derek1956 said:

turn a serious matter into a joke?

My above comment was an illustration.  If you find it a joke you have not thought it through. It illustrates the need for "barriers" to drive on a road safely and also to drive through life. To not tread on each others toes we need barriers which are not crossed. When they are crossed society does not function properly.

There are people here who hate JWs..... so do not take them seriously.

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On 12/9/2019 at 7:44 PM, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:


I think even when we are baptized, the watchtower elders or CO has no power over anyone, the power they think they have is because we give them that power, is not like we have signed a contract or anything. 

I think you are wrong. The GB and or others at the top, make rules that are not from scripture. The Elders enforce those rules blindly. In Jesus time the religious leaders did the same thing. 'Putting heavy loads on the shoulders of others, which they would not even use a finger to help'.

And actually the baptism questions / at baptism, a person agrees to become 'One of Jehovah's Witnesses', so it is much like a contract. 

Also the Elders use the threat of disfellowshipping someone, which then means the person will be shunned by maybe 100 or more people / the whole congregation. And it could also mean the loss of business because JWs won't do business with D'fed ones. 

Whereas 'interested ones' that go to meetings and do ministry, are not ruled over by the Elders. True that elders could stop an unbaptised one from doing ministry. but that is all they can do.  An Elder does not have the authority to tell an unbaptised person not to talk to a D'fed person. 

On 12/9/2019 at 7:55 PM, Arauna said:

If you drive a car on the road and you follow the road rules..... you do not encounter a problem and you do not feel as though you are under law....  BUT break the rules such as going over a solid white line ..... one stands a chance of killing your own family or another in an oncoming car..... or the police may catch you....   So you are only under law when you break the law. ..... When you keep/observe the law you are safe and free.....   So there is only police control when you break the law or the law of disaster steps in because of risk behaviour..... 

So the org has no control.... your own behaviour puts you at risk....... but irresponsible people with risk behaviour see it as encroachment on their freedom.

I think that on some occasions the 'law of the land' shows more justice and mercy than the JW org. 

And the rules of the GB /JW Org go beyond the things written in the scriptures. The GB themselves know this and have had to tell their lawyers and elders to lie in courts because of it. 

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3 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

use the threat of disfellowshipping

The bible itself says that we must not have fellowship with those who are brazen in conduct.  There is no "threat".  When a person is a spiritual threat to other brothers and sisters and does not stop brazen conduct......then only, after they have been requested many times to stop unacceptable behaviour,  are they disfellowshipped.  These are the ones who usually then defame JWs and hide the truth-  that they were disfellowshipped because of a Christian conduct,  be it repetitive lying, stealing, fornication etc...... a practice of some und of unacceptable behaviour.

Many realize the need to change and come back into the fold - others become more brazen..... and defame JWs.


On 12/9/2019 at 11:55 PM, Arauna said:

your own behaviour puts you at risk....... but irresponsible people with risk behaviour see it as encroachment on their freedom.

I see you did not like this comment. ...... it says a lot about you.  People like to blame "others" .... never themselves.... Adam blamed eve.... lol.

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14 hours ago, Arauna said:

The bible itself says that we must not have fellowship with those who are brazen in conduct.  There is no "threat".  When a person is a spiritual threat to other brothers and sisters and does not stop brazen conduct......then only, after they have been requested many times to stop unacceptable behaviour,  are they disfellowshipped.  These are the ones who usually then defame JWs and hide the truth-  that they were disfellowshipped because of a Christian conduct,  be it repetitive lying, stealing, fornication etc...... a practice of some und of unacceptable behaviour.

Many realize the need to change and come back into the fold - others become more brazen..... and defame JWs.


I see you did not like this comment. ...... it says a lot about you.  People like to blame "others" .... never themselves.... Adam blamed eve.... lol.

I see you as a funny spiritually blind person, so your comments do not bother me at all. :) 

Adam blamed Eve did he? Well you seem to blame the Victims of Abuse and wrongful D/fed. 

When Almighty God, working through Christ, decides to take action against the Watchtower / JW Org, then you and many others will get the biggest shock of your lives.  I think though that God may be helping the Victims of Child Sexual Abuse within the JW Org, so God may have started His cleansing process. Only time will tell if God wishes to use the Org or to replace it.  Meanwhile you can keep worshipping the GB and your Elders. 

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23 hours ago, 4Jah2me said:

JW Org, then you and many others will get the biggest shock of your lives

That is where you are wrong! .  I expect JWs to be so singled out by the world as the only organisation deserving of  the worst punishment even though it is a sin for us to do this - compared to other secular organizations who get away with it.


I suspect you are the one who will get the shock when you REALIZE you have  persecuted  jehovah and those who imperfectly represent him.

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15 hours ago, Shiwiii said:

do too Arauna, I do too, when more and more countries look into the CSA and see that the policies of the wt are flawed when it comes to protecting children.

They will use this as the excuse..... not for the purpose of true justice.  Jehovah has never punished someone else for a murder. The perpetrator must have the consequences himself - not someone else - but only  on witness of two people because of the seriousness of the consequences.

  The GB will carry the consequences even though they were not the perpetrators of the crimes or the elders in the congregation which could not determine guilt..... or negligence in congregation. 

And here I use the example again of other religious organizations.  It is more prevalent in Islam than in catholic church and also the Jews BUT do you ever see anyone of these religions put it in the press? ....never a word in the press.   Why are JWs singled out?..... even though we shun when we can determine guilt ?   Because  people want to destroy us. They know we are imperfect like they are - but their hate for us wins the day.....  we are wicked when we do not immediately condemn without enough proof and we are condemned when we shun...... so we can never get it right.... similar to Jesus they will find a reason to crucify us. 

I think they will turn against GB and confiscate all property......... but JWs will still meet and not be destroyed when other religions are destroyed at Armageddon........ then when we still preach ..... they will turn on us - final part of Armageddon.

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Lol JWs single out... 🤣🤣🤣 

Maybe all those Catholic Cardinals in Australia and 1 in particular the Top Australian Catholic member in Australia that fled to the Vatican and the Jewish teacher that fled as well and now brought back to Australia and convicted and in jail because of child sex abuse...

The Australian Royal Commission was not only for the JWs, they had one for the Catholics and hill song organisation and the salvation army and many other institutions.

And people still think that JWs are single out 😆😆😆

Atrocious to say JWs are single out. 



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6 hours ago, JJJ-AUSTRALIA said:

hill song organisation and the salvation army and man

You forgot to mention many of the organizations such as scouts etc that closed their doors and cannot get taken to court..... and are not held accountable....You also name only one Jewish case when there are many....many  ....and you also forgot the muslem 9 year old marriages that are thrown out of court and nothing done!  Many rape gangs in UK for 15 years and police turn a blind eye. 

Why do you not go and stand in the street in front of mosque when the next 9 year old gets married. Stand with a placard indicati g you are against 9 year old marriages in your own country.  Then you will see where the true sympathies of governments lie and if your government really cares about 9 year old victims who cannot give consent for marriage. Do they really care about the continued rape of 9 year olds? ......... will you find yourself behind bars? Heh?.



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